Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Showing 50 responses by nonoise

Ah, the old Cambrian Explosion BS. 

At the beginning of the Cambrian, the air at sea level would have felt like base camp at Mount Everest, but the climate was milder and more uniform than today. A bigger problem would be finding something to eat because there were no land plants or animals. You’d need to find a way of catching trilobites and other strange-looking shellfish, without wood to make a spear or plant fibre to make a fishing net. And you’d have to eat them raw, unless you could find a way to extract oil from these animals, or burn dry seaweed.

For a more comfortable existence, you might be better off skipping ahead 100 million years to the Silurian. This had slightly more oxygen and a warmer climate, as well as simple land plants and the first bony fish, which might have been more palatable. Unfortunately, you would have to share the land with prehistoric millipedes and spider-like creatures.

Not like eating your favorite shellfish but heck, MC would see it as his personal buffet.

Then there's the BIG Oxygen Crash brought on by the Cambrian period to deal with:
Turns out the oceans acted like one big carbon sink, just like they're doing today and viola!, lots of life ending scenarios for myriad species.

All the best,
This explains why he's been in a piss poor mood as of late.
The truth is hard to take and the more it hits home, the
harder he has to work to deny it. 
What's the deal everyone else can shill tweaks on post after post but I can't shill these same tweaks to save the planet?

It could be they're really good zingers and the OP has the right to delete posts he deems inappropriate. Or it could be the mods but their being selective does induce some head scratching.

All the best,
Just skimming thru MC's usual pablum, I missed what he said about Greta Thunberg. It's all part of "owning the libs" thru defamation, insults, outright lies, etc. People forget there is a sadistic element. 

By the way, here's some more "fake news" from NASA:
Click on any graph...

All the best,
Hilariously missing the point. The sadistic element is taking advantage of an autistic little girl. The sadistic element is frightening little kids telling them they have no future. The planet will be dead and all of us too in a few years.
Quite the spin. That little girl figured it out on her own. What are you gonna say next, that the kids at Sandy Hook were just actors and were put up to it?

And you can’t trust google? That says it all right there. It’s an algorithm that keeps topics at the top (from search parameter demands, etc.) so if you want to narrow it down to topics you like, you’ll need to insert words like, crazy conspiracies, right wing nuts, unvetted sources, debunked topics, unqualified science, Qanon, Deep State, black helicopters, men in black, Pizzagate, the boogeyman under your bed, etc.

All the best,

What scientific methods applied by mere humans would, in effect, change the solar cycles and the angle-relationship of the earth to the sun? 
So, that's all there is to it?

No one is saying there aren’t cycles in the weather. The tree rings speak the truth. Those rings in the trees as well as ones that are measurable in all manner of things, shows cycles upon cycles that range within norms with the seldom occurring outliers.

It’s all a delicate balance that’s achieved thru a variety of constants and relying on those constants, with the occasional asteroid or something earth shattering happening.

Then along comes a species that sees itself as above all that is which is nature and akin to the gods they imagine. This species has the ability to rationalize their aberrant behavior via all manner of devices, from religion (hastening the end times they crave) to economics (oh, the profits we can make in the short term as some other job creator will come along and fix everything).

Those cycles that the trees hold depict a balance so delicate because the cycles work in the confines of our atmosphere and oceans, which are finite, and therefore, subject to analysis. Pick any amount of toxin or pollutant, inject it into said model, and you can predictively model the results. Repeatedly. Accurately.

The cause is not in dispute and no amount of saying it is, is going to change any rational mind. Conflating it with "government intrusion" is just plain silly, I’m sorry to say. That is like saying I can park my diesel truck with it’s exhaust pointed at your open front door and idling it, all the while claiming "my freedom to do what I want without government regulations." Then, I’ll dump my toxic runoff into your drinking water and shout, "Take me to court and prove your harm."

The skies and oceans are not open sewers and when used as one, tend to back up on us.

All the best,
If you read the article, you'd understand. Just because it's the New York Times, reading it won't burn your eyes. Every point you bring up is addressed.

That 'nuff "splainin'?

All the best,Nonoise
Thanks to Rachel Carson and her diatribe against DDT in her book "Silent Spring," written in 1962, subsequently causing DDT to be abandoned world-wide, millions in Third World countries have died from malaria.
What a load of hooey. This kind of blind acceptance of right wing theater is why lies don’t die.
See here:
If you can wrap your head around it, you’ll understand why RoundUP is so ineffective against insects, which is why they’ve changed the formula so many times now, endangering humans along the way. The same for DDT.

The old way of dealing with insects and vermin were to simply rotate crops and types of crops. There are over 40,000 strains of rice and it was simple to just swap out one variety for another, then another. Bugs couldn’t keep up with it. But no, not now. Now you have patents on seeds (which used to be illegal) and you’re getting in the way of someone’s right to make a buck, even if it means screwing everyone else.

And as for overpopulation, please, by all means, contact the DOD, the Pentagon, and even other nations militaries and ask them if they think overpopulation is a hoax. Ask them why they have plans for dealing with
it. They take things very seriously. Technology has kept up with over population.

Thanks to our ability to transport huge amounts of things around the globe, populations have exploded to the point where they are critically dependent on them. See what happens when any major part of that transportation system breaks down.

All the best,
And as for anything Tony Heller puts out:

The guy is a quack, but one of a soft spoken nature, meant to sooth and lull.

All the best,

Indeed. Make the government the enemy and the corporations will come to the rescue. So rather than have "of the people, by the people, for the people," a cohort of the citizens seem to want a quasi-oligarchic dictatorship with someone at the helm of equal intelligence to themselves.
Wonderfully stated. It’s why we’re in the predicament we presently find ourselves in.

All the best,

The facts of DDT were already mentioned: banning it cost millions of lives.
And there, in this very sentence, you have it. Despite the facts of the situation at the link above disproving it, this zombie lie continues to lumber along, like locomotor ataxia, ever ready and willing to spread the lie to another, uniformed audience, in the hopes of someone, anyone, falling for it.

To think that that motivates one to do what they do.....

All the best,

I will suggest a key word : participative democracy...
The Greeks tried that. They drew lots to fill positions for civil service on a yearly basis. That way it involved everyone. When it came to be your turn, you did your civic duty. Those that didn’t were called idiota.

It’s where we get the word "idiot" from. Heh, wasn’t our present system founded on that very same concept? And, why are there those who decry our participation in government through our directly elected representatives, falsely calling it "big government"?

We had the largest and most successful rise in the middle classes and it scared the hell out of the elite. That’s when the mantra that government is bad for you came about and what do know.....some bought into that crap. It was made all the easier to believe because it was race based: one of the easiest ways to sway the small minded since it was always there.

One academic likened our present society to a football stadium with it’s own right and left wings represented on the field. It’s the one that Reagan built. The one before it was the one that FDR built. He went into more detail but I’ll cut to the chase: we need a new stadium.

All the best,

Steve Goddard, Tony Heller, which is it? Seems the same man is using both names. Is it because he's been thoroughly discredited under his real name so now he has to use an alias?

Can't wait until Tom Selleck wears out his welcome scamming the elderly out of their homes as he'd make for a great climate denier spokesman. He's straight outta central casting and oh, so trustworthy. Oh, and he had to make amends for stealing public water to save his avocado trees because as we all know, it's just a hoax.

Imagine someone going so far as to hire some goons in what could be confused to be a public utility vehicle, hook it up to a hydrant and steal  thousands of gallons of water. Repeatedly. Since he denies global warming, why didn't he just wait until the next year? It all goes in cycles, right?

All the best,
You forgot to mention: Blood, Frogs, Lice, Wild Beasts, Pestilence, Skin Disease, Hail, Locusts, Darkness. etc.

As for the real modeling predictions, I have to go back to my favorite site that looks at everything, especially what the naysayers say (and so should all of us)

That site is a great source for those who’d like to educate themselves and cut through all the BS. Your googling fingers will thank you.

All the best,

The name calling is because the man is dangerous. As to comparing him to Beck, or even O'Reilly is easy as it's all on the same spectrum, and those making the most noise about Peterson are no more than a generation removed from those who followed Beck.

The water has been tainted for so long that it now tastes normal to the undiscerning. 

All the best,
So, the boy toy followers are offended. Will they look up the Joe Rogan segment and hear it for themselves. I highly doubt it.

Think about it before you're in too deep to pull back. He's a leading expert on personality traits and therefore, knows how to manipulate anyone who won't look past the veneer. He strokes and soothes you because he knows it's not your fault, it's the women who want equal rights, it's the immigrant who wants your job, it's that gender whatever person threatening your manhood, it's big government wanting to control you. 

How many of his kind have come before him and flourished? How many of them have you followed, worshiped and adored, only to be discarded for a better version? He's not one of the greatest thinkers of our time. He's a huckster. 

I remember when Glenn Beck was so worshipped and followed and he openly said in an interview "I'm a rodeo clown". This is not the first rodeo, folks.

All the best,
Peterson is an opportunistic scam artist, taking advantage of the gullible.
Granted, he’s a right smart psychologist and a leader in his field of personality traits, cited more than 10,000 time but not a peep after 2010.
Then he gets pissed off over addressing some people not by their birth gender pronouns and then he’s off to the races. That took until 2016 and he saw and took his chance.

Because of his notoriety, he earns about $80,000 a month thru his Patreon account and on YouTube. To quote him directly:
"I shouldn’t say this, but I’m going to, because it’s just so goddamn funny I can’t help but say it: I’ve figured out how to monetize social justice warriors,” Peterson told the podcast host Joe Rogan. “If they let me speak, then I get to speak, and then I make more money on Patreon ... if they protest me, then that goes up on YouTube, and my Patreon account goes WAY up.”
This guy has figured out how to milk his audience (of suckers) for all their worth. It’s worth noting though that the viewership on YouTube is not made up of SJWs but his boy toy rabid followers.

All the best,

Ordinarily I enjoy few things more than tearing apart a smugly pontificating liberal. 
MC, therein lies your problem. Anything to the left of you, you consider liberal. With you it's all binary as there is no middle ground, no grey, no nuance. You're so far off to the right that the territory you despise includes centrist, mainstream thinking, as well as the left leaning side of things.

All the best,

fa·nat·ic/fəˈnadik/Learn to pronouncenoun
  1. a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.

zeal·ot/ˈzelət/Learn to pronouncenoun
  1. a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals
Those who'd describe someone as something akin to the second coming should be given a wide berth, psychoanalysis, and possibly medication. The analogy of Elmer Gantry was spot on.

All the best,
We always hope for something better, either in the here and now or the hereafter. Just settle for making it better now, because it's all you've got.
And on that note,

All the best,
Yep, when the sun begins to burn it's helium it will grow into a red giant then after a few billion years more it will rip itself apart condensing into a whit dwarf. I doubt humans will exist long enough to be worried about it.
Unless they send Spock to deliver some red anti-matter. 

But, in the end, you can file that under just another example of deus ex machina, like all of our previous contrivances.

All the best,
In a billion years our sun will grow so large, it will consume Venus and Mercury and bake any life out of existence on Earth. 4 billion years later it will have grown and swallowed Earth. 

It will all be moot by then as our contribution to the universe will be filed under "whatever'.

All the best,
My, my, my.

So the sun is the reason?

And as for the ICE AGE rant, it was only two articles, one in Newsweek and the other, I believe, in Time, that a couple of scientists claimed would happen and guess what? They were smacked down by the overwhelming majority (again) of climate scientists.

You shouldn’t stand behind those bovines.

All the best,
If there is some underlying force, something after we leave this mortal coil, the answer to all our hopes, fears and dreams, I think it will be something like this:

All the best,
MC is doing another classic example of projection. Heller was exposed for cherry picking data and altering graphs. So it follows that he must accuse others of doing it.

This is old news.

All the best,
These alarmists always demand the same thing - absolute power to dominate transform and control every aspect of our lives."
Which is the battle cry of the right wing, regardless of country. They believe the common man cannot decide for himself and must have some form of absolute power dictate his life. It's the founding concept of Leviathan

It can come in the form of religion or politics, and often a combination of both. It's just another means of control that they decry of others, and practice themselves.

All the best,

Which is why what we have today is so encouraging. Finally a leader not only talking but actually fulfilling the promise of returning more power to the people. Seven regulations abolished for every one added. Actually much more than that. That's what really has them all riled up. Democrat, republican, or whatever, they're all screaming their gravy train is being derailed. That's why massive crowds flock together and stand in line for hours- common people see they at last are getting theirs.

Nothing like regurgitating what is being spoon fed to you.
The overwhelming majority want investigations into your wanna be despot and a simple majority want him ran out on a rail (tar and feathers optional).

All the best,

MC, you are so easily swayed. What’s it like to live in fantasy land?
He’s abolished regs so they can poison your water, pollute without consequence, did a HUGE socialist bailout of farmers that he screwed over (3x the auto bailouts), and allow pigs testicles, bladders and crap in ground pork.

He got no republican votes because cults don’t vote against their leader. The ONE dem who changed sides did so to keep his job which he saw as threatened if he stayed a dem. He doesn’t want to go out and get a real job.

As for tens of thousands, big deal. MILLIONS more voted against him. They follow him from state to state like a tent revival show. These are the same stiffs who found The Apprentice deep and Survivor and The Batchelor up there with Shakespeare. He’s stiffed cities to the tune of millions owed for security. He won by a confluence of odd luck, getting less than 1% in three states, which put him over. I’ve seen those "crowds" with the empty seats, the bored ditto heads on their phones, the emptiness outside the stadiums that he claims are full of people who wanted to get in.

You probably think wrestling is real too.

All the best,
30 inches in 24 hours? 
Ya see folk, that's what happens when there's so much more evaporated water in the atmosphere. The largest river in the world runs over our heads, and it's getting bigger all the time.

Earth heats up, water evaporates, water comes down, in one form or another. Simple.

All the best,
This thread, and most like it, have always been a microcosm of US culture. One need only to see who started a thread and who went off on a tangent and since past behavior predicts future, how it's going to progress.

All the best,
@mahgidster, Oh, I do understand you as my contributions to this thread clearly show. To say that you believe in climate change and that the causes are not man made, is a political statement, since it's in the realm of politics that it is where the decisions to do something about it are decided.

Unifying consciousness has already been done. It's just that a minority of those in power, who stand to keep enriching themselves on an outmoded model of making money, still have the resources to entrench themselves in their endeavors, securing and ensuring their aristocratic life styles, at the expense of everyone else.

All the best,
mahgister, I enjoy your posts as well and don't take offense. What seems to be misunderstood is that what I've always said is, there's always been a delicate balance to our environment. What's hastening things is man's contribution to that balancing act that's responsible for the dilemma we're now all in.

That balance took ages to achieve and now we're screwing it up, all the while under the impression that the air and water are infinite in their ability to absorb all the pollutants we emit. Science says otherwise.

As for free markets, name one that ever existed without regulations that didn't favor one group over another. It's all where you draw the lines. Regulations are an inherent part of any economy.

By the way, we had a good preview of that Dickensian dystopia right here in the good 'ol USA, Hooverville, and the elite of those days thought it was a good thing.

All the best,

The falsehood of "warmers and coolers being the puppets of political agendas" seems to have a long shelf life. If the political arena can be broken into 3 equal parts (1/3 left, 1/3 center, 1/3 right) then belief in man made global warming would constitute more than 2/3 of the population, leaving the remaining 1/3 off to the side, along with ostriches, unicorns and self made men.

All the best,
It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.
---Upton Sinclair

It is useless to argue with a man whose opinion is based upon a personal or pecuniary interest.
---William Jennings Bryan

Doctors have a monopoly of medicine just as parsons have of God. You can’t get a parson to admit the arguements of an agnostic, because his salary depends on his not letting the agnostic refute him; and you can’t get an ordinary doctor to look kindly on psychoanalysis or autosuggestion because their success would make him superfluous. All this is not a question of the Life Force at all; it is a question of bread and butter.
---C.E.M. Joad

Never argue with a man whose job depends on not being convinced.
---H.L. Mencken

All the best,
I'm a retiree in the state of California and am thankful for their forward thinking. All of the evils described above, and more, contribute to the state with the greatest economy in the nation. If California were a country, it would rank 5th in the world. 

All the naysayers say if you raise taxes, wages, and have intelligent regulation, we should be on the losing side of things. We're not. Granted, we're not perfect, but you don't see California taking in more in federal assistance than we pay in taxes. In fact, we get less federal assistance than what we pay out.

We rank 26th in the nation in federal taxes (right in the middle) and yet pay enough to support all the takers in those other states that enjoy low state and federal taxes. If I had my way, they'd get only what they pay and stop leaching off of us. Then see how they fare.

It's one thing to whine and complain, quite another to live it.

All the best,
What does the poop on the sidewalks and the stuff that comes out of right wing media have in common?
Sorry to hear that, @djones51. Sounds like what happened in Kansas and Wisconsin. They initiated that great republican style of governing (corporate tax breaks, freezing wages, union busting, etc.) and bankrupted both states.

At least they got to "own" the libs. They still will not admit they were wrong. Some feel they should have gone further. That's how nuts they are.

It was just one of many criminal enterprises masquerading as a political party, sucking the citizens dry, and entrenching themselves in power.

To think that there are still people who fall for their lies is one of life’s great mysteries.

All the best,
@djones51, you beat me to it. It seems that Henny Penny gets all his facts from somewhere behind him, like that $80,000/year street cleaner. It took all of two seconds to google it and the starting pay for an entry level street cleaner is $32,427. In a perfect world, getting a 3% raise every year would take you 31 years to get at that salary.

Hell, while you're at it Henny Penny, check out the streets of LA or any city and you easily spot the homeless. On my morning walks I see the same faces, year in and year out; homeless encampments that last for several months. 

There used to be facilities in place to deal with it but you have Reagan to thank for that. Considering that about half of the homeless are veterans, we should be ashamed.

All the best,
So, we have to be open to something that cannot be owned and which is unique and unobtainable that will lead us to something no one can see. 

Got it. 👍

No offense, just thought some humor would be nice.

All the best,
What Henny Penny's rant doesn't mention is that it is only 6 members who have that job and the salary I quoted for a street cleaner was correct. Because of the hazardous nature of the job, they get that pay. The way he says it, one would get the impression that public employees are all making that kind of money. I'd love to hear him rant about corporate pay.

Imagine if Reagan never started us down this path.

All the best,
What I don’t understand about many of the "informed" here is how and why they direct their ire to those to the sides of them and to those below them when the perps who are behind their misery reside above them.

Loyalty to an abstract in the hopes of someday rubbing shoulders with them or deluding themselves into thinking that someday it will all be theirs as well confounds.

Homelessness is a natural and predictable outcome as the inequality gap grows. Estimates of the working homeless in LA is around 50%. These are people who hold down jobs but can’t afford housing, let alone rent. They live in their cars and motorhomes, or if lucky, crash on a couch or floor of a friend.

If a living wage were paid, that would solve that, and it would cut down on taxes (for food stamps, housing, etc.) that we shouldn’t be paying to subsidize companies who refuse to pay those living wages. Talk about takers.

All the best,
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