Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables

Now, this is not a advertisement, just a posting sharing my experience on some well made great sounding cables at a very reasonable price. Besides, I don't think Cerious Technologies is set up for a big influx of cable orders.

But, if you get the chance to try these cables, please do.

I have been interested in the newer cables coming out that are using Graphene as a conductor. SR cables seemed interesting, but I always hated the way there cables had all those extra wires (with the active shields and such). I then noticed an ad early in I think November or December from Cerious Technologies for Graphene cables. I investigated how the cables were assembled and it seemed like quite a laborious process.

I ordered (with a 30 day money back guarantee) the balanced Graphene interconnects, and boy did they impress me. Such depth, soundstage, realism, frequency smoothness, effortless sound. I was truly impressed!  I now have a complete loom of the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables. That is; interconnects, speaker cables, digital cables and power cords.

I ended up selling all of my other cables and to those of you who have read my postings know that cables have always been my curiosity.

So, as I began this post, let me again iterate, I have no alliance to the company, my posting is for those of you looking for an great alternate high quality Graphene made cable without spending a fortune.

Hi everyone...Bob from Cerious. I wanted to let everyone know that starting this Friday (March 31) we will be shutting down for 11 days to expand and train newbies who will be helping produce raw conductors and eventually complete assemblies. We have been tripping over each other, boxes, and general parts trying to keep up. It is time to get organized and re-stock! All orders placed to this point will be shipped before we shut down. Communications will be spotty as we will be in full shut down mode but will try to keep posted. We will be better able to serve you when we are back up and running and (NO!) we are not going out of business and (NO!) it will not be more than 11 days. Thanks so much in advance for the patience...

Would you please respond to my email when you get a chance?  I would like to get this taking care of before your shut down.  Thx.

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Have any of you compared the Graphene speaker cables to the Acoustic Zen Hollograms or Satori? Considering trying these to see if I can improve on SQ.




I owned those AZ cables many moons ago and then moved on through many iterations of cables to where I am today. You will really enjoy the Cerious Graphene Cables.


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I used to have AZ Silver Reference interconnects in my system and I would say the Cerious cables are markedly better in my system.


Thanks for your responses! I'm currently using AZ new Absolute Copper SC and they are very good but after hearing Zenwave SMSG SC (Silver/Gold), I knew there is room for improvement and Cerious customers have been raving about these cables and how reasonable priced they are.


Wig, I have not heard the speaker cables that several of you speak about. I am totally enthused and a big fan of Bob's Cerious Graphene speaker cables. 

Having lived for a time with the Cerious Graphene interconnects, power cords, and speaker cables, this is my take in a nutshell:

The interconnects are very good.
The power cables are extremely good.
The speaker cables are a knockout.

I could have easily lived with the interconnects, but found some (as I know you did as well) that I like even better. I have no plans of looking elsewhere for my power cord and speaker cables. Just my two cents.


Thanks for your reply! I'm looking forward on hearing these in my system soon...


Walter you are saying if Iam correct you prefer the CT pc and the speaker cables....then Teo you like it better , Iam referring to GC ic,

I have found no speaker cables or power cords that I prefer to the Cerious Graphene CTs, but the Teo Game Changers are really unlike any interconnect I have tried in my system.

With that said, the Cerious interconnects are tremendous--it's just that the power cords and speaker cables are even better, at least to my ears.
I completely agree with waltersalas. The CT's and Teo's make one helluva combo and the fact that their price is so reasonable makes it even sweeter.

I just tried to read about the Teo's. Is it truly a liquid conductor? Too bad its not made in XLR or I would try one. Is $500 a meter the price?



Those of you with cable cookers, how many days do you recommend burning-in the Graphene SC? I own a Audiodharma Cooker and use it at least every six months to recondition my IC and PC.

I own the Audiodharma Cooker also.
Although it’s not really necessary to cook the Cerious Technologies Graphene products because they sound good upon arrival, I would suggest four days.
Best regards...

Have any of you tried CT jumpers? Assuming the same great qualities as the SC...



I emailed you about getting SCs. Please get back to me when you have a chance.


rgrost59 posts03-27-2017 6:22pmHi everyone...Bob from Cerious. I wanted to let everyone know that starting this Friday (March 31) we will be shutting down for 11 days to expand and train newbies who will be helping produce raw conductors and eventually complete assemblies. We have been tripping over each other, boxes, and general parts trying to keep up. It is time to get organized and re-stock! All orders placed to this point will be shipped before we shut down. Communications will be spotty as we will be in full shut down mode but will try to keep posted. We will be better able to serve you when we are back up and running and (NO!) we are not going out of business and (NO!) it will not be more than 11 days. Thanks so much in advance for the patience...

So many redundant posts about Bob being away on this thread or not being around to answer emails. Not sure if he has a auto-response feature to his email, but maybe someone can show him how to add one? It seems Audiogon has become an answering service. Then maybe work on his website ><

I just received the sample Graphene Contact Enhancer from the Mad Scientist in New Zealand. It came in a tube that is a little thicker than the size of a fuse. Inside the tube is what looks like an oily black liquid.

I put a dab on my amp fuses. Then I turned them on and for a few minutes the sound was dark sounding, but after 15 minutes things opened up.

The instructions says, "The first place to try is on analog interconnects. But you can use them on just about any place where metal meets metal on a contact." Other places to try them is speaker cables, fuses, plugs, even on tubes pins!

It will take a few days for me assess the value of the product so stay tuned...



Thanks! I’m such a sucker for new tweaks...

Today, I applied the oil to my speaker cable connections, and the output interconnects connections to the amps. This sure is a messy substance. Make sure you cover the floor and wear gloves if you use this stuff. I may have applied too little, but better to start thin.

I’ll give it a few days, to evaluate before I add anymore.



Could someone post a pic of the GE speaker cables please? Would like to see how thick it is and whether I would be better off ordering a set terminated with Spades instead.

Thank You.

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@jmcgrogan2, thank you very much for the link mate. Waiting eagerly for Bob to respond to my email and pm, can't wait.
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Well the Mad Scientist Graphene liquid was a no go in my system. In my system it added a darkness to the sound. It actually seemed to insulate more than conduct if that makes sense. Perhaps if you had a bright sounding system this stuff would tame it.

Cleaning the stuff off is a pain.


Ozzy, thanks for being the ginny pig.
I appreicate your willingness to experiment ;-)!
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I hate to judge before all the facts are in but the Graphene contact enhancer was probably not given nearly long enough to break-in. The Quicksilver Gold contact enhancer, which was the best of class, took at least 100 hours of playing music, even better using a break-in track, to break-in. I personally am so over having to wait around for things to break in, just to get some new thing that needs breaking in, ad infinitum. The fuses, the contacts, the tubes, the cables. Hey, La-Dee!. Lol

Geoffkait- your right about the extreme av the best, however it took 1000 hours for breakin! Eight long weeks but well worth the wait!

Geoffkait- your right about the extreme av the best, however it took 1000 hours for breakin! Eight long weeks but well worth the wait!

How did you know when it was completely broken in?

There's no need to reply. It's a rhetorical question.



I just couldn't listen to my system with that stuff on the connectors.


The extreme av was good, but the stuff changes and after a while it was not so good and I had to remove it.

Clean contacts to me is the best.

However, I do like stabilant 22 and I have recently received some substance from an Audiogon member that is showing potential.


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Ozzy, I don’t blame you but that’s what everybody says about almost all contact enhancers whilst they’re breaking in. You probably should have given it a lot more time before cashing your chips in is all I’m suggesting. That way the new Graphene product would get a fairer shake. I also don’t put cleaners and sprays in the same category with all those silver, silver/gold, Graphene based enhancers. Just my opinion. Finally I don't really think you can draw any conclusions about the XTreme AV contact enhancer on the basis that it dries up over time. The silver is the part that's the enhancer not the medium. It's supposed to dry up. 

Hi everybody. We are back! I apologize to anyone caught up in our shutdown for lack of communication. We will be much better at taking care of you in the future, though, because of the changes we have made in our production processes. Thank as always...
I tried the Mad Scientist Graphene liquid 
As Ozzy said, it was  initially dark...
Gave it couple of days, and things sounded better over time to me..
I like it, but very messy to handle..
We are getting up and running now and will be caught up by Monday. GE SC will ship in about 7 days after this point...
Just wanted to post my recent experience with GE SCs which I ordered  to replace my DIY 12AWG cables. Once I received them I realized they were too short for my new setup but decided to give them a try as I only had about 2 weeks before an extended business trip. My impressions, in my system and over about 40 hours of listening, was that the GEs added some nice body and low end weight at the expense of some mid/high detail. Not that mids/highs were rolled off, but there was a loss of air and detail around instruments and vocals compared to the FIYs.

I told Bob about my listening experience and asked if I could return the cables given my pending travels and need for longer cables. Bob indicated they probably needed 100 hours for proper burn in but that he would accept the return. I returned the cables and informed Bob that I would order longer cables when I returned from my travels when I would have time for a proper burn in. Unfortunately, Bob has refused to accept my recent order for longer GEs without explanation. I understand that Bob's business is doing well but I sincerely hope that others experience better customer service from Cerious Technologies.

I have been trying to contact Bob for two weeks by email and phone after the initial phone contact. I am baffled and wished to place an order with him, but no response. I want to know how long the production time would take to make the cable and the method of payment he prefers. Clearing up these matters would be helpful.

My response to JG:
This is someone who got a set of 10 foot GE speaker cables and asked repeatedly if he could extend the trial period which I said "yes" to twice. He admitted that he really needed a 14 foot set and returned them. If you have a trial period in exchange for me offering returns you bear a responsibility to return them in as close to new condition as possible. If I were selling the set he returned on Audiogon they would have to be rated a 6/10 as they were utterly trashed. My wife insisted I only refund 1/2 of his payment to reimburse us for the damage done but that is not me and I refunded all of it. He "ordered" his 14 foot set along with the "understanding" that he would need more time with this set - likely 60 days or so - so he could get a clear idea if these were going to work for him and of course if after 60 days he decided to return them (likely in a similar condition he returned the first set...) I would just have to eat a custom length 14 foot set that is trashed like the first set. Kind of brings to mind the expression "Fool me once...". Being a Seinfeld fan I responded "No soup for you!" 
There now "JG" do you feel better that the whole world now knows how put upon you have been and poorly treated by that ruthless capitalist Bob Grost? Sleep well my friend knowing that everyone here will have had a similar experience dealing with me and will take your side. I lay here exposed - yes I am an unreasonable jerk! OK...time for me to return to the Bat cave to plan even more ways to trick unsuspecting Audiophiles out of their hard earned money. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!