Budget American made speakers?

Can anyone recommend a decent sounding American made bookshelf speaker under $1000.  Is there such a thing?
Im starting to put together what you guys would call a "budget system".  I am planning on buying a rogue shpinx v2, but havent made a decision that yet. 
I typically try to buy American first but im finding it hard to find speakers within my price range.
I recommend that you check out fritzspakers.com. Fritz has been building speakers since 1973. He's very accessable and provides  excellent customer service.
Maybe a pair of JBL - 4312M II Bookshelf Speakers (Pair) from Music Direct? 

I think they may be made in Mexico, like my JBL 4319 monitors, but like Canada, it's considered North America.

All the best,
Omega is your best bet but only if you don’t listen to complicated music
like Symphony which I don’t think you do from your post .
We need to stop recomending floor standers when he wants bookshelf .
Silverline and Totem build outstanding monitor speakers but not likely to find any under 1K that will rock out .

Louis at Omega  is a great guy and has excellent service and I know he is a rocker .

Used Merlin TSM. Wish I would have kept mine. I had the Sphinx as well, didn’t care for it too much. 
Post removed 
I second the vote on Ascends . I have the Sierra 2's as my surrounds. Made in Southern California
Omega builds s very good quality speaker high efficiency 
Starting around a grand. Parts express build your own kit.
Check out the Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1. An actual bookshelf speaker that falls within your budget. Uses the same tweeter that Spendor has used in some $3K speakers.

If you’re willing to buy used, consider the Vandersteen VLRs. With a bit of patience, you should be able to pick up a lightly used pair for $1K. Someone here recently got a pair for less than $800.

Schiit Audio allegedly sources most of their parts in the U.S. Definitely consider them for amplification.
Hey.  I am new to audiogon, but I am selling some Aerial Acoustics 6b speakers.  I run the central US for Harman CAG, so I am replacing everything.  I have several systems in my home and they are all be listed in the next day or so. 
Omega look nice. Not much of a used market. Everyone must be happy with them and keep them. 

Jon yeah saw that website. Spent some time on there.
There's actually an American Made Audio web page.  Not sure how up to date or accurate it is but there are quite a few companies.

+2 on Omegaloudspeakers

Budget would be Super 3I

I would say push the budget to the Super 7MK II.  

I have owned both.  Currently with the Super 7MK II.  Worth every penny.

+1 on the Omega speakers from CT! Very special, high efficiency, fast, single driver speakers packed with a lot of music magic!

Thanks for all the helpful advice.  Ive been looking at speakers and reading reveiws for hours.  My mind is boggled and I now need a drink.  Time to flop a record on the marantz, flip on the old pioneer, and crank up my cerwin vegas from high school.  Sounds alright after a 6 pack.
There are many used speakers in your price range. I built a budget system for a friend based on SPICA TC50s.
Klipsch Heresy IIIs, only because I recently bought a pair…the "Capitol" version was shipped to me instead of the cheaper, normal model, and the "damaged box" deal saved over a grand from list. Yes, the box had a smashed corner (speakers were safe), but I don't listen to the box anyway. Arkansas! HA…I changed the IIIs to a black grill because the stock "looks like a sweater" grill was saggy, not unlike an actual sweater. Weirdly, I now have a "hat trick plus" of USA built stuff…Schiit Freya tube preamp, Dennis Had "Inspire" SEP amp, and the Klipsch. Also a Schiit Loki EQ gizmo, and USA Morrow cables. I do like my Russian tubes, and consider them to be refugees.
Why don't you have some fun and build your own speakers! For $1000 you can buy drivers far above store-bought (speakers) in performance. They're are many 'Gonners who do this and could give advice. Just a thought...
Canadian and US economies are so intertwined I consider same as made in USA .
Tekton in Utah
Lore Impulse black soft gloss
(new in box)
$1000 Pr. delivered
He shows a Pair of White Lores for $800.00
tough to buy ‘all American’
Charles Hansen posted on audioasylum that Ayre made very effort to source from American manufacturers. It's just not possible to *every* part from the USA.

- Chassis: Made in California, including anodizing and silkscreening.
- Transformers: Made in California and Canada.
- PCBs: Made in Colorado, using USA materials.
- PCB Assembly: Made in Colorado.
- Final Assembly: Made in Colorado.
- Resistors: Made in USA and Germany.
- Capacitors: Made in USA (Rel-Cap and Cornell-Dubilier), Germany (Wima), and Japan (Nichicon and Panasonic).
- Semiconductors: USA (Analog Devices, Burr-Brown, On-Semi, Xilinx), Japanese (Toshiba and Hitachi), and British (Semelab) companies, foundries are world-wide.
I imagine Rogue is in a similar boat.
Also worth noting on the Rogue gear...it’s designed and hand built in the US....doesn’t mean all of the pieces are made here, which they are not...tough to buy ‘all American’ These days with global supply chains and thin margins. They couldn’t sell the Sphinx for $1,295 if all components of it were made in the US.
It looks like the Vandersteen bookshelf speakers are ~$1300. You probably can get them used for <$1K. Thanks for buying American! When recently deliberating a speaker upgrade, I considered the Revel F206 and F208. I quick internet search on worker and environmental protections in Indonesia turned up multiple articles of child sweat shops. No thanks, I cannot support that in the slightest. I ended up with used Thiels. They sound killer!
you might find something at www.ohmspeakers.com either new MicroWalsh for just a bit more or look in the outlet store for refurbished and updated models that offer great sound per $$$ .  The CAM42 ,model currently in the outlet store would be a good pick.