Great song by the Clash

Just a great, great song.


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The original group Bobby Fuller Ford I think does it better , From my Era ,IMO.

Well, if it's songs about doing wrong, and the consequences, I'm rather partial to J.R.


+1 Hilde45

The Clash was an important band for me in the 80s. I went from listening to Niel Young, Bob Dylan and Frank Zappa, to First Wave and punk rock. I like the Supermarket Song the best. It’s like a slap in the face to commercialism. I still listen to Zappa though. The Bee Gees made me wanna throw up


„Lost in the Supermarket“ is a great song. The whole „London Calling“ album is a gem. If I had to name a perfect album, this is the one for me. No fillers.

Strangely no other Clash album manages to captivate me like that, only the late Joe Strummer albums come close.

As for „I fought the law“: I have to mention the great version by the Dead Kennedys, in which „I won“. 

The Clash's cover of I Fought the Law first appeared on The High Cost of Living EP which also included outstanding songs like Groovy Times and Gates of the West. It was never off my turntable after it was released in 1979 - before London Calling. Topper Headon is a massively underrated drummer.

I caught the first wave of punk in 77 and love it to this day. As for the Clash, their earliest stuff is still my favorite including the S/T LP and Give Them Enough Rope. The DKs version of IFTL is solid but I do like the Clash version better. 

For a fun Clash related song, check out The News by Carbon Silicon……😎

Love the Clash (and Zappa,etc.) I always loved Guns of Brixton. Such a catchy bass line. Now how about one of the most underrated bands of that era.. XTC :)


So many great songs by the Clash! Wanted to see them on their run on Broadway (Bonds) in 1981 but it was such a crazy scene that even as a 22-year old, decided not to go in!  Went to Bonds with a friend, was living in NYC and we both agreed that it was too crazy!  Oh well.  When they did their run at Bonds, I did see Strummer and Jones walking up Broadway, near Lincoln Center, clad in their black leather clothes.  I'll never forget it.  I did get to see them in 1982 at Pier 84, but the open venue didn’t do them justice.



I always though the Clash were so apt at identifying and clarifying social issues in a minimalist fashion. Much like Merle Haggard could do.


Always one of my favorites, whether the original by Bobby Fuller Four or the Clash's great cover. I also love their song 'Jail Guitar Doors'.  The Clash do a lot of great crime-related songs... 

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Indeed, there is some very good music out there. Some is from duos who are not well known like this one


The London calling LP is classic including the cover.

I always enjoyed Charlie Don't Surf from Sandinista.

Know Your Rights!!!

This is a Public Service Announcement, with guitars!!!!!!

....I had the 45 to this back then....  probably drove the mom nutz.....

"My second son wants to grow up into a degenerate....*sigh*..."

Sorry, Mom....not quite, but kinda depended on where that line was....;)


Btw....Today’s menu: 34 slices of the Orange, Due to Rot.

...lately 'wearing' the hair 'beret style'....

I hate jokes that make us all the butt.

To draw a rough analogy, London Calling was their Revolver and Sandinista was their White Album. Or London Calling was The Bends and Sandinista was A Moon Shaped Pool.

Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers first national tour, June 15, 1978 Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver, Canada.

The third encore was "I Fought The Law".

Gone, but certainly not forgotten.


Big Audio Dynamite's debut is actually my favorite "Clash" album.

Besides, the Clash are street trash --