Audio nonsense

In this wonderful world of audio that we journey through folks selling stuff have sometimes been inventive in what they claim. In your trip down this road what sticks out as the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell? 

I can point to 2 things. When I first saw a Tice clock in a store I thought it was a gag. Next- Peter Belt. 


"whatever happened to Millercarbon? Is he OK?"

I understand Tekton MOAB sales are down significantly since his last post.



Well, with that background, you should have been educated in having an open mind. And yeah yeah, that’s great you have that as a background. Nowhere in your resume do you mention listening. That’s what we do, we listen to music. We don’t measure it with a slide rule. And that’s great that you’ve built gear, it’s important to get inside the machines that give us such joy. So, when you built this gear, did you try different quality components in different parts of the circuitry? To see what, if any difference there was in sonic presentation? Did you participate in open minded experimentation and exploration , or was it built like a Lego kit? 

Now, how many of the tweaks or modifications that you take such pleasure in dumping on, have you tried? 

@cakyol , trying to convince these people that their audio memory last about 2 msec is fruitless. Neurophysiology is beyond their understanding. As a group they are sooo easy to take advantage of which is why there is so much garbage on the market. 

Thanx for staying on board in spite of this. There are thoughtful people here you can have an intelligent conversation with.

Speaking of intelligent, whatever happened to Millercarbon? Is he OK?

"Once and for all. What you think you are hearing is NOT an improvement, it is simply NOT there. It is in your mind."

-Ahh, the expectation bias theory again, boldly touted by the "electronics engineer" measurement crowd. Can’t measure it therefore, not there, yawn.

"Interesting that out of hundreds of these gimmicky snake oil products, noone ever claims that it made the sound worse. Funny...."

-Actually, I have tried things, many times, that made the sound worse. Items including: power conditioners, room treatments, fuses, speaker cable, interconnects, cd treatments off the top of my head. Long term evaluation in your own system is the key, not a quick A/B comparison in yours or an unfamiliar system.


If you want to go into a pi...g contest about credentials, be my guest.

And yes I have built audio gear. I have worked with RF, which is at least a 1000 times more complex than building audio frequency gear. I am an electronics engineer, graduated from UMIST in the UK, who is now working as a senior software engineer at Broadcom. I have been in electronics, communications and software for the past 25 or so years.

The absolute drivel I hear in this forum even beats the quora politicians forum.

As I also previously stated in one of my very early posts, the only reason I continue to remain on it is because luckily, there are still some people here who know what they are talking about and are helpful.




Aww. Thanks! That’s very kind of you to offer. Much appreciated. But I will respectfully pass. Given the attitudes you present, I suspect any referrals you my have would be a waste of time. I would be asking for a refund if I were you as your psychiatrist has clearly  not been helping you much.

I wonder, have you ever built any audio gear? I have, a lot of it. And I take issue when people tell me what I can and can not hear. I have a friend, who also builds and modifies gear. He will make an adjustment and then will present the changes to me, every time,it’s a blind test. And yes, every time, I can identify which piece has had the change made. And I’m not just talking about a value of a capacitor for instance, but rather two different brands of capacitors of the exact same value placed in the crossovers of two identical speakers. Yup. 100% of the time I’m able to spot the difference and identify which speaker has been changed. Now, how would I know that if I can’t see what has been done inside if not for the fact I can hear it? 

Riddle me that genius…

Perhaps, you should spend some time and learn how to listen to the sound presented by a piece of gear.

I reserve judgement on something until I’ve heard it. I gather you approach things with a closed mind and prefer to jump to conclusions about what works and what doesn’t?

So arrogant to presume what someone else’s skill set is.

@nicktheknife - you obviously don’t know the rules here,

I don’t really get why someone, myself included, would spend thousands of dollars on cables that have all this engineering going into them, quality materials, shielding, dielectrics, connectors, etc. etc. Then, you have the need to stick little gemstones or some kind of disc on these expensive cables to make them sound better when they’re supposed to great on their own. After all, that’s what we paid all that for in the first place.

You are not supposed to tell the emperor he is not wearing clothes,

Maybe the cable companies should supply their cables with the little discs or gemstones and tell the buyer that they could try using their cables with or without.

being too logical is also a problem, try and improve.


I can recommend a good audiologist and maybe even a psychiatrist if you are hearing things....

Anyone on this forum over about 35-40 years of age should have some humility and not claim and pretend they can hear things even a dog cannot hear.

No wonder 99% of the time almost everyone claiming to be an audiophile fails double blind tests.

Once and for all. What you think you are hearing is NOT an improvement, it is simply NOT there. It is in your mind.

Interesting that out of hundreds of these gimmicky snake oil products, noone ever claims that it made the sound worse. Funny....



I don't post much here and don't really care how much money people choose to spend on their systems.  

I'm now at the age where I just want to listen to good sounding music as much as I can without fussing too much over my gear.

Some things I just don't think are worth the time or money to even try.  I won't name those things at the risk of insulting some folks or starting a flame war.  That's just me.  Yes, I could be missing out on some worthwhile tweaks but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it either.

I don't really get why someone, myself included, would spend thousands of dollars on cables that have all this engineering going into them, quality materials, shielding, dielectrics, connectors, etc. etc.  Then, you have the need to stick little gemstones or some kind of disc on these expensive cables to make them sound better when they're supposed to great on their own.  After all, that's what we paid all that for in the first place. 

Maybe the cable companies should supply their cables with the little discs or gemstones and tell the buyer that they could try using their cables with or without.  

Also, if you buy a set of expensive speaker cables the company should put a disclaimer on the packaging that says: These cables will sound their best if the are suspended off the floor.  


@fundsgon I think you’re onto something with the SonicAir idea…Perhaps if the air was charged someone could develop a magnetic containment system, or sell an audiophile line of hyperbaric chambers—could be a big hit with the alpine skiing crowd.

I am new to this hobby and often wonder if you can hear a difference in adding all of these expensive devices to a system.  It would be fun to sneak into someone's house and install some of things into a system while they are gone then come back a week later and ask if they noticed a difference in sound quality.  Sometimes, this reminds me of the story of the "Emperors New Cloths".  I wonder if people spend more on their system if they automatically convince themselves their system sounds better.  Would upgrading speakers make more of a difference or upgrading their amplifiers.  Also, how attractive are some of these systems.  Would they fit into a well-furnished living room or family room.  I for one wouldn't want to sit in a room all by myself listening to music.  To me, inviting neighbors over to enjoy a few glasses of wine to listen to music is more enjoyable.  I think music is designed to be enjoyed by more than one person.  There is also the "Wife Factor" to take into account.   There is also the man cave factor.  I think all is fair providing you provide a woman cave for her enjoyment.  Most of these systems will never replace the sound and the experience for attending a live concert.  

Over the years, I have discovered that the most valuable tool in my toolchest is intellectual humility.

I've been dragged kicking and screaming  by friends and professional associates to audition gear that pegged the needle on my BS meter.  I found some of those concepts to be downright insulting and refused to expend a molecule of mental energy or one-minute of my precious time with someone else's fantasy.  After being shamed for months (or, years) into atleast sitting down for a couple of minutes, with a great degree of skepticism, my eyes (and, ears) were opened.  Me, and my system, are better for it.

I once had a customer walk in and ask for a "Paragraphic Frequalizer".  I'm pretty sure a case of Dyslexia was kicking in here.  But, if I ever came across a Paragraphic Frequalizer, it might be fun to mess around with in my spare time.

Have fun.

There s truth to something’s but myself and many others have checked out these Duelund -Mundorf Ultra Audio purifiers and they truly do filter- clean the Audio signal before it enters the speaker ,granted it did take 150 hours before they opened up being such big capacitors Duelund are the best ,they have a even better Tinned Copper dual Ultimate 2 guys bought and commented  they truly opened up their system ,I may check ‘em out ,synergistic make something similar but not even close in performance ,I have both , And Everyone That has come over could hear the improvements with little effort.

For the doubters boutique fuses like the Synergidtic new Purple fuses arenight and day better then stock fuses after 100+ hours run in very apparent 

and I am no synergistic research fan !!

also cable elevators of any kind you can make your self have merit 

Since your cables have electricity running through them they induces 🧲 magnetic field  especially carpeting -static electricity lifting cables off the carpet can have Sonic benefits .

It’s hump day fellas … thought I’d start off on a high note ;-) 

Now bring that beat in !!!!!

Some people hear better than others or maybe hear differently. Another factor to gum up the works. Best to keep an open mind lined with a healthy dose of skepticism. But most of us have modest systems inherently unable to benefit from the majority of tweaks. No magic bullet. 

@jpwarren58 Same as arguing against another's faith. Fruitless endeavor.

Sort of, but people of faith normally have a creed, a well formed and reasonably coherent explanation and philosophy for the basis of their belief system.  

Here it is all a bit agnostic - throw a bit in from mystics, psycho acoustics, something to do with electricity but not really, mix it up with a few special ingredients from the book of magic, and away ya go. 

Yes, why bother when the goal posts not only keep changing but may not even exist?  Because these views seek to be mainstream.


Do we know all there is to know about electricity?

No, but we know enough to use it to capture and reproduce sound waves.

Is there a possibility that we still have a lot to learn? 

Yes, but not about conductivity in copper.

Is there a possibility that we might not know all there is to measure?

Yes, but we can measure sound beyond human hearing.

But you folks know all there is to know, right? 

No, but I know an argument from ignorance when I see it.

But you’re beyond that loosely goosey flakey stuff.  

I'm beyond thinking  magic discs stuck to wire cables  would be anything other than a tone control. 

I must admit I am rather partial to the idea of having my room loaded with pristine Himalayan sonic mountain air devoid of any nasty detail robbing impurities

pass the next cylinder..

In my somewhat disturbed opinion, 'The Sound of Music', in whatever format one had to endure.

The experience kinda boiled down to similar to this:

"...we take drugs pretty seriously at our house..." (from the Pills Bros. PSA from the Residents' All Night Drug Abuse Council...Live on 85! ) ;)


You do realize that many of the greatest scientific minds in human history were open minded creative thinkers right?

But you’re beyond that loosely goosey flakey stuff.  



Just pointing out to you that the pointer has a point. Do you need them to tell you why they put a 0.02uf coupling cap between the driver and output tubes? No, likely not. You were commenting on arrows being something ludicrous. I’m pointing out that they are not always so.


Argument from ignorance is a logical fallacy. The point isn't we don't know everything so we know nothing. A closed mind is a thing to behold what's even more wondrous to behold is a mind so open all of one's brains fall out. Is isn't necessary we understand everything about electricity to build sound reproduction gear.


If so basic why don't all speaker cable makers indicate it as such and market accordingly? I am placing my coin in moderate cables bereft of over fluffing. Not against high dollar cables but a modest system is not going to benefit. Clutching at straws. Plus no way to argue against the "I heard it and a lot of others did too" argument. Same as arguing against another's faith. Fruitless endeavor. I believe in the eight legged spaghetti monster so there. 



Jumping off a building and hitting the ground is more akin to putting a battery into a flashlight and turning it on than the intricacies of reproduced sound. 

An audio system in its complete form is a bit more complex than a flashlight.

But you keep on thinking you know all you need to know. A closed mind is a thing behold. It is your right to stay sheltered from creative experiences and expanding your foundation of knowledge. 


The next big wave in upgrades for us audiophiles? 

Hint: what transmits sound from speaker to ear?

after several cases of beer and lengthy discussions with myself, I’ve hit on the perfect air blend that will transmit sound wave with far less distortion than regular air molecules. SonicAir! In fact I have a solid upgrade path from Haze Free to Khrystal Kleer.

Only $1000.00 buys 1 cubic foot of compressed Haze Free, enough SonicAir to treat your entire house forever. 

Post removed 

We don't know all there is to know about gravity but we know enough to know the outcome of stepping off a skyscraper. We know enough about electricity to build audio components that can take sound waves turn them into electrical signals and back to sound waves. It isn't necessary to know everything there is to know.



You do know, that depending on how a cable was designed, how the shielding was implemented and how it is connected to ground makes a difference, right?

That why many cables have arrows, so the shield ground is on the right end of the signal…


Pretty basic…

Naysayers unite…


My favorite is the

“I don’t need to try jumping off a skyscraper to know the outcome”

Such a dumb argument. And so arrogant at the same time. This basic knowledge justifies all your beliefs. Right…

Do we know all there is to know about electricity? Do you know all there is to know about electricity? Is there a possibility that we still have a lot to learn? Is there a possibility that you have something to learn about electricity? Is there a possibility that we might not know all there is to measure? Is there a possibility that you might know all there is to measure?

But you folks know all there is to know, right?


Everyone has to decide their own threshold for diminishing return. Some believe it is worth spending 1k for speaker wires while some won't spend more than 100. Just like the debate about speakers, amps, etc. Everyone has their own opinion and we need to just accept that.

I think maybe Shun Mook Mpingo Disc make your system little bit on soft side

see you at light with big Weiner bike..

@pesky_wabbit yiss I take all the woods. Hard woods, soft woods, tiger woods, I have all wood reserved. If you want wood, even if just want one soft wood (mayb beech wood no oak you not good nuff for nice red hard oak wood…), you must take ticket from ticketspit and wait line like others for your name be called. You think u = big wood biker man on ducat iti trash I pull up on you at red light late night on Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 big Weiner bike ask want race? Leave you in dust. 

I have had R90/6 in /7 frame with S fairing & suspension upgrade - like

R100RS - no like

In news just to hand, for everything there is a season.  Purveyors of all manner of out of Earth solutions are working on it.

The Age of Aquarius foretells a shift beyond technological and medical innovations and calls for a better way of working with each other and a greater sense of community spirit. “When we find ourselves in a period of uncertainty, volatility, fear and death, like now, it’s scary,” says Kelly. 

I have traveled LIGHT-YEARS

u have warp drive installed on yr Ducati?

she must be pretty quick at the lights..

Post removed 

have traveled LIGHT-YEARS to bring you this MAGIC WOOD and CHANGE your GAME.

I thought all the MAGIC WOOD was reserved for @yugebohner