Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Showing 8 responses by mapman

Sounds like Millercarbon is a fan of selective science that supports his views, knows the effects of carbon dioxide by whatever means it gets there and is admitting Global Warming is real, but does not think it so bad if you are a 500 million year old fossil mollusk or trilobite. Those guys snuffed it a long time ago.  I get it!
+1 @onhwy61

”I guess I shouldn't be surprised that some of the most ardent proponents of tweaks on this site have trouble with mainstream scientific thought.“
Things outside do tend to be quieter when it snows. Does that make a hifi sound better? Well it might produce a lower noise floor in the room in some cases and that might help. Also snow days tend to be a vacation from normal life and that also could work towards one’s listening favor emotionally . Put those two together and you might have something.
There used to be an affordable system in place for the downtrodden and mentally ill people. The great depression dictated the need.

Now there is none.

Hopefully those more fortunate in life never have to walk in the shoes of those less fortunate. Some perspectives might change.

inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true.

This is a very common thing. Even in audio forums where some insist certain products they favor for whatever reason are the best or the right solution for everyone all the time.

Dogmatic people tend to have low tolerance for anything or anyone that exists beyond the limits of their own limited personal understandings.   Everyone's understandings has limits (except Geoffkait's of course). 

It’s all laid bare for all to see on most any internet forum these days whereas it existed off people’s radar screen to a much greater extent prior.

Watch out!

Maybe when folks here someday get the science behind expensive esoteric and very poorly documented hifi tweaks down to the extent needed to have a meaningful discussion then there might be a useful discussion of more serious matters like climate change. 

Meanwhile posting here is at least free so people will get their money’s worth.
I took logic in college too.

Guess what? Logic is an important tool but it’s still totally useless on its own in regards to drawing proper conclusions.

You have to feed the logic all the right facts for that. Not incorrect or selective facts for sure.

An example many are familiar with is early on, Mr Spock in Star Trek had trouble drawing conclusions about humans because he was unable to get the right facts regarding human emotion. But he learned over time.

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