why do so many discussions turn contentious?

just venting....why do so many discussion posts need to turn  contenious and nasty?  do you guys find that constructive and/or enjoyable?  I have no clue who or how this forum is moderated, but I sure would love to see a stop to that...it makes me feel like this hobby is dominated by total jerks.

Can't we play nice, share OPINIONS and OBSERVATIONS, realizing that  they often are subjective and biased.  
"if you dont have anything nice to say, say nothing"?  If you wish to disagree, do it in a constructive and mature fashion, no need for "argument ad hominem"...

with all the chaff, one must waste so much time finding the wheat, figuratively speaking.  

I doubt my writing this will change anything, but, like most social media, people writing to others without facing them does not bring out the best, sadly......


Showing 6 responses by jjss49

a) this forum has been around for a quite while, there is a history here (in general and between specific long time users), and while the usernames are anonymous usually, folks do get awfully tired of the ’voice’ of many others, often stuck on repeat

b) the forum is heavily populated by old men, some angry lonely old men, best of their lives in the rear view mirror, see the world passing them by, thus lots of pent up frustration and anger buried within that doesn’t take much to unleash in an anonymous forum

c) some serial posters have agendas (an equipment modder, for fee, constantly tells folks their gear will sound better with his mods), hobby-horses, old saws, or other deep-seated needs trying to fill (albeit totally in the wrong place)... as such, their comments talk down to others, turn off others, close down discussions as opposed to contribute in a way that opens minds and possibilities - often times the repetition and vitroil from these folks elicit nasty responses from many otherwise well meaning contributors (as much as they may try to resist)

d) bad behavior and bad actors on many online boards are not tolerated by mods... here at a-gon, despite tammy’s good efforts, there is not enough policing to nip alot of the antagonism in the bud, and the volume of garbage posts can be overwhelming

i believe your initial post has stirred good discussion and served us all with a reminder to behave better here


re your q on the sonnet morpheus, pls search my posts from about a month back, i compared it to the doge 7, audio mirror tubador and the chord stack in a fairly detailed post describing each as i heard them

@hilde45 @whipsaw @tvad

excellent observations and a good reminder how we should manage our own urges to pile on when there are contentious posts


thank you jim, you are kind... the pursuit has helped me stay sane through the pandemic

the other, rather interesting (if not unexpected) consequence of this thread is that the worst offenders are in effect ’self identifying’ right here...

some great advice has been given here, the best of which is simply ’ignore the trolls’ -- what they seek, sadly, is to call attention to themselves and get a rise...


Here is a person who understands the hobby and has direct knowledge about the questions that I’m interested in. Where else can someone get that hands on experience regarding HIFI regarding my specific questions and maybe if I haven’t alienated him be able to provide even more detail upon request.

ha ha i didn’t take earlier your comment as offensive, just in jest... as you may know, we have a bad drought here in california, my lawn is mostly pebbles and gravel at this point, so one day, i may come sit on yours and have a cold one to enjoy ... 😄😄

happy to answer any additional q’s you may have the dacs, i just asked you to search out my prior posts on the topic so i wouldn’t need to repeat that info, which i took some time and care to write - feel free to pm me





Follow these simple guidelines, not much can go wrong.

thanks for this

graham’s framework gets posted here periodically and it is a terrific reminder for all of us

folks who actively participate here (and feel the need to disagree alot) would hopefully take the time to read (or re-read) the important distinctions he makes in the nature of 'how to disagree'

the fundamental framework is of course most helpful in other walks of life as well, much more important than a discussion board on hi-fi
i read that comment about ’dumbed down vandersteens’ before the poster deleted it (or it was deleted for him) - i was going to jump in, but thought the better of it, in deference to the intent of this thread

i felt that post was a great example of someone who might be meaning to make a fairly benign point (about high end listeners falling basically into 2 camps - ’accuracy seekers’ vs ’beauty seekers’), but in using a quite poor choice of words, his post came across as unnecessarily inflammatory (not to mention depicting his own lack of experience with the quite precise and highly accurate sound that modern/higher vandys produce)


Member since Sep 24, 2021

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pay no mind folks... i suspect its a new username, but same old b-s

30 posts in 3 days, nothing but put-downs...