I did a lot of research before upgrading my Woo headphone amp. The reviews pretty unanimously pointed to Takatsuki 300Bs. The difference between stock and the Takatsuki was phenomenal. While I did not buy and listen to half a dozen… I have been amazed with the performance… I would go with the well reviewed and this highly regarded brand. It is in the same price range.
Has anyone bought the Psvane Acme 300B Vacuum Tube?
These are on my radar but I really know little of them. I had contact once with a fella that re-tubed his VAC Renaissance 70/70 amp with them and said they made a big difference in a good way. It would take about $4K to re-tube my amp with these. I am not in a hurry, just doing research. I can have VAC re-tube it for less than half of this. I think tubes will last a very long time in my amp, especially after I get the MK III upgrade on this amp when I take it to VAC this October. I can also get Gold Lion PX300B tubes for half of this, any one use those? I've had this amp a long time, I plan on keeping it until the grave so I want to do this right their first time even if I have to be patient and wait to afford a re tube. I am retired so disposable income is vastly reduced. I am just thankful i have so many fine audio pieces to enjoy now that I bought many years ago when I could.