Luxman L-509X

Any A'Gon readers from Japan listened to this new integrated? The specs and description seems like it could be an incredible piece. Though likely dependent on how good the pre-amp stage sounds. The amp section is supposed to be similar to the great sounding m700u stereo amp.

For those who are using a cheap off-the-shelf power cord on the Luxman L-509X or L-590AXII, do try a Acrolink Mexcel PC9900, PC8100 or PC9700. The changes that these cords bring are incredible.
"I suppose, I am a purist....old school.....less, is more."

Hmmm, one part of Luxman’s appeal is that it looks (Lux?) old school. In part because of all the knobs and buttons on it. That is how amplifiers used to look like in the days of old.
@builder3, if that truly is the case, I am wrong, plain and simple. But, this is, another switch, in the signal path. I suppose, I am a purist....old school.....less, is more. Enjoy, be well and stay safe ! Always, MrD.
I'm inclined to think a lot of people have ideas about how they must sound, without having heard it.
People like me actually use these features.   If I'd wanted a minimalist setup I'd have bought something else. 
mrdecibel2,314 posts09-23-2020 3:34pmWhy, oh why, does an expensive amplifier such as this, include the addition of a switch, and additional wires / traces, for speaker switching / headphone listening. I have bypassed this switching and additional wiring, in several amplifiers ( most of them, coincidently, were of Japanese origin ), and the sound, became cleaner, had more detail, embraced me with a quieter black background, and showed me, much more dynamic capability. It is so easy to piggy back additional amplifiers, for a secondary system / additional set of speakers. So, given how good this amplifier is, I know, it could be better. I am sorry if I hurt feelings here.
Well, you can always engage the 'Line Straight' feature, and bypass all of that.
always need to understand what any reviewers’ frame of reference is

sean is a good guy, but he reviews denon yamaha marantz, no name china tube amps...

of course he would be impressed with a luxman... do you think it might become his ’reference’ ???

Why, oh why, does an expensive amplifier such as this, include the addition of a switch, and additional wires / traces, for speaker switching / headphone listening. I have bypassed this switching and additional wiring, in several amplifiers ( most of them, coincidently, were of Japanese origin ), and the sound, became cleaner, had more detail, embraced me with a quieter black background, and showed me, much more dynamic capability. It is so easy to piggy back additional amplifiers, for a secondary system / additional set of speakers. So, given how good this amplifier is, I know, it could be better. I am sorry if I hurt feelings here.
Zero Fidelity on YouTube did a nice review on the Luxman 550axii, the little brother of the 590. He must have liked it, it's his new reference.
Douggie, I hope you get that sorted out soon. The holes should be perfect in form.
Here are the new links to the pictures

A 10 yr old can drill better holes than that!

I did feedback to the dealer the same day I opened it up. He said it's "normal". I also asked the question in Luxman FB and they replied, "yeah, it's like that unfortunately :(" EXACT WORDS! WITH THE SAD FACE! And said wish I could see other units, they look similar to mine. They asked for my serial number and they will feedback to QC, but zero assurance or commitment that they will take care of this. 

This is a Luxman flagship integrated amp!
I have to say that the reason I got my Luxman 507ux was exactly the extension at the frequency extremes, plus the liquid tube like midrange.

I do not like the Pass sound, but from those who do, what seems to be a common trait is their choice of speakers.  Big old horns and bass cabinet users tend to do really well.

You absolutely should listen to both, because if you do I'm certain you'll have your own strong preference and what I type here won't matter.
jjss49625 posts09-11-2020 12:12pmi have always found the very high end japanese solid state ultra refined ultra smooth but a bit lacking in frequency extension and attack

in this group i have tried units over the years by luxman, accuphase and esoteric/teac

i would agree that amplification from ayre, pass and even top hegels are better sounding overall, at least to my ears

I received contradictory views on the differences between Luxman and Pass labs. The Pass was said to sound smoother and lacks the dynamics and attack of the Luxman.
Douggie, only the first photo comes up while the other two failed to load. Although the quality of the image is low resolution, it does appear that the two highlighted vents are poorly formed. Could you speak directly to the dealer to have it sorted out? I have the L-590AXII and the vents are in different material but it’s perfectly made.
i have always found the very high end japanese solid state ultra refined ultra smooth but a bit lacking in frequency extension and attack

in this group i have tried units over the years by luxman, accuphase and esoteric/teac

i would agree that amplification from ayre, pass and even top hegels are better sounding overall, at least to my ears

that being said, the build quality of luxman et al is absolutely beyond reproach and they are luxurious in their own right, certainly do no harm soundwise
Interesting.  I went from Parasound to Luxman 507, and it was in fact getting rid of the warmth that I needed, not to mention that the Luxman has more intestinal fortitude.  Basically more extended at the top and bottom with a better midrange.

I've not auditioned the class-A Luxmans but this tells me I'd probably not be very happy with them. :)
Fjn04, that is surely useful. Currently I have Harbeth and Marten and it is true they sound very different from each other. The Harbeth sounds great driven by the Naim pre power solid state amps (they sound soft and dull driven by 7 other amp combinations I tried). Nevertheless the Naim is not a good combination with the Marten as the sound is too spotlit, rough and unrefined.

The Marten and Kharma are quite similar in sonic character I believe, and I would suspect (and hope) that the Class A L-590AXII would be a better match to the Marten than the Naim and L-509X.
I spoke with someone yesterday who has considerable experience with Luxman Class A, and their counterpart Class A/B Integrateds. His advice was not surprising. In short...with a warmer balanced speaker like Harbeth, he prefers the AB amps. However, with a more revealing, neutral (if you will) speaker like a Kharma, the Lux Class A will give them much needed warmth. I use Kharma and Harbeth because I have owned both and consider them sonic polar opposites.
I was about to purchase the L-590AXII after reading a rave review from Steve Huff’s site but stumbled upon this thread saying the L-509X trounced the 590AXII.
Link here:

The 590AXII will be matched with Marten Duke 2 speakers as the Class A of the amp may bring the speaker to a higher level of performance when compared to my existing solid-state amps.
There has been plenty over the past few years if you go on HIFISHARK and look up past sales...some as low as 7800. In the past month a guy here on the East Coast RE-LISTED his pair on Audio Mart that he initially had up for sale at 8K each (Asking price).  You have to be patient. Never saw any that had cosmetic damage.
In what used marketplace do you find Luxman 900 gear for 8k? In what condition might they be, as well. 
"That price on AudioMart is absurd. Those sell used for around 8K each. I got the C900 for $7500 and it was about 6 months old. I can get them brand new for 10,500 each from multiple dealers. Do your homework people."
Wow! I thought the exact same thing when I viewed the ad.

That price on AudioMart is absurd.  Those sell used for around 8K each. I got the C900 for $7500 and it was about 6 months old.  I can get them brand new for 10,500 each from multiple dealers. Do your homework people.
I've heard the 509 right after hearing the D'Agostino Momentum.

While not a Momentum, it was not too shabby. Not shabby at all.
I auditioned a 509x a little over a month ago. It sounded good, no doubt. Great integrated. But it just didn't grab me or excite like the int. Had nothing to do with the quality of it's sound or build. It was more to do with it's sonic personality. As I mentioned in my post, I like the chocolate ice cream. You obviously like the vanilla. Nothing wrong with that.
If you have $10K and are considering a Luxman, I cannot buy used on this one since I went and demoed them (will buy new) but for someone open to a used purchase.

In my opinion the difference with the m900u and c900u combo is massive compared to the 509x integrated. Yes, I have heard all three in the same room with the same gear (that is why I will buy new).

Edit: The price is for each unit not for both.

Eric, agreed that the 509x and int 250 are both superb sounding amps and both should be listened to before making a decision. I had the opportunity to audition both the int 60 and 509x and one sounds as good as the other. My ears just prefer the int's smoothness and sweetness...I like the chocolate ice cream.
Personally I’d never go from Luxman to Pass, so I would not make that choice without listening. The idea that Pass would be universally better does not hold up to my ears.

The 509 and 507 are incredibly similar, with the main difference being slightly lower output impedance thanks to more output transistors in the 509.

If you have more challenging speakers, the 509 is the way to go.

As I've said before, in kind of the same price range I suggest Ayre, Luxman and Pass as integrateds with decidedly different sonic signatures to listen to. Among those, if you can't find a strong preference, go with the cheapest.

Also, the Loudness feature on the Luxman is really nice for late night listening. :)


As long as you're looking in the $10,000+ price range and if you can stretch your budget a bit more, I'd seriously consider the Pass Labs int 250. Outstanding amp from what I've read. Same with the int 60.

"Anyone compared the 509X against the 507uX II? They are very similarly speced"

"Anyone compared the 509X against the 507uX II? They are very similarly specced"
Anyone compared the 509X against the 507uX II? They are very similarly specced.
I have heard it and it is spectacular. One of the best Ive heard.  It has me thinking of downsizing.
I'm in my first full month with the 509x after running Rogue 180's, PS Audio BHK 250 and even McIntosh 462 as amplifiers with various preamps C2200 and C50 Mc's and others.. NOTHING has compared to this integrated and speaker wise I've used Focal Sopra 3 and recently ML Imp 13. now moving to ML 15's. I'm completely blown away by the Luxman product with regard to quality build and it's transparent sound.  My dealer suggested the 509 as everything including the Mc's were way to warm for me and was he on the money! I'm so smitten that I want the 900u amp and 900c pre amp as the dealer say's that I will be shocked how much better it will sound! What's interesting is the review posted at the top of this string states that the 509 enjoys the 900c technology which makes sense based on how it sounds. I'm heading to the 900u first but cant swing these two pieces since the retail for $20k per, however, my quandary is what preamp to use? Dealer recommended the Jeff Rowland Capri 2 or the Bel Canto Black EX (too expensive)?  So.. if yo haven't heard the 509 find your dealer and find the money to buy this integrated, you will NOT be disappointed! Any preamp suggestions are welcomed.   
@danimaz, perhaps your speakers need more watts?. Generally Luxman gear is conservatively rated. But regarding integrates I am not sure, the measurements for Luxman 509x are here

Seems like approaching 200 watts THD shoots to 2%. Not able to find measurements for Simaudio 600i v2.

Dynaudios have a reputation for needing lot of power. May be contour is different. Depends on how loud and how far are you from them.

What is the difference between Luxman 509x and 507ux ii? I am looking for an int amp that I will keep for years to come. I have dynaudio contour 20 speakers. 

I was thinking about Simaudio 600i v2 but I think for the money luxman might just be the amp. 
pokey77463 posts01-26-2018 6:41pmClarification - The Luxman 590 AXII is 30 WPC Class A @ 8 ohms, not 60 like I said above though it is 60 WPC @ 4 ohms.

The L-590AX actually puts out over 90wpc @ 8 ohms, switching out of Class A at some point. (presumably @ 30w) Luxman has never publicized this. Beyond that, I’d suggest listening to one for yourself.

I noticed that this thread has been dormant now for 5 months but thought I would see if anyone has had a chance to compare this Luxman L-509X to a Simaudio 600i or 700i. Thanks
Hi biggy 79,

No, unfortunately from Italy, but my dad was, he was born in Naples (Napoli) in 1919.  

I share with you the very highest esteem for the 509u; I managed to purchase the last one available in the USA (that's what I was told) and I have no regrets about that purchase at all.  I use it with Vandersteen 5A speakers and a Luxman Do6 CD/SACD player, and that system makes music that makes me smile.  
509u has no roll off.
Maybe it was a choice to make the new integrated "easier". 
509u was a "no compromise" machine, you had to work hard to find the right match with source, speakers and cables, it was very high sensitive to electricity quality and line phase... it was not an integrated "for all", but I like this way, the way of real hi-fi.

Yes, it seems that the 509X is much better than the 590 AXII. Thinking back to that demo, the 509X has great bass response with a nice midrange. The treble is very clear but may be a bit rolled off compared to separates.
@rpeluso Me too owner of 509u.
Are you from Italy, isn't it?
I am not sure 509x can better the 509u, our amp was built with another kind of attention to perfection.
If I had to buy an integrated today (I will never change my 509u) I would buy a 509x without esitations anyway.

@pokey77  I was sure 509x destroyed 590AXII ... no dynamics, no image, no extension ... only midrange bloom!