Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Showing 26 responses by oregonpapa

As a Southern California boy, I prefer my snow in the mountains where it belongs.
I read somewhere that Karl Marx was the first environmental alarmist. Is this true?

What scientific methods applied by mere humans would, in effect, change the solar cycles and the angle-relationship of the earth to the sun?

The answer, of course, is to raise taxes to the limit just short of revolution, introduce stifling regulations on the individual to reduce people movement, house the world population in high-rise buildings to avoid "Urban Sprawl," destroy evil capitalism and convert all of earth's societies into one enormous company store, from which, there would be no escape.

And when finally climate ceases to change, we can move to the next level and stop that pesky wind from blowing. 

I wish it would snow here. I think the dampening effect would lower my system's noise floor. Not likely though. The last time I remember snow of any consequence was in 1949 when I was a pup living in Santa Barbara, California. The Channel Islands were stunning, covered in snow.

Here's some pics of life in Paradise:

Never the less, the dampening effect of snow on audio systems is an interesting topic. Five months of snow, however, would just dampen my spirits. 

nonoise ...

  • "So, that's all there is to it?"  

Pretty much, Nonoise.

Everything in the universe is cyclical, including life itself. Even stars die.

The study of old-growth tree rings points out that the climate has been changing over many hundreds of years. Same thing with snow-pack test cores in the Artic.

I know of no one who is denying that the climate is changing ... only that the cause is in dispute, as well as the solutions. The solutions that alarm me are the ones that begin with ... "The government should ..."

Interesting topic,  no doubt ... but it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. *lol*

  • "... people SHOULD be if anything trying to think of how things like this could work. Since they so obviously do. That would makes sense. To say something cannot work when it so obviously does is downright medieval. That’s right. The superstition is on you, not us!"

Ah, but this is a religion to the folks who believe that "the science is settled."

I wonder if any of these guys have read Rachel Carson’s or Paul Ehrlich’s books.

Thanks to Rachel Carson and her diatribe against DDT in her book "Silent Spring," written in 1962, subsequently causing DDT to be abandoned world-wide, millions in Third World countries have died from malaria.

And, thanks to Paul Ehrlich’s book "Population Bomb," written in 1968, the entire human population on the planet died of starvation due to overpopulation in the 1970s and the 1980s.

Both of these books were required reading in schools at the time and taught to children as gospel. The propaganda mills of the statists were working overtime to win over the minds of the young.

Fast forward and we have a Congresswoman, still wet behind the ears, touting the end of planet earth in twelve years.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ...


  • "Also, if you don't think overpopulation is an issue you might need to get out more."
Wolfie ... That's exactly how I feel when I'm traveling from my house to LAX and fighting the bumper to bumper traffic down the 405 freeway. It is a 50-mile trip that takes at least three hours. As I sit in the traffic, I wonder ... from where in hell do all of these people come from? And where are they all going? When I drive from my house to Las Vegas, not so much.

The point is, everyone wants to live on that narrow strip known as the California Coast Line that extends from San Diego to San Francisco. Driving North through the Mojave Desert, there is wide open spaces between Bakersfield to Utah. And beyond that is Middle America's wide-open spaces. 

Still plenty of room for expansion. 

By the way, as a person who grew up in the Los Angeles area in the 1950s, I can tell you that in comparison to then, the air here is as pure as snow. 


"It was supposed to snow late night into this morning but when I woke nada, just wetness and rain."

Interesting observation. Who was the "scientist" that predicted snow? I hope their not on TV predicting that the planet will die in twelve years.

Has anyone contributing to this thread made the statement that the climate is not changing? 

Oh Gawd! The deluded abounds in this thread.

  • "He’s abolished regs so they can poison your water, pollute without consequence, did a HUGE socialist bailout of farmers that he screwed over (3x the auto bailouts), and allow pigs testicles, bladders and crap in ground pork."

Yes, and who wouldn’t want poisoned water to drink and filthy air to breathe? Why, Heck man, every conservative and constitutionalist wants that. It is common knowledge, don’t you know? It is true because I saw it on MSNBC and read all about it in Mother Jones and The Nation.

Who voted for this guy, The Orange Man? He must have cheated to get in. I know, because everyone I know, all my friends and business associates, voted to put Bonnie and Clyde back into the White House.

I, myself, well ... I voted for the raving Marxist Spittle Jocky sporting hair combed with an egg-beater. The more free stuff, the better.

And on the pleasure of eating pigs testicles, bladders and crap in ground pork? Hot dogs anyone?

Snow hell, just send us some rain. :-)


^^^ Yadda, Yadda ... and more Yadda. Same old arguments that lead nowhere. None of which addresses the problems, nor belies what I posted.

Here’s a taste:

Now, I’ll just sit back and watch while you attack the messenger.

  • what benefit does the government get from faking it?
It allows for advancing an agenda.

Form a government bureaucracy, say the EPA for example, then staff it with ideologues. Once the agency has been taken over, then charge businesses and property owners outlandish fines for dubious offenses. Once the fines are collected, transfer the money to radical environmental groups of like-mind in the form of government grants. This increases the power of both groups; the one receiving the grants and also the now entrenched bureaucrats at the EPA. All in the name, of course, of "environmental justice" and the "transformation of America."

This is nothing new. The same thing has been done over and over. Hundreds of millions of the trillions spent on "The War on Poverty" since the 1960s have ended up in the hands of radical groups of various types in the form of government grants.

Look no further than the State of California. Here’s how the state is run: The public employee unions donate heavily to the coffers of Democrat politicians. Once elected, the politicians do the bidding of the unions. On the side, they try to run the state. In reality, they have run the state into the ground. The unfunded liabilities of the State of Californa stands at over a trillion dollars ... mostly unfunded public employee retirement pensions. Ridiculous promises made by the unions and supported by the politicians ... with the taxpayers eventually on the hook.

"what benefit does the government get from faking it?"

Follow the money.

Hockey sticks, anyone??

San Francisco the city of liberty? Yep, it is perfectly legal to take a dump on the sidewalk, no problem, no ticket, no arrest. However, if you fail to pick up after your dog, you are subject to a $350.00 fine.

Where does all of the human waste go? Why, it is washed away with power washers manned by people making $80,000 dollars a year to do the job. It washes right down into the street drains, into sewers and then out into the Pacific Ocean and into the Eco-system.

Want to shoplift in San Francisco? No problem, just don't steal anything with a value over $950.00. Over that amount and you will be charged with a crime. Under that amount, you are good to go.

Petty thefts, car break-ins, and other property crimes are at record rates as a result of the San Francisco Do-Gooders and their convoluted ideas of fairness for all ... even to the point of keeping the mentally ill on the streets instead of in hospitals where they can get the necessary care for their ailments.

Then there is the warm human compassion of releasing illegal alien felons back onto the streets to kill other people. 

San Francisco the city of liberty? Yep, for everyone except the law-abiding.

You'd think they would do something to cure climate change, like outlawing plastic straws. Oh wait ...!!!

Welcome to San Francisco, the Utopia created by those who know better than we, the great unwashed; the ones lacking the master's degree in philosophy and the doctorate in women's studies.

Welcome to modern-day San Francisco, created by the very same deluded ones who are telling us that the lights will go out in twelve years.

  • They keep the mentally ill on the streets instead of hospitals in CA ? Huh, sounds like the LPS Act signed in 1967 by Gov RONALD REAGAN.

Right, that’s the mantra of the deluded Left.  Here's the facts.

Revisionist history is nice ... unless you actually lived it yourself.

  • "I don’t want to talk about Jesus, I just want to see his face."

Look into the face of a child.

  • "'l'll admit the president's defense has been pretty underhanded. They quote the democrats own witnesses. And Mueller. Using facts like that! The nerve!"

Millercarbon +1. 
^^^ And the problem always lies with the liberty of the individual and capitalistic societies. You're right, MC ... never a mention of China, India or South America's influence on pollution. 

I hear the nightlife is great in Mexico City. Not so much the day life though. You can't see the sun.

"We have only four years left." ___ James Hanson, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, a division of NASA. Predicted in 2009. 

Why do radical environmentalists appear to be so anti-human? Is there a hidden agenda there somewhere?
With that thought, I'm going to brew up some fine, home-roasted Ethiopian coffee grown on a small, family-owned organic coffee farm under fair-trade conditions. Yum!
  • "The brain is the only time machine " Groucho Marx

Nope, with all due respect to Groucho, my audio system is also a time machine.

Last night I invited Billy Holliday into the listening room to transport me back to the live performance she did with the Gerry Mulligan Quartet at one of the Montreux Jazz Festivals.


  • "By the way I summon Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway at your recommendation in my own time machine and I thank you for that ... "

Thank you, and you are welcome, Mahgister. Now if only I can find a clean, Hot Stamper on vinyl of that recording.

Interesting article, nonoise.  Thanks for posting it.

Seeing as how trees would soak up the overabundance of CO2, you must be in favor of The Orange Man's agreement to the planting of a trillion trees, no?

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