Denafrips Pontus *15th* ?

Hi guys, 

I'm confused (doesn't take a lot 🤔)

I ordered a new Pontus 12th-1 direct from Vinshine about 8/9 days ago; it was delivered this morning, but, it wasn't a Pontus 12th-1 I unboxed - it was a Pontus 15th????

I had no idea, and haven't come across, or read anything that there was a new version coming.

I've emailed Vinshine, but with the time difference, they're probably all tucked up in bed right now in Singapore; while I wait for a response, does anyone else have a clue about this "15th" version?

I'd post a picture of the front panel, but I have no idea how to upload photos on A'gon

Thanks for reading 👍


I've received a response from Alvin re: the 15th versions;

Good day!
My apologies for the late reply. I am currently on a business trip with limited internet access.

Pontus 15th is the latest variant. You're one of the lucky customers who received it :) More details will be shared by the DENAFRIPS team soon!

p/s: We're currently on a business trip, so there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your patience.
Many thanks.


Yours sincerely,

Alvin Chee

Looks like Denafrips/Vinshine will release more comprehensive details soon. Keen to find out what they are 👍




It’s very strange that there wasn’t some kind of announcement of this new version as communication has been usually excellent with this company in my experience. I have had my Pontus II 3 years and have been extremely happy with it.

It seems you have to go to the “Buy Now” link on the Denafrips website to see the reference to the Pontus 15th as well as other 15th models. This brings up another interesting factoid in that pricing which appears to be in US dollars on the Denafrips website differs from the Vinshine website S$ price after it is converted to US dollars. Would also seem like Vinshine and Denafrips have to get on the same page regarding both the model numbers and pricing.



when I type Pontus 15 on yahoo I get a page on the Denafrips Pontus 15, but when I go to the Denafrips website, no mention of the 15

I couldn't make out much other than silver internal wiring, and new FPGA firmware (for the Pontus 15th) but there is probably more.

Looking forward to one of Alvin's YT vids on this; he's got a lot of catch-up after his trip away 🤔🫣

I’ve got the Terminator “12th” and it gets better and better.   It’s been 4 months and the sound opens up and bass gets deeper and tighter as it breaks in. I’m still wondering what the spec differences are between that and the 15th.  It’s now on their website as a 15th. This is fun 

@moonwatcher What I did notice in the brief time I listened, was that bass notes, say on electric bass guitar were definitely more defined. I wouldn't say more bass slam, but more discernable. This was one of the things I did pick up on, plus better micro detail generally. Individual track components better isolated from each other.

Once I've put some decent hours on the unit (it'll be running Radio Paradise 24/7 for the next week or more), I'll update.

Hope this helps 👍



Have had a Pontus ll 12th for 18 months and it certainly does not lack bass. Have been very happy with it. If possible to audition, well worth it. 

@painter24 when you get more time to evaluate it (and after say 50 to 100 hours are on it) please let us know if the Pontus 15th or whatever it is has more bass definition (or "slam") than the Ares II. I’m on the fence about getting an R2R DAC but considering the Pontus, however, "everyone" says chip-based DACs offer better bass. Well, maybe, maybe not. A Venus or Terminator are out of my price range, but something in the $2k range might fit the bill if it is a significant step up from the Ares II. Thank you and good luck. It will be interesting what they tell you about the "15".

Ah, I see on the Maverick Hi-Fi site you referenced that someone has posted a blurb from their website...So it is a 15th edition with some slight upgrades. Nice to see.

But I do kind of agree with others that small changes don't warrant an "edition" and can be off-putting for those wanting to buy and yet have their device hold value longer and not seem like "the flavor of the month". Too many "editions" too quickly smacks of SMSL's marketing techniques and "cheapens" the brand's cachet.  Most companies do small updates or improvements during production runs and don't change the "edition".   I mean, if Ford beefs up a bracket on a truck during one year's production, they don't call it a F-150 Mark 57.  It gets silly after a while. 

Save "editions" for significant changes. Maybe it is a Chinese cultural thing compared to Westerners. I'm not sure. PS Audio out of Colorado only changes editions after several YEARS, not months. 

@ozzy62 thanks Ozzy. That takes me back. Haven't done that for a long long time 🤔😊. I have vague memories of a hosting site called something like Photo Bucket, or something like that 😊

As I can’t easily post pics on A’gon, here’s a link to a thread I posted in a UK forum with a photo of the 15th

Yes, the archaic method of posting pictures on this site requires you to host your pictures on the internet. Circa 2000 technology.


Damn $150 less than retail too, please post component upgrades to the 15th when published 🙏 

@kairosman yeah, I was surprised to say the least. I didn't even notice the "15th" on the front plate of my unit until after I'd configured the I2S pin out 😂.

I paid the normal 12th-1 price allowing for S$ to UK £ conversion, plus I took advantage of the offer of S$149 off for Vinshine loyalty membership. 

Wow, it would be a world premiere first in hifi if you paid for the most up to date version AND GET A PREVIOUSLY UNANNOUNCED UPGRADED VERSION FOR NO UPCHARGE!!!

Suffice to say I am eagerly awaiting further updates!

@curiousjim thanks 👍

I haven't given it much of a listen to be honest; I was so confused, I wasn't really taking it in as I normally would when receiving a new component 😊. What I did hear from it was impressive, considering I only had it plugged in and listened to it for about half hour.

The Pontus replaced the Ares 12th-1 which I bought on auction on a whim in February. I was so impressed I added the Iris 12th, which was a nice uplift. But I was so impressed with the little Ares, I took the plunge on a Pontus.

I'm very interested to see what Vinshine comes back with, and also to find out what changes have been made for the 15th. I'll update as soon as I hear back again 👍



If it’s anything like the Pontus ll, you’re gonna love it!  But I am definitely interested in what the Pontus 15 is all about.

@marco1 thanks for this, I wouldn't have read that thread normally as the Terminator is outside of my budget.

I've had a response from Annie at Vinshine; Annie wrote "the Support Team will reply to your email".

So, eagerly awaiting for the reply 🤔😊

@audphile1 🤣🤣🤣 funnily enough, that did cross my mind for a fleeting moment in my initial confusion 🤪

Check the Denafrips Terminator 2 bs thread.  Seems strange but true. Please post once/if you hear back.