Mitigating the Bubble

Today after many years of trials and tribulations I have mitigated a sonic aberration a horizontal phase anomaly in my center stage.  While the center image was always stable and outlined it seemed narrow and bubble like and I would need to shift my body angle to really lock in the image. This was obvious on many CDs and LPs .

I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations. I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep's wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.  I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage. I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the  boundaries with in my room by reducing interference. I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover. This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s.  ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little  bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end. The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system.  Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage. 

I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product  Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency. 




One of the sadder things about this whole sordid affair is seeing you guys yuck it up, while being completely clueless about what is likely lost to those in the wider audio community who get joy from improving their music listening experience, instead of running down things they have zero experience with on forums.

I offered her a 50/50 split with some very specific rules, after all its my invention


One of the sadder things about this whole sordid affair is seeing you guys yuck it up, while being completely clueless about what is likely lost to those in the wider audio community who get joy from improving their music listening experience, instead of running down things they have zero experience with on forums

To be fair, everyone seems clueless.
The claims are all over the place with insulating, non-toxic, toxic, conductive.
Zero measurements.

To equate hopes and dreams with facts is a stretch.

And one cannot take, say Maxwell’s equations, and chuck in words like “nano”, “synergy”, and “quantum” and make it science… It is basically more of a magical incantation.

And I did not even mention the person spruicking the stuff. A reveiw of those posts could add further insight.

Someone mentioned Window Pane ?

Who's the spruiker and who's the sprukee?

None of this is about audio anymore.

I tried to shake it up with the Mikey report on the room and maybe that will spark another different riot ..butt that was ignored so I guess I will call it quits and shut it down. I like this nano product thats why I started my 3rd thread in 20 years time.



Listening to and enjoying music, whether live or through a system, is an experience. You can talk about science, claims, people and credibility all day long, but that’s all just speculation. Only a few know, from actual experience, what effect this product has on the the experience of listening to music in the context of a high resolution home audio system.

@holmz To be fair, everyone seems clueless.
The claims are all over the place with insulating, non-toxic, toxic, conductive.
Zero measurements.

It's simple, NanoFlo is non toxic. It is antibacterial NanoMetallic composite in petrolatum. It is extremely conductive under pressure on the electrical contact points, otherwise the gel is insulative. Testing proved this, and the director saw something that made him ask if it was a superconductor. 

Y'all have been using my semiconductive nanodiamond without knowing it for 10 years, and mant people liked it. NanoFlo is better and was designed as an electrical contact enhancer, the nanodiamond is a superlubricant with wear protection.


@bjesien Is this thread an early attempt to experiment with on-screen lsd?

That's what it feels like when a 50/50 deal turns into 20/80, on  screen LSD explains it perfectly.


Testing proved this, and the director saw something that made him ask if it was a superconductor. 


Publish results here with details or it didn't happen. You just come across as a charlatan. Sure he asked it if was a superductor. Do those lies work normally?

Pressure in electrical contacts is low. This is an area I know very well. Remember, actual materials scientist.

I wish it was as easy as using something that seems like nail polish, or chucking in a fuse.


The following sounds like a report from attending a seance



Listening to and enjoying music, whether live or through a system, is an experience. You can talk about science, claims, people and credibility all day long, but that’s all just speculation. Only a few know, from actual experience, what effect this product has on the the experience of listening to music in the context of a high resolution home audio system.

A synopsis of the thread reads like…

  • Magical lube
  • Krissy was being taken advantage of
  • More magic claims
  • sections from the book, “The Emporer’ s new clothes.”
  • diamonds, insulating grease, diamonds become metals, insulation becomes superconducting.
  • A co-dependency group theory session, that resembles a rugby scrum.


Observing things in the thread is not speculation.
Either publish something or not.

I don’t even know what the stuff looks like, but it sounds like a snake oil infusion or a snake oil aoili . 

 I had an extra large  bubblerific experience the last 24 hrs.

 I need to inhale again and think about this ever bigger picture that took shape. A visitor was present today maybe he could speak if he would care  too. Tom

I just removed all of the NPS-1260 off of my WBT spades and replaced it with the sample of Nano-Flo.

Now I’m not sure if this stuff has to be on for while but at least initially I think the sound stage shrunk and has more higher mid/treble frequencies (not in a good way).

I was expecting Nirvana instead so far I have Tiny Tim.




Tom (theaudiotweak), thanks for letting me come by to hear your system. Its an understatement to say its obvious you have worked really hard on both your room and system. I list room and system separately but of course the room is part of the system, a point you obviously get. 


It can be challenging to verbalize the sound characteristics that I love from a sound source but I loved the sense of ease/relaxed feel the system has. It isn't throwing things at you, more like they are flowing toward you. A great sense of proportion and place with such great clarity and I'm afraid I have to throw in the admittedly broad M word (musical) because it is very applicable here. Just a complete pleasure to listen to. Well done! 


Thanks again for being such a generous and thoughtful host. It was a most memorable experience.

Dave (kykat)

So happy you came by. Wasn't so sure how it would sound after I treated some parts 12 hours before you arrived. Should be even better tonight when I travel down to the music room. Please post that cd that you brought over. I need to make that purchase. Next time you come this way let's get together again. I really enjoyed the visit.  Tom


Its calmed down but I am not noticing any sonic improvement compared to the NPS 1260. Actually at this point I think I preferred the NPS 1260. I'll give it a few more days.


I removed nps 1260 in stages as did a friend in his system and then we both applied the nano product which we both heard and felt was a considerable improvement. Tom

No..Why would I consider doing that? I dont think those 2 would bond nor adhere well..I have an unopened container of q45t avaiable. Tom

I'm not sure if the Nano flo hardens/solidifies with time or if it still remains a goo. The NPS 1260 seemed to stay as a semi-liquid.

So why not try both products together? I will give the Nano flo a week to perform better in its present state. At that time, I may try to reapply some of the NPS 1260 over it.

Just wonderin' if I should try to remove the Nano flo as much as possible since one of its claims is it bonds at a "nano level" before applying the NPS 1260.


My connections are brass, copper, silver and rhodium.

All took considerable effort to remove the 1260. I soaked fine bronze wool in alcohol to clean all the contacts and connections..Tom

@ozzy I'm not sure if the Nano flo hardens/solidifies with time or if it still remains a goo.

The NanoFlo gel is regular petroleum jelly from Walmart, the nanomaterial is what performs. Might try unplugging and reinserting a few times to drive the nano in.


The NanoFlo gel is regular petroleum jelly from Walmart, the nanomaterial is what performs. Might try unplugging and reinserting a few times to drive the nano in. 

I was surprised to read that petroleum jelly is actually edible.

Reinserting the RCA a few times seems symbolic, or maybe ritualistic.
I am pretty sure that that action also helps many RCAs which may have corrosion, and the lube should also help to keep out moisture, and slowing oxidation, etc.


Thanks theaudiotweak and Nano-flo for the info. I am using the WBT silver spades.


100% organic squaline oil (Amazon) is supposed to be a good base. I think Walker Audio used it in his Super Silver Treatment.

I actually have some left, but it's somewhat died out. I will order squaline to mix



You should try the Q45t- it is really better than the 1260. I tried them both together and thought it was good. did not mix the two just applied in different spots in my system. Then i finally got around to removing all of the 1260 from my system and it was much better with all Q45t. Hughe sound stage very detailed and organic sounding -no harsh sound.

If a "contact" needs "enhancing" it is a bad contact. Buy good connectors and you will never have a problem. Any difference you think you hear is imaginary which is par for the course with this crew. It is like self propagating propaganda.

KY infused with micro-nano-wurtzite boron nitride will be available some time next week.

The NanoFlo gel is regular petroleum jelly from Walmart, the nanomaterial is what performs. Might try unplugging and reinserting a few times to drive the nano in.

You guys disappointed me, I was expecting you to go low with the KY jokes much sooner.

At least that guy in the picture with the sparkly teeth doesn't have to worry about chapped lips...


Told Chris that early on besides Ky. Is the initials of my home state of Kentucky..Derby week here at the track now with my daughter. $ 12 for a domestic beer. Smell the cigars and Kentucky Blue Grass in full burn. Beautiful place to be. Tom

Way back before COVID I really enjoyed the several days I spent with my wife in Louisville and surroundings, especially our visit to the Beam distillery😉

You guys disappointed me, I was expecting you to go low with the KY jokes much sooner.

@tommylion it is more symbolic, and I think Tubebuffer was banned.

I found 2 cable Rxs both are 10+ years old. One is a paint-like Silver treatment SST from Walker Audio, the other Carbon Diatonic Setten #1 is more liquid similar to the NP 45, both to treat cable connections and jumpers from the outboard power supplies

The Setten is Chinese, or at least Asian, but no English translation
This is similar but could be a improved version of the SST

Anybody have experience with either?

It is ok. But I still think the NPS 1260 was better in sound staging and smoothness in sound.


A friend and I are both much happier with the results of removing the 1260 and applying the much more transparent Nano Flo. Neither are available any longer. I did buy the larger container and plan to remove the 1260 in my dac my amps and cd transport and apply the Nano Flo. Oh and on my speaker drivers and crossovers. To bad it's gone. Tom

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On Monday afternoon I took to treating my cd transport with Nano Flo after removing the NPS1260 that was already present. I put the spinner in repeat mode for several hours at a low volume to bring the system up to speed. 

I played a Neil Young greatest hits cd that is always ready to run. Several selections on this disc have a glare at mid to moderately high volume but not this time. This time there was no glare to be seen or heard just fully rounded music in a super quiet back round. Greater articulation from top to bottom slightly more depth of field and a wider more distinct center image. 

Nano Flo seems to have reduced digital glare while at the same time enhancing all other details. Makes me wonder if I will have enough of this product, as I find more and more specific uses every time I look at my system and room. Tom

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