Intriguing Speakers From Germany



@moonwatcher  : +10 and well put.  The Bored Panda version...


... @markmendenhall has the visuals down.... ;)

Waay too many variables 'twixt A>Z, but at least we recognise the same song. *G*

Binaural head and torso simulator and then listening with headphones is the closest you will get to being there. It's not perfect but more perfect in terms of capturing what would be heard than anything else. 

Sorry, but I record concerts.  Anyone who thinks microphones are accurate is smoking crack. Even Schoeps CMC-MK4 into a Sonosax preamp by someone who knows what they are doing in setting record levels and gain offer only an approximation of reality and that is recording uncompressed audio at 24-bit/48KHz. 

There are simply far too many uncontrolled or unknown variables in a YouTube video of a speaker playing to make any value judgments beyond knowing that the box is making some sort of noise. 

While entertaining, buying a speaker based on a YouTube video sound clip is like buying a mail order bride from Russia based on seeing her in a Zoom Meeting call. 

trying to evaluate a speaker by listening to a You Tube video is like trying to date a woman through a plate glass window, there are just too many of the five senses not involved in the process

....but unlike the ’uncelebrated Mr. K’, I won’t tell you what or how you should be listening to or how or with what.

All that matters is that you’re happy.

What’s the point, otherwise?

And..if considered a troll, at least I’ll attempt to be a different flavor of such... ;)

Looking forward to seeing/hearing Samantha Fish on Sunday night, wish a similar 'fun thing' for y'all.... *G*


Ricky Lee Jones....Chucky's In Love....opening bars, have the lp, caught her IRL in Berkeley....pity, someone in front row handed her a bottle of Jack and she got sloppy...

Still sounded good, tho'....*S*  Came in @ 8:00ish

Don't recognize the following selection, but doesn't matter and I don't mind not...the opening....cello, I think..

But both sound like a good system playing through 'everything in between', finally to my diy Walsh above my desk.

Undoubtably better in your space, I could hear you punching keys at 0:06~0:07....

If I had to listen to music of any sort in this fashion constantly, I'd start messing with stuff.  But, mho, for what it's worth.... 

It and a buck will get me a cross-town bus ride... 😏

@mihorn I only want to remember only few good sounds. Who wants to remember a bad sound. And there are not many audio systems sound better than mine to me. Hear mine below. Your ears might need few minutes to get used to this sound though.

Gotcha.  A fun song.  Enjoy the music and your audio system!  

That's what matters. 👍


So, It’s "exactly the same" and there is a "difference". Did we just get played by a Troll with a Joke on us. Kinda feels like it, haha. Starting to look familiar, anyone? :)

My sons will know it is me when they hear my recorded voice even if the recording is pretty bad quality.

Every sounds have it’s signature tone, timber and pattern. I know the sound I heard in the video when I hear it at the show. People talk about the sound of speaker and audio systems. The impression of sound don’t easily go away when it is impressive. Of course. I only want to remember only few good sounds. Who wants to remember a bad sound. And there are not many audio systems sound better than mine to me. Hear mine below. Your ears might need few minutes to get used to this sound though.


@mihorn I’ve been audio shows every year and I find that the sound of videos is exactly same what I hear in the show. Microphones don’t lie.


@mihorn Human brain is complex enough to figure out the difference between the real and video sound and remembers sounds at the show.


So, It’s "exactly the same" and there is a "difference". Did we just get played by a Troll with a Joke on us. Kinda feels like it, haha. Starting to look familiar, anyone? :)



...the sound of Marcus' voice outside on the pier v. in the listening space certainly exhibits what mics' 'do' in a closed space, picking up on the rooms' slight echos and some resonance to my ears.

The fact that it still is a YT vid playing an in-situ replay of a speaker through my electronics and my desktop Walsh...

In short, it sounds like what I perceive it to be; an unfortunate lo-budget vid of what may be a nice speaker.   And I wish Marcus good luck in his venture. *S*

The issues about microphones are well known, which is why there's so many variants on even the basic sorts.  Vocalists have their 'favs', as do acoustic players, and on and on....

And then theres' psychoacoustics, when ones' ears and mind 'filter' what we're hearing.  I'm quite comfortable with the notion (if not fact) that what you hear is not EXACTLY what I do....even if we point out to each other What is catching ones' attention....

...and, of course, subject to arguement, as usual. *L*

(Oh, well....shields up....;)...)


No, but your brain will tell you things that are not correct. Our memory is not good enough to even begin to make this comparison.

Human brain is complex enough to figure out the difference between the real and video sound and remembers sounds at the show. Though it might require some repeat training or experience to hear so clearly like me. I've been in audio seriously for a couple of decades and attending audio shows every years. 



I’ve been audio shows every year and I find that the sound of videos is exactly same what I hear in the show. Microphones don’t lie.

No, but your brain will tell you things that are not correct. Our memory is not good enough to even begin to make this comparison.

... I’ve been audio shows every year and I find that the sound of videos is exactly same what I hear in the show ...

Really? That's amazing that you think compressed YT audio sounds the same as hi-res tracks played through a high-end audio system. It would certainly seem to prove that we do not all hear the same.


You simply cannot evaluate a speaker or anything over youtube.

I’ve been audio shows every year and I find that the sound of videos is exactly same what I hear in the show. Microphones don’t lie.

Listen to videos in "Jay’s audio lab" in YT. There are many world best equipment in and out of Jays system. And one can hear how sound changed by audio gears. His thread is the longest and the most posts in Agon.

AVshowreports has been doing video reviews for many years. Their reviews are great help for many audiophiles.

For EX.) below videos give some ideas what to hear and look for future audio buyers.




similar you get sex by the phone LOL

That is funny! The job is done anyway.☺ Thanks for making me smile!



@mihorn ,

You simply cannot evaluate a speaker or anything over youtube. Other than the obvious high compression, you have no idea what the acoustic are really, the microphone polar pattern, its frequency response, whether fixed or not, etc.  It is like judging the colors on a photo when viewing on a non-calibrated monitor taken with a non white point corrected camera with an indeterminate light source. You just don't know what you are working with.

Always is not good idea, ( dont say stupid )  check the sound quality by  listen   you tube over you speakers or phone , is it similar you get sex by  the phone  LOL


Microphones often have non flat responses and their acceptance/polar patterns are different from our hearing.

Microphones might hear differently one to another. However, a mic hears same persistently. A human ear can hear differently each time for the same sound. The mics don’t change like human ear does.

Audiophile Junkie (Ytube ID) recorded many rooms at the Home Entertainment show (2022) with a same recorder (same mic). In this room the human voice and audio sound are at same tone and timber. This room sound is very close to real natural sound (people’s voice). And people's voices don't bother to listen the audio sound.


The other room by AJ recorder (same mic), the human voice and audio sound are very different. In below video, human voices (from 5:00) sound real and feel nice. When the music starts from 7:50, the audio sounds much different from the human voice.

The true hi-end audio system should sound natural and similar to the original music.


Yet another audiophile speaker. Seems like a vanity project of the founder. I don’t perceive any new technology or approach to the science or the market. Success will come down to are they capitalized enough to last long enough to generate a following to pay the bills which will be tough without differentiation.


Microphones often have non flat responses and their acceptance/polar patterns are different from our hearing.

Was the room they were in completely untreated? His voice sounded a like it had some echo in it 

@decooney . No worries. I thought you had used the same woofer from their mtm. Just wondering what it was.

@timlub I’m not certain, yet at one point the presenter comments the lower midrange-woofer driver on one of the speakers being shown are "custom made" to their specifications, with a minimal crossover. Behind the lower grille cloth on one of the lower drive units, you can almost see a center alloy ring peeking through where a voice coil dust cover cover would normally be. Not anything I recognize from an OEM I’m familiar with these days. Would have to hear them in person to understand what’s really going on there. Interesting though, and fun to see new designs. Will try to watch it again this coming weekend to see what else to pick up on.

Probably amazing, but if they’re not sold within a few hundred miles of me, I’ll never get to hear them.


Yup youtube videos mean very very little.

Youtube videos to evaluate audio sound is very important for many people. Before people buy audio systems, 1st thing they do nowadays is searching video reviews. They know microphones don’t lie and are honest always. How can they? The microphones record human voice like human voice and record the audio sound as it hears.

In below video, human voices (from 5:00) sound real and feel nice. When the music starts from 7:50, the audio sounds so much different from the human voice. It sounds veiled and glared and makes my eyes and ears very uncomfortable.

Listen to the original music,


The true hi-end audio system sound should be close to the original music.


They look like a fancier version of some Coincident designs. They're probably very good.

decooney @mihorn you are hearing it over your speakers or headphones, on a compressed Youtube video.

I see that they (audio sound and human voice) sound same to your ears.

To me, in the video my ears are fine with person’s voice which is clear and natural. However, my ears feel uncomfortable when audio speakers are playing. It is not because of compresses video.


@mihorn you are hearing it over your speakers or headphones, on a compressed Youtube video.  Nothing realistic or natural about it compared to a real setting. 

These speakers could be the best sounding speaker in the world if the sound is more natural.

I hear the honest human voice from 7:00 in video. Then from 9:10 I hear veiled and glared unnatural hi-fi audio sound and my ears feel stuffed up. From 10:05 the natural sound comes back when the person starts to talk. 

Is it only me hearing this? Anyone else hearing this uncomfortable unnautral audio sound? 

Alex / Wavetouch

@leadcrew, Interesting. I’ve designed and built a similar speaker configuration about 7 years ago. Same MTM woofer with AMT configuration in custom walnut enclosures, but with separate subs below. I run them today with dual mono block tube amps. A local chain asked me to produce them for sale, and not interested. Way too labor intensive in small production numbers. Did it just for fun.

When ESS Electrostatic Sound Systems was temporarily relocated from Sacramento California USA to Germany for a number of years (since returned), and the five patents on the original air motion pleated transformer design expired (2002-2007), a few German outfits over there started making their own variations of amt speakers. 5+ COs around the world still making variations of amt loudspeakers now. They do posses a unique sound particularly when paired with the right components, fwiw.