@samureyex Good point, I did that and they got back to me fast with a helpful answer.
@denon1 I had a similar conversation. Seems like they still love their Praesto design but feel like Aeris is probably a better value for most mortals like me. It's rare that I have a company basically talk me out of spending more money with them. I appreciate the honesty. Went with 3 sets of Aeris for my streamer, DAC, and integrated, looking forward to the experience.
I recently spoke with Veritas and they said that unless my system is very hi end - they recommend going with Aeris power cords. The difference in sound will be very minimal. Plus Aeris is matching the look of Alpertas speaker cables and Ics.
@v-fi The clear and obvious decision is to contact Veritas and hear their recommendation. They have been pretty spot-on in the words they use to describe the sound.
After exploring the Veritas products in my system, a friend decided to give the Aeris power cables a try for a small but high-quality setup he’s putting together in a dedicated listening room. The Aeris sits in the middle of their range, below the Praesto, so I was curious to see if they could offer the same level of performance. I haven’t tried the Praesto yet but I’ve heard great things from others and have been planning to pick up a few myself.
He also had a set of demo Shunyata Gamma power cables, which are often praised for their performance at a $500 price point. We had the opportunity to compare them directly in his system which includes an Esoteric N-05XD streaming DAC, Esoteric F-05 integrated amplifier, and TAD Compact Reference speakers.
In terms of build quality, the Veritas cables are clearly superior. The Shunyatas come across as solid but basic budget options—adequate for the price, but nothing extraordinary. In contrast, the Veritas cables are thicker, heavier, and feel like a far more premium product.
As for sound, the comparison was pretty one-sided. I was honestly surprised that the Gamma cables performed better than their appearance suggested. However the Aeris cables were much richer in tone, offering better low-end impact, extended bass, greater clarity, and a wider soundstage. They outperformed the Shunyatas in almost every way. I’m not sure which Shunyata cables would need to be used to match or surpass the Aeris, but I’d guess it would be a few levels higher and come at a significantly higher cost.
The Aeris performance really impressed me, and now I’m trying to decide whether to go with them or stick with my original plan to get the Praesto. I like the idea of getting the top model but I think I like the appearance of the Aeris better, and I’m not sure you really lose a ton of performance anyway.
@nwres Interesting, I'm currently using ethernet cables that are very similar in appearance and price to the LINKUP CAT8, which is called AMPCOM CAT8. My guesstimation is that it's the same cable as the LINKUP albeit rebranded with a different color.
I will be placing an order for the Connexa.
Before the Mirus I was using some Pangea Audio Premier SE Ethernet Cables and LINKUP CAT 8. Not junk but not the best. Now that the Mirus are burned in, I would need to put the old cables back in for a comparison. But I do feel that the Mirus has added to the clarity.
The same thing happened, I also opened a ticket. Anyway, thanks for the help I appreciate it. What kind of ethernet cables were you using before the Mirus? I have an Inakustik Cat7 and a Supra Cat8 and a buddy loaned me an AQ Vodka, I prefer my generic well well-shielded cable from Amazon as it sounds the most "analog" sounding for lack of a better term.
I am on the fence now as @darrinm's description of the Mirus is exactly what I'm looking for, beauty even at the expense of resolution.
@chipcalzone Good call on the Connexa, seems like a top choice and should be a notch up from Mirus. I was unable to respond to your IM directly. I needed to IM you on a separate communication. I put in a ticket to Agon thinking there was a system issue, and they responded that their new policy is that you cannot respond to an IM unless you have a credit card on file with Agon. And this is to thwart bad actors on the sales side. I have a PayPal account on file but that is not enough any more.
@nwres Thanks for replying to my direct message, I tried to respond but could not figure out how so I just messaged here instead. I'm currently leaning toward the Connexa Ethernet Cable which is what was recommended to me by Veritas based on my digital system chain.
@darrinm "instruments aren’t as well separated"
I know what you mean and I heard these too but slowly and surely it gets better.
The Apertas (along with Argentum X) also have quite substantial bass quantity as more hrs are put in.
Semi update. My BMC amp has run into an error. Expecting to fix it with a new module. Hope all things go well. For the time being I’m stuck around 115 hrs on the cables.
I have been listening to the Aperta speaker cables, Connexa and Mirus Ethernet cables for several weeks now and thought I would share my thoughts. The Mirus is extremely engaging. Everything sounds real. Great balance, detailed, smooth, and just musical. I do notice that the soundstage gets a little blurred and that instruments aren’t as individually separated as my reference Ethernet cable. The Connexa sound is big, clear and neutral. Great separation of instruments and deep soundstage. Can be a little bit too neutral at times and loose some of female and male voice warmth (which is personally important to me). Overall a fantastic cable and ultimately prefer over the Mirus. The Mirus sounds beautiful like you are listening to a high end audio system but the Connexa can sound more like the live event. The Apertas went into the system and I haven’t looked back. They replaced some well regarded older Audience cables that now sell for $2K. Similar in sound but the Apertas are more open and engaging. I feel like I may have lost a touch of warmth and bass but maybe it’s just the Apertas much more open character. Overall all three cables are fantastic especially for the price. I have listened to a lot of cables in the $500 - $2,000 price range and these Veritas cables are as good and in most cases better than all of them. There are always trade offs and system synergies but I am very happy I gave them a try.
@tubeguy80 I suggest you email Veritas and ask them. They have been very good about getting back to me with answers to my questions.
Just went for it and grabbed two sets of Argentum R interconnects for my main system. Now I am using Veritas Praesto power cables on all components, Connexa for network to my ZENith server, and soon to have the Argentum R going from DAC to pre and then from pre to power amp.
I'm already set on the Aperta speaker cables based on the great feedback in this thread. Still need to figure out length and decide if I want spade connectors or banana type.
That would only leave USB as the last non Veritas product in my system. Have been happy with my iFi Mercury USB for a while but I admit it is mroe of a budget cable compared to the rest of my system. Got it when I first switched to USB and was happy with it so I never really examined other options. Maybe time to do that soon.
My only real concern is that Veritas has multiple USB cable options and I don't really know what the difference is or which one might fit my system best. Anybody know the differences between them?
I had and compared the Magnus interconnects to the Argentum interconnects. While the Magnus sounded very good I preferred the Argentum. I do realize that your mileage might vary depending upon your system and personal preferences.
@mbolek thanks, appreciate your perspective as someone who knows way more than me about the building process.
@v-fi Not Yet. I don’t expect a huge performance upgrade with the silver. The Magnus is a good cable and probably on par with my DIY helix copper builds. I’ll see if the Argentum can extract more details as I run through some of my Qobuz playlists. I listen to a lot of radio Paradise as daily background music and did catch myself saying that is or that song sounded really good.
Premium conductors, good connectors, solid connections....
@mbolek Any thoughts yet on the Argentum X compared to the Magnus? I'm very happy with my Magnus, maybe since I have no experience building my own cables. Compared to a half dozen other XLR sets from bigger brands though, it is wonderful. I do have the Argentum R which is also very impressive but obviously can't compare them directly.
@lak Yes. Argentum XLRs (they made me a 1M pair). I asked about using AECO connectors but they prefer using the silver Viborg's.
@mbolek When you say try the Veritas silver are you referring to the Argentum X interconnect? I'm just asking for clarification.
@mbolek I have been a huge fan of the Helix design for years. My Helix RCA and speaker cables were my reference as well. Back when I was making them my shop space was great for DIY. But since moving not as easy. I never made any Helix XLR's since back then I had no use. I would think that the Argentum X will be a bit more revealing than your OCC, Triple C. Mine took at least 50 hours to burn in. Keep us posted. Still loving my Argentum X and Aperta speaker cables.
Just hooked their Argentum X between a Laiv DAC and Hifi Rose RA180. I did try the Magnus and felt my DIY OCC and Triple C XLRs were as good or slightly better (IMO). The Triple C has been my reference (WillieWonka Helix design w/ AECO connectors).
Figured I'd try the Veritas silver. At their price point, pretty sure that I would spend close to the same if I built my own.
@maxima95 Absolutely. Even though they are the lower model of the two options I remain highly impressed by them. I can't imagine anyone being unsatisfied with the performance they bring for the price. And that's coming from someone who has tried a whole bunch of cables at all sorts of prices.
v-fi - Thank you for the information on the Magnus XLRs.
@maxima95 Sorry that was me, I get long winded at times. In summary the Magnus XLR cables are really clean and fast, but also have nice tone so not thin at all. I compared them to a few different XLR cables (some a lot more expensive) and the Magnus was as good or better than all of them. Definitely the best value, no question. I also have their Argentum RCA cables but obviously can't compare XLR to RCA so that doesn't help.
On another note I'm copy/pasting a write up I did on a different thread about USB cables. I picked up the Veritas Audax which is their top USB model, and compared it to some other new cables I recently got. Sorry @maxima95 this one is too long as well.
As for me I have been rotating through all these USB cables. So far I continue to love the Pink Faun USB although I'm now confused about the name. The original owner calls it the "Ultra" but Pink Faun's website only shows the "Interlink" USB cable. It appears identical but with different text on the label showing that name. Maybe the same product but they changed the name? I don't know. But it is very musically engaging, rich, really open and spacious sounding. For around $1,000 new this is a great cable, for the second hand price I paid it is a steal.
The Audience Frontrow USB is a close second place. Also really enjoyable, a bit more focused and energetic at the expense of not feeling quite as open. It makes the Pink Faun seem a little smooth and relaxed in comparison which is good or bad depending on your system or preferences. I prefer the Pink Faun but with different gear I could see the Audience taking the win. At around $1500 for the 1.5 meter version I have here, this one is also a great cable if not as good of a value as Pink Faun.
The Clarus Crimson was somewhat annoying because it only comes in 1 or 2 meter versions, not 1.5 meters. So I ended up with a 2 meter cable which was longer than necessary and cost around $1,000. It did end up sounding fairly nice in isolation but didn't really do anything better than either the Pink Faun or the Audience. Still a good cable and maybe if you only needed the 1 meter version it would be a good value, but I'd personally go with either of the other two.
The Crystal Cable Diamond is the entry level USB for the brand, selling around $1000 (seems like a theme here). It was the only one of this comparison that I didn't really enjoy in my system. Very lit up, fast, and clean, but missing out in richness and texture that the other cables had. "Thin" is probably the best word I can think of. Too bad, as this is a beautiful cable, possibly the best looking of the bunch. Might work great in another system but for me this was a poor match.
The above represents my initial comparison. But I had a last minute addition with the Veritas Cables Audax USB. Veritas is a new brand I stumbled upon and have been really impressed with the several cables I've tried so far. Audax is only $400 for a 1.5 meter version and it gives up nothing to the others in looks or build quality. In fact it might be up there with the Crystal Cable and Pink Faun as far as being the nicest built. In sonics the Audax is also very competitive with the best in this bunch, sounding a little like a mix between the insightful Audience and the more musical Pink Faun. It doesn't do quite as well as either of them in their areas of strength, but sort of combines both into a really well rounded and coherent presentation. There's a trade off involved (as with all audio) but I might just like the Veritas best even inspite of the price differences. Factor in the price being less than half the others and it seems almost unfair.
In summary, the Pink Faun, Audience, and Veritas USB cables are all exceptional sounding and very well build. I could be happy with any of them but the value aspect goes overwhelmingly to the Veritas Audax. I guess I would say the Veritas Audax and Pink Faun Ultra (or whatever it is called) are sort of tied for first place, then Audience Frontrow, then the Clarus Crimson, and the Crystal Cable Diamond in last place. I'll be returning or selling several of these but the Veritas and Pink Faun are keepers.
Thank you for the responses and the insights.
I do not read long posts (in this case the initial post consisted of 13 paragraphs). Magnus was first mentioned in the 5th paragraph. I simply did not get that far in the initial post after seeing the length.
Thanks again.
@nwres "how do you know it's the Aperta"
My amp has vu meters and when there was no sound, the vu meters were playing as normal, indicating proper signal.
As the problem had happened 3 times, I find, a little wiggle on the black cable of the Aperta silves the problem. It is strange indeed.
People that have tried the Praeto cord, what would you say its strengths are?
1+ @tubeguy80 @maxima95 I totally Agree with tubeguy80 the Argentum X isn’t all that much more expensive and to my ears in several different systems sounded better then the Magnus. The Magnus did sound good, but then you begin to wonder how much better would the Argentum sound.
@nwres I see, that is a smart setup you have there. I’ve always wondered how much if any improvement my system might have with some of those audiophile oriented network components.
Right now I just go straight from the wall to my Innuos Zenith mk3 with the Veritas Connexa, and I’m very pleased with it. I’ve considered going all out with the Innuos Phoenix reclocker and maybe also their Phoenix Net, which feels like a pretty extreme digital system. Then again I’ve owned a big 4-box dCS stack back in the day for spinning discs and I already feel like my Zenith plus Modwright Elyse combo sounds better than that ever did. So maybe not so extreme to build on this already great platform.
@maxima95 The Magnus does look nice and has good feedback in this thread from maybe a few people. The only problem is that the Argentum X isn’t all that much more expensive and seems to have more people using it so more feedback. If or when I try out some of their interconnects I would probably go with Argentum instead of the lower series just because the jump is not that large.
@maxima95 The OP started this thread describing his excellent experience with the Magnus XLR's. I have the Argentum x XLR's and also give them high praise in my setup.
Has anyone tried the Magnus XLR? Any observations would be appreciated.
Apologies if this has already been addressed and I missed it.
@tubeguy80 For the Mirus ethernet cables, I need one at 1M from the wall to my Network Acoustics switch, then a short run from the switch to my iFi LAN iPurifier Pro filter, then another short run from the filter to my streamer. Since all three components are on the same shelf together, these short cables will be about 16 inches.
@lak Thank you, nice to have someone tell me I am not impulsive with audio gear because it sure feels that way sometimes. Even this morning I came far too close to buying a vintage Nakamichi amplifier that I've always been curious about. I have absolutely zero use for it anywhere in the house, but... Nakamichi. I barely overcame the temptation.
@nwres Interesting, why 3 of them? What sort of system configuration needs that? I can think of ways to use 2 pretty easily but 3 is less obvious to me.
I ordered 3 custom lengths of Mirus ethernet cables, about ready to ship. Looking forward to testing them out.
@tubeguy80 Better safe than sorry, wise decision to wait until you have the new set up.
I started with the Connexa network cable and was satisfied enough to also order the Praesto AC cable. I love that too, about to pick up a couple more so my system runs exclusively Veritas power cables.
Tempted to try out their interconnects. But I might be rearranging the furniture soon and also getting a new audio rack. I'd hate to buy a bunch of XLR cables only to find out they are too long or too short for the new configuration. Once everything is settled I'll revisit the idea, because their network and power cables are very impressive.
I have other cables with the same type of Banana connectors. Never an issue. How do you know it is the Aperta?
@nwres The morning of my last post talking about how it had happened twice, it happened for the third time that morning.
I believe it has to do with how that specific banana plug work, I believe it has a mechanic that pushes outward for a tight fit? It has never happened to me before decades in this hobby, but then again I’ve never used a connector like this, not a big deal, jist reporting if anyone had similar experience.
110 hrs on 2 cables (Aperta, Argentum X). Not much else to update vs the 50 hr checkpoint, treble might possibly be a teeny bit more relaxed, hard to say. The bass has awakened quite a bit though. Very tight punchy bass and plentiful in quantity.
How have you guys find the cables to sound in your system now?
@samureyex Try installing another set of cables for a few days to see if it happens. I would want to isolate this if possible.
@samureyex That is very weird. I can't even think of a way that would be possible. Now with headphones and their cables which get stressed by regular use then it makes total sense. It's one of my biggest frustrations with headphones in general. But a speaker cable just sitting there undisturbed? I can't think of a good explanation.
@samureyex Thats strange. It will be interesting to see if it should happen again. I've had my Aperta speaker cables on three different amps and three different pair of speakers and have no issues what so ever. If it were me just to be on the safe side I'd send an email to Veritas in order to see what their thoughts are.
Best regards...
I’m around 105 hours. Been busy so haven’t had a chance to properly sit down and listen. Will try to do another overview the next 1-2 days. But I’m here to report an abnormaly. On 2 different occasions I have lost sound with the Aperta speaker cable (same cable, left speaker). The cable was in tight when I lost my sound. I know it was in tight because I tried to check if they were in tight and they were and the sound didn’t come back, reinserting immediately fixed the problem.
As I stated, this has happened twice.
Like @lak I am also back to chime in with my continued enjoyment of the Veritas Cables.
I've been comparing the Argentum R interconnect with a couple of others that originally sold for much more. My system is Auralic Aries G2.2 streamer, Lampizator Golden Gate 2 DAC, Primaluna EVO 300 hybrid integrated, and Dynaudio Confidence 20 speakers in a smaller room with some DIY treatments. It's very resolving and since it only uses one interconnect, it's easy to hear how the cables impact the signature.
I already wrote about my WyWires Diamond interconnects which are over $4k new and perform very well. I'm actually still really impressed with every aspect of them and would happily recommend them, but for the fact that the drastically more affordable Veritas Argentum R matches them very closely and even exceeds them in some ways. The Argentum sounds more open and has more low end kick, and while I originally felt the Diamond may have a slight edge in treble articulation, now I'm not so sure. I now think it might be an illusion because of the comparatively leaner tonality, which forces me to focus more on the highs, as well as the more closed-in or less spacious feel which again directs attention a certain way.
Ultimately if given the choice between the Veritas Argentum R and the WyWires Diamond for the same price, I would choose the Argentum. That's already a big deal before we factor in value, which is where the Veritas has an overwhelming advantage.
I also got a loaner of the Audioquest Pegasus. These go for around $1700 in 1.5 meter RCA form which is what I use. They didn't really blow me away though. Not bad at all, like a solid B to B+ in every category, but they didn't excel in any area or do anything better than the Veritas or WyWires. Don't get me wrong, the Pegasus is an enjoyable cable and probably the best Audioquest interconnect I have yet heard. It's definitely a step up from their older designs (even some more expensive ones) which I felt were hit or miss, and I can totally see why people like it. But for me I'd say the WyWires Diamond sounds like an upgrade (which it is considering the price) and the Veritas Argentum R blows it away in sound and value. I don't normally like using such strong language for what usually amounts to subtle differences but in this case it seems justified.
Enough ramblings, hope everyone is enjoying their system whatever it looks like right now, happy holidays and new year.
@lak I lost track somewhere between 60 and 70 hours of burn in and I am probably over 100 hours as well. My next step is to put my old cables back in to re-compare.
@tubeguy80 Yes the Nebo's are a unique design and a space commitment. Not everyone's cup of tea, but in my dedicated room, I am all about the sound, and they deliver.
I just want to chime in and say I'm still very happy with my Aparta speaker cables and Argentum X and R interconnects. I'm sure I have over 100 hours on them but honestly I've lost track.
@nwres Thanks, I am planning on getting the Aperta at some point when funds allow. I have used my quota for the year but next year starts soon enough. It's nice to hear that you find them impressive, that seems to be the common thing I hear from all users.
Those Tektons are serious business, I bet they sound wonderful.
@tubeguy80 I have all banana connectors on my Aperta speaker cables. I find them more convenient than spades and I have never noticed a difference as long as they are well made with quality metallurgy. My current speakers are Tekton Nebo's, quit large. I am extremely pleased with the sound. The combination of Argentum x and Aperta reveal every aspect of the recording with amazing, clean, impactful bass. And I do not need a sub. I feel the Aperta's and Argentum x are as advertised.
@tubeguy80 I just reached the 100 hour milestone. Will do some serious listening and update if anything noticeably changes. The last 30 hours or so have been mostly background music.
@samureyex How is it going now that you probably have more hours on the cables? I had fun reading your updates for the initial hours, seems maybe things have tapered off or finished burning for the most part?
@nwres I may have missed it but what speakers are you using with the Aperta cables? Did you get the spades or the banana connectors? I have used cables with both types over the years and can't decide whihc style I prefer.
@nwres "clean and articulate with great extension" sounds about right to me. Also interesting plan with the network cables, I would not have thought of doing short versions like that but it makes sense. Someone in this thread earlier mentioned good results with their ethernet products (several different people and models if I recall correctly) so hopefully it works out well. I am inclined to check out the Connexa ethernet cable (top model I think) but not until I cool down from various overspending this year.