Looking At CD Players

I am looking at adding a traditional CD player to my system.  Currently using an Oppo BDP-105.  Can any of you comment on the following choices?
       Bryston CDP-3
       Yamaha CD-S2100 or CD-S3000
       Hegel Mohican

I want to stick with a player with balanced ouputs.  I am running an AR LS16, Wyred4Sound ST750-LE, Custom Speakers

Any help would be appreciated
One that comes to mind is the Oppo/Modwright 105 player with outboard tube power supply. I have two of them and will be selling one of them. Probably one of the best sounding, not crazy expensive, cd/sacd players out there plus you can tube roll with some nice NOS tubes. I have done that and it is very good sounding.
Why are you needing to add a CD player when the OPPO 105 is one of the best universal players (it plays cd’s) ever made! And it has balanced audio outs already, connected to dual saber dacs! You cant get a better player unless you spend well over $3000. So I dont even understand your concern?? None of your CD only choices are going to better the 105.

Matt M
Agreed. The Oppo is going to outperform any of those. if anything, you may want to look into getting a separate DAC. There's an Eximus DP1 available on Audiogon now that would be a step up from the Oppo's already formidable Sabre DAC.
I own an Oppo 105, 205 and a Bryston CDP-3. I do like the versatility of the Oppo players. I find them to be a tad on the accurate or bright side which might be to your liking. I much prefer the Bryston for red book playback.
Take whatever you were planning on spending and put it into modding the Oppo. As others have said its already better than most and with mods it will be a whole lot better. I've compared and a modded Oppo is awfully good. 
I own both an Oppo 205 (stock) and a Cambridge 851C and the Cambridge is hands down better to my ears. On both players I use the same balanced WyWires Silver IC’s and Nordost Vishnu PC’s. The Cambridge does have two Synergistic Black fuses so maybe that’s it? The Oppo is fine and if I didn’t have the Cambridge I’d be content but I disagree with those who say it’s the best or better than the players you mentioned and really question if anyone has compared them here; I personally have not so I’ll only state what my ears have heard and not speculate. If anyone here as compared them directly to an Oppo 105 or 205 I do apologize.

No doubt much is personal preference and system synergy but I feel my system with room treatment is revealing and doesn’t tilt the scale to one player over the other. I would love to hear a Modwright version but not sure for the cost one wouldn’t  be better looking into an outboard DAC... that’s the direction I’m considering. Not saying your 105 isn’t already a nice player as I have never heard one, so I will ask what do you feel you are missing with the Oppo?
  1. audibleguy
I might be interested in your extra 105.
please PM when you’re ready to sell.


I use an Oppo 105 as a transport into a Bryston DAC3.  Not only is Red Book great, but I listen to SACD in DSD.  Same chip as the Bryston CDP that you are contemplating 
Why a CD player ,when a good digital player sounds better ?
for Blu-ray concerts maybe 
I can comment on the Yamaha CD-S 2100 since you mentioned it specifically and not just because I own one...

It's a superb design and in addition to excellent sound quality offers a lot of flexibility. SACD, CD, USB DAC. The build quality is excellent. Its drive mechanism is something you'd expect to see in an Esoteric unit. Not a single piece of plastic in sight.

The only con i can come up with is toggling through the input selections is slower than expected. 

There are only a couple of pro reviews out there on the S2100, one from a new zealand magazine. Its pretty accurate and worth a search.

Not sure why you would want to replace your Oppo BD 105? 
I love my Oppo BD 105 and keeping it! I'm running balanced outs from the Oppo into my ARC LS15 Pre Amp But in the interst of me getting into Hi rez Streaming, and taking my music quality up a level, I just purchased the Exogal Comet DAC Plus and I'm going to add the Zen Mini MK III streamer that can also rip CD's to an enternal HD
I own both an Oppo 205 (stock) and a Cambridge 851C and the Cambridge is hands down better to my ears.
Because it uses a hybrid multibit/delta sigma, and for CD this is going to sound better than all delta sigma.

Even better again for CD is all R2R Multibit. as nothing does 16/44 24/96 DXD or CD conversion better than true R2R Multibit, latest discrete ones or the older no longer made chip converters like the PCM1704K ect ect

Cheers George
I own the 205 and a friend has the Mohican. The Mohican is mated with his Hegel Integrated. That sound is amazing. He uses focal Kanta 2s
and I listen to older Tannoy dual Concentrics with tube power.
I have brought the same cd over multiple times and marvel about 
how the different the two systems make the same music sound.
Not any sort of a scientific comparison but I would trade my Oppo plus $2k for his Mohikan.
I forgot about this CD-S2100 review which offers some comparisons with the Oppo 105 you currently own:https://hometheaterreview.com/yamaha-cd-s2100-cdsacd-player-reviewed/
Here's the Aussie review  (sorry kiwis) I mentioned earlier. It's in PDF format:
I recently watched a Darko review on the Hegel unit. While some of the YouTube reviewers lack integrity, Darko is a pretty straight shooter in my opinion. The Hegel looks like it could also be a nice step up from the Oppo.

Since Oppo is no longer produced, it seems like a poor decision to spend a lot of money modding it. Like modded cars, you'll never see that money back at resale time as buyers won't have any idea if your mods are going to be to their liking. As suggested by another poster, you're probably better off using the Oppo as a transport and running it through a DAC of your choice.

Let us know how you make out.

     I’m not going to state the Oppo 105 is one of the best CD/SACD players mainly because I haven’t listened to enough hi-end players to know. OTOH, I believe I’ve never felt the need to upgrade to another player because its such a high quality performer on both.
     I also think it’s unfair to compare the multi-talented Oppo 105 player to much more expensive players that are only capable of playing CDs. The Oppo 105 is a high quality universal player that can playback CD, SACD, DVD-A and CD-ROM audio discs as well as up to 1080p DVD and Bluray video discs. It has separate audio and video circuit boards, a built-in QDEO up-sampling video processor, has both fully balanced XLR and unbalanced line-level RCA outputs and utilizes 7 high quality and expensive ESS Saber dac chips.
     I’ve used my 105 as a limited preamp, 5.1 surround sound processor, a stand alone hi-res 32 bit dac for up to 192 KHz WAV files, a music server/player with an attached NAS controlled by a wireless laptop, a music streamer, a high quality headphone amp as well as a CD/SACD/DVD-A audio disc player and a 1080p DVD and Bluray video disc player, all purchased brand new about 6-7 yrs ago for $1,200.
     Sure, you could likely find a much more expensive CD or SACD only player that may marginally outperform the Oppo 105 in sound quality but it certainly won’t be this versatile with the exception of a Modwright modded unit which I’ve, unfortunately, never heard.
     I’d suggest you either have your 105 modded or buy a NAS with a laptop or iPad to control everything, hook all components to your wi-fi and enjoy the ultra convenience and excellent sound quality of having your entire music collection accessible in the form of a digital computer audio system. Take advantage of 21st century technology and enjoy the convenience and high resolution sound quality of a modern jukebox.

Dedicated CD players are designed to do one thing.  The Bryston BCD-3 (correct alphabet salad) is very good indeed.  Several long threads on Audio Circle.  For me, the Luxman D-05u bests it, as it should, because it costs more.  And yes, I own both, one in primary system and one in secondary.  I never had the opportunity to hear the Mohican.  The two upper-end Marantz models are the other major plays.  Still, there are more dedicated CD players out there than you might initially think, and because of stiff competition, they're all going to be pretty good, many excellent.
My opinion would be to looked for a good condition Electrocompaniet I think the model is called 1 UP or something like that.  Very musical and a good tech can upgrade some parts inside.  The Luxman is another good choice.  Heard most of the above players which to me are good but I would prefer the Electro or Luxman.  Happy Listening.
Not sure why you would want to replace your Oppo BD 105?
I love my Oppo BD 105 and keeping it! I'm running balanced outs from the Oppo into my ARC LS15 Pre Amp But in the interst of me getting into Hi rez Streaming, and taking my music quality up a level, I just purchased the Exogal Comet DAC Plus and I'm going to add the Zen Mini MK III streamer that can also rip CD's to an enternal HD
Since you have the Comet Plus you can run the Oppo into the Aux input on the Comet Plus (RCA) and eliminate the ARC preamp entirely, since the Comet Plus has a preamp built in and has RCA and balanced outputs. I would also try a digital output from the Oppo into one of the Comet Plus digital inputs to use its DAC section.

Brian Walsh
I upgraded the OEM power supply and IEC to my 105. Check them out on Ebay. I posted the links i(about a week ago) n my thread Life with Ric Schultz EVS 1200
Thanks Brian,

Aux input, do meant SPDIF input? What I was thinking to do was go digital out from the Oppo into the Comet plus, then balanced out to my ARC LS 15 pre amp that is connected to my VAC PA 80 80 amp. I could also run RCA or USB  out from the Comet plus to my Emotivia XMC-1 5.1 setup. I'm sure the Comet Plus allows this.
If I just want to go from the Comet Plus to my VAC amp I would have to use the RCA connections as that is all the VAC amp has for inputs. I could try both ways and see what sounds best. Also it would be great if I can connect my android phone to the Comet Plus to stream from Spotify, Anazon HD etc.  To connect to my network I would have to run a 40 foot cable along the floor
(wife would not be a happy camper) or go out and buy a laptop, or maybe a wireless streamer 
Oh the slippery slope!

I have a 105.  It is an amazingly versatile player but not the best for 2 channel.  However, you already own it and know the build quality.  Keep it and look for a DAC.  I use a Chord Hugo-what an amazing upgrade.
Hey just recieved this from Evotivia
Maybe just the ticket 

The Emotiva ERC-4 Differential Reference™ CD Player and Digital Transport combines a high-quality digital CD transport and a superb balanced DAC (digital-to-analog converter) in one convenient and attractive package. In addition to serving as an audiophile CD player and transport, the ERC-4 offers both Coaxial and Optical (Toslink) S/PDIF digital audio inputs, so you can also use it as a DAC with any of your other digital audio sources that includes a coaxial or optical output.
I luv my Marantz SA-8001 - an older top-of-the-line player, and would replace it with another in a heartbeat. Except for an older Sony or Phillips, I don't think you can do better for between $500-$1000... But none of these are gonna be balanced outputs.
I just got my Oppo 205 back from Modwright and I can tell you that the only thing this shares with the stock unit is the name.  The performance is nothing short of spectacular and that's using the stock tubes Modwright includes in the mod.  

I'm considering a Pioneer LX500 for a second system and having Modwright do their thing on that as well.  The cost for a new unit is $1000 and the mods around $1900 for everything.  Right now Modwright is offering a 20% discount on their work so for $2500 IMHO it's an amazing deal.
Aux input, do meant SPDIF input?
The Aux input on the EXOGAL Comet is an analog line input (L and R RCAs). The digital inputs (USB, SPDIF, AES, optical) can be used to connect to your choice of digital output from the Oppo.

For digital sources the Comet doesn't handle (DVD-A, for example) you can use DAC section in the Oppo, while for PCM and DSD you might likely prefer using a digital output from the Oppo to a digital input on the Comet. So you can easily switch inputs from your listening chair, along with adjusting volume. Use the app (Apple or Android), it's really good.

Either way, unless you're using other sources the ARC preamp is completely unnecessary. I suggest your VAC amp could perform even better being fed from the Comet.
While the Oppo is versatile, there is something to be said about a dedicated CD player. I am looking forward in reading more about the chosen spinner (Bryston, Yamaha or Hegel).
Happy Listening!
It is good to see Pioneer back in the winner's circle. This must be a special player for Modwright to offer upgrades over stock configuration.
Happy Listening!