Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables

Now, this is not a advertisement, just a posting sharing my experience on some well made great sounding cables at a very reasonable price. Besides, I don't think Cerious Technologies is set up for a big influx of cable orders.

But, if you get the chance to try these cables, please do.

I have been interested in the newer cables coming out that are using Graphene as a conductor. SR cables seemed interesting, but I always hated the way there cables had all those extra wires (with the active shields and such). I then noticed an ad early in I think November or December from Cerious Technologies for Graphene cables. I investigated how the cables were assembled and it seemed like quite a laborious process.

I ordered (with a 30 day money back guarantee) the balanced Graphene interconnects, and boy did they impress me. Such depth, soundstage, realism, frequency smoothness, effortless sound. I was truly impressed!  I now have a complete loom of the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables. That is; interconnects, speaker cables, digital cables and power cords.

I ended up selling all of my other cables and to those of you who have read my postings know that cables have always been my curiosity.

So, as I began this post, let me again iterate, I have no alliance to the company, my posting is for those of you looking for an great alternate high quality Graphene made cable without spending a fortune.



I own the Morrow 6 they are nice but know where close to the Cerious Tech's.

Ozzy, I have the Morrow Grand Elite Reference speaker cables, $3995 list price. The CT cables are better and still not broken in yet. It seems the tonal balance is more correct.
It seems I have uncovered more bass using the CT speaker cables. Has anyone else noticed this? How is this? I had undiscovered bass?

I just had a shoot out between a CPT-300 power cord and high current GE blue power cord. The result as follow:

My setup:

Source: PC
Dac: schiit yggdrasil
amp+pre: audio-gd
speaker: magico s1
all front end plugged into furutech ftp 615 into torus avr2 16A.
all cable are GE ICs, blue power cord(no yellow/red)

the blue GE was break in for 100 hour
the cpt 300 is brand new

first i replace the cpt 300 with the blueGE connecting my furutech(all front end plugged) and torus. the sound stage sink and compressed significantly. the sound is much thinner and less warm. the inustrusment separation and black ground got a little better. the details and dynamic got worse.

i try the cpt 300 into the wall socket thinking the torus may have affect it. the result still the same. 

this shows that GE blue cable is better than blue/red
CPT 300 needs to clarify their cable interaction wheb plugging in other power isolation transformer
So how much does an 8ft pair of the graphene speaker cables go for? I noticed Bob doesn't have any ads here on Agon anymore.
Has anyone tried either the blue or yellow PC on the PS Audio P10 power plant? Bob says because of the varying wave forms it's tough to design a PC for. 


I think...the Morrow elite is the Morrow 6 with better connectors.

I tried the yellow Cerious Tech on my PS P-10. I noticed on my 85"Samsung UHD that the picture quality got a little grainy so I put back my HiDiamond P4 on the PS Audio P-10.

Yes, i think the bass does get much better in quality with the Cerious Tech's speaker cables.


I purchased 2 lengths (for bi-wire) that are 4 meters long and if my memory is correct that length cost $1500. So, a 8 footer is probably around $1000, but contact Bob to be sure.


I use a combination of the Cerious Technologies Graphene power cords and the CPT-300. The Cerious Tech cables have a slurry inside that changes the sound quality if relocated until it resettles.

hieukm, I cannot follow your comparison. This statement;  "first i replace the cpt 300 with the blueGE connecting my furutech(all front end plugged) and torus. the sound stage sink and compressed significantly. the sound is much thinner and less warm. the inustrusment separation and black ground got a little better. the details and dynamic got worse".
  So you took out the CPT 300 and replaced it with the GE Blue cable and the sound got worse, is that correct?
This statement;  "this shows that GE blue cable is better than blue/red"   I don't follow your logic?
    Can you explain further? Plus let the E=Q 300 burn in for a couple of days. Please ask Mark about using 2 transformers, the E=Q300 and  torus avr2 16A together.
8 feet of sc's will be more like $675.

I received my cables today but it will be weeks before my new room is done. 3 power cables - red, blue, yellow, and 10 foot sc's. Bob was nice enough to make my PC's with my connectors. They sure look purty.

sry if I have confused you. I replaced the GE blue with CPT 300.

let me clear it up

i have the GE blue for my front end(pre amp, Yggdrasil). All my front end are plugged into furutech ftp615 into torus2. The cable connecting the furutech ftp615 and torus also blue GE.

the CPT was tried in all of this positions include into front end, between ftp 615 and torus. Every time the soundstage just got compressed so hard that the singer was transformed from a holographic 3D image to a tiny and flat sound. The sound was also so thin and dull compared to the much fuller warm sound from blue GE cable. 

If if you read earlier posts in this thread, it was general finding that CPT beat Red GE cable in front end component. No body tried CPT vs blue GE cable in front end component. Which lead to my conclusion that blue GE may have been better for front end. I need BOB GROST comment on this.

furthermore, this lead me to idea that I should upgrade the iec plug in my blue GE to Furutech fi-50 ncf. Wondering if that can be done locally or I would risk damaging the graphene inside. PleSe note the furutech FI-50 plugs cost more than the cable itself. That's how good these graphene cable is. 

Again, the speaker cables, I can't get over the difference. It is astonishing. It seems my previous, very expensive cables were holding back the bass. I now have had to make adjustments because the bass was overloading the room.


i too have noticed additional bass with the SC.  And as you note, it is not a subtle difference.
Hi everyone, Bob from Cerious. I wanted to clarify that ALL Graphene Extreme interconnects are shielded. We use carbon fiber as a shield as it has greater coverage and most importantly sounds better...Thanks.
any cable is only as good as it performs in your system.  All cables have to be listened to.  Advertising just whets the whistle
3,974 posts
09-11-2016 3:47pm
any cable is only as good as it performs in your system. All cables have to be listened to. Advertising just whets the whistle.

I've seen a lot of mixed metaphors in my time but that one takes the cake.

So does anybody have an idea how many hours or days it takes for the speakers cables to open up? 
Got around 150 hrs on the SC's. They sound fabulous! Considering asking Bob to make a short digital IC. Anybody have one?
I own a 1.5m bnc (Oyaide terminations) digital cable. For the price I don't think you can go wrong.
I own the Graphene 1/M RCA digital cable and I think there is a lot of bang for the buck value. I recommend it to you.
Bob from Cerious. We currently do not offer a USB. The main problem is that the format is highly flawed. Just making an Audiophile cable will never get you to Heaven. Each USB has a plus and minus digital signal and then a power source of Ground and +5 volts. The +5 volts coming out of your computer is "POO" and the ground often has enough noise to screw up any USB DAC on the planet. Therefore our USB has to bypass the +5V coming from the computer and have its own highly regulated voltage source - and ground - independent of the computer or source component. We are working on it and are sourcing cases for the power supply (in my spare time...). Keep the faith it will come and it will be "Killer...".

I own both a RCA and XLR Cerious Technologies graphene digital cables.

Best digital cables I have ever tried/owned.

Are the prices on the web page correct or are they old worn out old prices from the last gen of cables?

What price for 8' speaker cable and 1M IC?
I am excited to read about this thread and ordered speaker cables and red GE power cord for my preamp. Currently I am using TWL PC for my Amps and they sound fantastic. Did anybody compare the GE to the TWL power cords ?
They are both very good power cords. You just need to try them to see what works best in your system and which you prefere. Please post your results.

I own the TWL 7 PC. It's very good. So far I have only tried the CT red and it's better on my DAC than the TWL 7 but I think the 7 is better suited for a power amp. I will order the blue PC eventually.

Another new customer chiming in.  I just ordered a custom length GE interconnect.  My current cables are mostly from Morrow at level 4.  Based on the many replies here I'm expecting a nice lift in sound quality.  If this goes well I will likely swap out the rest.  I'm picking up clues that the speaker cable may be the best of the bunch.

Is anyone using the GE cables as phono cables?


Congrats! You will really like the cables. Once you hear them you will want more...

So I have an extra Cerious GE 1m digital RCA cable, my reclocking device died on me so running my streamer straight into my DAC. I was going to post an ad but before I do if someone here wants it shoot me a pvt message and we can work out a fair deal. If you want a non-working Wyred4Sound Remedy reclocker free as well let me know its just taking up space in my closet.
Jond, Please consider sending your W4S Reclocker my way, I may be able to have it repaired cheaply.
I started off a couple of months ago buying a pair of GE interconnects between my source and preamp. I liked them well enough that I decided to try the speaker cables as well. Most recently, I bought another set of interconnects to go between my pre amp and amps. I find the GE cables to be tonally balanced, detailed without etch, harmonically complete, and to have excellent timing. All of these allow the spatial cues to come through and position instruments within the stage while allowing space between them. I have tried a large number of cables in this price range and higher. Some of them have been 5x as much. All of them have done one or more things very well. None of them have been as complete as the Cerious GE cables IMO. My guess is that to better them, be prepared to spend a lot of money. On top of that, Bob has been a real pleasure to work with. I guess the power cables are next in line. 
@csmgolf Definitely try the power cables they are what got me first hooked on Bob's cables. I has tried various pc's and was just not a believer until I got my first Nano Sig pc and it blew me away and totally changed my thoughts on power cords. Still running the Nano sig power cables in my system and I can imagine how good the GE's are, I have GE everything else.
I always take new owners comments with a grain of salt, as purchase bias and sighted bias can have much to say regarding their impressions.  It looks like we have 3 or 4 posters in this thread driving the direction and pumping up the hype, but fanboy advice is just that.

It's hard to say by reading just how good or mediocre these cables are.  A cable's main job is to do no harm, but reading that these cables can do the following,  "the tonal balance is more correct"(according to an above poster) just makes me shake my head.

More correct according to what, your other system?  Your friend's $100,000 system?  Because if you're basing it off your non Cerious Technologies cable sound, then you've got no base line to compare, and you're going by hearing memory and your own biases.  One can not conclude anything from your results except that your purchase bias may be at play.

And these Cerious Technologies are anything but cheap.  $5-700 for the entry level lengths, to well over $1000.  Most people don't spend that on their speakers!  Spending it on cables when you've got entry level gear is pointless, you will get no improvements.  

Ha ha, if you're really not sure about these cables stay away from them. There are a lot of other cables out there and I wont have to wait as long on my next order.

I was about to say the same thing lancelock.

213runnin- ignorance is bliss. Stay away from these cables. 
Hi lancelock,

You're the guy who felt that the tonal balance was "better" when comparing two cables using hearing memory/sighted bias, and found that the new cables were better than the old ones, surprise surprise!  There's a sucker born every minute,  but fanboy reviews should definitely be taken with a grain of salt.  

Keep those old cables around, in about 3 months you may be surprised how good they sound.
Post removed 
Please don't feed the troll. This has been a public service announcement. Thanks for your cooperation.
John, how cruel of you to say that about 213! :) He will fall in someday or maybe not. Best Buy is happening for some folks and hard to  shake 
Wow, that's strong language!  Anyone who challenges new owner's impressions of tonal balance is a troll?  That's kind of what is called protesting too loudly, which makes me wonder just who these fanboys are.

Anyway, jmc, I've got a few different pieces besides the Nad and the bookshelf speakers and currently own cables from 5 or 6 different manufacturers, read more of my previous posts to get an idea.  

That's why I smile up my sleeve when I hear about tonal balance and chills up one's back.  A cable better put chills up your leg too for $4000!
I wonder about the added bass using these cables . Described as extra bass . Almost too much that adjustments were needed . Is there no end to bass ? Will the version 2 of this cable when it comes out have even more bass added ? Can one ever have too much bass ? Lopsided presentation ? 

Jmcrgrogan . pick on someone your own size . Poor fellow only has modest priced gear . You are definitely above us !!
" There's a sucker born every minute, but fanboy reviews should definitely be taken with a grain of salt."

Sounds like a troll to me!! 

If these cables are as good as the high $$$ HF cables at a fraction of the price then what results is a following with enthusiasm. Nothing wrong with that, hey troll?

i am confused on how to place an order for some 10' speaker cables. Takes 6 weeks to make?
So here is what I don't understand, where is he getting his prices? Pretty sure the GE speaker cables are like $650 for 8 ft and interconnects are like $2-300 for 1M. Sounds like value priced cables to me not  $5-700 for entry level or $4000. And @maplegrovemusic 2what's wrong with folks describing what they hear even if it is more bass? Try listening before you denigrate peoples personal opinions.
These are the prices from page 4 of this thread. I'm sure 213runnin
has read it since he's posting here. 

But it would be nice if Bob can concur if these are still current

Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme PC/ 5 ft - $299
Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme 1M Interconnect - $299
Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme Speaker cables 8’ set - $649
Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme Digital 1/0 cable 1M - $199

I got the $5-700 price from the Cerious Technologies price page for a pair of IC’s, and the $4000 number from what I think Lance paid for some Morrow cables.  Maybe I'm missing something?  Either way, if one changes cables and the only difference they can tell is a sense that the tonal balance is better, than that's a pretty minor difference that could be explained by various biases or even moving one's listening position.

And if one is willing to wait 6 weeks for cables, then that just might be a sucker. YMMV. And to the continued passive aggressive behaviour regarding my gear, hey, whatever floats your boat. The Nad is just for fooling around with, as is 3 pairs of other bookshelf speakers I have, and gear from Pioneer and Harman.

My main rig has Parasound Halo gear, the P7 and A21 amp. Ascend Sierra 2 speakers and a Nad C565BEE for a disk spinner. And cables from Monster, Audioquest, Wireworld and Morrow. Not top of the heap by any stretch, but I have a very nice enjoyable sound that give me all of the "tonal balance(LOL)" that I need.
Quick correction...we offered the $299 price for Black Friday but that was VERY short lived. We simply could not do that. We are now at $349 for 5 foot power cords and 1M pairs of IC...