Mitigating the Bubble

Today after many years of trials and tribulations I have mitigated a sonic aberration a horizontal phase anomaly in my center stage.  While the center image was always stable and outlined it seemed narrow and bubble like and I would need to shift my body angle to really lock in the image. This was obvious on many CDs and LPs .

I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations. I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep's wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.  I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage. I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the  boundaries with in my room by reducing interference. I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover. This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s.  ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little  bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end. The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system.  Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage. 

I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product  Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency. 




Im late to this party, but, I had a sample of the PPT from High Fidelity Cables that I received some 6 months ago, but never got around to applying it, until Thursday, or Friday past. As it is only a sample I proceeded with closest to the source (Audiolab CDT6000 and pre/dac Audio Alchemy DDP-1) connected via Pangea Coax Premier XL. Immediately, it did not disappoint. In fact, for the most part revelatory. The following day I planned to treat my Wire World Series 7 XLRs between amp and pre. It occurred to me that I neglected to apply PPT to the coax RCA jacks as well, so since the amp and pre were going to be turned off anyway, I removed the coax and was taken aback as all the graphene on the barrels had been pushed back due to the tight contact inside the female RCAs. No Bueno!

In the meantime a friend mentioned Nano. I found a YTVideo from Furutech that made a lot of sense to me. Is it a different product than what is being discussed here?


Personally, I wouldn’t trust anyone marketing anything "nano" who does not have a good handle on what "nano" is. (or math).  Again, from eBay:


A word about nano. Nano means billionth. Ten to the negative 12th.


PPT = Perfect Path Technologies. It is the name of a company that ceased operations years ago. PPT did sell a contact enhancer called Total Contact.

High Fidelity Cables is the name of a company that recently suspended operations. It has no relationship to Perfect Path Technologies (PPT).

High Fidelity Cables did sell a contact enhancer called NPS1260 - which is no longer available. They developed another contact enhancer called Q45T - sold only via The Cable Company - at this time.

Fururtech is the name of another company. It also sells a contact enhancer - called Nano Liquid Contact Enhancer. Furutech has no relationship to High Fidelity Cables or PPT.

Nano-Flo is the name of another contact enhancer - that is being discussed in this thread. It is manufactured by a different company from all of the above.

Your post is not clear as to what you own.


The sample I received came from HFC in Texas with zero information. It looks like a graphene product. Considering the date of receipt, quite likely it is NPS1260, which I just searched: it got a great review in Enjoy the Music 08/2021

I never said the Furutech product came from the same source, just that I did a search for Nano, the the Furutech video was one of the results


And @twoleftears , if you don't like or want an over priced mass market cable, you can pick up a Liberty Quarter from the same seller, or any number of other trinkets. When you are too lazy to even create a custom sales profile, what does that say?

I must say, I do appreciate the creativity these "contact enhancer" companies use in their marketing material. I guess absent a shred of evidence (or science to support), they have to use something to justify the purchase. The "magnetic particle" one that takes 100 hours to align. That is my personal favourite. I am rather curious how they "align" in what is theoretically a continually varying magnetic field. If these geniuses could share how they turned a 2D dimensional structure such as graphene which is also a 2 dimension conductor into an effective 3 dimension conductor, they could make 10's of millions of dollars. They are sitting on a gold mine!


58 posts since joining Audiogon 4 days ago.

You’re as prolific as a guy who has been banned under these former usernames.

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@steakster : it’s the same dude. From your list. You will have to update your list 🤷‍♂️

I hate to disappoint the other deluded audiophiles, but it has already been established that I am Krissy. My doctor said I am not allowed to have more than two personalities at a time, so I will not be able to entertain your delusions today.

Oh you can have a gazillion of personalities at a time. You have proven it. It’s easy to create Gmail accounts. Pathetic. Sad too. Sick

I must say this site continues to be a treasure of strange behavior. There are some political discussions going on where I am sure you can offer "enlightening" additions to the dialog if you feel the need to go off on a tangent. When you are obviously susceptible to conspiracy theories I don't think you should be passing judgment on other's mental health.

So when are you going to create a brand new username and post screenshots of the PMs from me when you were posting as Audio2Design five usernames of yours ago? What do I have to say to trigger you?


Obviously feel free to use this Deluded Audiophile username to post those screenshots. You can create a new username pronto. Very easy for you. What do you have to loose? Do it


You’re right. Definitely the same guy.  Same modus operandi of trashing other threads by explaining that he’s smarter than everybody else. Just a bad penny that keeps showing up.

If you think this site is so important that people would waste their time on multiple profiles then you are even more deluded audiophiles than I am. I say, no wonder I see conspiracy theories brought up in so many threads.

Post removed 

Has the bubble been mitigated yet?

Worrying about this is what keeps me up at night.


There is a chance it could mitigate you. Fill in all the micro voids in your skull. If knot call the Orkin man probably take multiple applications. Tom

Worrying about this is what keeps me up at night.

Must be related to EBM. He spends a lot of sleepless nights, too.


Back to what this thread is supposedly all about, Nanoflo.

Been 4 days now since mine has been applied to my stereo system and I thought I would give an update.

Upfront :- I noticed today my Dac, which has loads of little rubber feet and sits on Stillpoints Ultra 6’s, wasn’t quite level, the feet were interfering with the Stillpoints. I corrected this so that the Dac was perfectly stable.

My listening session tonight, the amps came ’on song’ a lot quicker than they usually do. I revisited the 2 CD’s I played on the 1st night, Sgt Peppers and the Stones 40 Licks, disc 1.

The bass acquired a new solidity that wasn’t quite there before. It gave a really good foundation to all the music played. One thing I forgot to mention on 1st review was the clarity of panning, reverb and echo, you could here it decay for eternity. It really takes you in to the recording. I couldn’t really fault what I was listening too, vocals floated out of the speakers, treble was extended but not shouty or hard, e.g. brass sounded really nice. Leading edge of notes were really sharp, timing was exquisite, sounds extended beyond the speakers.

After listening to ’old stuff’ I finished with a new recording, Oscar and the Wolf, album, The Shimmer, track Crystalline. It’s available to listen to on Youtube, check it out. Beautiful solid bass, vocals crystal clear, echo that went on forever. The music just flowed over me.

If my system doesn’t improve any further, I’m more than happy with what the Nanoflo has brought to the system. Though I do believe there is more to come.

Some may laugh when I say there is an improvement in video quality coming off my Roku to my JVC projector.  There is less glitter noise and greater contrast. I have another dose on order set to land this week. Tom

I have in use a hdmi to component video converter because a lightening strike next door took out the hdmi board. Video is secondary for me. And I said glitter knowing full well what jitter noise is having sold Pioneer plasma flat panels for 20 k and Runco 3 chip projectors. This was before there was a digital source other than those supplied by manufacturers downloaded to hard drives and over the air digital broadcasts. Tom

0h boy! @theaudiotweak you really had to reply to the deluded audiophile? It was a bait. Wait for a big reply now debunking everything you said. Like a clock. He is the “smartest” of THEM all. He can “debunk” everything that the Deluded Audiophiles say

If you are using component video @theaudiotweak that makes a lot more sense. I had a high end monitor that was really finicky pre-hdmi. I think it had a termination issue. You had to make sure the cables came straight out the back and away from what I assumed was the power supply location otherwise you would get a distinctive softening that would move across the screen. Tried several sets of cables and it never went away. Ditched the monitor eventually.

Two lab tests today have proven of great value, and that certain people here refuse to believe what is true no matter what evidence is presented, would not believe what happened nor have any interest in what I say anyway. 

I will present other evidence. where criminals are compelled to answer, but one last courtesy for those that may be on the fence about Nano-Flo today. Buy it when you can.

After today's lab results it's now headed for industrial service only, and when it transitions, it will not be publicly available. (Test results could not be explained, so my cables, enhancer and fuses will remain for sale until I pull them)

Thankfully I can say I encountered a few good people here, otherwise all is normal.

Two lab tests today have proven of great value, and that certain people here refuse to believe what is true no matter what evidence is presented, would not believe what happened nor have any interest in what I say anyway.


@nano-flo ,

YOU mean two tests that may or may not have occurred. Given that you are not posting any results or anything I will just assume that no tests occurred. Words are meaningless. Published results with details of the test are.  Having never published any other validated data on any of your other products, I cannot give you the benefit of the doubt. It would not be prudent.

Your post is bizarre.

@sheridd2 : Thank you for the descriptive update. It was very helpful.                       @theaudiotweak : Thank you for the observations  you made (pun intended) concerning the Nanoflo's effect on video cabling.

Tom, have you tried doing a hdmi cable? I presume it's just a matter of putting some nanoflo over the male end and inserting it into the female socket a few times. That should spread the nano-flo along the pins in the male end?

@yoby, yes, unfortunately most of the posters here haven't actually tried Nano-flo and are just here to tear it down.



It seems you are progressing along nicely and are reading, albeit at a snail’s pace, the book “How to successfuly market BS”.


You have finished chapter one: Come up with a product least likely to have any verifiable effect so that way you can claim anything.


You are well into chapter two now: offer to have product tested FOLLOWING claims of efficacy. Chapter two spells out carefully having shills in place having made :objective” third party claims of magic results. You kindof got a few things out of order in this scheme but oh well, double down.


Chapter three is when you offer magnanimously to have the product tested and offer to make the tests publicly available for all to see. (Cue the trumpets for the obligatory “tah-DAH!) If the test data is performed by a reputable testing lab, do not share the results with anyone UNLESS what you are trying to do is sow the seeds of distrust between fervent wanna-believers and those who happen to believe results of a certain kind CAN be measured. The author of the book however recommends NOT using a reputable lab…the last thing you woud want is to create a data point from which there are only two conclusions.


Chapter four: NOW…NOW is the time to create a perceived “act now or else moment”: Limit the supply (don’t worry, you can always release more later and be viewed as benevolent). Hopefully at this stage of the process, the book exclaims, orders will fly through and over the transom.


@nano-flo you deviated somewhat from the typical medicine show playbook by slipping up and had posted claims of “increases electrical conductance”. You might have been better served by stating that secret ingredients necessary to make the product have recently become rare rather than saying you were going to pull the product and release it only to the industrial illuminati. That way you could have really exploited the market in the event there was strong uptake.


I havent spent alot of time trying to figure out if your shills are willing participants in your plan or if they are just that gullable. @sheridd2 has about 20 forum posts, the bulk of which are on this topic. I’ve never had a problem with anyone wishing to smear mineral oil with suspended particles on the contacts of their gear…more power to them. They likely do hear a difference. (Oh, if you ever plan to sell any of your gear it would be nice to disclose that so that a potential buyer, especially those with a fully formed frontal lobe, could decide for themselves if that is a direction they wish to go).


The power cable sham is hilarious. You failed to follow the playbook and made a claim easily verified by an independent thord party, an exercise you will never undertake. The adding of the .50 cent sheath on the $5 power cord was a nice touch. Jokes aside, this entire episode may rank right up there with the most bumbling, clumsy and ill conceived roll outs of unsubstantiated excrement in medicine show or carnival midway history. 


High art @ghasley . This is not Chris' first kick at the can. He has gained experience from bamboozling in the automotive and general lubricants business too. From your playbook some similar mistakes were made. Personally if I see some make impossible claims for one product they sell I don't give them the them the benefit of the doubt on another I hold them to even greater standards.

"Two lab tests today have proven of great value..."

But of course you won’t share these amazing results.

You are really, really bad at this.

Ghasley has you pegged to a tee. Your formulaic step by step nonsense is so transparent as to be laughable.

My favorite is you touting your $6 power cord for $1000 with "no fake covering", then you go ahead and dress it up with a dimes worth of superfluous covering.

The term ’ lipstick on a pig’ comes to mind.


@thecarpathian its highly likely that @nano-flo WILL release some results from a handpicked, non-qualified “tech”…maybe someone he met while throwing back some Schlitz or Ginny Cream Ale down at the Jersey shore. It will really have him scratching his head that after the few zealots are finished with the initial “order rush” that there just aren’t enough people willing to stop dancing around Stonehenge long enough to order his products. Look at the bright side, he will never have to look for a standard Home Depot power cord in the event he ever acquires any home audio gear.

What really is disappointing is that I think a number of persons on this thread are so used to being gullible when it comes to HIFI that they actually believe this guy and probably think that those of us who are questioning his obvious BS are just malcontents.  

@jetter I know right? Maybe nano-flo should consider including in the claims that it also prevents the next pandemic, whatever it may be.

I hate starting a thread here. I know watt I hear based on some components being in my system for over 10 years except for my audio racks which have been in use for over 15 years. Sistrum racks and platforms mechanical grounding knot isolation which can only exist in the absence of matter. 

So my main components are relatively stasis. I change 1 thing at a time. I evaluate by myself and with 2 friends. They both used TC and nps 1260 and this product is way beyond those two.  I use geometric shapes on ceilings and walls I have added laminar flow devices to augment audible images. I have built a active air control that further enhances details high and low and removes to a great degree boundaries such as walls and furniture..I have mixed my own coatings to use on my in room breaker box which is attached directly to the outside meter box and shielded metal feed underground to the ground mounted transformer 35 feet from my house. I know watt I hear. So, yea I am glad I bought Nano Flo and it works to a high level for me. I bought more which is the way. Tom


So you are saying that the nano flo application has improved after 4 days? Interesting.

I just applied a thin layer from my sample to the ends of a new power cable.


Ozzy, has the power cord been burned in at all?

If brand new it’s going to be very hard for you to determine the effects of the power cord, as it burns in, and the Nano-flo application?

I applied the product to hdmi cables and there were no detrimental issues in performace for me. Tom



I will yield to what you believe you hear in your system. I will also yield to your belief that each of the elixirs you have utilized over the years improved upon the previous version. You are all in and thats terrific. (Be sure to make a note to self: from here on, since Nano-Flo can’t evidently ever be removed that all future elixirs will need to be evaluated mentally in combination with Nano-Flo).


I will, however, pose this question which I believe drives many of us who have seemingly pounced on poor defenseless @nano-flo . Are you a candidate for the magic power cord? Do you believe Nano-Flo is being forthright in representing this cord’s efficacy? So, if you believe in the efficacy and representations of the contact enhancer and don’t believe in the efficacy and representations of the power cord, how do you reconcile this?


Well first I played the new power cord in the system for a while, then I applied the nano flo. I agree with you that it will be hard to discern the differences. I applied it to a new cord because I didn't want to remove the NPS-1260 that is on my other connections.


More to discover