Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Showing 50 responses by mahgister

"Good night to all friends and foes, after all, rest only naught" Groucho Marx
" The Devil said to me : what took you so long" Groucho Marx :)

" There is no climate changes, we live in a four seasons country only" Groucho Marx
I dreamed a bad dream about a world without elephants and tigers...How sad...Elephant are more mythical beast than ordinary animals... They mourn their dead one...

I hope human will keep them aboard the ship... They speak to our soul without any words...A world without animals cannot be human...

" Darwin was wrong, all devolute" Groucho Marx
I think we must go back to climate changes debate if we want to rescue millercarbon… :)

After all he is the OP of this thread and we must help him...
" If God judge you what will you say? it is all an act " Groucho Marx

" The only problem with lies is tracking them in old age" Groucho Marx

You are not a warmer but a birther... Ok you want that we listen to 45 minutes of this Trump very emotional biography... Really I almost cry for the few beginning minute...I will listen to it tomorrow if you listen to these 4 minutes youtube...

Bloomberg on Trump the last one minute

" Lies are pocket money" Groucho Marx

Gore Vidal has that which lacks to Roy Cohn, a real working brain... A great writer also, and a great politician brain too intelligent to be trusted by some crowds...

" The honest brain only think, the crook’s brain walk " Groucho Marx

Do you know the name of the mentor and friend of Trump in the beginnings of his business?

That says all... Read that and between the lines you will understand...

This Roy Cohn was also the mentor of the Senator McCarthy, illustrious creative and manipulative grey mind behind the communists witch hunt that destroy careers and lifes...

There is an instructive amazing debate on tv between Roy Cohn and Gore Vidal... (youtube)

"Rats of the same color like sunbathing together" Groucho Marx

Trump plays 4-d chess....For sure...

"No commentary is commentary" Groucho Marx

Millercarbon, I trust more the advice about Trump given during his election campaign by Bloomberg the ex mayor of New-York, "The little crooks of New-York i know them well "
Anybody can see that Trump is void of any real decency...
Most of them feels now like rats in the watering boat, they will turn against each other to save their skin...

"Soak the boat and kills the rats" Groucho Marx
There is no democracy possible without thinking voters, without education democracy does not exist except on the manipulated theater...

The dumbing down is studied well by some scholars (Chomsky etc).

Trump is surfing on this wave of ignorance that touch the sky with modern illiteracy created by entertainment tv first, and now with greater power with phones...

Some think that connecting brain with A.I. will make them smart seriously... (Kurzweil)
 What can we say exceeding this limit?

The spectacle of very intelligent man walking with no clues to their fate is amazing...The only explanation for this is greed for power and fears...

There is one thing that work for Trump, except for the teaching help of his father and of his other crooked mentor in the beginning and this is luck... The man has more luck than all the New-York state population...

But even luck has a date of expiration....

If he was a friend of mine by the way of fate,i will advise him not to trouble himself in buying casinos to be rich, I will advise him to buy a ticket... Deal done...

This story is true:

«What that takes to be elected great marshal of the French empire your majesty, ask a beautiful woman to Napoleon...
He smile and said nothing...
The woman said: "I know he must be courageous..."
The emperor was smiling but staying mute...
Another older woman answered :" He must be intelligent your majesty for sure ? "
The emperor was laughing...
A teen lady walk in, saying candidly " He must be good with the arms and strong on horses"
The emperor was too much laughing to answer immediately...But at the end says that: " My dear ladies what use would be a strong, courageous, intelligent, able with arms Marshall if he is not lucky? He can die the first day of battle."
And all were laughing with the Emperor...

" Luck is the opposite of truth, we ask for luck when there is none" Chico Marx

You know that Millercarbon, because in the electorate pool of Trump voters, you are a luminary, a stellar brain mastering logic, the ordinary Trump voter does not even know the word rubles... :)

You are so to speak an Einstein in the Trump crowds. I said it seriously...I respect your intelligence even if I mock your vote...But like my wife said often to me, intelligence is not good judgment... :)

3,695 posts01-27-2020 9:35pmPravda is just Rubles washed into dollars....
Your post is a candid illustration of my point about the total absence of international news, and the total ignorance of the world scene in the American media...Russia dont need US dollars no more for years...Asia go with them, and the world wait …. Then Pravda can be just rubles washed into rubles...If I can correct … :)
Sometimes ago, there exist 2 empires of lies...One imploded on the pression of truth...

The other one survives for a moment, but truth being truth, the other one was imploding right now under our eyes...

" What is truth? " - A roman governor of Judea

"Truth is like bread, you love it more when there is none"  Groucho Marx
Perhaps if real news of the world existed for a day or two, in the daily news of the various popular newspapers of America, you will know the real damage to the USA, the total destruction of all alliances and treatises, this clown singled handly promotes in a total irrational frenzy never seen by anybody in the 20 th century...

All people that worked with this man are nowhere to be seen anymore...His formidable empty crooked brain creates the void...I am speechless...Really...No Hollywood script can produce his like in a film...Because Cinema must be believable...I dont even believe that he can exist and some can vote for that to this day...Then naming him the greatest of all history is …. I had no words.... Perhaps the simple word that came to my mind is good enough I will not say it...

"Never hire more intelligent man than you" Groucho Marx
" Remember John Bolton" Donald trump
" You are fired !" Donald trump
This impeachment is way beyond incredible...I am speechless...

" I believe in the incredible, the credible do not need me" Groucho Marx
 " Why do you vote for this idiot? He needed me" Groucho Marx to his brother Harpo.

Tree are the real value in this world, some tree are many thousand years old... Those who thinks that money has any value except for mechanical utility are deluded...Money has absolutely no value at all...It is a means...The 
Trees are sentient living beings and conscious one.... Imagine our amazement when we all will awake to that fact? It is no more new age salad...

You can smile at me or with me …. :)

I dont know how Glupson will check this fact.... :)

Oups! it is not a fact, only a dream being true, but a dream for now for most....No need checking...
I think I will side with you against dogmatic Groucho... :)

By the way I summon Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway at your recommendation in my own time machine and I thank you for that ...
I like snowflakes, prime numbers, music, they are linked; and some other not so linked delicacies.... :)

"The brain is the only time machine " Groucho Marx

"With the right forgetful functor you can modify the world at will " Groucho Marx at college.
If you dispose all odds numbers, beginnings with the number 5, in a 6 levels rectangular infinite array of equal little squares on each level and go looking for the primes, chasing them with the chess movement of the rooks, the bishops, and the knights, you will see all the primes only left...Squaring each primes will gives you all the rest to infinities.... Very beautiful and containing visually the flavored essence of number theory...Begins with the number 5.... :)

After that,transpose this rectangular array on an hexagonal tiling plane instead, beginning with 5 also, around a center hexagonal unit of the tilings and you will see the primes numbers lightning on 2 of the 3 axes … This hexagonal increasing spiral between these 2 axes is one of the mysteries behind snowflakes and number theory...

These abyssal geometrical harmonies are veiled by the, at first glance, trivial numerical fact that all primes are congruence modulo 6...The Euler Pi/6 formula for the sum of squares you will see...

I suggest that like an unending puzzle to mind bored by agendas...

This meditation opens for me some beautiful doors ...
A frog in hot water studying the thermometer theory and saying, at 99C or 210F, this water dont boil at this time being and was not boiling either in the near past.... This is an example of the passion for science studies or perhaps also an example for a complete absent mind idiot.... The context determine the interpretation...

This story is the same as the popular tale describing the absent minded professor blindly walking in a hole...

One of the possible interpretation is that in the general context of life it is also necessary to be attentive to the surroundings indeed if our life has value to us and not only attentive to some narrower idea or facts...

Is it necessary to wait before acting toward a common valued larger goal, even if all proven facts justifying the action are not there ?

In justice we dont act and lynch someone without waiting for the last of all the facts that are proof of his guilt...

Is the survival of humanity asking for the same precautions than justice for someone ?

Is a common conscious acting valued goal must be suspended because some affirm that the facts are not all there?

What it takes to act?

A judge decision, a last scientific fact? The problem is: can we wait till these last scientific facts will come if they comes in times? That looks like the last centigrade degree on the frog thermometer...

The circle is complete, we act by our sense of values, not only by the relative accumulation of facts...A frog who value his life dont study thermometry in hot water...

We act by gauging facts and values, they are nothing without one another...

We cannot and never will be ever able to say that we absolutely know, we only in a relative manner gauge facts against values and values against facts...This is history...

Goethe says :« History of science is science itself»

And for the end:

Some say that the frog has cheated and falsified his thermometer, and affirm that his proof study concerning all the problem of the hot waters is not existing and not valid and at the end this is proof that there is no boiling water at all...

Submitted metaphors to meditate....

To be afraid of sharks presence in our bathroom is not a fear  corresponding to a probable real event to say the least. (odds are too high)...

Those who fears about the future of humanity linked to climate change are absolutely not in the same category at all...

Even the more extreme naysayers will admit that, except those insane...

Then any reasonable sceptics, forgetting his rhetoric and his propaganda, can discuss with any climate changes scientist or people, forgetting their own rhetoric and propaganda... The question is simple : are we able to discuss, forgetting rhetoric and propaganda ?

Do our egos need climate changes debate to boost themselves?

Or are we looking for "truth" ? I put truth in parentheses because it is not an object to be owned, nor a price in a competition, or the result of a vote, not even the mechanical conclusion of a syllogism...It is a direction for our own thinking process each one of us and the meeting point for all of us if we look carefully for it...If you dont understand this last point ask your wife about it... :)
Saying that the earth is there for more than 50 years is not an argument against climate change, and is in the drawer of totally useless claims just upper to the one where some dogmatic claim that the earth will be going better without humans at all... The first affirmation is a truism, the second an absurdity...

I am sorry to say that.... Between truism and absurdity there is precisely tough a place for the thinking process to begins out of these drawers so to speak...
This thread displays for all to see the profound, enduring, unmistakeable scientific ignorance that infects, permeates, and taints so much of modern culture and what is particularly noteable in this specific thread is that this lack of understanding of even basic, elementary, fundamental knowledge is possessed by those who believe they have such scientific skill!

I try to makes sense of your post clearthink...

If I simplify your prose:

Scientific ignorance that permeate this thread and all culture, is more profound in this thread by those who thinks to be scientific and are not scientific at all...

If we simplify to see the vicious circle in your clear thinking affirmation, or botched argument, or decree :

Scientific ignorance is everywhere especially where in this thread there is some so called "scientific affirmation"...

It is clearer in this way, but is this makes sense?

We can reduce that to his simplest form : scientific ignorance is everywhere particularly here...

An interesting question indeed : Is clarity of expression a sufficient fact to create meaningful sense? Certainly no, for example in pleonasm and common places....

The affirmation of this post reduced to his simplest expression is evidently a common place and a pleonasm combined ( night is dark everywhere especially here or to be more in the spirit of this thread, snow is white everywhere especially here)... What distinguish it at first glance, from a single common place, or from a single pleonasm, or from the combination of the two, are only the use of other rhetorical means...

These other rhetorical means for example are these interesting rhetorical fact about your post where there is a triple repetition, three times in 6 lines :

( "profound, enduring, unmistakeable ... that infects permeates, and taints...lack..of basic, elementary, fundamental…")

That is the mark of pure reactive emotional response or active propaganda, I leave the choice to you...I say so because nobody in particular, no affirmation in particular, is clearly the target of this incomplete syllogism which look like a flag in the wind...

I apologise for making fun of this post, but we are all here to learn and have fun...And I prefer rhetoric sometimes to the science of some...

I apologise to djones51 because my post add nothing to his short and pertinent remark....Except more fun at least for me... :)
On the TV. right now are some perfect examples of the impossibility for a "wanted to be deaf person" to listen to facts whatever the rhetorics... I am amazed by the acrobatics exhibited by grown men establishing carefully and firmly a ladder descending to the abyss...

I am amazed but terrified...

You cannot convince someone who does not wanted to be convinced whatever the rhetoric... It is already in the gospels spoken by an intelligent man of the past... :) And argumentative rhetoric is best served at the end by the purpose of greater clarity, not only and mostly to convince...

I do not need to convince myself about something I was seeing for myself trough interpreted facts (Never mind whether I am in the illusion or the truth)... The bridge between beliefs and reason is the thinking process itself; if this process stop, there is only the abyss of robotic stupidity at worst and at best habits the mind dont cares to correct...

« I am perhaps born with this vocation of being an idiot, but it is no more my daily job» Groucho Marx
You are right djones51

But we can makes an opinion for ourselves....About God, or about climate changes, if we really think hard and dont lie to ourselves...

Thinking hard is never stopping to think, and not lying to ourselves is always looking for something(truth) that cannot be our own property...

Opinions are at best only marking steps on a new road to the mountain of truth...

And " we're going all to the mountain" say some song... :)
The brain is convoluted, by natural necessity; human reason is not in the necessity to be convoluted each day to promote an agenda.... Falsities by use of numbers interpretations are always that: rhetorical exact delirium...This remind us at the end of those who try to lift themselves off the ground by their own hairs...

The problem with lying is that an accumulation of lies modify the structural functions of the brains, and the lightning up of areas linked to emotions and cognitive controls and stress are in the process to light up always and always more easily with more lies... Except for psychopath that had no moral internal code then no stress...

Someone lying too many often without good reason to say so, except his own benefit, will be lying more and more easily by the absence of internal moral constraints, these barriers undermined, less firmly reflected in the function of his own brain...For normal people it is like learning to be a psychopath by decreasing the stress but being always at the end unable to be really one( increasing stress)... Lying always seems to be free of cost at first, but it is an illusion of the lying process itself...By this way of getting around our moral ingrained personality composure we cheat our own brain up to a point only...( It will be interesting to make a neurological interpretation of the lying process in the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden just saying my 2 cents :) )

These opinions of mine are not science, like all my posts, but reflections and interpretations of mine around science or other matters...By definition science has no opinions it is a process...


I point you to this article because you can see that these matters is not ruled impossible at all years ago... It is always a matter of experiments to decide... Then the affirmation that quantum effect in living cell is too warm is only that: an opinion no more so much trusted...

The probable outcome point toward this possibility because Nature knows better than us...

This is another line of research in the same direction...

No proof but.... what this  is indicating is the direction of existing quantum effects in living cells...
Geoffkait I can assure you that you look very much like him.... :)

You are a very friendly but reserved soul and you preach in the desert....

I dont even speak of your humor...
By the way for a swift brain :) the saying of Christ in the gospels says more about him than any photographic evidence... Never mind the photo of Lao-tse, read the Tao-te-King, it is like instantaneous upgrade of the brain or an upgrade of amplifier to be even more clear...:)

It takes 2000 thousand years to mathematics to be up with the seer from China, and it is called category theory...Like often say one of my friend here... Hellooo...

I apologize if I tease you I am drunk... The wine from Australia is very good...
The fact that the mind interact with a quantum device in the brain or result from a quantum effect in the brain, was not proved at all, facts only goes in this direction, quantum mechanics also... But it is only theory, Penrose is not anybody, but this is only theory...

But pleased I beg you to point to me another theory of consciousness that scale from the quantum, towards the cellular level ( microtubules), toward a memory new theory, toward a theory linking gravity and quantum, with an original interpretration of the quantum (orch.Or : orchestrated objective waves reduction )… This is no proof that he was right, but wait, which other theory makes that possible?

I wait, put the link and I will quit this thread to read it with more than enthusiasm...

Mathematics tough for me is a more potent revelation than any physics theory of the nature of consciousness ….


Stenger’s brief ’ Is the Brain a Quantum Device’ talks about Penrose and his notion the brain or consciousness is somehow quantum that he puts forth in His book The Emporers New Mind, the brain is to large and to hot to be a quantum device coherent or not. Physicists, neuroscientists and those in th AI community say the notion of quantum consciousness or brains is not supported by the evidence.
Stengers are old ideas that begins to changes :

quantum effects exist in wet biological living environment
Wow! iI seems very interesting page turner... I will look for it certainly...I like entertainment and learning in the same stroke...Thanks Geoffkait

By the way I would have never called my numbers dreams a comatose dreams but it is on a way right on the spot.... :)

 I already have it... I will read it thanks....

You are right Stengers is way more interesting than Chopra...Stengers by the way recently wrote a book about the great Alfred North Whitehead...I read it with pleasure...

There is a hiererachy level in complexity of information in all the books there is...

We must begins by books we can at least understand a little... And go on with more difficult books and subjects... This is an entire life history of reading and studying...

I like meditation and the links between subjects, concepts and perspectival view...

Something to see before dying...

A great Polish mathematician Sierpinski had inscribed on his tombstone : " here lied a traveler of the infinite"...

I like Sheldrake by the way very much....And I think that you are right about him...But Penrose ( I admire him tough) is not in the same level league that the 3 mathematicians I named... I can assure you that they are not unknown " dudes".... And thanks I will read the" presence of the past"... Oups! I read it in french when he was translated many years ago (25 years ago)....

By the way one of my best friend deceased now has a measured I.Q. too high to mention, nobody ever heard of him at all...( The psychatrist that measure him says that he was schizophrenic to my not complete amazement tough) I teach him chess and I was never able to beat him after the first takes... Even if I am not a great chess player that say something...:)
There is many very profound mathematicians that had explored that...

Some are unknown but many are known...

Georg Cantor, Alexander Grothendieck, Shinichi Mochizuki, are the most important one in the known realm...The last one call his theory inter-universal geometry, but in reality this theory is about the multicellular structure of an all encompassing field, I called universal memory, it is for sure my own takes on that..

The first one create modern mathematics single handly ...

The 2 others go to deep levels of abstraction and more in the way on revealing the universal memory cellular structure...

Grothendieck has even written 2 thousand pages in french about creativity and spiritual matters linked to his works in mathematics…( His written mathematics covers 80,000 pages probably) He is recognized by those who knows like one of the greatest mathematician right at the left of Archimedes or Riemann or Gauss, or the extraterrestrial Ramanujan...
Grothendieck is the genius spiritual father of the Japanese one...

The Japanese one exceed the ordinary understanding... Because his theory concern the universal links between entire historical universes and their structural metabolism...His theory is way beyond actual physics...We must wait probably 50 years at least...

I had no pretense at all by the way, I am not a scientist, only a very motivated dreamer...I only speak about that to suggest to you that perhaps there is other perspective than the death of this universe...And the absurdity of life... Believing is not seeing, but seeing is always believing…. Mathematics is the most powerful glasses there is...There are glasses only tough... There is other means of direct experience for sure without any glasses...That’s all...

My best to you...

I am not much in believing... I am interested in the seeing...And geometry and numbers are very powerful telescope and microscope...The only problem is that we need years of study to see and I cannot give the perspective free of study and in a few words...

Even if I can show to you the structure of this cellular entity, I can, you will doubt your eyes, and you must do some meditation on the drawing indeed...

This is the most complex object of the universe because it is infinite and there is in it appearance of randomness and miraculous structure of order, and this is manifestation of "novelty" at a scale truly infinite :

I wanted to see with the mind eyes not believing...

My best to you...
In some years I will be dead and I must know something before dying...I decide that I cannot wait after physics and astrophysics to understand the ultimate nature of reality... Some years ago some physicist speak about the death of the universe like if it was the ultimate fate of the body-spirit of man...That was untrue.... But physics is divided by competitive theories, and  no synthesis indicate the ultimate ground of reality, except indirectly trough the revolution of quantum mechanics... Physics is totally determined by the nature of the mathematical tools used and nothing more...The actual mathematical tools created in mathematics exceed by at least a century the tools used in contemporary physics...At least a century if not 2...Riemann created the geometry used by Einstein way before Einstein use it...Physics is constrained by some sensible aspect of reality in a way mathematics cannot be...Physics is linked to the structure history of only one universe, mathematics is cellular metabolism linking all universes...

My inspiration came young with some intuition and after in the course of my life by meditation on the structure of the universal informational field, a universal memory, revealed to me by great mathematical discoveries including the most recent one...

My study reveal to me the existence of an all immersive memory-information living field that is the only one reality...Mathematics reveal the structure of this multicellular entity and all mathematics is only that, the mind of god if you accept a metaphor of which the mind of man is only a small cellular part......
I use the term law metaphorically...I answer to your post about entropy and the fate of the universe...There is other "law" of information linked to physical process and to life process that indicate another direction for the ultimate fate of the sensible universe than death and "non sense"......

Bios is a method of data analysis that can reveal these" laws" metaphorically speaking that transcend death and random absurdity...Bios is the twin brother of chaos...

Bios is a certain window determined by the dynamics of some simple deterministic equation that indicate "novelty" a name given by the discoverer to some structural aspect of the data that reveal an harmonic distribution of the order and of chaos...

It is a method to analyse data and reveal some information that is not revealed by chaotic process ...

«The discovery of Bios (Kauffman and Sabelli, 1998), an aperiodic pattern with the features of creativity (diversification, novelty, complexity) and the 1/f spectrum of natural processes provides a model to study creative processes. Bios is chaotic as being aperiodic, causal, and highly sensitive to inputs (“sensitivity to initial conditions”) but typical chaotic processes do not show diversification, novelty, complexity and 1/f spectrum. As creativity is fundamental, bios cannot be reduced to chaos. »

I speak about that because we can analyse data in a way that may reveal an higher order of phenomena that trascend disosrder randomness and entropy ...It is not a law in the strict sense of the term, bios is a method to derive new information from any data...This information is linked to a new level of complexity not seen in pure chaotic process...
asvjerry… Thanks... I think your posts are not replaceable and make smile and think at the same times, a feat which I was never able to accomplish myself.... :)
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