New speakers dilemma for vinyls... Heeelp! :)))

My dear hifi lovers,

In a while I'm going to pull the trigger for a pair of new speakers, in 6000$ range.
My new system will be focused on a Pass Labs XA25 and a Rega Planar 6, I'll have to test both Ania and Exact cartridges as I don't know yet what to choose.
I was looking on the web for recommendations related to vinyls for speakers in such a cost range but found literally nothing. My system will be fully analog, 80% lps, 20% cds. So far I auditioned the Klipsch Forte IV and Sonus Nova 3, very different but both amazing for different reasons. I slightly preferred the Nova as for me the bass is the most important thing. The Forte had a decent one but don't go deep enough, hope to hear the Cornwall IV soon and find that amount of low frequencies missing with the Forte. Unfortunately the dealer couldn't provide a turntable for the listening. This month I'm still auditioning:

Revel Performa3 F208
Focal Kanta 2
Cornwall IV
Spendor A7
Dynaudio Evoke 50

In a first moment I was also strongly considering the Tekton DI's and Volti Razz, they're both still on the list but unfortunately I can't test them because I'm in EU and in addition I'll have to pay tax duties (but this won't be a problem if these speakers are really the best choice).
Anyway even if for next auditionings there will probably be a turntable, It's always hard to get what's better sounding. I have 1000 records and can't test all of them, plus I can't know which one has a solid registration or not.
Does any of you have experience with speakers in a such cost range, using a turntable? And btw did any of you try also the Ania or the Exact?
Please feel also free to recommend any other speakers i didn't mention, I'm extremely flexible and open to any suggestion (excluding Dac).

@ozzy62 hi ok, i ll switch to lp records... It's my italian bringing me to the term "vinyl", in Italy we just say vinile:) Did you have any occasion to match the Kanta with the Pass XA25? Yes, I m strongly oriented towards Cornwall or Kanta 2, I will audition the Cornwall IV as soon as my dealer receive them. 
Your vinyl rig and especially phono pre will have more impact on how your vinyl sounds than your speaker selection.  Forte IV and Cornwall were both on my short list recently; purchased the Forte as I didn't have room for the Cornwalls.  Cornwalls had slightly better bass response, but a greater sense of weight and presence.  If you like horns, go with the Cornwalls; the others on your list will have a much different presentation regardless of whether you are feeding them with vinyl or digital.
Please don’t call records “vinyls”. Even if you are a millennial…….

You’ve mentioned some good choices. I am only familiar with two on your list, the Cornwall IV and the Kanta. I own the former and a friend owns the latter.

The Kanta 2 is a very detailed and easy to listen to speaker. I would call it refined, but not analytical like earlier Focal offerings. The CW IV is more about rich tonal colors, dynamics and the feeling of the performers in the room. It won’t be as detailed and “see through” as the Kanta, although it’s pretty good at those things. They are two very good speakers but very different.

@wolfie62 I grew up learning that in these contests there are not stupid questions but just stupid answers. Ever heard of speakers which are literally making unlistenable poor recorded records? Plenty of it... If my post is dumb you could bother your intellect investing time in anything better than replying to a dumb post, offending people that you do 't know.
I would add Proac to your audition list or perhaps Monitor Audio Gold's/Platinum. Proac demos at hi-fi shows have always been impressive, and I have owned both brands over the years. Then there is KEF, I have had these too !!
Wolfie62.  Why do you slag off someone trying to understand?  You are the one who had simply dumb post.  
You did not mention a pre amp, are you planning to run your TT straight into the amp (I hope not?) Or, are you running an INT 25 not the XA25? The AX25 or INT version is actually a very capable amp, they push quite a few more watts than rated, almost double in fact. Your other “front end” components can have more impact potentially than the speakers. What preamp and phono amp are you running? Is your phono amp setup correctly, and is the cartridge setup perfectly? Both can have a huge impact on overall SQ.
This is a dumb post. Good speakers don’t care what the source material is. 
Someone please explain to the OP that speakers don’t cater to “vinyls” or polycarbonate, or to Mylar-oxide streaming, or to anything else. They just reproduce what they’re fed.

Just dumb.
I have a new model Rega planar 8 with the Apheta 3 cart but I have experience with the planar 6 and both the Ania and  Ania Pro cartridges. My recommendation would be to skip the base Ania cart and step up to the Ania Pro since it has the finer stylus profile. The blunt stylus profile of the base Ania picks up more.surface noise compared to the finer stylus profiles. I don't have any experience with the exact but the more exotic stylus may very well be a positive. 

I also.have a pair.of.Revel F208 towers that I am very fond of. It was a learning experience but they didn't really come alive until I paired them with my current Parasound JC5 amplifier. They definitely respond well to a healthy amount of power. I have heard much more expensive Linn and Sonus Faber systems and didn't feel like I was missing much so take that for what it is. 
@adversam I currently own models with refurbed cabinets. Ohm 5 series 3 which is last generation similar to current 5000s which are the largest with 12” driver but also most adjustable. Also Walsh 2 cabinets with 100 series 3 driver, 8” and closest to current 1000s or 2000s. Room size determines how large and how much. All models sound similar just a matter of how big of you want full extended bass.

I use Bel Canto ref1000m amps with a Audio Research sp16 tube preamp currently with them. That combo has been in place for ~10 years now. 
Vinyls? Um, they're called LP's. Or records. ANYTHING but vinyls, for gawd's sake.
@avanti1960 thanks for your feedback... just a last question, the kanta's 2 have sensitivity at 91db... Do you think they could pair? If not what power amp do you like/suggest?
If you liked the Sonus faber Olympica Nova 3s - listen to the Sonettos Vs and VIIIs.  

I think you may enjoy the sound and value.
@adversam   no matter how you slice it you have a large room with an amp that clips at 80 watts / 8 ohms.  An excellent amp but you will best be served with more efficient speakers.  
The Volti Razz is the best match according to your list in terms of sound quality, dynamics, frequency balance and efficiency.  

@adversam - I don't own Spendor speakers, but they've always impressed whenever I've heard them at shows or dealers, and know many people who feel the same way.  

Harbeth and ATC would likely be on my audition list too.  It's really about getting what you love, and what sounds best in your room on your system.  Enjoy your search.


I would consider buying high efficiency >96db speakers which opens up a very large pool of amplifiers. Even if you’re not in the market for amps right now, imagine the options to choose <100 watts class A, A/B or SET type of amps or even the Integrated’s.

I am running my 96db speakers with Accuphase Integrated - 30W pure class A.
@avanti 1960 the Pass XA25 have a huge dumping factor and can produce at least 100W into 2ohm working in  A/B class. I don t listen at crazy volume, maximum h12. All the speakers I m testing have a very decent sensitivity, which ones in your opinion is not a good match for it?
@mapman @jasonbourne52, thanks for the great recommendation. I m checking Ohm Walsh's page, which of the current models do you recommend? Beta? Tall 4000? Which amp do you use?
Yea have had Ohm Walsh in various forms for 30 years now. Many challengers past and present...still the musical champs. Held in ever higher esteem by more and more as the years pass. Totally unique and no flash in the pan here.  Nothing compares in the price range.
Ohm Walsh's for $4K will beat everything on your list! 3-D room-filling sound from any spot! A revolutionary design! I have a pair!
The speakers don't care if you play vinyl or a cd or tape.. Try to be specific in what you want from the speakers. What kind of music do you mostly play? What is the room size? IOW if you have a large room you probably don't want monitor type. With your budget you will be able to get pretty good speakers, especially if you buy used. Obviously you want something probably no older than 10 yrs. Five is even better. 
Speakers are pretty straight forward. Generally they work or they don't.. Spendors were quite impressive to me. But you must make the decision. Best of luck.
did you listen to those speakers with your amp?  the XA25 is not a powerhouse for bass.  Most of the speakers you mentioned are not a good match for your amplifier, especially if bass is your priority.  
Give the Volti Razz a listen, very good sensitivity, huge bass and an excellent match for your amp.  
@knotscott thanks, I ll have an appointment soon in order to test the A7. Do you own a Spendor speaker? Any other models to recommend?
@bigtwin hi, could be also used, but i prefer new because it's easier both for testing and assistance
I did not know there are speakers designed specifically for or 80% vinyl playback 😂
You mention a budget of $6,000.  Are you looking at the used market as well?  Likely you could look at speakers that retail at twice that price if you're willing to let someone else take the big hit for buying new.  With all the people out there that just can't resist changing/upgrading their systems, there are alway fantastic bargains to be had.  Just a thought.
The Spendors would be on my short list, for their neutral balance, textured mid clarity, bass detail, and holographic soundstage. The fact that your in the EU just makes them more accessible, and likely more affordable.  If your listening area isn't huge, better yet. It’s all very subjective, so let your ears guide you.
Sorry I should have specified that in the future I ll buy a cd player, but it's just an  idea... So basically yes, it will be probably 80-90% analog.
If you're 80% LPs and 20% CDs, you're not fully analog. Good luck with your speaker search. Listen to as many as you can, at home if possible.