Why aren't there more women on audiophile forums?

I've seen this question bandied about on forums frequently. Here's a long analysis of the subject matter.  For those going to the beach and needing a read, the whole dissertation is available for download.

"Masculinity and gear fetishism in audio technology community discourse"
Annetts, Alex (2015)
Doctoral thesis, Anglia Ruskin University.

"This thesis is a study of audio technology community discourse and its historical features. I contend that the audio technology domain is fundamentally exclusive and hierarchically stratified, based on discursively inscribed prerequisites to participation and enunciation, notably a hegemonic masculine performance, gear fetishism and the articulation of technical knowledge.

I show that communities organised around audio technology, socially construct and perpetuate these features as components of their respective discourses. I expose all three elements to be rooted in culturally embedded gender stereotypes, dating back to a nineteenth century dichotomy of public and private space.

I present a deconstruction of the complex discursive performances of masculinity and offer opportunities for privileged masculine recordists to critically reflect upon their dominance and homogeneity within the domain as an original contribution to knowledge. In this endeavour, I investigate the emergence and development of exclusive tropes as components of audio technology culture, and demonstrate how they continue to be perpetuated in the face of both social and technological developments that offer possibilities to destratify the community hierarchy and enunciative function.

My methodology is based on a comparative discourse analysis of industry and academic texts, as well as the communities that surround and influence the construction of modern audio technology discourse. Case studies are conducted of two leading industry publications: Tape Op and Sound On Sound, and supplemented by an exploration of Women's Audio Mission. I combine these sources with interview material gathered from relevant industry professionals. In doing so, I observe how the audio technology community has maintained barriers to participation, often in the face of technological progress that offers supposed opportunities for democratisation. My work presents an argument against this notion, exposing the supposed democratisation as an illusion of accessibility and thus as mere massification."

"Is this the same Anglia whose predictive modelling said there would be no ice on the North Pole by 2015?"

They were right, have you tried ordering a drink there recently?
Well, let's take a look at the way some people respond to other members posts on this forum.

They're may be some ladies who read this forum but don't comment based on the responses they might receive.

Stuff like this:

"I contend that the audio technology domain is fundamentally exclusive and hierarchically stratified, based on discursively inscribed prerequisites to participation and enunciation, notably a hegemonic masculine performance, gear fetishism and the articulation of technical knowledge"

Certainly isn't going to get them to come running.

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And from the responses you’ve gotten, it goes a long way towards the premise that the alt right has been pissed ever since The Enlightenment.

Listening to sexists arguing they're not sexist is like listening to a racist arguing they're not racist. This is most entertaining. How many here lead that Walter Mitty existence where they use the keyboard as their escape mechanism from that straight line they try to toe so hard all day?
@nonoise @Millercarbon Listening to you two bloviate is thoroughly entertaining but tiresome.

I think you Mr Nonoise live a Walter Mitty existence and sit at your keyboard waiting for Mr Millercarbon to chirp off.

You Mr Millercarbon enjoy fanning the flames.

At the end of the day most of us could care less what your political, moral (or lack there off), ethical agenda is. Most are here not to argue but to learn about audio equipments, tweets, tricks and snake oil, not your twisted outlook of the world or geo political nonsense.

I have lurked this site for a while and you two are both pinheads at times.

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@lalitk ,
Thanks for reposting what @dtrandall posted. It never fails to amaze me how all the alt right macho wannabes practice the cancel culture they project onto others.

Preferring to outright censor them to make it appear there are fewer saner voices in this wilderness, gives them a false sense of security.

All the best,
Despite their opposite moorings, Miller and nonoise are both models worthy of emulation. We should all aspire to think and to write with their clarity and precision, if without their amusing rancor, which they have both earned the right to deploy.

That said, it's rather puny to claim no more than that the contemporary "alt right" has been pissed since the Enlightenment. Your transitory "alt right" didn't exist in the 17th Century. You're thinking of Colossus: the Roman Church, whose orthodoxies imposed cultural hegemony for a thousand years. Church intellectuals are just as well-educated as their secular counterparts, but unlike the latter, they repudiate Sartre's dictum that the intellectual's duty is "to think -- to think without restriction." The Church insists that you think WITH restriction, that is, when Aristotelian inquiry contradicts Church doctrine, doctrine must prevail. Aquinas taught Churchmen how to finesse this trick in the 13th Century, after being inconveniently confronted with the newly rediscovered works of Aristotle. 
Neo-Marxism has so skewed American politics that what many call "the right" is now mainstream America. What are the values of "the right"? Life, liberty, property, the pursuit of happiness, the right to be left alone. These are total mainstream American values. These are total mainstream universal human values.

Universal everywhere that is but on the left. If you want to talk history, let’s talk history. Marx held that there are no truths, it is all about power, and therefore anyone who has anything took it by force and oppression. Marx held that the capitalists were the oppressors. Couple hundred million dead later, whole nations economically and spiritually impoverished, Marxism died a total failure.

Until that is idiot French (but I repeat myself) philosophers reincarnated it as Neo-Marxism. No longer is it rich against poor. Now everyone is divided into every race, and gender, and ability, on and on endlessly on, all of them oppressed by the evil white man and his hateful patriarchy.

If you want to think, intellectually or otherwise just think at all, mine is the model to emulate. The model of the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, of Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jesus Christ. The model of the divinity of the individual, the sanctity of life, of free and open inquiry.

The other model is the exact opposite.

Choose wisely.
aewarren: funny post. Made me laugh and much appreciated. This topic (as always…only my personal opinion) is truly a “contemplate your navel” exercise. Have at it but your contemplation won’t explain or change anything. It is what it is.
‘And realize that the writer of this “dissertation” definitely sat in front of their computer with a Thesaurus desperately trying to find impressive erudite-sounding verbiage to replace the plain-speak of normal thought. Take that to the bank!😎
Thanks @hickamore, 
I'll admit that I liberally used some shorthand in the alt right designation but it would take way too long to put it into perspective, and, I wouldn't be able to do as good a job as you did in describing it.

On a similar note, I always thought it was referred to as Liviathan, and not Colussus. Maybe it was Burke and the critters in his timeframe that started to use that term. It could very well be that once religious domination started to wane a bit and politics sought some differentiation that that term was used to supplant the previous one.

As for MC's clumsy take, I'll let his own words "own" him.

All the best,
MC, nonoise,

nonoise: Hobbes's Leviathan is the state, not the church. And I capitalize "Colossus" only for emphasis. Although both Latin and Roman, the word has no special meaning with reference to the Church of Rome. That I know of.

MC: But you are perfectly describing classical liberalism! The progressive left embraces life, liberty, property, privacy, etc. -- they simply understand the unfairness of laissez-faire capitalism, and seek to moderate its harsher consequences. Don't buy the Right media trick of pretending that something idiotic done on campus bespeaks an embrace of tribalism on the progressive left. We're historically aware enough to grasp that identitarianism is a cyclical thing which crosses political bounds. Our age happens to be suffering an outbreak at the moment. But liberalism will allow this tribalist foolishness to play out to its absurd logical end, as we know it shall and must, while gently stressing the universalist themes of cosmopolitanism, tolerance, human rights, and human equality before the law. 
Thanks for the clarification and jogging of my memory (which seems to have found it's rabbits hole). 

And, thanks for pointing out how MC uses the language of the left in his attempts to use it against them, portraying himself as the holder of those values. He does that. A lot.

I wish I could agree with you that this tribalism will play itself out, but current events point to something else.

All the best,
Overlooking its tedious Derridean framing, what the dissertation "finds" is nothing more than what most here know perfectly well and could better express in a few short plain English paragraphs. It simply exemplifies the current format for credentialing in sociology, a silly academic hoop to be jumped through, posing no threat to the larger culture.
Unfortunately, this phenomenon is far from limited to academic sociology.  It pervades the humanities and social sciences.  I wonder how many doctoral dissertations there are on shoe fetishism.
Very thought provoking.    It would be useful to understand the field of study to see if this is a degree I could achieve this weekend.

I say tribalism will play itself out because that is what happened after both World Wars. Tribalism caused the wars, and the wars showed the logical consequence of tribalism. Only 20 years passed between the Armistice and Hitler's wholesale invasions. We're now 76 years out from 1945, so it was inevitable that tribalism would recur. The difference -- we strongly believe -- is that since a WWIII would be unthinkable, universalism will necessarily prevail over its sole alternative: human self-annihilation.
The progressive left embraces life, liberty, property, privacy, etc. --

The progressive left embraces life. That must be why they push no limits abortion and euthanasia.

Liberty- that must be why they dictate every facet of private life right down to how many liters of water my toilet can flush.

Property- that must be why they control rents and deny landlords the right to evict nonpaying tenants.

Privacy- that must be why they search without warrant everyone even thinking of getting on a plane.

Seriously, you pose and preen but your facts are hysterically wrong. Beyond wrong, opposite.

The progressive left seeks to abolish life- their official view is humanity is a cancer on the planet.

The progressive left seeks to abolish property: "You will own nothing and be happy" is their official policy goal.

Tribalist? I just clearly explained with facts and logic the universal nature of the right, which truly is classical liberalism. My argument deserves better than your silly wordplay. Honestly, your rhetoric is pure rhetoric. Not a shred of serious reasoning anywhere. I find it a whole lot more honest and effective to write clearly. Try it some time.

Here’s an idea- why not start with being honest with yourself? You think you know better, have a more elevated ethics, are above it all, and this entitles you to lord it over the rest of us. Just come out and say it. Free your mind. Then just maybe one day you will understand why you really have no right telling anyone else how to live.

Human self annihilation is the most likely outcome. Witness the total stupidity of anti vaccine blobs and climate change deniers. WW3 might be unthinkable but by no means unavoidable. 
LOL, right on schedule our resident goose stepper living in his alt reality preaching alt facts as if it knows anything other than (white is right). Behold the future a dystopian nightmare of millercarbons. 
After reading some of these posts, the answer to the question, "Why aren't there more women on audiophile forums?" should be self-evident to all.
You ever read any knitting forums? I have to admit the one I read has improved greatly but they finally put a ban onTrump supporters as they tired of the incessant lies and nonsense. 
Djones... Way to (not so subtly) inject your stupid politics into this discussion....

Typical...probably think you're clever...  You're not.

Who cares? If a woman digs being an audio gearhead, then so be it. That shouldn’t be a threat to men nor should it be subject to stereotype. As I recall, Rosie Greer was into knitting/crocheting ... I don’t think he represented a threat to women in that regard.
Jesus and the non rent paying tenant…yes, from scripture I am certain..

Look, King Dotard did say “ grab em by the beatitudes “, so that the evangelical might gather round the good word…

@hickamore you surprise me with the balance, perhaps there is hope for sanity in the middle….
Hilde, you and many of your gender very likely have a real life. The rest of us here have this and similar pursuits. Count your blessings. It’s nothing to be concerned about.though and only represents a way to have fun for many of us. You're very welcome to join in.

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Speaking of the TSA, years ago, one progressive pundit was over in Europe and when preparing to board a flight, started to take off his shoes only to be stopped by their version of the TSA, who said, "You must be American, right?", laughed, and told him he could keep his shoes on.
Don't forget those TSA appointments came with that ever changing color level of threat assessment any time Bush came under fire. It always went up when he got in trouble.
Look! Squirrel!

All the best,
@tomic601 Balance, or rather fostering mutual understanding, is my aim. Most disagreements boil down to the definition of terms and the reliability of information. Once these are cleared up (which almost never happens, but we need to try), all that remains to divide us are temperamental orientation and intellectual capacity. And hey! We're all different in those respects, and an open society welcomes us all. Even in this often fractious forum, I'll bet 100% would reject communism, fascism, cult-of-personality authoritarianism, and probably monarchy too. Meaning we have a great deal more in common than otherwise, which I consider a fine start. 
hickamore, you have just made the list of people to be responded to never again. Or, if you prefer, ignored forevermore.
shall I make shirts ? the eighteen or is it something like 80 million….?

"Even in this often fractious forum, I'll bet 100% would reject communism,.."

That's rather optimistic of you isn't it?

Recent events suggest that the lure of communism has never seemed to burn so bright in the western world.

Particularly amongst the young, some of whom may frequent here.

I cannot recall politicians ever being so willing to cloak themselves in its drapery.

I cannot recall a time when the world seemed more tribal and divided than it is now.

The facade of politicians working for the people is the thing that's fading rapidly.

They're working for someone all right, but it sure isn't me or you.
"I cannot recall a time when the world seemed more tribal and divided than it is now."
I seem to recall that Seward didn't fare all that well from the wrong end of a cane.

It is, however, unfortunate that polar ideology has injected itself into what was once a pretty cool audio website. Being nice isn't that hard but choosing not to be angry over certain perceived sleights evidently must be. 

This thread, like all the others, will soon disappear when someone calls the wrong person a Marxist....

C'mon MC, you can't be done with your conspiracy theories. Your not done making an arse out of yourself, right???
I'm waiting for MC to start waving a piece of paper stating:
" I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known ...."
And end it with a link to this:

The conflicting positions would go right over his head.

All the best,

Perplexing. Agon veterans no doubt understand this anathematization phenomenon better than I do. 
Wow this thread really went off the rails. Politics should not be part of an Audiophile forum. Yea I know politics is everywhere which is unfortunate. Snake oil is tossed around a lot on this forum but from my perspective  politics has more snake oil than any other other topic I am aware of.  I have always looked at the Audiogon forums as a source for information on the playback of music at the highest fidelity:  this is our common ground . When we differ ie: solid state versus tubes or digital versus vinyl etc. healthy discourse is generated and it can get heated at times which is understandable  but personally I don’t think politics belongs on this forum.
They care less about status, which this place, and most like are really concerned with.
Given a fact that does not support an expensive solution, the male population run and hide. ;)
Been away awhile writing about audio. I took a break and found this:

"Girls aloud: gender issues in the hi-fi world #WAFgate"

You folks have heard of John Darko, right? He's not some nobody dissertation writer that's easy to bash, at some school in England. So, he sees this phenomenon too.


In case you want to learn about the gals who put down their knitting to fight discrimination in audio, check this out: https://womensaudiomission.org/about/ or this one: https://soundgirls.org/about-us/

Or this,


I care about this stuff because I want the world to be more open for my daughter. And others' daughters. And anyone of any gender. It matters to me. I know it makes some people mad to contemplate that, but that's just leading to their own heart attack, so I find the anger pretty amusing. Hopefully they won't follow another largely male tradition of shooting up their place of work or local high school.

Try not to kick your dog if this stuff makes you mad.

No politics please, Keep the subject on topic or the thread will be closed. Thank you. 
The subject itself is political. Close it. Please. Until then the best post remains:

Neo-Marxism has so skewed American politics that what most call "the right" is now mainstream America. What are the values of "the right"? Life, liberty, property, the pursuit of happiness, the right to be left alone. These are total mainstream American values. These are total mainstream universal human values.

Universal everywhere that is but on the left. If you want to talk history, let’s talk history. Marx held that there are no truths, it is all about power, and therefore anyone who has anything took it by force and oppression. Marx held that the capitalists were the oppressors. Couple hundred million dead later, whole nations economically and spiritually impoverished, Marxism died a total failure.

Until that is idiot French (but I repeat myself) philosophers reincarnated it as Neo-Marxism. No longer is it rich against poor. Now everyone is divided into every race, and gender, and ability, on and on endlessly on, all of them oppressed by the evil white man and his hateful patriarchy.

If you want to think, intellectually or otherwise just think at all, mine is the model to emulate. The model of the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, of Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jesus Christ. The model of the divinity of the individual, the sanctity of life, of free and open inquiry.

The other model is the exact opposite.

Choose wisely.
The woman in my life said if I buy another expensive cable, she'll hang me by it. My new audition requirement focus is that it is inflexible and difficult to fashion a noose with ... bada-bing
Just teach your daughter to be strong willed and to stand up for herself as we've got a long ways to go before we're civilized enough to drop our guard.

All the best,
Probably because they are more interested in listening to music rather than gear, which they find a rather boring and tedious pastime.

A lot of musicians are the same and don’t really care what they are listening on, just what they’re listening to.
I'm sure there's a quilting forum somewhere with similar questions: why aren't there more men into quilting?
Too busy with things that matter like the topics in this forum.