

Responses from traceyc

Looking for a simple system
HI Matt,   I just purchased an SDA300 and love it. Great bass, separation and a hint of warmness. Headphone output is good too. Ab'ed vs Naim Nova and preferred it. Can't go wrong with it. I think the other being class D would sound more clinica... 
Cambridge CXN V2
I have a CA V1 and I love it. Have tried it with other DACs and the sound quality equals that of expensive stand alone DACs (Bryston). Punchy sound with good detail. Highly recommended. 
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ??
George Harrison, Dark Horse tour. He had laryngitis. Should have cancelled the concert. Ravi Shakar played a45 minute song and no one wanted to hear him. Painful. 
Can anyone recommend an FM Receiver that would play into a relatively high end system?
Can’t go wrong with a Magnum Dynalab tuner. 
Versatile, non-fatiguing speakers for a small room under $1500 used or new: advice needed!
Totem Hawks have a small footprint and tremendous bass. Should be able to pick up used in your price range. 
Should I upgrade my integrated amplifier to a Parasound integrated A23?
I should add that I would like a more liquid tube like sound. However I do not think any tube amps would be up to the task of driving my Hawks. I would prefer to stay with an integrated amp.