Well its good everyone likes it. What with the global cooling heading into another Maunder Minimum we can look forward to a continuation of the cooling trend for the next several years at least.
Showing 50 responses by millercarbon
In a world of lies it takes courage to speak the truth. Wake up guys. Maybe if you are all teenagers you might have some excuse for believing the BS. Me being over 60 I have actually lived through so many BS lies its baffling how anyone can be so daft as to fall for it. They are right now busy removing the "Disappearing glaciers will be gone by 2020" signs from Glacier National Park. That's not fake news. The fools drinking the Kool Aide really did think they would be gone. Just like Algore said the polar bears would disappear and the North Pole would be ice free.... by some date long since passed. Reality? More bears, at least as much ice. No guys I really do not care how many of you fall for it, or how silly you want to make yourself with your playground taunts. Me being a man of science, genuine science not fake, and from childhood, I know perfectly well that truth is not a democracy. |
What is the "true" science and where do we find it?Sad to say but warmists have so poisoned the debate its hard to see your question as anything but sarcasm. Especially since the link that answers the question preceded the question! Scroll up. Not hard to find if you really are interested. The really sad part is all the people thinking they're right and smart, the more nonsense they post the more childish it looks. Is it not known uncontested scientific fact that the greatest burgeoning of life in the history of the planet was the Cambrian Explosion? Its a fact. You could look it up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambrian_explosion CO2 levels during the Cambrian Explosion were around 4000ppm. CO2 must be pretty bad to have caused all that life. Hard science facts. Forget the silly climate models. The whole point of the models is to show how uninhabitable Earth will be unless we reduce CO2 below what are already extremely low levels by historic standards. Go ahead. Seriously. I say this so often in so many posts I should have a macro written to plug it in: DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT DYODD! While you're at it look up how plants work. They have these things called stoma that open up and allow gas to transpire in and out. They do this to GET CO2! Because plants NEED CO2! Its a molecular requirement. And the less CO2 in the atmosphere the more and longer the stoma must remain open. Allowing moisture loss. Which plants also need. Not sure if warmists are aware of the scientific fact that plants need both CO2 and H2O. Water. Ring a bell? Are you getting this? The lower the CO2 the longer the plants lose water out the stoma, the more water they need. This is why greenhouses add CO2, to increase plant growth and reduce water needs. Same goes out doors. The biochemistry does not change just because its a Sequioa in Yosemite instead of a tomato plant in Fresno. Thus rising CO2 is GOOD. Anyway, the simple fact that almost all the worlds coral genera came into being during the Cambrian when CO2 was a hundred times higher would cause a normal, sentient, minimally aware being to consider hey, just maybe those climate alarmists are being, you know, alarmist. Not to mention, if the case is so scientifically rock solid then why the need to trot out an autistic teenage girl to wag her finger at us? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re8gqxWvCTA |
Just skimming thru MC's usual pablum, I missed what he said about Greta Thunberg. It's all part of "owning the libs" thru defamation, insults, outright lies, etc. People forget there is a sadistic element. Hilariously missing the point. The sadistic element is taking advantage of an autistic little girl. The sadistic element is frightening little kids telling them they have no future. The planet will be dead and all of us too in a few years. You know you've lost the argument when you have to stoop to this. The scary part is so many are so dumb and gullible they fall for it. Because if you really do believe the BS, if you really do believe we are all gonna extinct ourselves, then its only logical, by this mad demon logic, that anything and everything you can do to prevent it is okay. And so you go setting huge fires just to have pictures to show the other gullible people and get them to do even dumber more extreme things. Yeah. That's how search engines like Google get so corrupted and fake you can't even find what you're looking for. Like I know there was a news report on YouTube, a South American country with wildfires that after a police raid they found firefighters were contracted to start the fires. Paid for by global warmists. Who then used pictures of the fires to get Hollywood celebrities to pony up millions to..... pay the firefighters who started the fires! Way it seems to me, far from being the slam-dunk you all seem to think, this smacks of desperation. The narrative is controlled but the truth is still getting out. People are seeing none of the catastrophes are happening. People are seeing China and India polluting more and more but Greta never wags her finger at them. The End is always near. The End has failed to come and been moved forward another ten years or so, so many times you'd have to have all intelligence and attention span of a gnat not to notice. Scanning the comments, I'd say they know their audience. |
OP (Since everyone seems to respond to whatever was just posted, without actually reading the OP): Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is betterSo yeah, snow. But not only snow: "But I think there may be more going on." Ahh, see now that's what we call a clue! Its hinting maybe this is not all just about snow after all. Sure enough: "it sure does seem like the power is cleaner." Then "For sure the listening is better." So much for my entertaining version of writing analysis. Now then: What does a guy have to say to a bunch of audiophiles to get them to understand its all about power and sound? |
Thanks to Rachel Carson and her diatribe against DDT in her book "Silent Spring," written in 1962, subsequently causing DDT to be abandoned world-wide, millions in Third World countries have died from malaria.What a load of hooey. Well let's see... Did Rachel Carson write Silent Spring? She did. Was it involved in getting DDT banned? It was. Was DDT then banned? It was. Did millions die of malaria? They did. So which part is hooey? Splain it to me. |
Oh, they removed Frank saying someone doesn't even have an 8th grade education. But left up the other BS. Figures. Oh well. My response. Probably remove this one too. Oh well. Third grade. Horace Mann got a new library. I was in third grade. They wanted volunteers to file all the new books. I went for the Encyclopedia Britannica. A is for atom. Which I found a lot more interesting than the Dewey decimal system. So yeah third grade I learned about atoms, molecules, physics. Geography. Politics. Go check out the Encyclopedia Britannica from around 1965. If its in there, I knew it. Because I read the damn thing. All of it. And understood it all. And yes in grade school. Another one in the pile, Red Giants and Black Dwarfs. No not dwarves, dwarfs. NASA scientist Robert Jastrow’s book about the then fairly new idea of stellar evolution. Unimaginably vast and nearly nonexistent clouds (not a lot greater density than the vacuum of space) of hydrogen molecules are drawn together by their mutual gravitational attraction and coalesce into a ball of gas. The mass of this ball pretty much determines what happens next. On the scale we are talking about now mass pretty much rules. Terrestrial size mass and it comes together in a ball. Its a ball by the way because at this size nothing can stick out very far due to gravity. That’s why asteroids are craggy but everything moon size or bigger is round. The Earth would have long since cooled but for the fact there’s enough uranium and other radioactive elements to keep the core hot. Jupiter size gets warm but only a little. Oh, what stops the contraction? Glad you asked. The outside of every atom is a cloud of electrons. We used to think it was an electron orbiting just like the moon orbits Earth. Now thanks to quantum mechanics we know its a cloud of probabilistic locations the electron inhabits. Whatever. Point is electrons being as they carry a negative charge repel each other. So when 2 hydrogen atoms come together they bounce off and go right apart again. That’s why hydrogen is a gas. But get enough of them together, like the mass of the sun, and they keep coming back together. Eventually at some point if they keep doing this hard and often enough something really strange happens. The electron shells are no longer strong enough to hold up against this much force. It breaks, and the nuclei come together. Now at this point you need to know that way inside at the center of the atom are two very dense particles the proton and the neutron. Only in hydrogen its usually just the proton. But sometimes a neutron too. Anyway there are other forces that hold them together. Because think of it, proton, positive, they gonna repel each other just like electrons, right? So how come they stick together? Well its because we got more than just one or two forces in nature. That we know of. Gravity, that ones weak but works over very great distances. Gravity famously follows an inverse square law of attenuation. Twice as far away, square it, invert it, one forth the attraction. Nuclear forces work the same but follow a different curve. And sorry its been a while and I’m not looking it up. You get the point I hope. I could go on like this all day. Beginning to understand, to the extent you are able (which ain’t much) how silly you look trying to tell me I don’t know science? Absolute last worst subject you could pick to knock me on, and there you go. Not you GK the other one. The hopeless one. Now with tweaks we have a very interesting problem. I’ve been in competition and been a track driving instructor for Porsche and in that field its all about traction. When some driver says some tire works best at some certain pressure, which happens a lot, I mean you can hardly imagine how often this happens, you know what? Nobody EVER IN MY LIFE came around knocking it saying that tire is some stupid tweak and you need to prove to the satisfaction of my mechanical engineering degree that you aren’t just shilling for Yokohama. Never. Ever. Happened. That’s how far from normal it is to do what some are doing. Just nuts. But hey, not like I didn’t know to expect it. Krissy said boy you are in for it now. Frank said watch out the crazies gonna come after you now. Now what SHOULD happen, this supposedly being after all an audiophile forum, is people SHOULD be if anything trying to think of how things like this could work. Since they so obviously do. That would makes sense. To say something cannot work when it so obviously does is downright medieval. That’s right. The superstition is on you, not us! |
The facts of DDT were already mentioned: banning it cost millions of lives. The facts of manmade global warming- CO2 is indeed a greenhouse gas. Humans do indeed produce a lot of it. How much? As much as volcanoes? No not even close. As much as plants? No not even close. Skipping on down the list we find that of all the sources of CO2 human beings just aren't a significant factor. Believe me, you don't want to argue the facts. Bjorn Lomborg, founder of Greenpeace, look it up, was given a position at a prestigious university where he sent a whole army of grad students out to gather the evidence to prove to the world just how big a global crisis we face. His army came back and you know what? Its not a crisis. What we need most is clean water. Sanitation. CO2 and climate are so far down the list as to not even be on it. For having the temerity to report these FACTS Bjorn Lomborg has been un-personed. Because warmists always argue the man. Never the facts. They don't have the facts. Not even. |
nutella: Global historical records from NOAA are the basis for the charts and models indicated in that article in the op. https://youtu.be/mGe9JO58Uc8 Indeed. Its the Golden Rule for Lawyers: When you don't have the facts, argue the man. They don't have the facts. So they argue the man. |
Virtually every hour Peterson has talked in class or on stage is up for viewing for free on YouTube. When the Canadian government began consideration of Bill C-16 Peterson rightly was concerned and made a video which brought to light the fact this is the first time in history a western government has made a law compelling speech. Not banning, compelling. With criminal penalties. They passed it into law but Peterson was right. If any of your unhinged claims was actually true no one would have listened. Not then. Not now. Its because every word out of his mouth is true that people listen. He is now uncontestably the foremost intellectual on the world stage today. No one else even comes close. |
You’re starting to sound like a lobster And you’re starting to sound like Cathy Griffin. And we all know how that turned out. So clueless. So utterly clueless. You got me! Priceless! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-rE03PGQfA&t=75s |
Of course there’s a common ancestor but if you’re going to use something to compare human behavior with at least stick with a vertebrate by going back half a billion years to a common ancestor Little late to be saying "of course" don't you think? You do know "of course" is reserved for things that are obvious. Having so recently demonstrated a total lack of understanding of evolutionary biology its a little late to be using "of course". But you know that, right? Of course you do. Try and understand, you are in way over your head here. Ordinarily I enjoy few things more than tearing apart a smugly pontificating liberal. In this case though for your own well being you might want to take a minute- well okay one minute eighteen seconds- and think about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPmMW5w-z-I |
Maybe once in a while try something original instead of pasting stuff other people said? I know its harder, having to come up with your own brilliance is hard work. But at least its your own. Peterson is an intellectual tour de force, courageous beyond belief in his willingness to ferret out the truth and speak it unapologetically. He’s been traveling the world for over a year now giving talks, none of which are planned. He has a book out, 12 Rules For Life, and he has talked about that at some of them but its not a book tour, most of his talks are completely unplanned, he just walks on stage, continues thinking deeply about whatever it is he’s been thinking deeply about, and tells you all about it. You have to see it to believe it. And it ain’t cheap. Cost as much as tickets to the Eagle’s. But Peterson is bigger star power than Henley. Bigger than Carl Sagan, another one I was glad to have had the chance to meet. Carl was equally erudite but nowhere near as defiant a truth seeker as Peterson. Take it to the bank. Which is what triggers liberals and why they hate him so. If there’s one thing liberals can’t stand its liberal thought. Thou Shalt Comply With Our PC Dogma is their one and only Commandment. Peterson shatters it. That is the one and the only reason he is hated on the left. He’s none of the things the liars, excuse me liberals, accuse him of, not one negative thing posted above has any merit to it whatsoever. Its just like I said before, when you can’t argue the facts you argue the man. The man in this case is so great you can’t even argue the man. So you lie. His 12 part series of talks on the Bible stories packed them in every night and now another 5 million or so have seen it on-line. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-wWBGo6a2w&t=575s Try watching a few minutes and see if you can stop. His approach is so far removed from "religion" he not only won’t say if he believes in God, he doesn’t even like the question! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUD3pE3ZsQI There’s literally hundreds of hours of Peterson on-line. Who knows maybe thousands. If Peterson harbored anything like the crap he’s accused of there’d be evidence of it. Hate the man if you like, but do it secure in the knowledge its pure unadulterated irrational hatred, without a shred of justification. Other than his not following the Liberals One Commandment. |
When Pertson compares humans to lobsters he’s fallen of the deep end and clearly knows nothing of evolutionary biology. Oh, really? https://www.quora.com/Do-lobsters-and-humans-have-common-ancestors Clearly you know nothing of evolutionary biology. Nothing. Please. See this is what happens when you rely too long on other people doing your thinking for you. Its like a muscle, use it or lose it. |
Yeah well 40 with everything else is pretty good. Lower is better but 3D is better still. A lot of the beauty really comes from subtle details like the character of the pipes and the way the immense acoustic space reverberates. You could get lost in that. Thinking of which, one genre of music it would be nice to have on my shelf. |
I made a budget system for a friend with small 2-ways like that. $1200 altogether including power cords, speaker cables, interconnect, and Cones for everything. Because even at budget level its all about the tweaks. Then it was set up on one wall in my listening room. Originally just to break it in before delivery it sounded so good it was all I wanted to listen to for the few weeks it was there. Even dragged a few people from work. Because few will spend $12k but many will spend $1.2k. Everyone was impressed, and yet I'm sure it was tweaked out nowhere near as extensively or well as yours. Also this was components selected almost all from reviews and recommendations, no personal auditions or comparisons. Even so its many years later and I still think about that and how wonderful it was. So I have no doubt your system is wonderful. Way better than what I had, which was pretty darn good. And about the cost to upgrade, which probably people find hard to believe, but it sounds just about right to me. That little budget system, it didn't just sit there. It was played with. Crazy things no one would ever do, like put $1200 interconnect in a $1200 system, I did stuff just like that with this system. At first it was just out of curiosity. People always saying how good your system has to be to hear a difference, what its worth spending or not worth spending, its not worth it with those speakers, yada yada all that kind of thing. Basically proved all that stuff is just flat out wrong. Everything matters. The performance you can wring out of even the cheapest gear is way more than people think. Only hardly anyone ever tries. You actually are doing it. |
So in consequence of that, the complete annihilation in a timing fashion, in a timelike manner, the absolute disappearance of anything, makes absolutely no sense at all. Behold: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMRrCYPxD0I |
to what did the universe expand from? I never studied astrophysics so I’m always fascinated by the subject so I’m being sincere here. What do astrophysicists teach in regards to before the bang. I recommend you read Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time. If you're in Redmond I'll lend you mine. Its actually pretty easy going until the end where he's explaining how matter can escape from a black hole. The answer to your question, what they teach, is conditions prior to the Big Bang are undefined. This is because as we run the calculations back further and further the closer we get to time zero the greater the density of energy. Not matter. Energy. Einstein showed energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. E=mc2. Go back far enough, it was pure energy. Matter only formed some moment after time zero. You can look up the details. I've long since forgotten. As you would know if the mods in their infinite wisdom hadn't decided to remove the post, this was all stuff I learned in grade school. Well a lot of it anyway. More than you would believe. So anyway yeah, undefined. Briefest of instants later, pure energy. Then matter. Which at first was almost exactly equal parts matter and anti-matter. Which they annihilate each other. Eventually this runs its course and turns out there's a bit more matter than anti-matter and so that's why its all matter now. Would be cool if GK would vouch for this. Being theoretical physicist he should know, or at least be able to follow and understand. I am of course leaving out a lot of details, including even details I know about, never mind all the other cool stuff. So the whole thing, all the matter there is, is expanding. You might well ask, expanding into what? Once again, undefined. But it can't be nothing. Nothing is literally "no thing", ie empty space. But there is no space. All the space there is is right here right now. Then too. The universe you see is what we call finite and unbounded. Its finite because we can see and measure its size. But its unbounded because you can never find the end, let alone cross over into somewhere else. Its kind of like the Earth. Its finite. But you can travel all over round and round, forever, never able to leave. You can leave of course, but only by going up, into another dimension. Literally. Got it? Okay so gonna post this, come back with more- cuz there's lots more. |
Sorry, MC, I cannot vouch for that. Not your area. I understand. Fascinated me since childhood. Oh well. Easy enough for people to look it up and see. If they don’t want to take my word for it. Which they shouldn’t. Even though its all crazy true. to what did the universe expand from? I never studied astrophysics so I’m always fascinated by the subject so I’m being sincere here. Okay so now we got all the matter there is, expanding out making all the space there is bigger and bigger. This is like hours, days, something like that (look it up) past the big one. At which point - oh but wait, this is kinda cool. All that energy from the Big Bang? Its like a bell that’s been rung, its still slowly faintly ringing. Couple guys, Penzias and Wilson? whatever not gonna look it up their radio telescope had this noise and nothing they did would get rid of it, no matter which way they point the damn thing its there. Finally figure out its the remnant echo of the Big Bang. Won em a Nobel. So anyway this all happened. Multiple lines of evidence. Back to matter. Its almost all hydrogen. Because when the energy cooled and the matter formed it was electrons, protons, neutrons. They start pairing up and form hydrogen, one proton, one electron. Sometimes one neutron too. But usually one e, one p. This hydrogen is all there is. Its expanding. Really fast. And hot. But cooling. Slowly cooling. And slowing down. Because, gravity. The mass of the cloud itself is trying to draw it all back together. (Remember this for later, happens again!) So its expanding, but slower and slower. To this very day. Not uniformly. Some regions are a little more dense than others. What will later become local groups of galaxies separate out. Within those regions other clumps are drawn together by their mutual gravitational pull and will become galaxies. Same process happens within those and forms stars. But not ours. Not yet. The first stars are super massive. The way stars work, the more massive the faster they burn through their hydrogen. Now here’s where it gets interesting. Really freaking interesting. Because, think of it, there’s only hydrogen. Look around. Do you see any hydrogen? Ha! You see everything BUT hydrogen! Where’s all these other elements come from? Good question. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJQjjBR6PbY That’s right! When Carl Sagan said we are star stuff, he wasn’t just being poetic. We literally are. Cliff Notes for those who won’t put in the hour to watch the (totally worth it) video: stars fuse hydrogen into helium. Really massive stars then keep on going using up the helium and in the process creating more elements. Eventually if the star is massive enough it goes supernova. The star collapses, and in this cataclysmic collapse the pressures and temperatures at the core of the star are so immense all the other elements on the periodic table are formed. The release of all this energy then causes the star to explode, sending all these elements out into interstellar space. So that when new stars form they have around them planets with all these elements. Elements like carbon. On which we are all based. But seriously, watch the video. Coolest thing ever. |
You misunderstand, MC. It is my area. I was being tactful. 🤗 I give you an A for enthusiasm, though. Okay. Fair enough. However since you’ve just cast aspersions its only fair you give us a reason. Tell you what. Help me get better. Find just one thing, worst most garbled or whatever, just quote it and show us how its wrong. Meanwhile we can all watch this and maybe begin at least to understand why I say Jordan Peterson is our greatest living intellectual. He’s like the Carl Sagan of intellectuals. Sagan didn’t give us equations. He brought science to the masses by making it cool and transcending. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7iHFjrwRCI |
Its not just a river in Egypt, guys. Meanwhile, in Davos: "we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their warnings about the apocalypse. They are the heirs of yesterday's foolish fortune tellers...they want to see us do badly, but we won't let that happen. They predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the 70s and the end of oil in the 1990s. These alarmists always demand the same thing - absolute power to dominate transform and control every aspect of our lives." |
Yes the idea of a universe that is finite and unbounded is a bit hard to grasp. Its kind of like this. Look out in any direction, any direction at all, the view is exactly the same. We appear to be right smack dab in the middle of it all. Which we are. Always. Everyone everywhere is right smack dab in the middle. Dudes on some star way over in Andromeda? Yeah those dudes too. We have a hard time drawing this, and its even harder to visualize, I sure never can, but its kind of like this. Mass curves space time. Not a lot. Takes a lot of mass. Even so you have to be pretty close. But Einstein math'd it out and some years later when they observed the orbit of Mercury with great enough precision sure enough, the planet was exactly as much slower as relativistic physics said it should be. So math curves space time. Another way it has been observed to do this is with very distant galaxies. Yeah here ya go https://www.universetoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Gravitational-lensing-galaxyApril12_2010.jp... So now notice how the massive galaxy cluster curved space time around it? The light actually travels a straight line. Its the straight line that's curved. Well it only looks curved because of our frame of reference. Hey don't blame me! I didn't make the rules! Just telling it like it is. To the extent of our current understanding anyway. So obviously (its obvious, right?) the whole mass of the whole universe is doing exactly the same thing. Curving space-time. Curving it so much it wraps around on itself like a ball. Only it can only appear that way from outside. Same as the Earth can only appear spherical by leaving the surface and going out into space. Perspective. From here on Earth it appears quite flat. Or at any rate two dimensional. So it is with our finite, unbounded, universe. |
For anyone still interested in learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9BY--i_xDk People should be up in arms over this fraud being perpetrated on us by our own government agencies. |
Which is the battle cry of the right wing, regardless of country. They believe the common man cannot decide for himself and must have some form of absolute power dictate his life. Which is why what we have today is so encouraging. Finally a leader not only talking but actually fulfilling the promise of returning more power to the people. Seven regulations abolished for every one added. Actually much more than that. That's what really has them all riled up. Democrat, republican, or whatever, they're all screaming their gravy train is being derailed. That's why massive crowds flock together and stand in line for hours- common people see they at last are getting theirs. Good. |
Tony Heller posts the actual raw data from NOAA and shows exactly how they manipulated (faked!) it in order to turn a cooling trend into heating. Its the actual raw data from NOAA. Then instead of talking about the objective, proven, obvious fraud, they attack the man himself. Or act like this fact doesn't actually exist. Who's the denier now? |
nonoise- I just told you he’s abolished regulations and expanded liberty. You call him a despot. Impeachment got no republican votes, and not even all the democrats either, and a couple democrats even left the party and became republican over this sham. This you call an overwhelming majority. I guess when tens of thousands stand in line just to see him, and still more tens of thousands are turned away when the place is jammed, and a whole football stadium full of fans cheers and hollers and chants for him, well my guess is you have some equally delusional alternate universe version of that too. |
He won by a confluence of odd luck, Yes. With never having run for office he defeated the biggest and best republican field, Ever. With the most primary votes. Ever. Then with a tiny campaign staff, spending a fraction of the money, and with most of his own party against him, and the media, and Hollywood, he defeated the most experienced person ever to run for president. That’s some confluence of odd luck. Then again, it turned out the most experienced person ever to run for president had never heard of the electoral college, and thought it was California and New York, and CNN. So maybe the confluence of odd luck was going up against a bunch of deluded know-nothings. Who’d a thunk? |
One thing I know for sure, we should not all act together. If such a thing even were possible. Which it sure does not seem to be. At least if the 20th century’s pile of hundreds of millions of dead bodies that idea created has anything to say. Or heck, even nature. Nature hardly ever does anything together. Nature wouldn’t even exist if it did everything together. It would be nothing but a vast tenuous cloud of hydrogen. Only when those simple molecules come together in a cataclysmic supernova do we get all the interesting elements on the periodic table. One of the biggest problems with modern agriculture is when we grow just one identical crop all together its unstable. Just one pest gets in and multiplies and there goes acres and acres of food. Grow a lot of different things all together, encourage the natural competition of insects and germs and stuff, that just never happens. Markets sure don’t work that way, all together now. Not at all. Planned economies where we all work together, besides the fact they only "work together" as a team of dogs under one whip, they just don’t work, period. What works instead? Free markets where everyone competes against everyone else. So it is in the market of ideas. There’s a sickness rampant these days, an intellectual retardation bent on taking us back to the Dark Ages. A sickness that takes many forms. Deriding some subjects as "political" as if it were a dirty word is one. The root of political is "polis" the Greek city state known for its ideal form of philosophical discourse. Talk about turning meaning on its head! Besides, even if it did somehow against all odds magically work, could you ever in your life imagine anything more intolerably boring? One speaker. One record. One car. One position: missionary. Yeah, even sex gets ruined. And so I say, all together now: Compete! Argue! Its the only real way we have of getting along. |
If its so great, then why are so many leaving it for conservative states like Texas? The population would be declining if it weren't for illegals. The biggest population increase in California is in the homeless. If the economy is so great then why can't San Francisco afford to clean the poop off the sidewalks? Why is there even any in the first place??? |
You'd think they would do something to cure climate change, like outlawing plastic straws. Oh wait ...!!! Right. You really should use the full quote though..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DlYD6I7qBs |
There used to be an affordable system in place for the downtrodden and mentally ill people. The great depression dictated the need. Right. Downtrodden and ill only came into existence with the Great Depression. Before that was all wine and roses. Paintings on cave walls in France from 50,000 years ago show people gathered around vast dinner tables as buffalo and lions peacefully offer themselves up for the feast. 3 million year old hominid fossils are often found with their fire building tools and universal health care cards. Sorry. I know that’s not very good. Trying to be equally nonsensical. Close as I can get without space aliens. |
More actual science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VokewpSZYPM and them's the facts. We now return you to our regularly scheduled chatter. |
Meanwhile, back in the real world. Oh wait, the NYT is even more deluded... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KG-E6fsuvg |