Best wishes for Tom Petty

Terrible news for Tom Petty

I saw TP in 1979 when his debut album was just getting attention. What a great band back then. His first 3 albums still get time on my table and sound fresh.

Hoping for a successful recovery.

ozzy-I’m in LA, listening to the local R&R station( yeah, I actually listen to radio!) Breaking unofficial news is TP was taken off life support......I hope this is fake news

Its been such a long time, I think my date is wrong when I saw TP. It was 77!

"You’re Gonna Get it" is my favorite album. I’ve taken this album to shows and heard it on the best tables, which even blew away the exhibitors.

It sounds pretty credible I know he postponed several concerts in the Bay area this summer due to illness and NY Daily News is a pretty legit source. Sad if it's true and sadly not the saddest news of the day.
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RIP and my deepest condolences to Dana, Adria and Annakim.

Seen Tom and the boys too many times to mention.
I'm 66 the same as the great Tom Petty was. Today is another terrible example how tomorrow is promised to no one young or old. 

RIP to the victims and condolences to the multitude affected by the horrible events of the day.

Just heard the very sad news.  R.I.P. Tom.  Your concerts were some of the best I ever attended.

Heaven gained a great artist...
There is something uniquely authentic and likable about Tom Petty as both a person and artist.

"Petty’s Peculiar Picks" is one of my favorite music acquisitions in recent years..
Rest In Peace Tom one of the all time greats always put on a great show. I’m 62 grew up with his music. A very sad day.
So sorry to hear any of this.
Time marches on I guess but Tom was one of the last great "Greats" that still had some creative juices left...


Tragic news. One of the great Icons of my time, just saw the news when I got back to the office. Still trying to digest this un-expressible loss to the music industry and really much much more than a thread in the fabric on my appreciation for songwriting, musicianship, and his personality that in light of his great fame, his feet never really seemed to leave the ground. He is and will be remembered for many generations. He now joins, the Beatles, Elvis, and many more.

My sympathies to his family

The local news is reporting TP is "clinging" to life. Apparently, an official declaration TP is deceased, was premature.

Regardless,  it doesn't sound encouraging. 
Please don't misinterpret this message but I never cared for Tom Petty's music. When I first heard him I thought....oh my gosh, here is the next Bob Dylan, but he seemed to veer more toward pop music and I never cared for his sound. With that said, I know he was loved by many and if indeed he is clinging to life then I wish him a speedy recovery. If indeed he has passed then I offer my most sincere condolences to his family and his devoted fans. Regardless of my opinion he was an icon of popular music.
This is terrible news. Saw TP&THB several times in the early days. Always put on a terrific show and is one of those artists who continued to release great work.

Any fans of 'Lucky?'
"Please don’t misinterpret this message but I never cared for Tom Petty’s music. When I first heard him I thought....oh my gosh, here is the next Bob Dylan, but he seemed to veer more toward pop music and I never cared for his sound."

falconcrest- while TP earned his long, prolific career, my interest dropped off after his 3rd release "Damn the Torpedoes" I think the MTV era was nearing about that time, which is when I tuned out many rock bands.

Regarding those 3 releases-IMO, this is his peak. Music and songwriting with "substance(story telling and solid playing). Nice sounding albums to boot.
After that, the music just didn’t hold my attention.
Never the less, terrible event. We’ve already had enough bad news lately. At least TP isn’t physically suffering right now. Whoever is controlling the media machine at the hospital, needs to do a better job.
Always liked his hits but never collected his music. What is the sonic quality of his remastered 2-CD anthology of 2000?  Would like to have this if it improves on original releases.  
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"Would like to have this if it improves on original releases."

jafreeman-I see your a digital only listener, so my suggesting you simply look for unmolested early presses won't help. It looks like that system is tough to break away from, once you settle in and hit play.

As mentioned earlier, a regular early press of YGGI has spectacular sonics, which is what I've played at shows."Breakdown" from the first album is stellar on a really good turntable.

Ive heard those same redbook albums on really nice systems and to my nostalgic ears, the music doesn't connect the same way a record does? I'm not a fan of "audio" recordings so perhaps I haven't heard a really nice disc or file.

Here's a Tom Petty story:

Tom and the rest of Mudcruntch left Florida, heading for Los Angeles to get a record deal. The Dwight Twilley Band (Dwight and his partners, Phil Seymour on drums and vocals, and guitarist Bill Pitcock IV) already had their first album out on Shelter, and it had made quite an impact amongst 50's and 60's Rock 'n' Roll aficionados (that album---Sincerely---is one of the greatest debut albums of all time. It's an incredible blend of Memphis and Liverpool.).

Mudcruntch stopped in Tulsa Oklahoma to seek advice from TDTB, and perhaps get some L.A. contacts. Twilley introduced Petty to Leon Russell, who had a Shelter office in town. After arriving in L.A., Petty did his first recording at the Shelter recording studio on Sunset Blvd., and the renamed TP & THB debut came out on Shelter Records, seeing respectable sales. Petty ended up achieving far more success than did The Dwight Twilley Band.

Ok apparently he is alive this is crazy but thank God! Lets hope he recovers completely!
Good luck, Tom if you're still with us...

I just got out of hospital Sat. 30 after TAVR for aortic stenosis, and more than happy to still be amongst all of us.  Since TP and I are the same age, I wish my luck moves on to his space....;)
It is official he has died. RIP one of greatest story tellers and song writers of our time. His songs had such a healing effect, I don't know of any lyricist that I like better.
God bless Tom Petty, he always gave me a smile and left my foot tapping, will really miss his Buried Treasure program on XM radio, not only will I miss his music I'LL miss the music he turned me onto with this one hour show every week, for the most part it was like he was using my personal collection but would spin a gem that I never heard but have to have.
What's really sad is that people of financial means like Tom Petty are often too busy to take the time to have medical check-ups that might have well prevented a massive heart attack. Then there's the cigarettes of course.
To me, at least, the quintessential American rocker along with Springsteen, but in a different way, American rockers from different places, how can't you love that!. Bdp24, thanks for sharing, nice story.
"Mudcruntch stopped in Tulsa Oklahoma to seek advice from TDTB, and perhaps get some L.A. contacts. Twilley introduced Petty to Leon Russell, who had a Shelter office in town. After arriving in L.A., Petty did his first recording at the Shelter recording studio on Sunset Blvd., and the renamed TP & THB debut came out on Shelter Records, seeing respectable sales. Petty ended up achieving far more success than did The Dwight Twilley Band."

interesting bit there, bpd24

Thumbs up for TDTB. I gave my 2 Shelter label TP’s a spin. Great music and sonics. My TP catalog stops at "Southern Accents" This and "Hard Promises" never get playtime compared to the first 3.

Doing a wiki read up on HP, this is a fun fact:
During the recording of the album John Lennon was scheduled to be in the same studio at the same time. Tom Petty was looking forward to meeting him when he came in. The meeting never occurred; John Lennon was murdered before he could ever make it into the studio. In order to pay tribute to one of their influences the band decided to etch "WE LOVE YOU JL" on the master copy of the album. To this day "WE LOVE YOU JL" is seen on every Hard Promises first issue US non-masterphile vinyl copy pressed.

Years ago, I picked up a sealed copy from my neighborhood store. I played side one, and put it in the collection.

A close inspection reveals I have one of these presses. Not the cache of a Hendrix or Fab4 disc, still cool. Sonics are nice, by the way.

He was a music icon of a past generation.  So talented, creative and inspirational.
"I just got out of hospital Sat. 30 after TAVR for aortic stenosis, and more than happy to still be amongst all of us."

Good golly! asvjerry- good luck and long life to you. Stroke survivor here.
Reading up on your procedure, its amazing how technology has progressed.

I neglected to mention that Petty can be seen playing bass in at least one early Dwight Twilley Band video, and also their appearance on Dick Clark's American Bandstand TV show.