

Responses from ppomerantz

North Bergen County, NJ
Check out the New Jersey Audio Societynjaudiosociety.com 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Bob,I emailed you about getting SCs. Please get back to me when you have a chance.Paul 
VPI Traveller
Heard the Traveller at The NY Audio Show. Sounded good. Forgot what Cart was on it, but it was not an expensive one. Someone's selling a nice used Scout on Audio Circle if you're interested.My Dyna 20xl sounds real good on my Aries. 
VPi HW 19 jr upgrade
Ssurbaugh If you want a pic of what my VPI looks like with Edensound feet and Maple base, send me your email address and I'll respond. BTW, just a customer, I have no financial interest with any vendors I mentioned. 
VPi HW 19 jr upgrade
I had the Jr with a MK4 platter, Jelco 250 arm and Grado Ref Sonata cart. I eventually sold the table to upgrade to an Aries 1 but kept the cart which I like. Buyer wanted the table mostly for its coveted platter.Some other upgrade options are the... 
What is your favorite guitar solo of all time?
I can't believe no one has mentioned Cream "White Room" 
Project Acryl-it Platter
Why would Pro-ject supply the Debut with the Ortofon OM series Cart if they are outdated? (I think either Rega and/or Music Hall also include the OM Carts on their entry level tables) I've read a lot of "Professional" reviews of the Debut 3 and no... 
Project Acryl-it Platter
Does the Herbie's Mat cut down on static? The OEM felt mat is stuck to the bottom of the LP after playing and I have to peel it off and reattach to platter.