Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Showing 10 responses by jond

I miss snow! It virtually never snows in DC anymore. Despite what the White House may say. :p
@mcslipp We are indeed on my friend and once again DC gets jobbed! IT was supposed to snow late night into this morning but when I woke nada, just wetness and rain. Looking forward to some good tunes and that amp shootout!
@oregonpapa Frank a single day's weather is what we call statistically a small sample size. Not to be confused with years of climate research and statistical modeling.
The fact that other countries pollute is not a reason to not stop polluting it's another bogus argument. You have to start somewhere so start at home. Greta Thunberg and her fellow young people, and likely some of your kids and grand kids will need an earth to live on clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. Believe what you will but climate change is not about us it's about them.

This is not virtue signaling this is life and death and the future.
If one used common sense you would realize there is no way climate change is a government hoax. Why would they perpetrate a hoax about this? It's the one problem almost no one wants to deal with, what benefit does the government get from faking it?
I don't understand why we are talking about people cleaning up poop in SF? And that article is misleading $112k is in benefits not actual pay. Northern CA is a victim of its own success in terms of the housing and homelessness crises no one argues that. However it was success based on a progressive state and local government. Contrast that with say Kansas where former Governor Brownback who kept lowering and lowering taxes and destroyed his states economy.
The length of time the earth has existed has nothing to do with what's happening now. For most of the earth's existence humans did not exist. This is really happening whether or not you  believe it, also here is something I can never figure out.

Fine you don't believe climate change is real. But don't you have to consider what if it is? What is we continue what we've been doing which we are as the administration rolls out new plans to poison our rivers, lakes and waterways. But what if it's true? And you ignored it? And it's really too late? What then?
Another well worn tactic, instead of responding to what i said about CO2 seize on the fact that I said like instead of need. That was obviously the important part of my post.
It only makes you appear as ideological and detached from reality as Adam Schiff.

Are you really going there? All the opposition can seem to muster is "Democrats are bad" which is not really a defense.

And really no one splits hairs quite like a conservative in high dudgeon. Fine you believe in "climate change" how about humanity's effect on the climate. And yes plants like CO2 I learned that in elementary school too but CO2 also is a greenhouse gas that traps the suns heat. AKA there is no free lunch.

Also the steady diet of Youtube crackpots really isn't helping.

Classic attack the opposition with slander rather than presenting a counter argument. And it’s pretty astonishing to say....

" being a good 10 years past the point we were told all the green Doug fir in Western Washington would be dead from forest fires."

When a good chunk of Australia burns and CA has been beset by historically massive forest fires.
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