Favorite Preamps without phono section

Just looking for any quality recommended preamps without any phono section.    I use one of my 2 phono preamps exclusively (mostly my Herron VTPH-2A).   And I use the DACs in my Oppo — 2 ESS Technology ES9038PRO DACs.

Really just looking to see if it’s worth seeking out a preamp that maximizes sonic quality/purity, without any wasted feature-sets that add cost, take up space & add weight, complicate the circuit path(s), etc.




I have a few in rotation however an old favourite of mine ARC REF 40.




If it demonstrates anything at all, at every opportunity to sing the praises of Aric at Aric Audio, I will happily do so. His gear is world class as well as his customer service! I worked with Aric on a bespoke preamplifier some years ago that we named The Motherlode. Every piece of gear since taking delivery has come and gone, but The Motherlode has never left the rack. Do yourself a favor and reach out  to him to discuss your specific needs. 

Backert is another to consider. Just over 4 years ago I bought their Rhumba line stage and it took my system to another level. After a couple of years, curiosity got the better of me and I auditioned the Rhumba Extreme which provided additional  improvements across the board. They have a generous trade up policy and the people are great to deal with. Here's a fairly recent review:


It’s not a big expensive fancy pants brand but the audio by van alsten tube pre amp is no frills and sounds great to my humble ears…

Since you already know what Herron has to offer, the VTSP-360 seems like an obvious choice. I love mine. 

+1 Zesto Leto II although Herron's Reference line stage would be the obvious choice.

You don't describe what you mean by "wasted feature-sets". If by that you mean basically a remote controlled volume and selector switch then all the recommendations so far, including mine, would be invalid.

With that said, I would upgrade your DAC first, You may find that with a very good digital source, you may be satisfied with the line stage or preamp that you currently own.

My Zesto Leto just came back from Zesto and after having the ESP upgrade it's even better than when it was built .   This pre is "next level" in my opinion , it sounds incredible. 

Unlikely I will ever part with ....it's arguably the best component I've owned to date.  When the time comes to get back I to vinyl I will be looking for a used Zesto phono pre.   Stuff is good !!!!!    Best customer service I have ever experienced too.     

So, if a preamp with a phono stage sounds better to you, you’d sacrifice sonics to not have the extra electronics?  My advice — go by sound and don’t worry so much about if it has a phono pre or not. 

recents for me are Pass XP-22 and Rowland Capri...Capri offers DAC or phono as an option ( either one but not both )...

Demo listen to confirm the pre will open your amplifier, which is the most important point. Another question, is the details you get from the listen. I am extremely love the pre with detail.

I own the Motherlode II,and the Unlimited. Wonderful preamps,and Aric is great to work with. Although,the OP really should state a budget,sonic requirements as well.

Audio Research, Audio Research, Audio Research… oh, to be fair, also, Conrad Johnson, Cary, and VAC. I guess Luxman should be considered as well. 

Just some info...These preamps w/o phono sections are referred to as " line stages ". Cartridges do not output enough voltage to operate at line level. I gave up on preamps a long time ago, as I am strictly passive. Passive works very well for me, totally based on " system matching ". We all need a reality check sometimes. Every piece of gear we buy, has a tonality, a character, a certain level of both quality of detail, and presentation. Enjoy ! MrD.

I have a BAT VK-30SE that's been upgraded to their new Duo-Pak that sounds fantastic with my Herron VTPH-2A.  I bought it used around a year ago, pretty cheap, and had the upgrade done at the factory.