Mitigating the Bubble

Today after many years of trials and tribulations I have mitigated a sonic aberration a horizontal phase anomaly in my center stage.  While the center image was always stable and outlined it seemed narrow and bubble like and I would need to shift my body angle to really lock in the image. This was obvious on many CDs and LPs .

I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations. I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep's wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.  I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage. I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the  boundaries with in my room by reducing interference. I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover. This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s.  ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little  bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end. The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system.  Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage. 

I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product  Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency. 




Showing 49 responses by thecarpathian

I’m sorry, it killed him?

Was this verified medically, or is this your theory? What exactly was the carcinogen? I think the people who have handled it have a right to know.

And the word you’re looking for is libel, not slander.

"but if you would be so kind as to confirm what is being claimed in an email, I have something for you, to make it worth the effort."

Well, now I see you’re also not above bribery.

There you go Tom, if you narc on a private email between you and someone else, you’ll get a prize!

@nano-flo ,

After reading your responses on here, I suggest in the future you stick to inventing and leave customer relations to someone else. Nothing turns off potential customers faster than a company head with a confrontational attitude.

So, let me get this straight;

Krissy, formerly of Perfect Path, was involved in the introduction of this product and went so far as to purchase samples to give to others for free, assumably  because she either felt or had an agreement with the maker that she would be part of this venture.

And then she was summarily kicked to the curb by this Chris person.

Is this correct? What was the reason?

Incidentally, not a single customer or user chiming in to defend Nanoflo's business practices. Imagine that! Wonder why that is...



From my personal interactions with Krissy, I found her to be both a kind and generous soul with a good heart. There are unscrupulous individuals who take advantage of such gentle souls, both personally and business wise. I think it’s no secret who one of them is. And I am certain he is still reading this thread.

Are you proud of yourself? Such a small man you are to do the thing you did.

I take it back. You’re not a small man. You’re no man at all.

In my world integrity counts. And he won't be counting a penny of my money.

I’m here to answer product questions only, and thanks for having me here.

Should have said that in your first post instead of, you know, saying what you said.

Looked on your website and apparently your products are intended to provide a specilized type of lubrication?

Maybe it makes the signal slide into the speakers smoother.


Can you please explain what 'pressure activation of nanomaterials' means.

Wait, Chris!

So many questions about your intriguing product.

You say it's a great conductor; what if you applied it to, say, an orchestra conductor.

Would it make the conductor conduct better, or just make him a slippery mess, or both? If he fell into the string section (because he's so slippery), would the string section get better sound from their instruments if he got some on their strings?

These, I believe are questions we are all collectively wondering about...


Wasn’t this Chris also friends with Krissy and her late husband and still kicked her to the curb??! Do I have this correct? Anyone?

Unfortunately Chris,

whether what is true or not at this point is moot.

You set the tone for this thread with your initial posts. That was a mistake. You’re selective answering of questions and non answers was also a mistake. You charging $1500/$1000 for a $6 power cord and advertising here is just silly.

You were ill prepared to deal with the people on this forum who are light years ahead of you in audio knowledge. You’re only system is in your car??

I could go on, but this now bores me. Thank you for the temporary entertainment.

@theaudiotweak ,

Not at all.

I was pointing out you have been offered a bribe. That is all.

I am certain you have the integrity to decline.

My apologies if it was construed as such.

"Two lab tests today have proven of great value..."

But of course you won’t share these amazing results.

You are really, really bad at this.

Ghasley has you pegged to a tee. Your formulaic step by step nonsense is so transparent as to be laughable.

My favorite is you touting your $6 power cord for $1000 with "no fake covering", then you go ahead and dress it up with a dimes worth of superfluous covering.

The term ’ lipstick on a pig’ comes to mind.


"After today's fictitious lab results it's now headed for industrial service only because you guys were mean to me and asked me questions about my claims that I can't back up, and when it transitions, it will not be publicly available. (Test results could not be explained because I didn't want to hear them and put my hands over my ears and went 'lalala', so my cables, enhancer and fuses will remain for sale until I pull them). Which means when none of this nonsense sells."



Thank you, and Merry Christmas to you and all.

Yes, unfortunately for him, that is the direction he chose.


@nano-flo ,

Since you won't answer my previous question, I'll assume it to be a bit too advanced for you, so here's a really easy one:

Do you or do you not offer a 30 day return policy?

he just shipped two cables back used and  contaminated and NOT in the condition received...

If your goop comes off when the cable is moved, it's impossible to send it back to you in the condition it was received. Also, how was it 'contaminated'?

Man, just do the right thing and refund his money as per your 30 day return policy and mitigate the damage, because cousin, you are making yourself look really bad.

Is that a request or an order?

You are in in no position or authority for either.

Well! Now that we’ve got that clarified, I will post what I like, when I like, and as much as I like. Is that understood?



stay out of it

DISCOVERED: Ambient Pressure Room Temperature Superconductor



Gary, I followed the sales platform rules throughout, 

Apparently not, since you refuse to honor your own return policy.


do you want the adapters or not?

Not. How can you fail to see this is not about the efficacy of your product, it’s about you showing a little integrity and honoring your own money back guarantee. Your sad attempt at bribery isn’t going to change that, and it isn’t going to change the fact that we will continue to point this out until you do the right thing. In it for the long haul and not costing us a dime. How much will it end up costing you?

The word your looking for is libel, not liable.

And slander doesn’t apply as that pertains to the spoken word.

How can we defame your character?

You don’t have any...

And which Gary are you talking about since you have two of them confused with each other. Did you straighten that one out yet and take down your libelous statement about our Gary?

And yet again; It’s libel, not slander. You’re not a very quick study, are you.

I have also copied us audio mart and "whatsthebestforum

Whatsthebestforum?? Is that new?

Gotta love it when they get so irritated they resort to vague legal threats!

What's next, push us off the swings at recess?😛

@ghasley ,


Chris, just do the right thing, man. Get some positive mojo flowing  to you instead of all this negativity your inviting into your life. The Universe is an amazing mechanism of positive and negative energy flow and you're a magnet for either one. Your choice.


Glory, there are a number of YouTube videos explaining how you can talk to a live person from eBay.  Check them out.

@glory ,

Gary, log into eBay, upper left click on help and contact. Next screen will give you options as to your problem. Hit any one. Next screen scroll all the way down to the bottom to 'contact us'. Hit that and next screen will give you automated help. Keep hitting more options and 'contact agent' will pop up. Give them your phone # and they will call you. You may even get that option in the previous screen with 'contact us'. If not, just follow this...

Or, this number (if it's legit) for a real person:

One eight six six five four zero three two two nine.

Hear hear!

It's becoming clear that Nanoflo has no intention of voluntarily honoring his own money back guarantee. It's through this forum and threads like these that allow others to get the story on integrity nonexistent vendors and their owners.

Bribery, deception, refusal to answer the simplest questions...

A terrible way to do business and a terrible way to live your life.



So is the now silence from the  company owner himself.

Every moment is an opportunity to do the right thing for both he and his business. 

Apparently he cares nothing about doing that. What a sad way to live, being like that.

This guy is saturated with bad karma. With his demeanor and dishonest business practices he will never be a success, neither professionally nor personally.

Indeed, a sad way to live your life.


@ghasley , +1.

I would have gone the official route strictly through PP and eBay.  His actions already established there will be no compromise. Best of luck to you as you are a good man, but that was a misguided thing to do.

"I am hearing this @nano-flo is now moving on to Non-Stick Cookware...  His latest get rich quick scheme will be pitched on Shark Tank."

It has the added advantage of being pre-greased...

Stating how you like the cables you personally own is trolling??!

Let’s see,

Promised published data- nothing. claims of videos coming out- nothing. promised money back guarantee- nothing....

Not a single promise met.

It’s obvious who you troll for; yourself.

And you’re really, really bad at it.

Well, all right!

You get your refund, a company owner shows the audio world how you'll be treated when you do business with him.

Interesting that if you type in the company's name, this forum discussion pops up first and foremost.

Something that might have been thought about at the beginning of this debacle.

You reap what you sow...

So that's what Geoffkait looks like??!

Not how I had him pictured in my head...