A day in the life of an audiophile

Keen auditory awareness can be a curse as well as a blessing. Whether it's the ascerbic TV when I'm pumping gas or the voice from hell "Don't forget to take your receipt" at the grocery store, life as an audiophile can be a challenge.

How about you?


I guess you are right. I frequently used go into the bedroom and clasp my hands over my ears because the offense of the old (though expensive when purchased) sound bar. We replaced it with an Sennheiser Amber… natural sound invoices. 

Iphone speaker phones used to drive me nuts. I now typically walk around much of the day with Apple noise cancelling EarPods in… often with nothing playing… just noise cancellation… leaf blowers, distant traffic. I guess the attention to sound does make one more sensitive to all the bad sound around us.

Iphone 13 pro max has got not a bad speaker, for a phone. I can listen to it when there is nothing else and I do, not very often.

I get what you are saying. You may want to read up about the hearing condition known as hyperacusis. I could be their poster boy. Example: having to wear hearing attenuators or just basic ear plugs just to unload the dishwasher.

You gotta be able to tune things out and get your mind to prioritize what it pays attention to.... 


1,792 posts


You gotta be able to tune things out and get your mind to prioritize what it pays attention to

This is my super power as a musician.

Post removed 

@cdc Totally agree.  I don't think it's an audiophile thing, though. It has to do with the various technologies of this world trying to get and keep our attention. Some want to nag, some want to help, most want to advertise. Henry David Thoreau watched this happening, and it's gotten geometrically worse. It has spread to all our devices, appliances, etc. Everyone selling, all the time. (Thank you divine capitalism! You are so good! You are so great!) Your best hope of cutting down on these annoyances is, frankly, living a shorter lifespan.

I took the dog for a walk, worked, and then took the dog for a run.  A day in the life...

Maybe it’s from all those gas fumes you are inhaling. Time to get another job.

Your best hope of cutting down on these annoyances is, frankly, living a shorter lifespan.

@viridian  and @hilde45  I'm working on it with those gas fumes, haha.

Don't count on moving to the country being a solution. . . dirtbikes, chainsaws, weapons fire, are not quiet.  

I get unreasonably bent outta shape by the gas pump shill as well. It's always someone with a grating voice SHOUTING. 

I’ve daydreamed about being able to hack the gas pump vid with something else....wondering if a bulk tape eraser would make an ATM act like a slot machine and ’tilt’ into a payoff spitting 20’s....using a paintball gun on Confederate flagged cars....

Using a felt marker on Trump stickers, revising to Chump....cheap parking lot tricks...

Fond memory of a National Lampoon parody of a Penthouse pictorial, wherein the final 'full frontal pic' had the models' nipples and crotch airbrushed so's to look like a Barbie doll....

Skin-tone blanks.....

This thread is about noise pollution.  Lately I’ve been in several public spaces where the background music has been so loud that it’s impossible to think.  And there is the age old problem of people blasting their music from cars or motorcycles and volumes that can be heard a mile away 

I do not know what kind of speakers ice cream truck uses (horn?) but after about 10 minutes I couldn’t take it and had to put in some ear plugs. It was painful.

Even 50 meters away with ear plugs sound was so loud and clear it was like not wearing them at all.

I get what you are saying. You may want to read up about the hearing condition known as hyperacusis. I could be their poster boy. Example: having to wear hearing attenuators or just basic ear plugs just to unload the dishwasher.

@mwh777 . What is the spl level you handle w.r.t artists you enjoy listening to?


I have been involved in construction for a long time, pneumatic hammer drills are bliss, even low flying Jumbo Jets are as well, when compared to the F15 - F35 Fighter Jets doing their After Burner thing at the not too Distant Airbase.

Waiting in at the dollar tree,wondering if I shut my tube amps off and the lady in front of me has a full cart ,then she wants 10 balloons. Really.