Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
I live in one of those red states that take more than they pay, a lot more. We have billions in unfunded pensions. We constantly rank in the bottom on health, top in smoking and opioids, 20th in taxes, 45th in education but we have a right to work law and try to make a woman’s choice illegal. I agree with Nonoise I would like to see states break even then maybe we could catch up with CA. Texas is getting purple probably be blue in 2 or 3 more election cycles.
I understand this is just a wasted argument the young today will take up the torch and work to help the environment we have already lost all credibility and wasted to much time. I hope it isn’t to late for them it is for us. We’re buried in greed and wild lunatic conspiracy theories the least we can do ifor them is keep pointing it out.
It just snowed here in Southern Oregon, but only one night and part of a day. Three days later it's gone, even in the hills close to me.
Sorry to hear that, @djones51. Sounds like what happened in Kansas and Wisconsin. They initiated that great republican style of governing (corporate tax breaks, freezing wages, union busting, etc.) and bankrupted both states.

At least they got to "own" the libs. They still will not admit they were wrong. Some feel they should have gone further. That's how nuts they are.

It was just one of many criminal enterprises masquerading as a political party, sucking the citizens dry, and entrenching themselves in power.

To think that there are still people who fall for their lies is one of life’s great mysteries.

All the best,
"...why can't San Francisco afford to clean the poop off the sidewalks? Why is there even any in the first place???"
San Francisco has been considered city of freedoms etc. Maybe they need more government enforced rules about poop.
What does the poop on the sidewalks and the stuff that comes out of right wing media have in common?
nonoise, that and other reasons is why we left TX behind us...:(

When we 'got to TX as fast as we could' in '91, Houston was staggering back onto it's feet.  It was (in some ways) a relief from the S.F./Bay area which was exploding and imploding at the same time.

Silicone Fever...when it was new, it was exciting as is any 'rush'. ;)
What's become of the beloved "City by the Bay" isn't pretty, and we surfed the initial shock waves Out. It shocked our friends, our employers..."We can't live here anymore....too much of Anything isn't good in the long run...."

The same with Houston...visited friends in '18, looked around once again...*sighed*, and felt relieved we'd again dodged a sort of weird bullet that we recognize it's 'approach'.

I was born and 'raised' (in many ways) in L.A. and those environs...*S*  It's still 'home', but in '76 I took this song to heart....

Haven't regretted that move, either...;)
(Read the comments...Yup....*S*...and J.J.W's lyrics spell it out better than I could or can, even now...)

"Born to Run"?  Well, I guess, kinda...We've stopped now....getting too tired and old for 'one more go at it'....

And here, at the edge of the Blue Ridge is still nice enough to sit 'n stay.

Do what we do...until we can't. *S*

May y'all be so lucky, if you find yourselves in what you'd consider the same for you and yours; ;)

San Francisco the city of liberty? Yep, it is perfectly legal to take a dump on the sidewalk, no problem, no ticket, no arrest. However, if you fail to pick up after your dog, you are subject to a $350.00 fine.

Where does all of the human waste go? Why, it is washed away with power washers manned by people making $80,000 dollars a year to do the job. It washes right down into the street drains, into sewers and then out into the Pacific Ocean and into the Eco-system.

Want to shoplift in San Francisco? No problem, just don't steal anything with a value over $950.00. Over that amount and you will be charged with a crime. Under that amount, you are good to go.

Petty thefts, car break-ins, and other property crimes are at record rates as a result of the San Francisco Do-Gooders and their convoluted ideas of fairness for all ... even to the point of keeping the mentally ill on the streets instead of in hospitals where they can get the necessary care for their ailments.

Then there is the warm human compassion of releasing illegal alien felons back onto the streets to kill other people. 

San Francisco the city of liberty? Yep, for everyone except the law-abiding.

You'd think they would do something to cure climate change, like outlawing plastic straws. Oh wait ...!!!

Welcome to San Francisco, the Utopia created by those who know better than we, the great unwashed; the ones lacking the master's degree in philosophy and the doctorate in women's studies.

Welcome to modern-day San Francisco, created by the very same deluded ones who are telling us that the lights will go out in twelve years.

My own rants were nothing to compare to yours... Congratulations! :)

For sure I will avoid California like the plague disease....Especially "their convoluted ideas of fairness for all"...I just cancel my plane...

My best...
They keep the mentally ill on the streets instead of hospitals in CA ? Huh, sounds like the LPS Act signed in 1967 by Gov RONALD REAGAN. 
The fools are released from asylum ? Damn LPS act, another reason...I will sell my property in L.A. tomorrow...

For those who shit on my boardwalk, I will use my guns, I use them already on my property against dogs ...Oups, no need, I forget I has decided to sell my property.... :)

And in my life I had never steal anything around few bucks and for what?... Eat?... I prefer greater amount of money...Legally is better, you know what I means ?... :)
Doesn’t matter by the 1980’s Reagan took the model nationwide, that’s a good jumping off point for the decline of the middle class and the resurgence of the John Birch Society or Moral Majority and various other right wing looney tunes. It was Lee Atwater’s heyday before he got cancer and a conscience  and blew the lid on all the shenanigans they were up to. We all got trickled on.
Seriously, it is better to keep the subject around audio, or spiritual friendly matters...

Otherwise, who knows where we will go? I control already myself with difficulty...How about the others?

Intelligence is like Hi-Fi sound, it is not all there ready made out of the box in the beginnings, we develop it, we increase it, using it, by controlling the embeddings of the electronical components of the audio system in the acoustical-electronical-resonant field of the room, like we develop, increase, and control our intelligence throwing it in books and reflections in the world against ready made solutions and ready made ideas or opinions....

Ok, not a perfect metaphor at all, but I have tried.... :)

Then back to audio stuff, or snow... :)

Snow and all around snowy matters is beautiful subject....The hexagonal symmetry haunted me all my life...I know that the secret of the universe is linked to that in a way …:)

More than that hexagonal design isolation is good for containing sound and resonance....Another link to this secret of the universe....

I am serious this time....

Like said Groucho Marx : " Stupidity is perhaps my vocation, but no more my daily job"

The same with frost on glass it has a certain symmetrical pattern to it. I never cared for the cold though, snow and frost, probably because I grew up poor and the house was always cold. Going out at 5 in the morning  to feed and milk the cows in the winter wasn't  a fun time for a 12 year old. 
Sorry for the kid you were...
Indeed snow does not look like the same to all in all situations...

Post removed 
  • They keep the mentally ill on the streets instead of hospitals in CA ? Huh, sounds like the LPS Act signed in 1967 by Gov RONALD REAGAN.

Right, that’s the mantra of the deluded Left.  Here's the facts.

Revisionist history is nice ... unless you actually lived it yourself.

Thanks for the lesson in history... I was indeed surprized that Reagan had signed that... He was only constraint by political context, after all nobody see him for lead actor role in "One flew over the cuckoos nest" …. And certainly not a thinker in health care... :)

And by the way like climate changes solutions or facts, understanding of (de)institutionalization is complex matter that is better not to deal with in cheap ideological debate...Or in an audio thread about snow … :)

I apologize for my big gran of salt...My best to you and to all...
You'd think they would do something to cure climate change, like outlawing plastic straws. Oh wait ...!!!

Right. You really should use the full quote though.....
There used to be an affordable system in place for the downtrodden and mentally ill people. The great depression dictated the need.

Now there is none.

Hopefully those more fortunate in life never have to walk in the shoes of those less fortunate. Some perspectives might change.

It seems snow is a past memory now..... :)

Thanks mapman for your refreshing lines of tought…. My best to you...

1965 Medicaid  and Medicare  is passed people living at home are eligible for benefits those in hospitals are not states start releasing patients to reduce costs shift it to Federal Govt 
1967 Reagan cuts 2600 jobs and 10% of the Dept Mental Hygiene  in CA. There are 22000 patients in institutions.
1967 Reagan signs LPS Act patient care outside hospitals is underfunded and woefully inadequate.
1973 Paitients in CA mental hospitals has dropped to 7000
1975 Supreme Court rules on O' Connor v Donaldson 
1980 Carter signs Mental Health Systems Act to help states financially return some responsibility to Federal Govt 
1981 Reagan repeals most of the MHSA in favor of block Grant's federal funding of mental health goes down 
2004 DoJ estimates 10% of state prisoners meet criteria for psychotic disorder

There used to be an affordable system in place for the downtrodden and mentally ill people. The great depression dictated the need.

Right. Downtrodden and ill only came into existence with the Great Depression. Before that was all wine and roses. Paintings on cave walls in France from 50,000 years ago show people gathered around vast dinner tables as buffalo and lions peacefully offer themselves up for the feast. 3 million year old hominid fossils are often found with their fire building tools and universal health care cards.

Sorry. I know that’s not very good. Trying to be equally nonsensical. Close as I can get without space aliens.

How does it feel to have to come here? Does it help to have someone to talk to? I think I felt better when I was locked up in the hospital. I am thinking about asking the doctor to increase my medications. I’m already on seven different medications but I’m not sure they’re working. 🤡

Very good line.... :)

Like said Groucho Marx : " Stupidity is perhaps my vocation, but no more my daily job"

@djones51, you beat me to it. It seems that Henny Penny gets all his facts from somewhere behind him, like that $80,000/year street cleaner. It took all of two seconds to google it and the starting pay for an entry level street cleaner is $32,427. In a perfect world, getting a 3% raise every year would take you 31 years to get at that salary.

Hell, while you're at it Henny Penny, check out the streets of LA or any city and you easily spot the homeless. On my morning walks I see the same faces, year in and year out; homeless encampments that last for several months. 

There used to be facilities in place to deal with it but you have Reagan to thank for that. Considering that about half of the homeless are veterans, we should be ashamed.

All the best,
When during your entire life you were  pursuing any political agendas instead of truth, the toll on your brain function add with times passing, believe it or not, this is science, and senility dont arrange anything...

My advice is : meditate about truth, dream about truth, think about it, but dont give to truth any name especially not the names of you best idols... Tremble and fear that the day may come that you will not care enough for truth...

How do we recognize truth? Simple : truth will not spare your superb and pride, nor your intellect and ideas, neither your actions...Truth will not name itself :"hello I am the truth and I am your friend". Truth is an energy like love without name...When we name them it is for our own sake, and then we betray love and truth...

After that meditation, left-wingers, and right-wingers, will appear like they always been : voluntary puppets responsive for the disease of their mind...

Sorry but sometimes we must clearly speak our mind... My best...

Truth and love remind me of 2 snowflakes, all are totally unique, individualized, pieces of matter arranged by the same geometrical symmetry betraying the ultimate oneness behind all...Then snowflakes remind me of truth and love and with this hexagon inscribed in the circle the circle is completed...
mahgister is shaping up to be the coolest kid on the block.


Don't you live in California? Aren't you retired? Am I wrong? What keeps you away from Hawaii, Alabama, or American Samoa?
According to the numbers that oregonpapa’s article provided, there is about six or seven poop-patrolers in San Francisco. Not too many for the place that is not exactly a village. Maybe there is not so much poop on the streets after all.
What Henny Penny's rant doesn't mention is that it is only 6 members who have that job and the salary I quoted for a street cleaner was correct. Because of the hazardous nature of the job, they get that pay. The way he says it, one would get the impression that public employees are all making that kind of money. I'd love to hear him rant about corporate pay.

Imagine if Reagan never started us down this path.

All the best,
inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true.

This is a very common thing. Even in audio forums where some insist certain products they favor for whatever reason are the best or the right solution for everyone all the time.

Dogmatic people tend to have low tolerance for anything or anyone that exists beyond the limits of their own limited personal understandings.   Everyone's understandings has limits (except Geoffkait's of course). 

It’s all laid bare for all to see on most any internet forum these days whereas it existed off people’s radar screen to a much greater extent prior.

Watch out!

I guess we shouldn't mention that homelessness in rural Texas has increased 33% in recent years. It isn't  just a problem of large urban areas. It isn't a left or right, us and them problem. We can't find some marginalized group we can rant and rail against at a political rally.... well except for a certain narcissistic orange buffoon. 
What I don’t understand about many of the "informed" here is how and why they direct their ire to those to the sides of them and to those below them when the perps who are behind their misery reside above them.

Loyalty to an abstract in the hopes of someday rubbing shoulders with them or deluding themselves into thinking that someday it will all be theirs as well confounds.

Homelessness is a natural and predictable outcome as the inequality gap grows. Estimates of the working homeless in LA is around 50%. These are people who hold down jobs but can’t afford housing, let alone rent. They live in their cars and motorhomes, or if lucky, crash on a couch or floor of a friend.

If a living wage were paid, that would solve that, and it would cut down on taxes (for food stamps, housing, etc.) that we shouldn’t be paying to subsidize companies who refuse to pay those living wages. Talk about takers.

All the best,
I don't understand why we are talking about people cleaning up poop in SF? And that article is misleading $112k is in benefits not actual pay. Northern CA is a victim of its own success in terms of the housing and homelessness crises no one argues that. However it was success based on a progressive state and local government. Contrast that with say Kansas where former Governor Brownback who kept lowering and lowering taxes and destroyed his states economy.
It is impossible to convince someone with facts or logical arguments...In fact it is impossible to convince no one at all, except those which own a spirit open to the truth...Because it is always the truth that convince us never someone... And truth is no one property...It is a personal and collective unending quest...Truth is a direction toward which no crowd can ever look at...

It is already difficult to be civilized discussing audio hobby...Imagine a subject so complex that we must think really about it to understand it a bit...Do you think that many here will admit that by them selves they dont have a clue? They cannot because they are no more an individualized spirit, they are all each one of them by himself a crowd, no more someone unique looking for truth...They are behind a flag, in the proper sense or metaphorically...

For example climate matters are really, really complex subjects integrating dozen of sciences, not only climatology...Actually climatology is even linked fundamentally to the astrophysics of the solar system... Then do you think that someone who read even a good press if that thing exist can understand what is at play now? No, not at all, most will adjust their nose to the wind like animals in fear and their opinions will only reflect that direction, nothing else....There is really great changes in earth and humanity now, and we must think about that, and act, in one spirit turned toward the truth...Not toward the flag of an idea, or a country, or of a group of interest, or a lobby....Toward the invisible flag of truth....

So, we have to be open to something that cannot be owned and which is unique and unobtainable that will lead us to something no one can see. 

Got it. 👍

No offense, just thought some humor would be nice.

All the best,

No offense at all...

Your line is not only very good, spiritual, but absolutely exact...Your understanding is for me a great pleasure....Your line reflect what the human spirit really is... Only dogs or crowds look for something they can see, owns, manipulate or eat or copulate with....

Thanks to put something light in my too much seriousness... I confess that I am not a subtle and always light spirit...

My best to you indeed... :) I really smile....
Right back at you, mahgister. 

Your posts makes one think, 
which is a long lost art.

All the best,
Not sure if some of you understand this, or care, but being right actually does count for something. Not all the name-calling, subject-changing, and echo-chambering in the world has even the slightest effect on Truth.

Knowing what is right and accepting what is right are two different things, name calling, subject changing and echo chambering aside.

To accept truth, one must give up beliefs that prohibit acceptance.

We all understand that much.

All the best,
Even Einstein thinking he was right against Niels Bohr listen carefully and respectfully to the arguments of Niels Bohrs in the complex matters of microphysics...Just an historical example of discussion between right and wrong in science...

In climate and politics, which are  matters more reflective of society’s choices, dialogue is mandatory, because truth is not property of right or left parties.... Facts in atomic sciences are measured by numbers, and can be reduced to numbers; in social life all facts are always "interpreted" facts, not by children claiming they are right but by thinking adult discussing, and conscious that truth is between them but not belonging to them....I apologize if I seem rude but how to say things directly? My best to you and thanks for this thread where we all learn to discuss...

"...has even the slightest effect on Truth."

Can someone summarize all of this and tell us what the truth is?
Don’t want to look at homeless people?  What should be done about it? Should big government step in and regulate the situation? I thought you guys were against big government with their rules and regulations. You think the cities caused this problem?  Where should they move them? Who decides? Who pays? This is the face of untethered capitalism, big winners and big losers.   Cant have one without the other. The funny thing is the 1% looks at you with the same disgust you look at those homeless people defecating in the streets with. To them your just another rube soaking up resources and bringing nothing to the table....until they need your vote. I suspect the melting pot’s getting a bit too melty these days. MAGA!!!
So, we have to be open to something that cannot be owned and which is unique and unobtainable that will lead us to something no one can see.
Glupson,it is difficult to be clearer about truth than this post by Nonoise, but I know that many like to mix and confuse the concept of truth with some facts, reducing some peculiar fact to truth, or truth to choosen fact, relatively to their needs... Those cannot understand truth and dont gives a dam about understanding it...They already know it well for their purpose and they use it...That’s all...Truth is what someone in power decide what it will be, like not so long ago the representative of some president says it is...Some not in power want to be in power and only use the so called" truth" to bend the mind of others...

I am not religious at all, but I like Christ paraboles , and Nonoise words are the definition of Christ Kingdom of truth....It is also the Buddhist definition of pure consciousness...By the way it is my definition of the act of thinking in his essence...The great chinese philosopher and seer Lao-Tseu call it Tao...Is it necessary to name other names?    :)

In a word truth is always a discovery and always new.....Never a fact nor an object, nor an interpretation... Christ said that truth will free us...He was not a small guru imposing the will of his petty mind... The truth about which he speak is the think we must look at inside of us and in the world....   

So, my friends have been right all along. I am not as smart as I thought.

I will give up my search for truth. If that was the clearest example, I wave white flag.

My best to you.
More to discover