Has anyone bought the Psvane Acme 300B Vacuum Tube?

These are on my radar but I really know little of them. I had contact once with a fella that re-tubed his VAC Renaissance 70/70 amp with them and said they made a big difference in a good way. It would take about $4K to re-tube my amp with these. I am not in a hurry, just doing research. I can have VAC re-tube it for less than half of this. I think tubes will last a very long time in my amp, especially after I get the MK III upgrade on this amp when I take it to VAC this October. I can also get Gold Lion PX300B tubes for half of this, any one use those? I've had this amp a long time, I plan on keeping it until the grave so I want to do this right their first time even if I have to be patient and wait to afford a re tube. I am retired so disposable income is vastly reduced. I am just thankful i have so many fine audio pieces to enjoy now that I bought many years ago when I could.


Showing 9 responses by charles1dad


I can also vouch for the longevity of the EML XLS 300b. My first pair in my SET mono blocks lasted me a good 11 to 12 years with very heavy usage and hours. BTW not a single reliability issue during this time. Now on my 2nd pair and anticipate the same outcome. 

Not an inexpensive tube but worth its cost due to excellent sound quality and robust built and dependability/lifespan.


Many good tube candidates in the hands of talented builders and attention to implementation. I will say that the 300b is a superb tube and has served me splendidly.


Correction I’ve had the EML XLS tubes over 10 years (purchased in 2012).


@spratan I have nothing but high praise for the EML tubes, they sound amazing and are beyond reliable in my opinion. 

100% agreed. I just replaced a pair of the EML XLS 300b after 12 years of very frequent usage in my 300b SET mono blocks. They provided superb sound quality and not a single reliability issue. I fully expect the same from my new replacement pair.


Good comments! These premium tier 300bs are all excellent In my experience. Yet, each will match better with some amplifiers/circuits than others. Very individualistic process.



@wrm57 I’d add that I only put maybe 50 hours on the EML before I went back to the Taks, missing the openness and extension on top. Maybe they never burned in. I’ll swap ’em back in sometime when I get antsy again. :)

Well, I will say that with only 50 hours of use on the EML XLS you haven’t heard their full potential. Nonetheless it is certainly possible for your particular Luxman amplifier you still might prefer the Takatsuki.

Luxman undoubtedly voiced their amplifier circuit given the decision to go with Takatsuki tubes. As noted previously these are ail excellent upper echelon 300b options that will mate with some amplifiers more synergistically than others. I bet the Luxman-Takatsuki pairing sounds marvelous!


The lower cost 300b tubes are solid, good sounding tubes, they just aren’t “great “ sounding, With SET amplifiers I only require a single pair and that’s it. Unquestionably a different proposition when one needs multiple 300bs for their amplifier. I used the Shuguang Black Treasure (BT) 300b for nearly 3 years before replacing them with the Takatsuki.

The BT tubes are very solid performers, it is just simply bettered by the far more expensive higher level Japanese tube. I feel very fortunate that I only need one pair of the 300b for my amplifier. Needing 16 of them is an entirely different boat.🙂



Yes,  that’s a lot of 300b tubes. Although I have not heard them personally, there are many good comments in regard to the JJ 300b . Reports are a good sounding and reliable tube that is very affordable. I am familiar with the VAC Renaissance 70/70 amplifier. Very good choice.👍



@sns As I previously mentioned, in checking around the web you’ll mostly find satisfied users of all the boutique 300B tubes. This tells you one of two things, either all the boutique tubes are nice or its all confirmation bias. You may find a particular 300b is preferred for a specific component, but overall they all get high marks.

Agree 100%. In my opinion all of the premium tier 300b tubes are excellent. Invariably some are going to be better matches than others in a particular circuit or amplifier (Even depending upon overall audio system voicing).

I purchased the Takatsuki when first available for the American market (Bought directly from Japan) it’s a superb 300b. I feel the same with regard to the Elrog I once owned.I have no doubts that the Psvane Acme, Linlai, and Current production Western Electric are superb choices.

No one can claim that one is unequivocally better than the others. Too many variables come into play. My 300b SET amplifier sounds brilliant but is a bit hard on the tubes I have learned over the years.

So in my circumstances the exceptionally rugged and durable (And splendid sounding) EML XLS has worked out best long term for “me”. The higher cost upper tier 300b tubes are worth it in a high quality amplifier. You’ll get the most out of a good amp with them onboard.
