Looking for a simple system

Im just getting back into putting together a system from scratch again after 20 years.  I have no physical media, so Ill be streaming everything.  All I want is a streaming Integrated and some bookshelf speakers.  Budget is 10K.  So far, I have narrowed my search for the integrated:  Atoll SDA300 Signature (150 watt class AB) or the Gato DIA-400S NPM (400 watt class D) and the speakers will be the new Buchardt E50's or the Gershman Studio 2's.  Im leaning toward the Gato and Buchardts.  Unfortunately, I can not audition any of these products so I am doing my best to learn about them before I pull the trigger.  I currently have a JBL sub - I bought for a home theater project i never started and an older OPPO Universal player (if I wanted to get back into CD's.)  Just looking for the groups opinion on these or something else I have not even considered.  thanks...


If you like Gato, and do not need streamer and integrated combined, I would look at the top of the line Gato Amp 150 (ClassAB),  and a separate streamer...

We are an atoll dealer their  gear is great and can be auditioned unlike Gato they have a US. importer. 


We have hear previous Buchardts at Axponna and felt they were okay very over rated also impossible to demo, however  the new e50s do look good on paper the gershmans are excellent loudspeakers:

we would recommend looking at the Alta audio alyseass

unbelievable deep bass down to 32hz, via a unique patented composite, transmission line/infinite baffle bass loading design.

great clarity from a superb ribbon tweeter, and a proprietary custom titanium former long throw midrange woofer.

very inert composite cabinet



just an extraordinary performer for 5k.

Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

Atoll and Alta dealers


Go with the Electrocompaniet ECI 6DX MKII. I own pass 250, Mac 352, Accuphase 380, Hegal 390 and the above. You cannot go wrong with the electro. Check the reviews out. I am astounded how good this amp is. I also own 12 pairs of bookshelf speakers. The Buchardts are outstanding. I have the special editions model and I love them. I also, have the E 50’s on the way. Mine will b here Monday. In my collection is the PS Audio Fr 5. This is also an outstanding speaker. It has some of the best treble I’ve heard. 

My two cents: I've owned an Atoll integrated (IN200SE) and it paired really nicely with the Fritz Carbon 7 Mk. 2 SE. It had good power and just a bit of extra energy in the mids and highs, so the Fritz's speakers warmth and soft dome tweeter were a great match with that amp. 

It's no secret how much of a good value I think Fritz's speakers are — especially given that there is no overhead, marketing, advertising, etc. I really believe they are easily the equal of speakers more than 2x their price. Review is here.


IMO, as mentioned in other posts and reading many reviews, and I’ve auditioned them for hours, get the Kef LS60’s and be done, maybe get 1 or 2 of their subs. This will outperform most of the gear mentioned above and be the simplest to own and use. If you compare the technical aspects of the features the equipment mentioned above, the Kef’s has more features and the sound quality is fantastic. 

I would also seriously consider the Kef LS60. Huge sound value with all the features you seek.

Might also consider a preowned pair of Dynaudio heritage specials or Contour 20. 

Since you are just looking for something that will allow you to stream check out  Naim products. You can find fantastic previously owned Naim Uniti Nova and there are apps that you can directly stream from.  The Nova is a Solid 80 watts per channel and has numerous connections on the back including Ethernet.  Get a REL T9x sub and you will still have about $5k left for terrific speakers. I have also owned Atoll and it’s nice as well but love the Naim sound. Good luck and let us know what you decide to do. 

For something you haven't considered, check out the Anthem STR Integrated. I have owned one, and it is really good. Superb build quality, 200 watts into 8 ohms doubling into 4- significantly more power than the Atoll. I believe the Buchardts are 4 ohn speakers, not the easiest to drive, but the Anthem would handle them with no problem.  Includes a great DAC, but no streamer for $5,000. You could easily pick up a good streamer-Wiim, Cambridge, Holo red, etc., for under $1,000 and the Buchardts and be set with a great system that offers lots of future flexibility. The Anthem includes ARC room correction technology which is really good and helps you get the best from tour system. Worth checking out.

Lots of good choices-good luck.

If I were you I would look for an integrated streamer (Streamer / DAC)  integrated amp (preamp and amp). Having all four functions in one box I think it too much compromise and makes later upgrades difficult. 

I've always been intrigued by an affordable (when used) bookshelf speaker that gets close to full range like the GS II, but after taking a look at user feedback from a few years back... 


I also suggest that you wait for reviews from trustworthy reviewers before pulling the trigger on either the E50 or the GS II.

I already have some active speakers so I am not interested in Powered Kefs.  The are the cabasse pearl akoyas

The owner and creator of Aerial Acoustics worked closely with Gato, and highly recommends the pairing.


Try Aerial 5T, 6T or 7T speakers.

I've never heard the other but did own the Studio II. It's an interesting speaker that I ran with a Coda Csib 150 wpc. The speaker is very power hungry because it uses, I believe, a subwoofer for the bass and mids. I've never seen someone run a sub for mids but the result is a very tame speaker, little fatigue, full body sound. 

I did eventually want more fleshed out mids than this speaker could deliver. Now in the defense of the speaker, I had come off a fatigue, bright ear speaker, so the laid back nature was welcome, it just became too relaxed and I stopped listening as much.

Good luck with your search.

There are exceptional used Tube Integrated’s in today’s market. I’d start there, save some money and then select speakers. I’d forget all about streaming. I’d spend my money on cd’s or vinyl, or like I have, both.

When you left 20 years ago the internet market was outstanding for used audio gear.

It’s still that way. Everyday I see a lot of great used gear listed on USAudioMart, and much of it is going dirt cheap, some as low as 30% of retail. And get this, much of it over a 6 month period hasn’t sold.

So it’s never been a better time to start an audio system. And I’ve bought used gear for 35 years and not once had a problem. The smart money is on used gear, for as you know, if you buy it new, once you’ve driven it off the lot, you’ve lost money!

Maybe Arcam SA35 or SA45 all in one, but am unknowledgeable of Sonic performance and if enough power

I just downsized and simplified ... and couldn't be happier. Sold all my separates and bought a pair of Kii Seven streaming, powered speakers.  Kept my CD transport and Roon Nucleus.  Nothing short of remarkable . . .

Go $15k for a set of the Dutch & Dutch 8c.  Total system with:

  • active crossover
  • amplification
  • DAC
  • DSP EQ
  • Tweaked for your room
  • Roon target

This and a streamer and  you are DONE.

Geez... keep it simple and all Italian. Opera Prima stand mounts, Unison Reserch Unico Nuovo tube hybred integrated. Now toss in a BluSound Node and Mytek Liberty II DAC w/ Supra cables all around. Can squeak all that in for just south of $10K. What a great setup. If you do your homework you can put it all together within budget. Took me 5mins of Google searching to slap that all together. 👍🏻

HI Matt,


I just purchased an SDA300 and love it. Great bass, separation and a hint of warmness. Headphone output is good too. Ab'ed vs Naim Nova and preferred it. Can't go wrong with it. I think the other being class D would sound more clinical.




I recommend an Audio Research GSi75

It is one impressive integrated.  You get a superb DAC and phono.  I know you don't intend to have media, but it is there is you ever changed your mind.

I had one and for your application it would be perfect.  I was driving some Wilson speakers in a very large room and it just couldn't handle the high volumes.


i have not received my E50’s yet. I mistakenly thought they were coming since I had a postal tracking coming from Denmark. It was a Cd I ordered and forgot about 🙁

Well please post when you get them.  And hopefully, someone else might get them soon.  Would love to hear anyone’s opinions on the E50’s

@mattcone Streaming sometimes is not accessible due to internet provider issues. Your OPPO is perfect to hook up to the following to get a pure DSD or PCM output from your disks. 

GeerFab Audio D.BOB Digital BreakOut Box (OPEN) – Upscale Audio

Just put a good DAC to take the output from the D.BOB and you have a killer SACD or CD player. 

all kinds of great advise

I suggest

streamer :  buy an Eversolo DMP-8  covers the DAC as well - could use as a PRE - but I like my PRE's to have tubes ( 6SN7's).  it is all of $2K and blew my $3K stand alone DAC out of the water with more detail.

Use the big money for speakers and amp - you could always add a pre later and or the new Modwright Analog Bridge for some additional fun down the road




"I’d forget all about streaming. I’d spend my money on cd’s or vinyl, or like I have, both."

Yes I would have to agree I generally like Vinyl best and have many assorted CD's -

However with a 10K TTL budget ........ a pretty good TT, cartridge and CD Player will set you back several thousand -

and then  trying to get CD's and Vinyl you will need a few K just for the media unless of course the OP already has plenty of physical media on hand .

Lately I stream 50% of the time , a really good streamer - with excellent software and connectivity rivals a Vinyl rig of over $5k and up to $10K before you spend on any physical media . Spend just $15 a month ( half the price of a single album)  on Tidal or Quboz  and have all the music you could ever want. yes I do buy used albums half the time for $10-12 and clean them with an ultra-sonic cleaner and a good Vacuum machine and half the time they sound - well- just OK . there is plenty of wasted time and effort!

Creating your own playlists can be fun.

Discovering new music is incredibly inexpensive. Reminiscing thru music you once heard can be revolutionary ....or cause you to say , Hmmm why did I ever like that :) 

"Space"  if it is of concern is Maximized. Better to spend a few hundred bucks on room treatments to better the sound .


IF You fall in love with music all over again and have the coin then jump into Vinyl for the fun of it .



I have added these integrated units to the mix.

Gold Note IS-1000 Deluxe - 125 WPC into 8 ohm class AB - $3k used

Krell K-300i (w/ DAC) - 150 WPC into 8 Ohm - class A - $4k used

Atoll SDA-300 Sig - just was told these were having software/Firmware issues

$5k 150 WGP class AB

Gato DIA-400S NPM - $3800 Factory Seconds:,  Class D -  400 WPC - 8 ohm - 800 WPC 4 ohm

Well, I have purchased the Buchardt E50's as well as the Buchardt i150 integrated amp.  The only thing I am uncertain of, is if I have to buy a separate streamer.  If so, I am looking at the Bluesound Node Icon.  Thanks for everyone's advice.


Looking at the manual for the 1150....no, you do not NEED to buy a separate streamer.  To clarify, you can use any computer you have as a streamer.  You can purchase TIDAL or Quboz or whatever streaming service you desire for access on your MAC or PC. 

You may also consider Audirvana as the player.  It is excellent but there are others but Tidal and Quboz can be used independently.

From your mac/pc connect to the 1150 via USB or it also looks like it has a bluetooth connection.  Once you are connected you would point the output of the streamer on your mac/pc to that device instead of the mac/pc speakers.

You CAN buy a streamer is you so desire.