Best bookshelf speaker?

I am considering several bookshelf speakers, including Focal Sopra 1, Focal Kanta 1, Kef Reference 1, and the Bowers and Wilkins 705 S2 signatures. I would consider others as well.  Detail, clarity, and imaging are important to me. Any recommendations? 
+1 on Celesta FRM 2
Impressive standmount. Completely disappear, full spectrum sounding and sounds more "floorstand" than most floorstanding speakers I had heard. Still cannot understand how that's possible. The only drawback is their price.
You can get 20 suggestions and still not have an idea. Dusty channel isoand audio designed lsa for wally...dusty is involved with very high end VON Schweik speakers. The lsa mirror the run and get a pair. 
Go with lsa speakers...they were voiced to match the joseph pulsars at one third the price. They won a big award this year, the finish is sensational. 
I’m absolutely LOVING my Fritz Carbon 7 SE MK 2 driven by Firstwatt F7. It’s the most enjoyable system I’ve ever put together.
+1 Pulsar, or Prism may be enough as well and save you some $$$.  Frankly, I’d suggest you try the LSA-10 Statement available on sale here new from manufacturer for $2499 with a 30-day trial period and save even more $$$.  I’d be surprised if you return them given what you’re looking for.  Best of luck. 
“Best” in any audio equipment category is a very subjective unicorn Invariably, what gets posted here are the latest far-too-many options current biased faves. All are worthy options, but regrettably have no assurance of synergy with the OP’s undefined associated equipment.

IMO a necessary distilling down of the many possible models predicates the following adjustments

- first . A listing of what the associated equipment consists of,

- second. A better summary of budget ($9K-ish ...Y/N?) and consideration of possibly stretching it. Intuitively this also requires a decision between “new” versus accepting “preowned “ because there will a list of contenders versus pretenders at the various ascending $$$ strata.

audition 1 contender : “manageable” budget strata of $9K-ish new ....
= +1 for the REFERENCE 3a de CAPOs or their current model REFERENCE 3a REFLECTOR

Audition 2 contender for comparison: a true dragon-slayer “Best Of ...” but it sits in the top-price point-strata ... The incomparable RAIDHO D-1.1 stand included) ($25K new);... so look for them pre-owned. I have seen them voted as best of show at major audio fests.

If $$ not a concern, and sound quality rules, I’d cross Kanta and B&W 705 off the list. Listen to both the Kef and the Sopra and decide. They sound very different. I’d think the Anthem integrated would pair fine with either.  My choice would be Kef but you'll find just as many who'd prefer Focal - personal taste.  Gotta listen for yourself
I have the KEF Reference 1 in my main system and they are amazing.  I have turned my preamp up to full volume and there is no distortion.  Very detailed but not "bright", they are easy to listen to and throw a huge soundstage and have great imaging.  I have (and love) Harbeth P3ESR, but they are not in the same league as the Ref 1.  No experience with the other speakers mentioned.
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Lots of good options you have so far.  As mentioned above, for sure add the Joseph Audio Pulsar2 to your list.
I'm with fuzztone if your budget goes to that point.  Also look at Joseph Audio Pulsar and Reynaud Voce Grande which comes with integrated stands.
They will be stand mounted. I will be driving them for now with an Anthem STR integrated amp. 
Are you going to stand mount them, or put them on an actual bookshelf against the wall?
The Watkins Gen4 is one I’ve been tempted to do a home trial on. Recipient of The Absolute Sound’s 2020, 2019 & 2018 Editors’ Choice Awards and their 2017 Golden Ear Award, and the price isn’t too high. $2500 iirc.

" Watkins Stereo Gen Four:
Bill Watkins has been perfecting the compact two-way since the early 1980s, and this is by far his best effort. Mating a 6.5″ Peerless woofer with a 1″ dome tweeter, the Gen Four’s bass extension and control are unheard of in such a small package. Unusually, the woofer is run without a low-pass filter, perhaps contributing to the imaging prowess and transient speed, which are spectacular for any speaker, especially one at this price."
Vandersteen VLR is my pick.
With a Belles Aria integrated, and some William Tell cables, it really sings.-Even without a sub.
I didn't believe it until I heard it with my own ears at Audioconnection.