Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..


Showing 9 responses by mahgister

Master M always good to hear from you. Still tinkering away? A kindred spirit indeed. It’s humbling to know such people.
i am more listening music now than i am tinkering, because when some relatively good S.Q. is there we think less about the sound and more about the music content ...BUT..... 😁

Acoustic is like i said many times the sleeping princess in audio....

Proof: my last tinkering is improvising a new diffuser with 10 discarded junk cardboard empty rolls of absorbing cloth and a piece of fabric lace to filter the 10 tubes aperture....The 10 tubes are in an empty egg box...( i dont feed chicken then i must buy my eggs unlike the OP )

Result: more, way more richer harmonics....Incredible changes with a one feet by 6 inches large new Helmholtz diffuser in my room ( my fourth)...I already use 40 Helmholtz resonators which also diffuse some frequencies but the diffusers by the way i use the large mouth aperture with some filtering devices are more diffusers than absorbing devices even if they absorb some frequencies also.... They complement each other....And Helmholtz resonators need diffusers devices to harmonize all the scale frequencies in relation with the room/speakers...

I made it this evening in few minutes in spite of the fact that i was thinking for the last month that my room was finished....😁😊

Now all musical files are new again...I know that few people will believe a so greeat improvement with so low cost ridiculous materials... But acoustic is a science not a luxury materials marketing enterprise....

Lesson: acoustic is more than important, acoustic is the heart of audio, not electronic design by itself, even if for sure it is very important....We must choose good speakers for sure to begin with....but after designing them like the OP want to do, the audiophile goal is not reach yet, till the room is under control for this specific speaker....

By the way it is humbling for me also to know such kindness and creative spirit coming from many of you, especially the OP ....

I like much to read the OP great posts reflecting his big heart...

I am sorry to read about his health problem and his battle with inflated price to build his sonic box opus....

My deepest respect....
I am sorry to learn that my friends have so much health problem with  so little help from the health care system...

I dont want to politicize anything here....

But reading posts sometimes  teach us something about people soul....

My best  wishes for you nonoise and to our OP, oldhvimec, and to all others....
We are also FREE in Canada, or must i say WE WERE, some years ago, in spite of the last 2 idiots who ran the country, one with a rightist ideology, Harper, and the other, not less worst, with a leftist ideology,Trudeau...

For universal health care system, it is beyond my understanding that some people dont understand that health care are not there to create profits....It is beyond my understanding that people let the pharmaceutical globalist companies RUNNING the show in this pandemic...
It is beyond me but i know very well why people think that way....They think it is normal and right because they side with an ideology, right or left, like "objectivist" and "subjectivist", this ideology they pick for themselves in accord with their "taste" give them the political solutions ready made, like in audio matters by the way in his marketing practices......

Reading and studying is easy but also hard work, people prefer to be afraid and pointing fingers to a ready made scapegoat and let the hard books alone on the shelves and pick the "leftist" or "rightist" ideology without understanding how they ALWAYS be played now by globalist and transhumanist powers controlling the agendas....

I will add nothing, it is like in audio matters....Forget the marketing, use your hand and brain like our OP and enjoy high level S.Q. at low cost.... For sure we are though at the beginning only of an inflated or/and deflated economical crisis in the waiting, proportionate to our voluntary ignorance....Even in canada cherries price are rising....Wood price also and dont wait for the next year it will be worst...

Thanks tvad...

This seems to be a very good novel indeed...

And yes i live in quebec city.....In Huron tribes past territories.... 😊
I’ve been watching my nickel and dime projects turn to 5 and 10.00 dollar and now to 100-1000.00 dollar projects.
You are creative and your project will be interesting....I never think about speakers design myself tough ....I hope you will find cheap solutions if there is, i dont know...

Anyway all your posts are valuable and entertainig  or moving and i dream to eat some eggs from your well fed chicken...My own pigs will not do well to give the bacon tough...

My best to you....
Master M how are you doing my friend? Has the cost of goods slowed down your endless pursuit of "The sound". It sure has slowed mine..

The human factor, ya just never know.. The best of the best on AG.. pretty dog gone versatile I’d say..

The thread has HELD.. :-) Not like the story of Troy and Gilgamesh, "And the walls came DOWN"!.. :-)

I can still hear my grandmother in her Gaelic/Texas accent.

With a ma gleck ma glock thrown in every now and then..

There was a thread where someone was talking about TWO sweet spots. It reminded me of something you said in one of your experiments.. You had two different listening positions in the same room..

Be well.. Master M..

Feeding pigs? mercy.. For real, feeding pigs, or "feeding the pig" as in piggy bank?
My deepest respect for you....

I like all your posts colored style....

You have a big heart....And it is more important than being right or not....

And i am also a bit worry by the way about the actual economic inflation and deflation problem to come...

I know that you would figure out my metaphor about piggy banks....I always feed them well and with never any debts i survive feeding my "pigs"....
You always figure out anything relatively well it seems....


By the way 2 sweet spots are not exactly what i spoke about, because near listening and regular listening position are not so much 2 "sweet spots" but instead 2 always possible locations of the body for any speakers listening... A " sweet spot" for listening is an optimal very precise location which concept is linked to measures with an equalizer and a microphone for some specific frequencies and where the head/ears position exact in millimeters is critical...

My mechanical equalizer dont work with a small set of frequencies but with a wider band set like in a human voice timbre , and is not fine tuned by a feed back microphone method but tuned by ears.... Then i own 2 optimal locations because my room was tuned rightfully mechanically with my ears....Neither of them is a "sweet spot" in the electronicallly measuring sense of the words...For sure there is always a singular "sweet spot" for imaging in any room for any head being between 2 speakers...But the width of my "sweet spot" in my regular listening position is not too small but a bit larger unlike in electronically measured frequencies feedback guiding rules....And my mechanical equalizer tamed the bass frequencies unlike an electronical one...Then the timbre perceptive experience is better and way more natural...We must remember that any Helmholtz resonators is at the same time a diffuser of some frequencies which are not absorbed by the device which always own, relatively to his precise ratio parts, some absorbing quality for the other frequencies... ..... Like you already know the cost of this grid of resonators is peanuts....Which is a great price to pay by these days....

I apologize if i seem pedantic here.... I respect you too much to pretend to anything with you.... But i like to speak my mind with a friend....

Ah, bienvenue Mon Ami!
Je peux deja sentir le fil se calmer....

Salutations to you  with cold mate because i like it more than hort one in summer....

I am not sure that it will be the "calm"  case tough if i speak too much here...

I will then stay mute....

And feed my pigs......
Interesting "experimental " thread where "self control" is the true implicit goal!

Thanks to the OP....