Sorry I mentioned in my rambling post that I am dumb, and now I've gone and proven it to be true. Should I have dropped a link to either their website or their US Audiomart listnings? Yep. Did I do it though? Nope.
Here is the link to their profile where you will see whatever items they currently have posted for sale. It also shows a link to their website which as @lak mentioned is not all that informative at the moment.
Vogue Cables does indeed seem to have similarities to Cabledyne, specifically the identical small labels that show directionality and the model name. But then again they seem to have abandoned the metal sleeving in favor of a different approach so who knows. They are on my list of eventual things to try but the new direction doesn't quite resonate with me as much as the older Cabledyne stuff.
@bander that is great news! I saw their AC cable listed and it looks real nice. I bookmarked it for possible future upgrades now that I hear your positive impressions.
Still extremely pleased with the Veritas Magnus interconnects. I put them in my bigger system and the same strengths I heard in the headphone rig come through with speakers. I’ll probably end up with a few more sets by the end of the year so I can wire everything with the same cabling.
I’m tempted to try the flagship XLR cable they mentioned but depends on the details and pricing. Supposedly they will get that listed soon.
@lak when I reached out to them about XLR cables they told me the Fidelis interconnects were their biggest seller when it comes to word of mouth sales. Looks like they have sold some on US Audio Mart recently so impressions may start popping up soon. I will probably end up picking up a Fidelis down the road since I love the Magnus XLR and they are based on the same concept.
@tcutter I always wanted to try an Empirical Overdrive DAC. Those look beautiful. Haven't heard much about their cables though.
@agisthos They were indeed excellent cables for the price. The folks at Cabledyne were very passionate about meting a price target, so they used relatively good but low cost connectors. I agree that aspect held them back from their full potential.
As far as I know the company folded at least 6 years ago. I don't know why. There is speculation that Vogue Cables has something in common with Cabledyne as they use what looks like identical labels (the white ones with the product name and directional arrows). But that could be a total coincidence, maybe it's a stock template or something. Ed Bowman was the only name I ever encountered as being in charge at Cabledyne, and he was based in Arizona, while Tom Swenson runs Vogue out of Florida. So who knows.
In any case I see Veritas Cables as being similar in spirit to Cabledyne, but with less compromise on the connectors. I still own and use several sets of the Cabledyne Silver Reference XLR interconnects so I should do a direct comparison with the Veritas Magnus XLR when I get a chance.
They have the Magnus XLR cables in stock now LINK Check it out to see what I mean. it looks a lot more like cables I've owned with four figure price tags rather than any in the $400 range.
Seems like they also launched the higher model they had mentioned to me LINK which is called Argentum X. I assume it's a pure silver cable based on the name but I should probably ask them about it. If so I might grab one of those to compare with the Magnus cable. Pricing seems very reasonable for that caliber of cable.
I'm really happy with my Magnus XLR interconnect. It might be tied with the Eversolo DMP-A8 as the best value piece of audio equipment I bought this year. And that's saying something since I really tried a lot.
That Argentum X looks really interesting too. The price is not that much higher for what they say is their best cable. Definitely plan on trying that out soon enough and will comment here about how it compares with the Magnus XLR.
@lak That's basically what they told me too. I plan on picking up the Argentum X later this year, but now thinking I might also get some of the Fidelis RCA cables for a tube system I run in another room that doesn't have any balanced connectors. Would you call the Fidelis warm or neutral or ? Don't know if you've had enough time with it to form an opinion yet though.
I had messaged Veritas last week asking to be put on a list for when their new stuff is ready. Just heard back saying within two weeks all the custom length orders should be good to go. Also the new speaker cables that don't have a name yet, and also the Argentum R which is the RCA version of the Argentum X pure silver cable. I can't decide if I want that or stick with the more affordable Fidelis. Might try both of them for different systems. Fidelis is the same as my Magnus but RCA instead of XLR so I already know how good that will be.
@lak thank you for that update! Sounds like they aren't just blowing smoke about targeting more expensive cables as competition. I can see how an internet direct brand with low overhead could really maximize value compared to the big guys who have giant marketing fees, many employees, and deal margins to account for. Plus I always like rooting for the little guy on stuff like this.
Thank you, a comparison with Lavricables would be very welcome. I used one of their cables for my Audeze headphones for a while, it was great. Later upgraded to a nicer Norne Audio cable but would still recommend Lavricables for headphones.
I did try one of their interconnects back then and was less impressed. For the price the sound was only decent and I was disappointed to see Neutrik connectors on a cable costing that much. That's a common complaint I have with lots of brands though, anything costing $200 or more shouldn't be using Neutrik connectors that sell for around $10 per pair. But we see them sometimes even with $800+ cables!
Anyway it looks like Lavricables might use nicer connectors these days. Or at least on certain model they do. So that's good.
By the way @lak the way I understood it the Argentum X is the XLR version and the RCA version is called Argentum R. So I think that's what you are looking for if you need an RCA version.
@lak Definitely understand, it is confusing. I've already suggested/complained to Veritas via email that they need to get their website figured out. Then again if they are focused on building our orders I'm not sure I want them diverting attention to web development right now. Just the usual small company startup challenges I guess.
I just placed an order for a set of Argentum R unbalanced interconnects, which are finally available. I was informed that they’ll ship out tomorrow. At $450, they look fantastic and feel like a great deal, but we’ll see how they perform. I’ve been really pleased with the Magnus XLR I got last month, so I’m hoping the Argentum R lives up to the hype as well.
@samureyex I think that has to do with the way search engines like google index things. There is an art and science to SEO or Search Engine Optimization and fancy websites spend a lot of time and money on that. Meanwhile some of my favorite smaller audio companies including Veritas don't really come up at all when I search. I'm sure being brand new doesn't help matter either.
The actual website is make sure to type it right, I accidentally used veritascable (with no S at the end) and that is a company which does industrial cable installation for infrastructure, definitely not audiophile related.
My Veritas Argentum R interconnects arrived the other day, so far they seem extremely impressive. I haven't had enough time to really give them a workout though, and I'm sure they need some hours to burn in better. Even so they seem very competitive with the WyWires Diamond I had been using in that spot. And easily better than some of the lower tier Kubala Sosna interconnects I recently tried out. There is no contest between those and the Argentum in sound or build quality.
I've got a loaner Audioquest Pegasus coming next week, I'm interested to hear how that compares to both my WyWires Diamond and the Veritas Argentum R.
@bugredmachine I will wait patiently for your thoughts. Between you and @lak that is a lot of experience and I've agreed with many of your posts about all sorts of gear in the past. I'm already sold on Veritas by now but interested to hear your take as well.
@denon1 So far I've got about 50 hours on my Argentum R but I do hear notable improvement compared to right out of the box. And most of that improvement actually does seem related to midrange being more palpable. Also I hear a more open sound, not like more treble energy or anything just feels more airy and unconstrained as if it has more breathing room. I'm thinking you will like the sound more and more as it takes shape.
@denon1 What gear are you using it with? Just out of curiosity.
Now that I’ve spent some time with the Veritas Argentum R, I wanted to share my thoughts in a bit more detail. To start, I was originally using the Eversolo DMP-A8 paired with a Holo Audio Bliss headphone amp, driving the Raal Requisite CA-1a headphones through the Raal transformer. The sound was beautiful, but the Argentum R didn’t really have a chance to shine in this setup. That’s because this particular system really thrives with XLR cables, and at the time, I was between DACs. So I was just relying on the built-in conversion in the Eversolo, which, though surprisingly good, was probably limiting the full potential of the system compared to something like a dedicated $3k+ DAC.
I switched gears and moved the Argentum R into my speaker-based setup, which is centered around single-ended connections. This system is made up of an Auralic Aries G2.2 streamer, Lampizator Golden Gate 2 DAC, Primaluna EVO 300 hybrid integrated amp, and Dynaudio Confidence 20 speakers (I originally had the Confidence 30, but they were a bit too much for my smallish room). This setup is great for testing cables, as it only uses one interconnect between the DAC and the integrated, making cable choice pretty crucial.
Over the years, I’ve cycled through a variety of interconnects from Cardas, Kimber, Audioquest, Shunyata, MIT, and others. I eventually landed on the WyWyres Platinum, which I was very pleased with. But of course, I got restless. So this year, I experimented with several Kubala Sosna interconnects, but really didn’t like them at all. I ended up moving up the WyWyres ladder to the Diamond, and that’s where I’ve been happiest.
Now, let’s get to the Veritas Argentum R. Despite being significantly more affordable than many of the other high-end cables I’ve used, the Argentum R holds its own as far as build quality and appearance. And, frankly, outperforms some of them, like the Kubala Sosna. The WyWyres Diamond, which I think retailed for over $4k, is a direct comparison here, and I’d say the Argentum R is right on par with it in terms of build quality and feel—it’s a premium product all the way.
In terms of sound, both the Diamond and Argentum R are quite close. The WyWyres may have a slight edge in treble clarity, offering a touch more precision, but the Argentum R has a wider, more open presentation that gives the music more space to breathe. I also think the Argentum R has better low-end authority, delivering a tactile bass texture that allows me to hear more detail in the lower frequencies across all types of music. The Diamond isn’t lacking in bass, but the Argentum R just gives that extra punch and presence. The Diamond, on the other hand, tends to be a little more forward in the upper midrange, which can be exciting at times but, depending on the track, may lean toward the fatiguing side.
If I had to choose between the two, I’d say the Veritas Argentum R feels more natural and realistic overall, whereas the WyWyres Diamond has more of an “exciting” sound, which makes it great for short listening sessions or showing off your system to friends. I was really happy with the Diamond during my time with it, but for longer listening sessions, the Veritas is just more engaging and satisfying, making me feel more connected to the music.
If the two cables were priced the same, I’d say they’re pretty evenly matched, each with its own unique character that might suit different systems or preferences. However, considering the WyWyres Diamond sells for about 8 times the cost of the Veritas Argentum R, the value proposition is clear—the Argentum R is an absolute steal in comparison. In fact, I’m likely going to sell the WyWyres Diamond and put that money toward some Veritas power cables or maybe even try out their speaker cable. This whole experiment has been a lot of fun, and I’m genuinely glad I stumbled upon the Veritas brand. For my system and listening preferences, it’s a perfect match.
@samureyex Thank you, I don't always know how to describe what I hear but it's still fun to try. Hopefully my ramblings are useful to someone.
I can see how some systems would favor the WyWires Diamond over the Veritas Argentum R. I actually felt the same way after I got the Diamond, and was comparing it to the WyWyres Platinum. At first I thought the more expensive Diamond was a total waste. The Platinum seemed better. Later I swapped some components and things changed in favor of the Diamond. In my speaker setup the Argentum R is the better choice. With my headphone rig I can swap amps and headphones until one or the other cable is superior.
I love reading reviews and forum discussion about audio gear. But I also know that what I experience may not be the same as what the writer heard, because our systems aren't the same. And we might just value different things for our music reproduction. That's a big reason why I always say try it for yourself if possible.
@samureyex That's tempting but probably won't happen until 2025. I already have some Cerious Technology Graphene Extreme that I'm pretty happy with.
Is that enough though? Of course not. Which is why I also have a few different speaker cables that I picked up on forums or Agon just sitting here waiting to try, including some older Verastarr Grand Illusion, Wireworld Silver Eclipse 7, Audience Ohno III, and a few others from Audioquest and Kimber that I can't remember the specifics at present. I keep finding crazy low prices on lightly used cables in excellent shape. It can be hard to pass up. But I need to actually try them all out and sell the ones I don't love, before I can pick up any new speaker cables.
Power cables are fine though, I don't have many extras of those so I can justify trying more.
@samureyex Congrats, that should be fun. What amp and speakers and such are involved?
@samureyex Nice system there, love those Summit X. And I agree, the pictures don't really capture the metallic sleeving very well. I had the same thing when I first ordered from Cabledyne back in the day, where I was expecting a simple silver colored cloth braid but was surprised to find actual metal instead. I wonder if Veritas uses a similar sleeving because it sure looks similar. Btw both the Magnus XLR and Argentum R RCA sets that I have felt a little bass shy when brand new, but that shook out in the burn in after a little while. Now the bass is one of my favorite parts on both models.
@mbolek You have a great system as well, seems like this whole discussion thread is full of people with good taste. I bet those Nova 5s sound amazing. I used to have their Guarneri Homage monitors a few decades back and still wish I held onto those.
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts when you've had enough time to spend with the Magnus in your system. I still very much like the Magnus even if I am tempted to grab their Argentum X as well. In my system the Magnus outperforms quite a few other cables, including some I really like a lot. And even when others do certain things better, the Magnus seems to offer a total package with no weaknesses. I appreciate that.
I'm enjoying your updates. Fun times with new gear, always an adventure.
@nwres I am hearing the same things you describe. The Argentum R in particular is blowing me away with low level listening. It's very detailed and so clean but also musical, not sterile like some other pure silver cables I own. The Magnus XLR cables feel smoother and more forgiving which is how Veritas explained it to me, I think they are spot on with that description. I could see Magnus actually working better on certain systems, and as you scale up to better gear the Argentum becomes a better match.
Funny you mention your Luxman D-05U, I used to have the D-06U which is really similar. And at the time I did notice that I preferred different cables with that player than any of the other sources I had. Lovely tonality but it never matched up with my other gear quite as well as I wanted, which I why I eventually sold it. I thought mine had the TI / Burr Brown chips in it though, not Wolfson. Maybe that's the difference between the 5 and the 6?
@nwres "clean and articulate with great extension" sounds about right to me. Also interesting plan with the network cables, I would not have thought of doing short versions like that but it makes sense. Someone in this thread earlier mentioned good results with their ethernet products (several different people and models if I recall correctly) so hopefully it works out well. I am inclined to check out the Connexa ethernet cable (top model I think) but not until I cool down from various overspending this year.
Like @lak I am also back to chime in with my continued enjoyment of the Veritas Cables.
I've been comparing the Argentum R interconnect with a couple of others that originally sold for much more. My system is Auralic Aries G2.2 streamer, Lampizator Golden Gate 2 DAC, Primaluna EVO 300 hybrid integrated, and Dynaudio Confidence 20 speakers in a smaller room with some DIY treatments. It's very resolving and since it only uses one interconnect, it's easy to hear how the cables impact the signature.
I already wrote about my WyWires Diamond interconnects which are over $4k new and perform very well. I'm actually still really impressed with every aspect of them and would happily recommend them, but for the fact that the drastically more affordable Veritas Argentum R matches them very closely and even exceeds them in some ways. The Argentum sounds more open and has more low end kick, and while I originally felt the Diamond may have a slight edge in treble articulation, now I'm not so sure. I now think it might be an illusion because of the comparatively leaner tonality, which forces me to focus more on the highs, as well as the more closed-in or less spacious feel which again directs attention a certain way.
Ultimately if given the choice between the Veritas Argentum R and the WyWires Diamond for the same price, I would choose the Argentum. That's already a big deal before we factor in value, which is where the Veritas has an overwhelming advantage.
I also got a loaner of the Audioquest Pegasus. These go for around $1700 in 1.5 meter RCA form which is what I use. They didn't really blow me away though. Not bad at all, like a solid B to B+ in every category, but they didn't excel in any area or do anything better than the Veritas or WyWires. Don't get me wrong, the Pegasus is an enjoyable cable and probably the best Audioquest interconnect I have yet heard. It's definitely a step up from their older designs (even some more expensive ones) which I felt were hit or miss, and I can totally see why people like it. But for me I'd say the WyWires Diamond sounds like an upgrade (which it is considering the price) and the Veritas Argentum R blows it away in sound and value. I don't normally like using such strong language for what usually amounts to subtle differences but in this case it seems justified.
Enough ramblings, hope everyone is enjoying their system whatever it looks like right now, happy holidays and new year.
@samureyex That is very weird. I can't even think of a way that would be possible. Now with headphones and their cables which get stressed by regular use then it makes total sense. It's one of my biggest frustrations with headphones in general. But a speaker cable just sitting there undisturbed? I can't think of a good explanation.
@maxima95 Sorry that was me, I get long winded at times. In summary the Magnus XLR cables are really clean and fast, but also have nice tone so not thin at all. I compared them to a few different XLR cables (some a lot more expensive) and the Magnus was as good or better than all of them. Definitely the best value, no question. I also have their Argentum RCA cables but obviously can't compare XLR to RCA so that doesn't help.
On another note I'm copy/pasting a write up I did on a different thread about USB cables. I picked up the Veritas Audax which is their top USB model, and compared it to some other new cables I recently got. Sorry @maxima95 this one is too long as well.
As for me I have been rotating through all these USB cables. So far I continue to love the Pink Faun USB although I'm now confused about the name. The original owner calls it the "Ultra" but Pink Faun's website only shows the "Interlink" USB cable. It appears identical but with different text on the label showing that name. Maybe the same product but they changed the name? I don't know. But it is very musically engaging, rich, really open and spacious sounding. For around $1,000 new this is a great cable, for the second hand price I paid it is a steal.
The Audience Frontrow USB is a close second place. Also really enjoyable, a bit more focused and energetic at the expense of not feeling quite as open. It makes the Pink Faun seem a little smooth and relaxed in comparison which is good or bad depending on your system or preferences. I prefer the Pink Faun but with different gear I could see the Audience taking the win. At around $1500 for the 1.5 meter version I have here, this one is also a great cable if not as good of a value as Pink Faun.
The Clarus Crimson was somewhat annoying because it only comes in 1 or 2 meter versions, not 1.5 meters. So I ended up with a 2 meter cable which was longer than necessary and cost around $1,000. It did end up sounding fairly nice in isolation but didn't really do anything better than either the Pink Faun or the Audience. Still a good cable and maybe if you only needed the 1 meter version it would be a good value, but I'd personally go with either of the other two.
The Crystal Cable Diamond is the entry level USB for the brand, selling around $1000 (seems like a theme here). It was the only one of this comparison that I didn't really enjoy in my system. Very lit up, fast, and clean, but missing out in richness and texture that the other cables had. "Thin" is probably the best word I can think of. Too bad, as this is a beautiful cable, possibly the best looking of the bunch. Might work great in another system but for me this was a poor match.
The above represents my initial comparison. But I had a last minute addition with the Veritas Cables Audax USB. Veritas is a new brand I stumbled upon and have been really impressed with the several cables I've tried so far. Audax is only $400 for a 1.5 meter version and it gives up nothing to the others in looks or build quality. In fact it might be up there with the Crystal Cable and Pink Faun as far as being the nicest built. In sonics the Audax is also very competitive with the best in this bunch, sounding a little like a mix between the insightful Audience and the more musical Pink Faun. It doesn't do quite as well as either of them in their areas of strength, but sort of combines both into a really well rounded and coherent presentation. There's a trade off involved (as with all audio) but I might just like the Veritas best even inspite of the price differences. Factor in the price being less than half the others and it seems almost unfair.
In summary, the Pink Faun, Audience, and Veritas USB cables are all exceptional sounding and very well build. I could be happy with any of them but the value aspect goes overwhelmingly to the Veritas Audax. I guess I would say the Veritas Audax and Pink Faun Ultra (or whatever it is called) are sort of tied for first place, then Audience Frontrow, then the Clarus Crimson, and the Crystal Cable Diamond in last place. I'll be returning or selling several of these but the Veritas and Pink Faun are keepers.
@maxima95 Absolutely. Even though they are the lower model of the two options I remain highly impressed by them. I can't imagine anyone being unsatisfied with the performance they bring for the price. And that's coming from someone who has tried a whole bunch of cables at all sorts of prices.
@mbolek Any thoughts yet on the Argentum X compared to the Magnus? I'm very happy with my Magnus, maybe since I have no experience building my own cables. Compared to a half dozen other XLR sets from bigger brands though, it is wonderful. I do have the Argentum R which is also very impressive but obviously can't compare them directly.
@mbolek thanks, appreciate your perspective as someone who knows way more than me about the building process.
After exploring the Veritas products in my system, a friend decided to give the Aeris power cables a try for a small but high-quality setup he’s putting together in a dedicated listening room. The Aeris sits in the middle of their range, below the Praesto, so I was curious to see if they could offer the same level of performance. I haven’t tried the Praesto yet but I’ve heard great things from others and have been planning to pick up a few myself.
He also had a set of demo Shunyata Gamma power cables, which are often praised for their performance at a $500 price point. We had the opportunity to compare them directly in his system which includes an Esoteric N-05XD streaming DAC, Esoteric F-05 integrated amplifier, and TAD Compact Reference speakers.
In terms of build quality, the Veritas cables are clearly superior. The Shunyatas come across as solid but basic budget options—adequate for the price, but nothing extraordinary. In contrast, the Veritas cables are thicker, heavier, and feel like a far more premium product.
As for sound, the comparison was pretty one-sided. I was honestly surprised that the Gamma cables performed better than their appearance suggested. However the Aeris cables were much richer in tone, offering better low-end impact, extended bass, greater clarity, and a wider soundstage. They outperformed the Shunyatas in almost every way. I’m not sure which Shunyata cables would need to be used to match or surpass the Aeris, but I’d guess it would be a few levels higher and come at a significantly higher cost.
The Aeris performance really impressed me, and now I’m trying to decide whether to go with them or stick with my original plan to get the Praesto. I like the idea of getting the top model but I think I like the appearance of the Aeris better, and I’m not sure you really lose a ton of performance anyway.
@samureyex Good point, I did that and they got back to me fast with a helpful answer.
@denon1 I had a similar conversation. Seems like they still love their Praesto design but feel like Aeris is probably a better value for most mortals like me. It's rare that I have a company basically talk me out of spending more money with them. I appreciate the honesty. Went with 3 sets of Aeris for my streamer, DAC, and integrated, looking forward to the experience.
I received the 3 Aeris power cables which I ordered last week. Just got them installed in the system yesterday so I can't really talk about the sound yet.
So far, what I can say is that the appearance and build quality is off the charts. I've paid way more for power cables that don't look anywhere near this nice. Seriously, the pictures don't really do them justice, these are beautiful cables! If I didn't know anything about the brand or pricing I would have guessed these as being in the $1k+ range, no question.
Here's hoping the performance matches the appearance.
@darrinm Haven't had as much time as I would like to report any definitive opinions at this point. So far very impressed with initial listening, we'll see how it goes this weekend since I should have more time.
I spent a few hours on Saturday and much of the day Sunday, off and on listening to my system with the new Aeris cables added. I used them with an Auralic Aries G2.2 streamer, a Lampizator Golden Gate 2 DAC, and a Primaluna EVO 300 hybrid integrated driving Dynaudio Confidence 20 speakers in a smaller, semi-treated room. I'm using the Veritas Argentum R interconnects, their Audax USB, and now Aeris power cables which replaced a mixture of older but more expensive power cables from a few different brands that all cost in the $500 to $1,000 range at some point in the last decade or two.
The main thing I noticed was an improvement in dynamics. I don't know that I've ever heard such low end extension and solidity out of my Dynaudios. Very impressive. After a while I also realized that the entire presentation had a more natural flow to it. Not like details were smoothed over but more just a sense of ease to the whole thing, probably related to the dynamics but it seems like more than that.
This is all brand new, straight out of the box, so I expect things to only get better from here. I was on the fence for a moment, thinking maybe I should have gone with the top level Praesto cables instead. But so far I love what I hear from the Aeris and am very satisfied with my choice.
@denon1 Need more listening time but so far so good with regards to both tone and resolution. In my experience a lot of cables can do a good job with one or the other but it can be hard for them to nail both,
Of the power cables I was using before, my favorite was probably a Cerious Cables Graphene from about 10 years ago. Really nice cable, fantastic tonality, resolution not bad either. I feel like the Aeris cables match the Cerious strengths and improve on the weaknesses. But I will know more as I get more time spent listening.
@grk The Aeris is pretty thick and somewhat stiff. I've owned worse though. I put the Aeris roughly on par with the Audioquest Blizzard and Monsoon if anyone is familiar with those power cables. They work fine in my setup but I could see having a problem depending on the system layout.
I do notice that generally the more I pay for a cable the more thick and inflexible it is likely to be. Most cables that feel like the Aeris cost twice as much. I know I shouldn't measure quality by this metric but it is tempting.
Can I ask what is a PLC? I am not familiar with that term in my audio vocabulary.
@bill_k Thank you! I was racking my brain trying to figure out the acronym and felt pretty dumb there. I just call my Bryston BIT-15 a "power conditioner" so I was only one letter off but still couldn't get there.
I spoke with the folks at Veritas about getting extra cables for a second system I have. They mentioned that the new website is finally launching soon ("any day now") and that I should be able to make a purchase directly from there before the end of the week. They also said the introductory prices are about to end, but they managed to adjust some of the pricing so it either stays the same or increases by less than what was originally predicted on Audiomart.
Everything I have tried so far is beyond impressive so I don't really mind the sale prices being phased out. They did give me like 6 months warning so I can't complain.
@charliee Wow I did not realize their site launched already. They made it sound like it would be towards the end of the week. Looks good, simple and clean.
For what it's worth they did tell me that they would honor the old pricing on some stuff I was thinking about purchasing. Even if I don't decide until later. So if you already reached out with questions or anything I bet you are in the same boat.
If not it couldn't hurt to shoot them an email anyway to explain the situation. They seem pretty focused on good service I doubt they would be strict about it. Really nice people to deal with.
Same with Pete at Triode, great guy and you can't go wrong either way. I will keep buying from these smaller brands rather than give money to the huge faceless companies like Audio quest.
@charliee They have always been really fast with replies, sometimes within the hour but not always.
I notice the new "contact us" page has a line about how they are still fine tuning the settings for the new site. That line wasn't there when I initially checked yesterday. So probably some migration issues which I imagine are normal when changing to a new web host or whatever.
I would shoot over another email today and see if that works better.
@t_ramey I've been using the Veritas Audax USB for a while now and really enjoy it. Excellent articulation and the always elusive musicality that we all want.
I did a comparison with a bunch of other quality cables, and I ended up liking the Audax more than a Crystal Cable Diamond, Clarus Crimson, and Audience Frontrow. At least in my system. The only one I found that was competitive with the Veritas was the Pink Faun Ultra. It was a tough fight between those two, hard to pick a winner based on sound. Taking price into consideration the Veritas Audax wins as far as I'm concerned.
It looks like they have some other USB cables also. I only know about the top model Audax and can't comment on the others.