Has anyone bought the Psvane Acme 300B Vacuum Tube?

These are on my radar but I really know little of them. I had contact once with a fella that re-tubed his VAC Renaissance 70/70 amp with them and said they made a big difference in a good way. It would take about $4K to re-tube my amp with these. I am not in a hurry, just doing research. I can have VAC re-tube it for less than half of this. I think tubes will last a very long time in my amp, especially after I get the MK III upgrade on this amp when I take it to VAC this October. I can also get Gold Lion PX300B tubes for half of this, any one use those? I've had this amp a long time, I plan on keeping it until the grave so I want to do this right their first time even if I have to be patient and wait to afford a re tube. I am retired so disposable income is vastly reduced. I am just thankful i have so many fine audio pieces to enjoy now that I bought many years ago when I could.



I can also vouch for the longevity of the EML XLS 300b. My first pair in my SET mono blocks lasted me a good 11 to 12 years with very heavy usage and hours. BTW not a single reliability issue during this time. Now on my 2nd pair and anticipate the same outcome. 

Not an inexpensive tube but worth its cost due to excellent sound quality and robust built and dependability/lifespan.


Allnic A-6000 monos running 8 x 300B XLS for 12 hours a day for many years with no issues ... and light wear on the tubes (Amplitrex AT-1000 tested). 


How do the 1980/2000s or modern Western Electric 300Bs compare to BXLS?

Many good tube candidates in the hands of talented builders and attention to implementation. I will say that the 300b is a superb tube and has served me splendidly.


Any statement on 300bs without mentioning the driver tubes in my experience is unlikely to be repeatable. In my Wavac EC300b I run Taks and EATs., while both easily beat the TJFull Musics mesh plate irrespective of the driver tube, The Taks work best with Jan Philips 7581as or Svetlana Winged ‘C’s, whereas the EAT loves Tungsol KT66s. In my amp in the end the EAT is the more fleshed out tube for large scale symphonic works whereas the Taks are good for Chamber music and small ensemble jazz given their higher finesse. All of that said, unless you run very high sensitivity horns, 300b is the nicest power tube out there in terms of musicality..I’d hate to think how different speaker loads might further complicate matters….

Correction I’ve had the EML XLS tubes over 10 years (purchased in 2012).


@spratan I have nothing but high praise for the EML tubes, they sound amazing and are beyond reliable in my opinion. 

100% agreed. I just replaced a pair of the EML XLS 300b after 12 years of very frequent usage in my 300b SET mono blocks. They provided superb sound quality and not a single reliability issue. I fully expect the same from my new replacement pair.


I have had the opposite experience to you. I've owned a pair of EML 300 XLS for almost 6 yrs, and they are still going strong with no issues whatsoever. I've had terrible experiences with Sophia Electric Princess 300bs, where I had two different pairs fail. They tried to blame the failures on my amp, which of course isn't true, because they were the only brand that ever failed on my amp. I have nothing but high praise for the EML tubes, they sound amazing and are beyond reliable in my opinion. 

Don't buy EML tubes. Their 5 years warranty is crap.

I bought a pair, one failed only with 10 hs or so of use and they blame my amp as they said it had lower heater voltage than "recommended" by them. 

Well, my amp had about 7% lower than the 5v ideal heater voltage and they cover up to 5% of difference. 

I consulted other experts on the field and no tube can be broken by low heater voltage. I have Shuguangs and Golden Lion 300B working fine for years that back up these experts opinion.

Summarizing, don't buy EML and if you are an EML fan, I can sell you a brand new EML XLS 300B single tube, I cannot use alone, with a good discount.

Please correct me if I have misunderstood what is being communicated in some of the above posts regarding 'resolution?'

In particular, I do not get how a specific tube can be "more resolving" (in the midrange... I presume) yet be simultaneously rolled off above and below (in the frequency range); in other words less resolved above and below.


I would agree with your assessment and understand what you mean by the Taks being more resolving. Sometimes there is just more there in the midrange, even if it means being more relaxed at the frequency extremes!


Good comments! These premium tier 300bs are all excellent In my experience. Yet, each will match better with some amplifiers/circuits than others. Very individualistic process.


@wrm57 Thanks for your report back on the EML - I would agree with your assessment and understand what you mean by the Taks being more resolving. Sometimes there is just more there in the midrange, even if it means being more relaxed at the frequency extremes!

@blisshifi , So I went and inserted the EML 300B XLS back into my amp, just to check the sound after putting them away for 8 mos. I have to say, you are correct about the brightness, even slight edginess on top. Interesting that this is because of being under-driven at 60mA in my amp. I also noticed how much more robust they are through the whole spectrum, especially the bass and lower midrange. I think this bottom robustness is what I was recalling as romantic. The Taks have a gentleness that is nonetheless quite resolving. And because they are more electrically "correct" in my circuit, they have a rightness of sound that gives greater depth and precision to the presentation. At least that’s my interpretation, and it’s what I was hearing as "more resolving." I can also understand how this aspect could be heard as more romantic, as you say. Anyway, just wanted to clear this up. I appreciate your knowledge and insight.

And then there’s this about the Tak from "The Quick and Dirty 300B Shootout" in Stereotimes, which included the Elrog but not the EML:

This was definitely a crowd favourite and elicited plenty of excited superlatives. The Takatsuki is a very clear and open tube with the widest and deepest soundstage. The top end has incredible amounts of air, which created the most realistic acoustic space among the tubes on test here. I found the staging to be slightly forward, with noticeable midrange projection, contrary to the findings of one of the participants who felt that it had recessed soundstaging.

It had less tonal density and heft compared to the Elrog, and careful matching is required to avoid excessive brightness. Otherwise, it was the clear leader in terms of detail retrieval, imaging and soundstage precision. The crowd begged for the Valvo Heerlen 12AX7 to be put in place of the Telefunken (more details below), but I politely declined to maintain a consistent test base for our shootout.

Here are the comments from the other participants:

"Big soundstage, airy, good extension of highs and lows, slightly colored compared to elrog. Suitable for vocals and recitals."

"Open, lit, detailed. Excellent soundstage and so holographic sounding."

"Voicing "behind" the speakers, incredible microdetail and filled out the space. Extremely holographic, clean, and refined. the Takatsuki opened up the sound and removed the ANJ flavouring."

By no means definitive but more in line with my experience vis a vis the open top end and resolution. FWIW.



Based on my extensive research, and not having heard in my amp. Taks generally have rep of being on more romantic side, I've seen rare failures. EML, more on cool side, never seen a single failure,  Elrog, seen perception of sound quality all over the place, I tend to believe bit more on romantic side, many failures with previous iterations, haven't seen a documented failure of latest iteration.  Acme, lean just a bit warm of neutral, rare failures, mostly seen in some Line Magnetic amps.


Keep in mind these are generalities, YMMV. Above from observations over many years in any number of forums and reviews. My choice for 300B were based off Western Electric and EML for reliability and durability, Elrog, Taks and Acme for richer sound. I'd expect the Linlai Elites are another top contender.


@wrm57 I’d add that I only put maybe 50 hours on the EML before I went back to the Taks, missing the openness and extension on top. Maybe they never burned in. I’ll swap ’em back in sometime when I get antsy again. :)

Well, I will say that with only 50 hours of use on the EML XLS you haven’t heard their full potential. Nonetheless it is certainly possible for your particular Luxman amplifier you still might prefer the Takatsuki.

Luxman undoubtedly voiced their amplifier circuit given the decision to go with Takatsuki tubes. As noted previously these are ail excellent upper echelon 300b options that will mate with some amplifiers more synergistically than others. I bet the Luxman-Takatsuki pairing sounds marvelous!


That said, I’m unsure how the Taks were more resolving, I’d never felt that across the 3-4 amps rolled my 300Bs around with.

@blisshifi , just my experience. Maybe because the amp was designed to use the Tak, but I can’t say for sure. I’d add that I only put maybe 50 hours on the EML before I went back to the Taks, missing the openness and extension on top. Maybe they never burned in. I'll swap 'em back in sometime when I get antsy again. :)

@wrm57 I would say that the tone of the EML 300B-XLS is largely dependent on how much they are overdriven. Most 300Bs are supposed to be have a plate voltage at around 60mA, but the EML 300B-XLS requires between 90-110mA to sound its best if I remember correctly. I was able to do this when I used Cary 805AE monoblocks a few years ago and the EML were very close to the ACME. But in other amps where increasing the plate voltage was not an option, the 300B-XLS tends to tip up and not bloom the way you mention. That said, I’m unsure how the Taks were more resolving, I’d never felt that across the 3-4 amps rolled my 300Bs around with. Perhaps it is system dependent as you say!


See, this is where @charles1dad ’s statement that 300Bs are system-dependent rings so true. I have the Taks and the EML 300B-XLS. In my amp, a Luxman designed with Taks, the sound is nearly the reverse of what @blisshifi experienced. The Taks are more extended in the highs and more resolving throughout, whereas the EMLs are more midrange-centric and bloomier, more romantic, with less openness and air. Both are excellent 300Bs but the Taks are the clear winner for me. In another amp, as Bliss reports, that’s not necessarily the case.

I have to say, I'm still sorely tempted to pick up some of the ACMEs, though. I have a pair of the 2A3s in another amp and love 'em. They're the best I've heard since AVVT mesh plates back in the early 2000s, which were glorious but unstable.

I’ve tried a large number of 300Bs over the years and the Psvane ACME were my favorite, even over the Elrog and EML 300B-XLS (which were more dynamic and tipped up just slightly) and Takatsuki (which are a tad more romantic and less resolving). I know the ACME has been on the market left due to some of the leads moving over to Linlai. The Linlai Elite line is apparently also very good, but I do not have first hand experience with them. 

The lower cost 300b tubes are solid, good sounding tubes, they just aren’t “great “ sounding, With SET amplifiers I only require a single pair and that’s it. Unquestionably a different proposition when one needs multiple 300bs for their amplifier. I used the Shuguang Black Treasure (BT) 300b for nearly 3 years before replacing them with the Takatsuki.

The BT tubes are very solid performers, it is just simply bettered by the far more expensive higher level Japanese tube. I feel very fortunate that I only need one pair of the 300b for my amplifier. Needing 16 of them is an entirely different boat.🙂


@fthompson251   I had 16 of the Gold Lion 300B in my Canary Grand Reference Mono Amps with low hours.  I decided to upgrade with Western Electric when I had some fun money.  Now no more fun money --- thank you stock market and inflation.  While Western Electric is a step above Gold Lion in SQ, from a price perspective, I could have been happy with the Gold Lion.   I am now a tube collector.  

In lower price group, Shuguang Black Treasure comes out on top in some the comparative reviews I've seen. All tubes in lower tier really not close to upper tier, really no middle ground with these tubes. The large gulf due mostly to superior resolving/transparency capabilities of the top tier. Can understand the cost issue, minimum $4k for the top tier.


Yes,  that’s a lot of 300b tubes. Although I have not heard them personally, there are many good comments in regard to the JJ 300b . Reports are a good sounding and reliable tube that is very affordable. I am familiar with the VAC Renaissance 70/70 amplifier. Very good choice.👍



Thanks, my issue is that I need 2 matched quads ( 8 total tubes) for my VAC Ren 70/70 amp so if I can find something good and reasonable that would be great. There are also different levels of the Psvane 300 B's. Anyone try the Gold Lion PX300B?

@sns As I previously mentioned, in checking around the web you’ll mostly find satisfied users of all the boutique 300B tubes. This tells you one of two things, either all the boutique tubes are nice or its all confirmation bias. You may find a particular 300b is preferred for a specific component, but overall they all get high marks.

Agree 100%. In my opinion all of the premium tier 300b tubes are excellent. Invariably some are going to be better matches than others in a particular circuit or amplifier (Even depending upon overall audio system voicing).

I purchased the Takatsuki when first available for the American market (Bought directly from Japan) it’s a superb 300b. I feel the same with regard to the Elrog I once owned.I have no doubts that the Psvane Acme, Linlai, and Current production Western Electric are superb choices.

No one can claim that one is unequivocally better than the others. Too many variables come into play. My 300b SET amplifier sounds brilliant but is a bit hard on the tubes I have learned over the years.

So in my circumstances the exceptionally rugged and durable (And splendid sounding) EML XLS has worked out best long term for “me”. The higher cost upper tier 300b tubes are worth it in a high quality amplifier. You’ll get the most out of a good amp with them onboard.



While above is interesting for those directly in room, youtube videos very poor way to make any audio evaluation. You're listening to unfamiliar systems through relatively low quality digital. The listening impressions may be valid for people producing video, the sound portion has no validity for the listener.


As I previously mentioned, in checking around the web you'll mostly find satisfied users of all the boutique 300B tubes. This tells you one of two things, either all the boutique tubes are nice or its all confirmation bias. You may find a particular 300b is preferred for a specific component, but overall they all get high marks.

I did a lot of research before upgrading my Woo headphone amp. The reviews pretty unanimously pointed to Takatsuki 300Bs. The difference between stock and the Takatsuki was phenomenal. While I did not buy and listen to half a dozen… I have been amazed with the performance… I would go with the well reviewed and this highly regarded brand. It is in the same price range.

I decided to purchase the Acme's for my custom build 300B monoblocks some time ago after doing extensive research on all the top line 300B tubes, really became a crap shoot as all the nice 300B's have their proponents. My take is they're all nice and you'd likely be happy with any of them. There are instances of premature failures in some of them, but in most cases limited to certain amps. For instance I did find a thread with a few Acme failures in LIne Magnetic amps, bad batch of tubes or excessive plate voltages in the LM amps? Don't recall seeing more recent failures of this tube.


Anyway, the Acme's were a substantial upgrade over the Shuguang Black Treasure which based on reviews are likely the best of the lower grade 300B's. Far greater resolution and transparency, greater harmonic development, timbre far more natural than the Black Treasure.  I'd judge flavor as neutral with a touch of warmth, the warmth coming from the harmonic development, just right in context of my total system. I wouldn't want to go further in warmth, I like articulate bass without bloat.


I consider a top line 300B tube as mandatory for any equipment using the tube, really not hearing near it's full potential with the lower grade 300B's.