Mitigating the Bubble

Today after many years of trials and tribulations I have mitigated a sonic aberration a horizontal phase anomaly in my center stage.  While the center image was always stable and outlined it seemed narrow and bubble like and I would need to shift my body angle to really lock in the image. This was obvious on many CDs and LPs .

I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations. I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep's wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.  I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage. I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the  boundaries with in my room by reducing interference. I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover. This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s.  ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little  bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end. The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system.  Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage. 

I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product  Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency. 




Showing 19 responses by sheridd2

bjesien, I presume your comment was sarcasm.

Unfortunately I had no other recourse but to use the thread to try to resolve my 'missing' product issue. The seller had stopped responding to my emails 3 - 4 days ago. I learned yesterday from this thread that the product was 'no more'.

As this is the only place it was being talked about, and usually the manufacturer want to uphold their integrity I listed my issue in this thread.

It worked, I've subsequently learned the supplied tracking number was incorrect and indeed the product is in transit to me. I was also issued a refund, which I will repay again once the product arrives.

Tom   .....   did you clean any of your surfaces with any sort of contact cleaner before you applied the Nanoflo product?

I've some building work going on at my house currently. I may wait until this is complete before trying the Nanoflo product.

Tom .... I was provided with a USPS tracking number, surely this would show through their system as it progressed? I’ve checked frequently and all it has ever shown is ’Status not available’, which to me indicates an order has been raised, which provides the tracking number, but USPS never received the package, which is why the status can’t be determined.

If the Nanoflo does actually show up I will certainly pay for it again.

(I have received the refund).


Not sure where that information is coming from as I just checked on Royal Mail, which would be the completing carrier for USPS, and was informed the tracking number wasn't recognised?

Perhaps I have been supplied with a wrong tracking number?

Sender did supply me with a wrong tracking number, it had an extra digit in it, which is why I could never see it.

Once I receive the package, (which I think is now in UK Customs and may be there for a few days), I’ll repay for the item.

I’ve just received my Nanoflo.

I ordered the larger size that is supposed to be enough to do everything I require, but it’s a tiny plastic bottle. I opened it to see what it looked like inside and now the bottle won’t reseal properly, seems like very poor quality packaging.

Chris, Nanoflo, has reached out to me and has been very helpful, so far.

I emailed Chris with a photo of what I’ve been sent, awaiting his response.

As a customer of Nanoflo allow me to share some light on the subject from my experience.

I dealt with the lady in question, (not mentioning any names due to moderator aspect), who contacted me via a email address.

I subsequently purchased Nanoflo via Paypal. 

Due to being supplied the wrong tracking number by the lady concerned I could never see the product shipped. After several attempts to resolve this she eventually stopped emailing me.

I learned from here last Saturday the product was 'no more' and entered the thread to try to get a refund. At that point I checked my Paypal account and my payment had been requested by and went to Perfect Path Solutions, which surprized me as I knew that was related to her old company. I did receive a refund from the lady, after she asked me to remove her personal information from the thread.

On Sunday night I received an email from Chris telling me that the lady was supposed to supply him with the names of customers and that he had only received first names, no surnames. Additionally he did not know I was a customer as no info on me was supplied to him. He discovered my details from the lady email address account attached to his Nanoflo product. He has been helpful in answering my queries subsequently.

I'll allow members to make their own judgements on my experience.


Back to the main subject of this thread, Nanoflo.

I received mine a few days ago but it was only yesterday I was able to work on applying it. I first cleaned the contacts of my mains plugs, iec's etc with iso prophyll alcohol. I was surprized how much dirt came off onto the cotton buds.

I applied Nanoflo to the one fuse that powered my audio sockets, a 30 amp fuse, in my main control panel (again after cleaning it). After nanoflo completion I tried a TV in an adjacent room that runs off the mains fuse and the picture was sharper and brighter than before, had to tone sharpness and colour down a bit.

Back to the audio side. I applied Nanoflo to my PS Audio regenerator internal fuse and it's mains plug, plus all the mains plugs running off the regenerator. I also did the mains prongs in the receiving equipment, cd transport, dac, pre-amp, power amps etc and the music XLR interconnects. Lastly I did my speakers and a pair of Tannoy supertweeters that sit on top of them. There's also a pair of SR XOT crossovers hanging off the speakers, also done, of course. Speakers connections going into the power amps were also done.

Listening, powered it all up and starting listening, I knew something was wrong as sound was quite spacey and out of phase but I let it run for an hour. Turned out I'd wired one of the speaker connections going into the amp the wrong way round. Sound now was what I expected.  I turned it off at that point.

Max Townsend of Townsend Audio, (passed away recently), says that if you've moved your power cords or interconnect cables it takes at least a day for your system to come back to normal.

My system also doubles as my home cinema setup, with the pre-amp having an av bypass that allows my mains speakers to be my front left and right speakers for movie watching. I subsequently watched the new Spiderman movie later and finishing that I played a couple of CD's, 50th anniversary Sgt Peppers and Rolling Stones, 40 licks, disc one. I know these two discs extremely well and they sounded like I know them, except different. Volume level was the same but I was hearing more detail. The backing vocals in Sgt Pepper came through much clearer. I just had a feeling of being closer to the music. On the Stones discs I play 4 or 5 favourites, Street Fighting Man, Gimme Shelter, Paint it Black, Honky Tonk Women and It's All Over Now. Again, these came through clearer than I've ever heard before. At this point the music was so razor sharp, not in a bad way, that the speakers were disappearing and everything was in the room. The sound stays the same as you know, just more detail coming through

I think Tom mentioned earlier in the thread that the sound continues to improve for about 6 -7 days. I'm looking forward to hearing how mine progresses but even now I'm very happy with what Nanoflo does to my system and that was around 12 hours after application of Nanoflo.

Chris in onto a winner here.


No, I’m not kidding. There was live snooker on the TV and it was really sharp. Now the TV is Samsung Q9F fed off a PS Audio Dectet with a Bybee iQSE sitting on the Connect box and the picture and sound going through a Sonos system is superb.

I know the picture and sound really well as it’s used a lot and I could see a change in the picture. Didn’t really get to test the sound out at that stage as I was more interested in checking the stereo system.

Elaborating a bit on my earlier review of the music system, tonally the system hasn’t changed, which was one of my concerns that Nanoflo might affect this. I’ve worked hard to get my system were it is and I didn’t want the sound to be changed. Nanoflo doesn’t change the sound, it just gives you more of what you already have.

I’ve loads of tweaks in my system and pretty much happy with all of them. I was going to buy / try the HFC Q45T contact enhancer but it disappeared just as I was about to purchase. The thread on that, the 1260 predecessor material, lead me to this thread.

Reports seem to indicate that Nanoflo was at least as good as the Q45T. I’m happy I tried it and looking forward to how the sound of my system will improve over the next week. I was very happy with it last night, after only around twelve hours after the application of Nanoflo.

Back to what this thread is supposedly all about, Nanoflo.

Been 4 days now since mine has been applied to my stereo system and I thought I would give an update.

Upfront :- I noticed today my Dac, which has loads of little rubber feet and sits on Stillpoints Ultra 6’s, wasn’t quite level, the feet were interfering with the Stillpoints. I corrected this so that the Dac was perfectly stable.

My listening session tonight, the amps came ’on song’ a lot quicker than they usually do. I revisited the 2 CD’s I played on the 1st night, Sgt Peppers and the Stones 40 Licks, disc 1.

The bass acquired a new solidity that wasn’t quite there before. It gave a really good foundation to all the music played. One thing I forgot to mention on 1st review was the clarity of panning, reverb and echo, you could here it decay for eternity. It really takes you in to the recording. I couldn’t really fault what I was listening too, vocals floated out of the speakers, treble was extended but not shouty or hard, e.g. brass sounded really nice. Leading edge of notes were really sharp, timing was exquisite, sounds extended beyond the speakers.

After listening to ’old stuff’ I finished with a new recording, Oscar and the Wolf, album, The Shimmer, track Crystalline. It’s available to listen to on Youtube, check it out. Beautiful solid bass, vocals crystal clear, echo that went on forever. The music just flowed over me.

If my system doesn’t improve any further, I’m more than happy with what the Nanoflo has brought to the system. Though I do believe there is more to come.

Tom, have you tried doing a hdmi cable? I presume it's just a matter of putting some nanoflo over the male end and inserting it into the female socket a few times. That should spread the nano-flo along the pins in the male end?

@yoby, yes, unfortunately most of the posters here haven't actually tried Nano-flo and are just here to tear it down.

Ozzy, has the power cord been burned in at all?

If brand new it’s going to be very hard for you to determine the effects of the power cord, as it burns in, and the Nano-flo application?

Issy, you asked earlier if I heard differences after 4 days. I believe Tom said his settled down after 6 - 7 days. Some of my improvements were down to the DAC being more stable.

On honky tonk women I never heard the brass so clear. It's a complex track with lots going on but it was laid bare for me to appreciate al the musicals threads that make up the track.

Ah well, back to the Nano-flo.

I had a little bit left and previously I had shied away from doing the dual BNC cables between my cd transport and dac due to the equipment tending to ’mangle’ the wire point slightly by moving the tip away from the central point. It needs to be in the centre in order to mate into the female end. I correct this by using a long flat headed screwdriver and placing it at the appropriate place to straighten the wire to its correct position again. Because of this necessary procedure I don’t tend to touch the BNC cables but as this was the only part of my music system left untouched I did it today. Not too much straightening required afterwards to correct the pins and the process went quite quickly.

I turned the system on just to confirm everything was ok and music coming through both channels, which it was. Listened at low volume for about 15 minutes as I’m not a fan of turning equipment on and off quickly as it tends to shorten the life of the electronics.

Even at low volume and playing music just for a short time the amount of detail coming through was great, too early to say yet what impact this last update has overall, more listening tonight and over the weekend.

Update on adding Nano-flo to my dual BNC cables a couple of days ago.

Music continues to flow really easily. I’ve had listening sessions with Paul Simon’s greatest hits, the Who’s greatest hits and 10CC greatest hits. Paul Simons was to let the system warm up. Both the Who and 10CC sounded superb, the bass has a lovely weight to it that underpins everything. The clarity on both the Who and 10CC was amazing, both these bands music are well recorded. Eeverything was crystal clear and so easy to follow, whether taking individual instruments of the sound as a whole. The Who’s I can see for miles, magic bus and pinball wizard are especially well recorded and sounded razor sharp.

An overall observation on Nano-flo, it doesn't change the sound of your system, it just gives you more.

Hard to see how my system can sound better?

deludedaudiophile  ......   they'll be digital BNC cables.

Digital info stored on cd, transferred via the BNC cables to the dac, which converts digital to analogue sound.

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