why do so many discussions turn contentious?

just venting....why do so many discussion posts need to turn  contenious and nasty?  do you guys find that constructive and/or enjoyable?  I have no clue who or how this forum is moderated, but I sure would love to see a stop to that...it makes me feel like this hobby is dominated by total jerks.

Can't we play nice, share OPINIONS and OBSERVATIONS, realizing that  they often are subjective and biased.  
"if you dont have anything nice to say, say nothing"?  If you wish to disagree, do it in a constructive and mature fashion, no need for "argument ad hominem"...

with all the chaff, one must waste so much time finding the wheat, figuratively speaking.  

I doubt my writing this will change anything, but, like most social media, people writing to others without facing them does not bring out the best, sadly......

I wholeheartedly agree that the problems that manifest here are a mirror/microcosm (well, maybe not so micro for those owning refrigerator-sized speakers) of the ones in the world in general. Human nature extends to most of us humans, doesn't it?
"just venting....why do so many discussion posts need to turn contenious and nasty?"

Because Adam and Eve would not listen and ate from the tree of "my audio system sucks and yours must too."

But, then on the other side of that same tree they ate of?

The tree of , "my audio system there is nothing better, and you are an idiot for spending all that money trying what you do to make things better."
Unfortunately we now live a time of intolerance and aggression.
The anonymity of sites like Twitter and Reddit has emboldened the insecure and hateful cowards of the world. The bullied exact revenge on the world by bullying others. A truly sad state of affairs.
Reading through this discussion, I am surprised that Lous feels compelled to call out Vandersteen as a dumbed-down sound yet makes no reference to other speakers for hearing impaired, overly detailed, or any other tonal balance difference in the many speakers available. 
Mastering engineer Roy Haylee - Simon and Garfunkle; Joe Harley - Producer Blue Note Records and Capitol Music Group; and Shane Buettner, producer Intervention Records, would disagree they have dumbed down sound in their Vandersteen Model 7's where they make critical and final decisions on sound.

Does the sound have to be annoying to be accurate? 

Perhaps over-generalized statements like these are the reason we can't have helpful discussions on these forums.

As always, some getting off topic, some unnecessary and nasty name calling, some good observations , some repetitive. I can only hope my OP has caused thought and raised awareness…the question, itself, was rhetorical…..
Best topic.  There is a kind of 'Americanism' involved.  This comes from a political society that has an A -vs- B mentality that is inherently confrontational.
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As far as Vandersteen is concerned, I don't think the individual in question is familiar with time and phase correct loudspeakers.
i read that comment about ’dumbed down vandersteens’ before the poster deleted it (or it was deleted for him) - i was going to jump in, but thought the better of it, in deference to the intent of this thread

i felt that post was a great example of someone who might be meaning to make a fairly benign point (about high end listeners falling basically into 2 camps - ’accuracy seekers’ vs ’beauty seekers’), but in using a quite poor choice of words, his post came across as unnecessarily inflammatory (not to mention depicting his own lack of experience with the quite precise and highly accurate sound that modern/higher vandys produce)

It's people like you that make everyone else so mad.
Are you saying respondents here are all hot-heads?
Why you Mo-Fo!! I kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are more people freaking out on airline flights?
Last 12 months has had more flight incidents than the last 40 years.

People get crazy, there's a plane to Georgia....

My Vandy 7 and 7 sing

Did i miss something? A faint disturbance in the Force, or just a fart ?

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What constitutes an opinion and what constitutes a fact can also be a point of contention sometimes. And when we attach moral value to a preference or an opinion, it never works out too well. I’m not trying to weigh in on any particular fact or non-fact here. I have no understanding of technical matters.
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Many opine about so called time and phase correct loudspeakers but alas the facts are that there is no correlation to these being preferred to others that don't quite emphasize this trait.
Really? Do you have actual data to support that, or is that just your opinion?
Consistently other qualities take the cake in preference.
Really? Do you have actual data to support that, or is that just your opinion?
iF time and phase, low diffraction baffle, and pistonic drivers and a low output cabinet put ya off, so be it… Enjoy your music and system. For many of us, since 1977 the above have been quite satisfying…..

oh and super good in room frequency response…. 11 bands of analog EQ below 120 hz….

Imagine how boring the  world would be…if everybody liked ________ fill in the blank…..

Member since Sep 24, 2021

Country  n/a
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Responses 30
Zero marketplace feedback

pay no mind folks... i suspect its a new username, but same old b-s

30 posts in 3 days, nothing but put-downs...
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"Google is your friend"

And many times that Google info can come from someone who heard it from someone in a Tweet...

You question a opinion, yet you claim your facts and truths as absolute.
Why is that???
Yes, you may have the letter O

My favorite speaker starting in O

Shahinian Obelisk 

Massive 2D imagescape….

next patient please…
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Was this not a topic 3-4 weeks ago? It is at least encouraging that as a group you have found the reason you get few newbies, keep even less. They could make a huge dent in the "old mans club" problem. Limit posters to a reasonable amount of monthly post. I mean when that guy a week or two ago posted that maybe the problem are members that have posted almost 11K in the past three years. FYI, I have not been able to read an entire thread in a long time. Maybe one out of 100. 
If I'm going to get lambasted again for posting (been a member 14 years), where is that "Madrical?" Is that his call name? Always fascinated that you guys leave him totally alone to go on and on about tuning the room and all the books on sound and fidelity he has read. Seriously, I can't get through an entire post he is in. You remember that movie Se7en, with Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt? Remember they found that one emaciated guy in that room with 200-300 air fresheners hanging...... Then he moves!! That's how I imagine that guys listening space. BUT, how did he achieve the pass with all of you?   
I have found it ironic and a bit disheartening that in a thread predicated on understanding and perhaps minimizing gratuitous incivility, some posts demonstrate the problem. Posters have argued with belittling statements, others have singled out those they don't respect, and yet others have injected pet peeves and other irrelevant negativity into the mix. We are who we are, I guess, when it comes to being triggered by each other.
I offer no solutions and I hope my post doesn't come across as attacking or condemning. I'm just noticing what seems to be happening, and experiencing my reaction to it. Perhaps this strikes a chord for others.
I’m an avid musky fisherman. In the big picture of freshwater fishing, musky guys are a very small percentage of overall fisherman. Bothers me when I hear musky guys/groups pulling against one another. As a newbie here I see some of that same discourse. As audiophiles we are a very small percentage of the population. I try to ignore any negativity I read and absorb any useful information I can come across. Overall this forum has been extremely helpful in my recent decisions on upgrading my system.
Good lord, take a bath, musky fisherman is a code word for STINK..

Water and soap won't hurt you or for that matter anyone else you're hanging around with..

What state are you in? I can smell something here in California.

You hang around ME you would be gettin' a friggin' bath.. Musky Fella
Put your worries to rest oldhvymec......I do bath on a regular basis. Doubt you will be seeing me, I try to avoid California at all costs.  And yes musky do have a distinct odor.
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South of Michigan. But, Michigan is a great state if you’re an outdoorsman. I spend 5 days a year in Wisconsin strictly musky fishing….so both states are high on my list of favorites.
To answer the OP's question, one of the reasons is that some members say such stupid, aggravating things that it provokes an unkind response.
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Due to the way this discussion has gone, I will now stop following it....I think it is clear from what is in here the answer(s) to the OP and the identities of those quilty....BYE!
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People are too sensitive. 

 I liked the times when women didn't have a wrinkle bag and purple hair. 


We are a culture of thin skin and man buns now.

Everything is personal now.

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