Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Showing 50 responses by asvjerry

What does one do when the Phoenix has nowhere to make the flight to?

Even the animals know better than to crap in their own nests.

Why should we think we're 'better', 'smarter', or 'different', just because we're able to notice 'something's not right'?

Sticking one's head into the sand is a long as you don't inhale....
....what I find so 'deliciously heartwarming' about all this....

Is that most of us won't live long enough to actually experience the worst of what may occur If the projections come to pass.

AND....if they don't...same thing.

I'd prefer the latter outcome; not that I'll get to enjoy or just merely get to carry on as usual...

MHO is that it's still a 'win/win' scenario to take the former seriously and clean up our act anyway.

We could at least save the honeybees.

Unless one's dream of 'full employment' is to a whole lot of people in the fields with small brushes....collecting pollen, distributing same, pulling weeds, killing the odd bug....

We'd all be fitter, tanned....and thin.

"My goal is to find a cure for irony and make a fool out of God!"
('Jimmy Tomorrow', The Waitresses)

Personally...(what else is there?*L*)..I want to have my carcass dissolved, and poured into a river....

In a relatively short span of time.....
I'll 'be' Everywhere.
And I can soak your head.
*L*  And all you'll be able to do is curse the sky.

Which may be what will happen...anyway....:(
noromance, *L*  Yeah, I noticed...;)

Although, 'lively' is being generous and very diplomatic...*G*

I post late at night/morning when the 'verbal btu's have subsided a tad...

Perhaps an annoying habit, does when one can.

Good morning, least, here in NC think that all of this came forth from the OP (remember him?) registering a simple praise of the 'quieting' effect of a snowfall and it's lovely appearance...
...which has melted down into this morass of mud-slinging, 'bad vibes', and exchanges that would have triggered one hell of a bar fracas.

What's next?

Waterboarding chickens to get to the bottom of 'who came first?"
At this point, does it matter?  (That resolved itself long before the chicken, anyway....they're as clueless as we are....)

168+ what passes for 'normal, rational adults' (sic)...and no closer to a simple sort of consensus on Any of the 'topics' that have cropped up and been trampled.  Or still in the process of...

And our elected (or 'subjected to') governments aren't any closer to a 'global consensus' either....*sigh*  Surprising?   No.

Oh, well.

I'll say it now (because I may not be in the mood 'later', when the 'fan' gets feces'd to obliteration...

It's been kinda nice chatting with y'all...mostly...;)

Hey!   Let's return to crappy 'X's speakers are, and why they should try....

@mahgister....*S*  I love it when the poet in one reveals itself, and quietly revels in the Now.....

Some may find this 'polyannish', but if one can't stop to 'smell the roses' what's the point of raising them?

Have a pleasant day, y'all...
....*!*  Isn't Hialeah a racetrack for horses?
Oh...a pun....

Jebus Crust....*grumble, grumble*
No need to apologize....and agreed, the 'temp pest' of the later hours is primarily prowled by the likes (or dislikes) of Me.....;)

And the virus language is ripe for ruin...

Always been a fan of  Cyrano de Bergerac, with Gérard Depardieu playing our noblely nosed hero, he of unknown to verbally destroy tall egos with a volley of verbs...*G*

Doing that in this era is like using a silencer on a .22....unheard, unheeded, until actually struck.  The response is typical:

"Well...FU2!" *primate growl and grimace*

"Hmmm...offer accepted.  Do you have a suitable companion for me?" *Icy S*

(Tears them up every time....)
The sign read:

Due to budget cuts and deferred maintenance
the light @ the end of the tunnel is non-functional

I'd like to get off, but there's nowhere else to go.
Tasty little number..;)
That’s me when I'm off the wrong side of bed, face 1st to floor....

If lucky...face up....*L*
...damn, I 'go away' and y'all go 'introspective' and seriously Serious...*G*

BTW....mahgister, thanks for the compliment back on pg.5....;)  I try to type some sense into my senseless strokes on these keys...

Although appreciative of the 'old Masters", I currently enjoy such:

A Better version on SoundCloud...and still good advice for one's 'puter...*S*

'Life, the Universe....and Everything'.....Yes, Deep Thought....;)

Annoyingly transient...just when you think you've got a handle on it, it's over.  Unless Something interrupts your learning curve...
The Universe
Boy, howdy...there's an awful lot of it, isn't there?  A wonderful wonder to behold, and the Ocean is so big our boat so small.
Is it meaningful to be here?
Beats the alternative. *S*
Enjoy.  Try not to break anything; someone else might like to encounter It.
'Leave nothing but footprints, take only memories.'
Still great advice....

I was raised Catholic.  As a youngster, we got trouped into the church where we got to ask questions of the priest, a pleasant older gent.

True to form, I asked The Question.

"What's it feel like to be dead?"

He blinked....paused...

"You have no feelings, no perceptions; total unconsciousness.."

(Silence from the group...except....)

" will we know if we're in Heaven or Hell...or Purgatory?"

(It got a lot Quieter....and he changed the subject, and our little meeting ended shortly thereafter....)

God will get me for that...."You had to go there, didn't you?"

"Well.....*shrug* (if that's possible, under the 'circumstance'...)

There exists This...if it seems a 'better option'....;)

....get to find out soon enough...;)

Have a you can't. ;)

*S* Getting 'Frost-ed' on a chilly morning makes it a tad more tolerable...

Thanks, geo....and Good Morning to you and all...
nonoise, that and other reasons is why we left TX behind us...:(

When we 'got to TX as fast as we could' in '91, Houston was staggering back onto it's feet.  It was (in some ways) a relief from the S.F./Bay area which was exploding and imploding at the same time.

Silicone Fever...when it was new, it was exciting as is any 'rush'. ;)
What's become of the beloved "City by the Bay" isn't pretty, and we surfed the initial shock waves Out. It shocked our friends, our employers..."We can't live here anymore....too much of Anything isn't good in the long run...."

The same with Houston...visited friends in '18, looked around once again...*sighed*, and felt relieved we'd again dodged a sort of weird bullet that we recognize it's 'approach'.

I was born and 'raised' (in many ways) in L.A. and those environs...*S*  It's still 'home', but in '76 I took this song to heart....

Haven't regretted that move, either...;)
(Read the comments...Yup....*S*...and J.J.W's lyrics spell it out better than I could or can, even now...)

"Born to Run"?  Well, I guess, kinda...We've stopped now....getting too tired and old for 'one more go at it'....

And here, at the edge of the Blue Ridge is still nice enough to sit 'n stay.

Do what we do...until we can't. *S*

May y'all be so lucky, if you find yourselves in what you'd consider the same for you and yours; ;)

You and yours truly likely won't be around for the worst of it.

What a Wonderful Legacy.;)  'Course, that hinges on how paranoid or straight-up concerned you may be over what's being reported, warned about, or nay-said about the issue..

My 'take' (or 'HO', be that as it is...); it'd would seem to be 'intelligent' ("Supplies are limited!  Order NOW, or miss the opportunity!") to engage in a response that just might make a difference..

Now, to some poor snot in an Indian slum (who may not view it as such; to them, it's Home....), climate issues may seem light-centuries from their daily drag.....but, responding to what 'perhaps' seems to be pending would seem by the major global 'communities' to be a 'good idea'....'just in case'....'not a bad idea'....:(

One would like to think that leaving one's children knee-deep in rising coastal water while the temps are acting like a yo-yo between storm and drought with all the bee's diseased or dead...and everyone acting like an armed militia, ready to pop a cap into anyone that lets their dog poop on their lawn...

(Yeah, I know I'm being a tad 'extreme'...but actually, I can 'crank it up' more....'Nut-Case Level 11' IS within my scope of trope....)

Here's one....The aliens arrive...(Not the South Americans....'Them', y'know....'off-planet tourista'...) find the cockroach is now the 'fittest survivor'.

Us?  DinoDirt. might have to forestall buying that new $15K amp!  How unfair is that?!  The 'off-worlder's' would have to not have the intrinsic and unique experience of hearing your collection of dusty LP's.....

Leaving them with....

"Humans....*tsk*  what a waste of protoplasm... they may have been fun to hang about with....  Oh, well.  Let's strip mine the place, and move on to the next system..."

Chiming in, thanks for the Cash, maps....*S*  We've all went through the eye of that needle in our various ways....

MC, absolutely...the Sun will go *foom* eventually, and I suspect long before then, we will have as well.  However....there doesn't seem a real need to rush that scenario in the short term, right?  Or, one would hope...

Fascinating possibility of getting to see Betelgeuse 'go nova' perhaps in our current era...'course, it may have already but the 'light show' hasn't reached our neighborhood yet... Maybe we'll all become zombie's, due to some 'effects' we've no knowledge of.  Maybe we'll all have all the brains we've lacked all this time...;)

We certainly don't appear to have enough now....despite the greater majority of our best 'brains' pointing out that the greatest amount of information and details are indicating that We, the People...all of us, not just here in the (vaguely) United States (of divisions)....have fouled our nest enough to potentially make it break.

"Yeah, we got dogs 'n Valvoline, it's a pretty damn good time...."

And Plan B begins to look like ethical suicide on a large scale.

Well, meanwhile....Happy Friday, y'all. :)  
"I've been Ayn Randed, nearly branded
a Communist, 'cuz I'm left handed.

But that's the hand to use!
Well, never mind." - A Simple Desultory Philippic - Paul Simon.

Right handed myself, not that it matters...except to me..

I've always thought that giving up a tail was a bad bit of evolution....we always seem to need another hand on a daily basis....*tsk*

But, we went and evolved so we need each other.

Which is a gift and a lesson that we haven't evolved enough to to appreciate as much as we ought to....

...and quickly, if we have as much sense as we give ourselves credit for...
" I've lost my mind/but I don't mind/become mostly blind/changed by our time/politically slime'd/financially crime'd/rhymed and dime'd/been sublime/less inclined/plied/fried/spy'd/declined/


...lost my virtue, Chump. Thanks...for nothin'..."

Desolation, Roamed, 2020

 Just another 'diss in the dark'...:)
(...placing a "Do Not Fold, Bend, Spindle, or Mutilate" sticker on my backside....)  Thanks,'s good to have support, even if some will query your sanity....*G*

"Humans will do what they always do, accommodate." ...and when they don't they'll slaughter or abuse whatever's in their way.  Or, if overpowered, will simply 'lie low' until they can 'get the drop on those bastards!'...

We really don't have a great 'track record' in many I shan't blame extraterrestrials for keeping us at a distance with a 10 parsec pole.

That ought to be enough 'degrees of separation' for the while...;)

I spend an amount of 'free mental time' considering the various 'n sundry....

What drives us to take opposite poles on an issue, even if things can be demonstrated accurately to support one viewpoint...and it alone?

"Pseudo-science', 'Fake news', Lies vs. Statistics, "Guns don't kill people; People kill people"....the bees' in one's head that distract daily...

"The royal couple has decided to 'live a Normal Life".
OK, cool...define 'normal', as it seems everything But. 

If I met Kenjit in the flesh...would he actually be 'like-able' in most ways?

Am I tolerable for longer than a post? (I heard that...back 'atcha...*L*)

Is 'functional schizophrenia' becoming a means of coping in our 'modern era'?

We think so....*oops*...I mean.... 

*L* ;)
*S* Thanks, nonoise.....

Every now and again, my muse takes me by the keys and goes walkabout...

....and I'm prone to wonder and wander.

The movie Lucy is a favorite of mine.  A very 'one-way' LSDish trope; reminds one of the 'red or blue pill' choice in the Matrix...

You take one or the other....there is No Return.

But, we face that daily anyway....*L*

..but, then again....there's always the 'Matrix option'...

...I've had an....'interesting backstory'....having been subjected to such....;)

...and more than simple posts could ever explain....
(...!...I knew it...they're going to swerve right into quantum cosmology with a side of mention of holographic reality yet, but....perhaps that's dessert....)

Figured it 'all' out yet?

Just as I thought....

Do me a favor....(not to emulate the Prez, but there it is...)

Step outside, and look up.  Hopefully, a nice clear night of the lights of uncivilization.....

...and you can only see a minuscule fraction of what's really 'out there'...

...and what allows one to see it, much less comprehend...

...or, for that matter (mind, over), How you can...or even begin to grasp the enormity of it....and the depth of time....

...and IF there's an entity behind it all....

 A small lifeform on a backwater planet...a goldfish in it's bowl....

Striving to be and become Lucy....( the film, not the ancestor....).

Most of the 'current' religions would rather have you in blinders, dark glasses, and cower in guilt.

Most of the older ones, primarily Eastern, would have one just 'go with it, it's beyond our grasp'...

Half full...half empty....or does the glass exist at all?

*S*  I am but a tiny flashbulb in the dark, here and gone.

Briefer than a candle, a dust mote in the light, floating by....

I'm OK with that.

Any explanations may prove to be no better than the shapes of gods in the night sky, squatting about the fire, chipping flints....

We still have a long way to go tomorrow.

The route unclear, still fraught with danger and hazard.

We are still our own worst enemy, the lizard core of our brain still rules our steps.


But not wise

(...meanwhile, back to Reality...which is still in progress, or seems to be...)

To be or not to, whatever....*L*

This is my vote for the Most Engaging Forum; Off-topic category.

Marvelous what a bit of snow can cause.... ;)
Whether one likes that....or inconsequential...

We really are ghosts in the machine....

Lucy's final message, @ the end of the Final Fracas in the film....

I am Everywhere

...struck me then (and still echos, even now) as our Ultimate Fate....perhaps...

Our biological existence ceases....matter returns to the source, the body dissipates back to the earth we were assembled from...

The energy, the 'electron flow' that drives our thoughts, our motions, emotions, the 'waking>sleep' impetus we call 'a life' does as well.....

...surely does too.  We actually 'do' be Everywhere...yet again.

And That...seems to be the price of consciousness.

We have no knowledge of existence prior to birth.  Some claim to 'prior lives' but even a dolt like yours truly can 'extrapolate' into my dog's paws and POV...and consider life on the floor....

wake/wag/out/piss/poop/eat/petting/wag/lay on bed/sleep/etc.

Simple, sheer existence. *S*  We're the one's who make it pleasant or not.

"And, in the end...." *Poof* Gone.

Just because we can consider it.....contemplate it, fear it, accept it (or not)....

It is what it is until it isn't.

Literally, back to the future, the Void.

An insane amount of millennia later, Perhaps....

"YOU"...might be back. 

As Van Morrison's "Into The Mystic" ends....

" another another another face...."

One just has to be patient....but, that's kinda inevitable, under the circumstance... *G* ;)
”Big things have small beginnings.” - The robot David in Prometheus

...and we saw how that little experiment panned out....:(
...and the ’follow-up’ movie’s ending promised to make matters even more disturbing, putting it mildly...

Watch ’who’ and ’what’ a quote pertains any good sword, it has 2 edges.
When you’re skewering one opponent, another may be right behind you with an interest in your neck...;)

"His head was on the ground, looking up....didn’t even have the time to look surprised...."

While I’m here, sticking My neck out....*G*....

10,000-3,146=6,854 that didn’t respond at all.
That 31.5% vs. 68.5% seems to echo the voting habits of the residents of this country.
Which does seem to indicate Why we’re in the current morass...

So....IMHO, long held....
If you don’t vote, for whatever reason...
Don’t complain about ’whatever’....
You have nothing to add to the discussion short of warm air....
(I'm just watching the 'floor show' here.....Y'all are an 'amusing act', but stay off Broadway, please?)

*...considering loading the air rifle with 'tranq' darts...*
"571 posts on the page, 571 posts....
Stick one up, 'Oh, WTF....'
572 posts...."
*L*  Not for that bug anymore....;)  Not that it had any concerns over it....

And I know a lot better than to strike that hook....;)

We're on opposite ends of that spectrum; this you know already.

Just another case of the 'irresistible force X immovable object', discussion-wise for either of us.  And, only time will tell which stance holds sway.  We both hope we're right.

I will concede that I would prefer your scenario...

Personally, I'm more pleased I nailed that bug....instant 'grats' over an annoying pest....;)
*L* 'Reality for the stinkbug I just snuffed didn't turn out well, however...;)

@djones5 , well....I guess I should preface certain HO’s with not-to-be-misinterpreted in:

’The following comment contains Irony’....or ’is Snide Observation on the posters’ part’.....

I mistakenly thought that ’___’ would suffice, but apparently not....

OK....some interpretations may help...

Floor show = 12 pages and still underway

Amusing act = No resolutions in sight; even a simple agreement on what would seem to be ’common knowledge’ is rare.

"...stay off Broadway,..." = ...which occasionally hosts sheer mind-numbing ’Bombs’.

Character A; "....there’s nothing left to say..."

Character B; "And there’s no one write an this dumb-ass play!" (B slumps over, feigning death)

PLEASE NOTE: The previous is the Humble Opinion of it’s poster. No personal attacks or attributions are intended nor implied. The poster willingly accepts the potential of being accused as a ’Troll’, or any other depreciative description. The poster is solely responsible for said post’s content. The poster reserves the Right to, in the event of crowd’s appearing on his doorstep and/or property, unleash whatever means of ’crowd control’ strikes his fancy, fear, or deranged amusement. Individuals may be eaten.

There...feel better?

I really don’t care, frankly....;)
...but at least you've gotten some insight as to how I sometimes perceive some of these forums...seemingly endless wrangling over what is already known to be contentious....

What is Reality?

Whatever 'you' make of it.  That would seem obvious, but...*shrug*

And that pretty much applies to All of 2 alike.

Similar....but still different, in some way.  And even that is situational.

I can accept that, and have for a very long time now...and I'm good with it.

The 'man' is a hopeless aberration...a smooth-talking backtracking backstabbing lecher...
Rules by whim...if that fails, threats....followed by small minded fear....
Good evening....*S* Regardless of one's political/environmental stance, planting a tree or 3 doesn't have to be considered a revolutionary act.
They're generally quiet and make good neighbors.
The shade (properly planned for) is a great place to hang on a hot sunny day.  And you can mulch the leaves, or just mow them into the turf and get the same effect.  They come in a pretty wide variety, because one size doesn't fit all.  Some have fruit as well as the O2 'freebie'.

They're not even all that expensive, either.  Wander into a forest, and you can find 'volunteers' (sprouts) for free.
Sounds like a 'win-win' IMHO....

Friend Mahgister....If your words fail you.....allow me to fill in those blanks....;) 
(Not really, but thanks for the vote of support...;)....)

I've not trusted nor liked the 'man' since the day I learned of his....existence...such as that consists of....

If allowed to continue....before the 'Proctors' of this site muzzled me, and slammed the door on this forum shut....

I would turn this page 'colors' that would make forest fire or volcanic flow look like a child's 7/4 sparkler.....turn down your heater....put on your sunglasses....SPF 100 on your eyes....
What could be a fitting fate for our dear old Chump....?

Perhaps.....a prison term, of the same length as his public disservice...

With cellmate Bubba, the known psychopath...with a taste for tush...

Any tush will do just fine....
I'm going to pause for a moment....I have much better activities to attend to, then to waste the energy in my fingers, illustrating the fallacy of a fool...

But, like Arnold....

"I'll be back..."
Darn Old Chump....he's the greatest, but not in any way positive.

You can be fooled, but continuing the charade is not only idiotic, but dangerous as well.....

Oh, pardon me.....He is the greatest at one thing for sure.

I've vented enough bile for one night....


Lets' watch what happens next in this 'tellanovella' ...

*L*  Making history is such a messy affair.... ;)

Oh, and thanx for the G. Marx....was always a fan of the M.Bros...

...esp. when Harpo harped for real....*S*

Good night to y'all....and may your aim be true... ;) promised...*S*  (I like to keep them...karmically a plus..;)...)

An interlude well spent; dinner, dishes, and dishing from the daily news...

Ah, Mike...."I didn't know what was going on with Darnold!"

....why does that sound like Monday AM quarterbacking....on the following Friday?  Especially when others have indicated otherwise....and no VP is That Clueless....

...seems a lot of Senators are (a least) nervous....if not out 'n out Spooked.....

"Can I get a Witness?!"  You Bet...*L*  Let's get the Rude' on the stand....

Talk about a comedy act.....then, let's have the Headliner on stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen.....Mr. Stable Genius!  Please hold your applause!" a dead silent house.....'excuse me...the Senile spinners....

But, they're quite Awake now, aren't they?

Now....the real show begins..... ;)

Hey, MC?   It's, sit're beginning to come down from an overdose of the not-so-KoolAid....Truth is a bit of wrench, and the effects are initially unpleasant....

..but, it'll get better....clarity has a calming quality that, after the shock subsides, makes the fog of fallacy clear....

Like getting a bucket of rubbing alcohol poured on your naked body in a stiff wind.....;)
"Head like a hole
Black as your soul
I'd rather die
than give you control..."

well...time to take it back.
"OMG!  WAPO Truth Tellers!  RUN!"

It hurts!The painthepainthepain....

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