
Discussions plga has started

Playing Hi-Res Files with SOtM SMS-200 Ultra Neo17128
Master Clock for the SOtM SMS-200 Ultra Neo SE292325
Two vs four subwoofers for music playback166918
Question about byamplification141119
EML 300B, 300B XLS and 300B mesh plates14790
Wich 300B valves to buy????13050
Question about audiophile DC cables40967
Do I need bi amping?201828
Where to listen hi end systems in Manhattan?490115
AC Dedicated Line748958
Tidal vs Hi Res Files vs CD vs “Netflix”. My test. Incredible!842948
Super tweeters, are they worthwile? 1415529
How to connect subwoofers359812
Difference in sound between day and night. Help!736365
Tidal app vs Roon. Wich one sounds better?1337112