Intriguing Speakers From Germany



Showing 4 responses by asvjerry

...the sound of Marcus' voice outside on the pier v. in the listening space certainly exhibits what mics' 'do' in a closed space, picking up on the rooms' slight echos and some resonance to my ears.

The fact that it still is a YT vid playing an in-situ replay of a speaker through my electronics and my desktop Walsh...

In short, it sounds like what I perceive it to be; an unfortunate lo-budget vid of what may be a nice speaker.   And I wish Marcus good luck in his venture. *S*

The issues about microphones are well known, which is why there's so many variants on even the basic sorts.  Vocalists have their 'favs', as do acoustic players, and on and on....

And then theres' psychoacoustics, when ones' ears and mind 'filter' what we're hearing.  I'm quite comfortable with the notion (if not fact) that what you hear is not EXACTLY what I do....even if we point out to each other What is catching ones' attention....

...and, of course, subject to arguement, as usual. *L*

(Oh, well....shields up....;)...)

....but unlike the ’uncelebrated Mr. K’, I won’t tell you what or how you should be listening to or how or with what.

All that matters is that you’re happy.

What’s the point, otherwise?

And..if considered a troll, at least I’ll attempt to be a different flavor of such... ;)

Looking forward to seeing/hearing Samantha Fish on Sunday night, wish a similar 'fun thing' for y'all.... *G*


Ricky Lee Jones....Chucky's In Love....opening bars, have the lp, caught her IRL in Berkeley....pity, someone in front row handed her a bottle of Jack and she got sloppy...

Still sounded good, tho'....*S*  Came in @ 8:00ish

Don't recognize the following selection, but doesn't matter and I don't mind not...the opening....cello, I think..

But both sound like a good system playing through 'everything in between', finally to my diy Walsh above my desk.

Undoubtably better in your space, I could hear you punching keys at 0:06~0:07....

If I had to listen to music of any sort in this fashion constantly, I'd start messing with stuff.  But, mho, for what it's worth.... 

It and a buck will get me a cross-town bus ride... 😏

@moonwatcher  : +10 and well put.  The Bored Panda version...


... @markmendenhall has the visuals down.... ;)

Waay too many variables 'twixt A>Z, but at least we recognise the same song. *G*