Kickstarter project

Will you ever participate KICKSTARTER Project ?


@roxy54 , I would like to know is that a genuine project ? surely someone out there would like share their experience.

Yes, several and with great success.

Yes, there are those that have had one bad experience and want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

That is not a project, but a genuine site where people share projects. Many of the projects have succeeded. Example is the Peak Design Travel Tripod. But people have also experienced failures, I believe. If you google around, you can check out the Success and Failures of Kickstarter.

Only for cables which cost $10k or more, each, because that is the minimum anyone should spend on a cable. ;-)


I did one that was posted on here a few years ago Jerome Sabbagh did it for one of his recent albums. Was nice to support a jazz musician who cares about good sound.

The Humming Guru Ultrasonic record cleaner was started as a kickstart. I would’ve purchased it from them regardless.  Great product!  Every products of startup at some point.

I've read very positive comments about V3 mono amps are they any benefits to participate kickstarters projects any discounts etc, etc ?

I took part in 4 Kickstarters. First was the Bluetti battery hoping to get off the grid for the phono front end. Was noisy so was a bad buy, but that’s not the point. Another kitchen gadget worked out fine. Second and third starters, never saw the products and lost my shirt. Learned my lesson the hard way. Buyer be ware.  

If things go well, being in a kickstarter can be good. You get to try prototypes and you might get the product for a reduced price. BUT… if it doesn’t pan out, you can lose your investment.

I have taken part in one Kickstarter project, and that was for the Fosi V3 class D Monoblocks....of which I ordered 3. The project was for various combinations of V3 monoblocks with either 5A or 10A external linear power supplies.... all at 25% to 30% of retail price when released.

The project was over subscribed many times over, and there were some headaches with expectations about arrival which have all worked out fine. I just received mine yesterday along with a "surprise" addition of a couple of high quality op-amps to roll. I will not have a chance to hook them up for some time, but the early reviews (users and professional) have been exciting so far. Based on that, I would use a Kickstarter project again.....but would be on a case by case basis

@vthokie83  Absolutely delighted you have receive your Fosi v3 mono amps please let us know your thoughts about v3 amps.


It's going to be a bit before I get them into the mix, but am really interested in learning more about class D amps.....and surprisingly, these have gotten very good reviews for such inexpensive amps

No. Terrible business model for high end audio. Some huge failures. Lots of risk and long lead time pushed onto the "investor" with little reward. Even assuming you get the product, its end quality is an unknown.


Just unpacked mine and hooked it up. They have been sitting in a box due to me moving. These are pretty decent for what they are. Bass is a little boomy but its only been about an hour of listening. Mids and highs are smooth. Depth of soundstage could be a little deeper for my tastes. Width of soundstage and separation of instruments is very good. Background could be blacker. Let's see how they do with some time on them. Worth the little money regardless. I don't think anyone could be disappointed with these.

A lot of people like the Fossi v3 amps. I tried the stereo version a while back and I was not impressed. It might have needed more breakin time, but just didn't like it.