Veritas Cables a new brand that I found

Always been a big fan of smaller cable makers. I've had great luck in my system with brands like Audio Art, Cabledyne (RIP), Audio Sensibility, and Triode Wire Labs. These and others I'm surely forgetting seem to offer so much bang for the buck compared to the more mainstream brands. Not exactly cheap but usually a great value for what you get. It's noteworthy that most of these are most easily found by cruising Audiogon, US Audio Mart, Audiocircle, etc and if you only ever read Stereophile/TAS you'll probably never be exposed to all these great options. 

As with most people around here I've also had my fair share of Audioquest, Kimber, Shunyata, Cardas, Wireworld, MIT, and the rest of the big names. Some of those were very enjoyable but I have a hard time when I think about how big their marketing budgets are. And when my local dealer will always give me a deal for a very substantial discount, it makes me realize how inflated the regular pricing is. Not to mention I notice that many of these don't really get good until you move fairly high up the line, with their entry and mid priced options often being pretty uninspiring.

A few weeks ago I was browsing the various classifieds as I often do and stumbled across a name that was new to me. Turns out that's because they are new, period. Veritas Cables calls themselves a boutique hifi cable company specializing in small batch creations. That sounds reminiscent of early Black Cat Cable which they actually reference as an inspiration. This immediately caught my attention as I used to work with Chris Sommovigo at one point and loved his approach to building cables. The company had 3 items listed at the time: RCA interconnects, a power cable, and an ethernet cable. I liked what I saw but was actually in the market for an XLR interconnect, so I checked out their website (still under construction) which indicated more cables were coming soon. I figured it was worth an email inquiry to see what the time frame might be. 

I got a quick response stating that they had just completed a batch of XLR cables and while most were spoken for via local word of mouth sales, they did have one extra set they could sell me. The price was well within my target and actually much more affordable than the others I had been looking at (Audio Art Copper Cryo, Morrow Audio MA6,  Silnote Anniversary being the main contenders). So I took a chance on it, although with their in home trial terms it wasn't a huge gamble. They sent over an invoice with paypal and due to Veritas being in California like me the cable arrived very quickly.

When the company told me they don't use any fancy packaging, they weren't kidding. It was more like buying a second hand cable off a forum with no original packaging. But I've never cared about any of that stuff and would rather have that money go towards the actual product. In that sense I was not disappointed. Veritas calls this their Magnus cable and it shares design cues with the rest of their line I had seen listed on USAmart and the Veritas website. Specifically that means the use of a metallic silver braided jacket instead of the usual plastic or fabric sleeving most other cables have. This is the same approach used by Ed Bowman with his Cabledyne brand which I miss dearly. Back in the day my entire system was Cabledyne Reference Silver, then upgraded to their Vanguard line and was happy with that for quite a while. So I am very pleased to reintroduce a similar looking cable. That said the Veritas Magnus is somewhat thicker yet more flexible than the Cabledyne models which makes it easier to deal with.

Veritas doesn't come right out and list exactly what the internal composition is on their designs. When I asked directly they were happy to answer so it's not a complete secret, but I guess more of a marketing choice. Discussing this with them also reminded me of chatting with Ed Bowman, where there is clearly a lot of knowledge but also a desire to simplify things for a dumb end user like me. I tend to agree with their philosophy that says silver doesn't always have to sound bright and copper isn't always warm. Designers can do a lot based on geometry and purity and shielding and a dozen other factors to where a silver cable might actually be warmer and smoother than a copper cable. Or a copper cable might be more focused on speed and treble extension. Honestly I don't care as much about the specifics as I do about the end result, just give me an excellent performing cable no matter what it's made of. 

In any case to my eyes the Veritas Magnus looks every bit as well made as the other options I had been considering. Those range from $630 for the Audio Art, to $1250 for the Morrow, to $1500 for the Silnote, all for 1.5m XLR versions just to give you a general idea. Meanwhile the Magnus was $389 which is almost what I would call entry level territory with the price of cables being what it is these days. 

 So far I've been using the Magnus to connect my Eversolo DMP-A8 to a variety of tube and SS headphone amplifiers in the $2-5k range, then feeding the amazing Raal Requisite CA-1a ribbon headphones via the Raal transformer box. It's a pretty simple system and this is the only interconnect involved, making it easier to spot the contributions versus a system with separate transport, DAC, preamp, and amplifier and of course cables running between each of them.

The sound I heard was shockingly open, clean, detailed, and smooth. Huge staging with impressive depth and even height on the right recordings. Very convincing tone on violins, guitars, and vocals both male and female. The Raal headphones are pretty ruthless and reveal all sorts of upstream shortcomings, but I got the feeling I was bouncing up against the limits of the DMP-A8 D/A conversion rather than the cable/amp/headphones. I'll test this out soon when I switch to my bigger system with a better/more expensive DAC, and I'll report my findings when I have some thoughts on that.

Checking my cable collection for things with a vaguely similar price as the Magnus. I rounded up a Harmonic Tech Truth Link, Analysis Plus Copper Micro, Anticables 3.1, and Moon Audio Black Dragon, all of which sold for somewhere in the sub $500 space (I think) at some point in the last decade. It was no contest, the Veritas Magnus outclassed them all by a significant margin. These are all decent cables with something to offer which is why I keep them around in my stash, but compared to the Veritas they all sounded either dull, thin, slow, compressed, or some combination of those traits. I also note that each of them looks and feels like more of a budget product (which I guess they are) where the Veritas Magnus seems like it belongs in an entirely higher class despite the price not reflecting that.

My next goal is to compare it to some others in my arsenal priced around the $1K range. So far, from memory I would say it feels very competitive even in that class, but I want to be more specific about it so no comments for now. The crazy thing is that Veritas told me they have another XLR option (didn't catch the name or other specifics) positioned higher than the Magnus, for what is likely still a pretty reasonable price considering their approach to the market. All of those were spoken for at the time but did ask to be notified when the next batch is ready so we can discuss that. I had been considering the Infigo Audio Sparkle or maybe even Sparkle Signature XLR down the road but I might detour to the Veritas instead, just for the sake of adventure. But that depends on the pricing and specifics they give me, if and when we have that discussion. I'm also curious about their power cables or maybe a USB down the line. Sometimes when cable companies try to do everything, they bite off more than they can chew, or seem to excel with digital rather than analog or vice versa. So it would be interesting to see if Veritas can do the full line of cables to this same high caliber.

In closing I'll say (and it's probably obvious) that I'm extremely impressed with this product so far. It's the most dramatic result I've had from a cable in quite some time, and I appreciate that it didn't involve spending thousands of dollars. The folks at Veritas really seem to be on the right track in terms of quality and value. Which is not to be confused with being very good at marketing a product, which honestly they don't really seem to be, nor do they seem to even care all that much at the moment. They definitely have some improvement to do when it comes to optimizing their operation, but they told me their focus is on organic growth and quality over quantity. That seems like a noble approach so I can't fault them for it. Their website also could really use more specifics but at least they answer emails quickly and are easy to deal with that way.

I'll be back in the next week or so with additional updates. Maybe some downsides will present themselves. But so far it's been a totally positive experience. Next up is my bigger system with more expensive components and cables, we'll see how the Magnus holds up in that context. 



Showing 19 responses by tubeguy80

Nobody is talking about cables with used-car price tags, nobody is talking about not being able to enjoy music without upgrading cables. Pretty sure we are all here because we love listening to music and want to enjoy that activity more thoroughly. If you don't like cable upgrades or care about them, it's really really easy to just never click on a post like this or an ad for a cable that you find offensive. I myself don't understand fancy watches but I don't hang out on Rolex forums talking trash and saying my Apple Watch is better.

Anyway I emailed Veritas and after some back and forth I ordered one of their Ethernet cables to try out. Should be here soon. The last topic I started here was months ago asking what people are using for Ethernet cables. Got some great suggestions and have been trying different models, so far good results. Also surprising since price seems totally disconnected from performance, even when using 2 cables from the same brand sometimes I like the lower model better. Interested to see where the Veritas fits in compared to better known brands. 

The Veritas Connexa ethernet cable arrived yesterday. Really interesting look to it. I guess this is how Cabledyne products were built, I have not seen any of those personally. I like it.

Sound is promising so far. Can already tell I like it better than my Wireworld Starlight 8 I had been using. Now to compare with Audioquest Vodka and Diamond. I don't love the Diamond even though it is more expensive so theoretically higher end. The Vodka is really great though. I'll update when I have more info. I'm using it with an Innuos Zenith mark III.  

I've been comparing the Veritas Connexa ethernet cable to my others. So I'm still very impressed with the performance. Especially with the price being lower than most of the others I have been trying out. 

System is the Innuos Zenith mark III, Modwright Elyse DAC, Luxman CL-38uC SE preamp, MQ-88uC amplifier, and and Tannoy Turnberry GR speakers.

The Connexa easily outclasses my original cable which is the Wireworld Starlight 8. That sounds dull and boxed in compared to the Veritas. Cardas Clear is better than Wireworld, still very much prefer the Veritas option though. Believe it or not I also really prefer Connexa to Audioquest Diamond which sells for over 5 times as much. The Diamond is actually really good sounding if somewhat overpriced but it doesn't sound as smooth or refined as the Connexa. I like the Audioquest Vodka better than Diamond in my system and I'm still comparign to see if Veritas beats the Vodka. Even if they are a tie the Veritas is maybe half price so that's still impressive. 

Nice to see another fellow Luxman CL-38uC user @lak! That is a beautiful system you got there. Thanks for adding your 2 cents about the Fidelis interconnect. If it satisfies someone with a system of that caliber, that speaks volumes. 

Spent more time with the Veritas Connexa ethernet and I now think it beats the Audioquest Vodka by a reasonable margin. Both really nice cables though. I think the Connexa sounds more open which is really important to me. Out of all the cables I have right now I would rank them Veritas Connexa, then Audioquest Vodka, then Cardas Clear rougly tied with the Audioquest Diamond, then the Wireworld Starlight 8 in last place. 

Just emailed them about the Praesto power cable which I think is the one @bander speaks highly of. They responded within about 15 minutes(!) saying a batch is in the works right now. Sounds like those should be ready this week. They also mentioned a more affordable power cable they are working on, I'm tempted to try one of each depending on how the pricing looks. Still very impressed with the Connexa network cable on my Innuos. 

I ordered the Veritas Praesta that I plan on using with my Luxman MQ-88uC amplifier. Was considering buying a couple more but then I figured I would see how I like it first and then maybe order again later. They had them in stock yesterday but it seems like they make one small batch at a time, not sure how long they will last. I will report back once I spend some time with the cable. 

From a few posts up:

"We use Ultra Pure Ohno Continuous Cast (sometimes called UP OCC) wiring which is claimed to be 7N purity. It is debatable whether or not the technology exists to properly differentiate anything beyond 5N, and certainly the difference between 6N and 7N is extremely difficult to verify. At that point other aspects of the design are more important anyway. There are only three suppliers in the world capable of manufacturing UP OCC wiring, we have tried all of them and settled on the option we felt sounds best in our configuration". 

I've been meaning to get back to this thread but haven't found time until now. Still very impressed with the Veritas Connexa network cable which I run from the wall jack to my Innuos Zenith mark III. It is so much better than the Wireworld Starlight 8 I used to have. I also tried Audioquest Diamond and Cardas Clear, the Connexa is better than both of those by a noticeable margin. The Audioquest Vodka was a tough challenge, I prefer it over the more expensive Diamond. The Veritas Connexa beats Vodka by just a touch, better imaging and feels more open. Close competition in sound but the Connexa is more affordable so that helps.

I also grabbed a Veritas Praesto power cable when they had them in stock. It replaced an ASI Liveline cable that I've owned for quite some time. I liked the Liveline well enough to keep it around for many years so it must have done something right. I want to say it cost around $1100 when I purchased it back then. Connected to my Luxman MQ-88uC amplifier the Veritas Praesto makes my system sound a little bigger and bolder than the Liveline. I hear what feels like better midrange articulation, like notes have slightly more weight to them. I am not great at describing what I hear so I will stop there. 

I'm impressed the Praesto beats the ASI cable that sold for double the price. The rest of my system uses a mixture of old Cardas power cables and very old Stealth M7 power cables from back when Stealth didn't cost a fortune. I've always been happy with them but now I'm probably going to swap them all for Veritas Praesto once those are available again. 

Agree about their Praesto power cable. It is extremely nice. I will be getting more when they have them in stock.

I asked them why it didn't match the rest of the lineup (silver metallic look) and they said Praesto was their first creation, from before they settled on the silver metal theme. They liked it so much they didn't want to change it. They did mention working on another power cable which should be ready soon. A more affordable version. It looks like they want to have two levels of most cables. A quality mainstream model and then a top level model. That makes more sense to me compared to a lot of brands that have like 7 different models for each type of cable. 

@samureyex Thank you again for updates, I have to agree about the "musicality" for lack of a better word. It's a great balance between resolution and listenability that not many cables can manage. 

@tump350 They told me the same thing when I asked about getting a 2nd Connexa network cable. I am thinking about going Ethernet out from my Innuos Zenith to a separate integrated streaming player (possibly Matrix Element X2 but still undecided) for driving headphones. I want it somewhat isolated from the rest of my gear. But there are already cables everywhere on the rack. They said Mirus would work better in that environment which saves me a couple hundred dollars. I appreciate that. 

I just picked up another Praesto power cable. Going to slowly replace my ancient power cables one at a time. I would have loved to just do the whole lot at once but holiday deals have got the best of me, I better slow down. 

@westcoastaudiophile So many of your post history is just you bickering with people about cables. Doesn't that get old? Please recognize that we are already the weird ones in this hobby. Most other people think we are all crazy for spending more than $50 on a bluetooth speaker. We're crazy for liking "inferior" vinyl, crazy for using tube gear, crazy for caring about lossless music, etc. And you know what, maybe we are a bit crazy, but we enjoy it so why not let us have that? You seem to have embraced most of these crazy concept but disagree about cables, which is fine. But please let other people have their fun. 

@samureyex How is it going now that you probably have more hours on the cables? I had fun reading your updates for the initial hours, seems maybe things have tapered off or finished burning for the most part?

@nwres I may have missed it but what speakers are you using with the Aperta cables? Did you get the spades or the banana connectors? I have used cables with both types over the years and can't decide whihc style I prefer. 

@nwres Thanks, I am planning on getting the Aperta at some point when funds allow. I have used my quota for the year but next year starts soon enough. It's nice to hear that you find them impressive, that seems to be the common thing I hear from all users.

Those Tektons are serious business, I bet they sound wonderful. 

I started with the Connexa network cable and was satisfied enough to also order the Praesto AC cable. I love that too, about to pick up a couple more so my system runs exclusively Veritas power cables. 

Tempted to try out their interconnects. But I might be rearranging the furniture soon and also getting a new audio rack. I'd hate to buy a bunch of XLR cables only to find out they are too long or too short for the new configuration. Once everything is settled I'll revisit the idea, because their network and power cables are very impressive. 

@lak Thank you, nice to have someone tell me I am not impulsive with audio gear because it sure feels that way sometimes. Even this morning I came far too close to buying a vintage Nakamichi amplifier that I've always been curious about. I have absolutely zero use for it anywhere in the house, but... Nakamichi. I barely overcame the temptation. 


@nwres Interesting, why 3 of them? What sort of system configuration needs that? I can think of ways to use 2 pretty easily but 3 is less obvious to me. 

@nwres I see, that is a smart setup you have there. I’ve always wondered how much if any improvement my system might have with some of those audiophile oriented network components.

Right now I just go straight from the wall to my Innuos Zenith mk3 with the Veritas Connexa, and I’m very pleased with it. I’ve considered going all out with the Innuos Phoenix reclocker and maybe also their Phoenix Net, which feels like a pretty extreme digital system. Then again I’ve owned a big 4-box dCS stack back in the day for spinning discs and I already feel like my Zenith plus Modwright Elyse combo sounds better than that ever did. So maybe not so extreme to build on this already great platform.


@maxima95 The Magnus does look nice and has good feedback in this thread from maybe a few people. The only problem is that the Argentum X isn’t all that much more expensive and seems to have more people using it so more feedback. If or when I try out some of their interconnects I would probably go with Argentum instead of the lower series just because the jump is not that large.

Just went for it and grabbed two sets of Argentum R interconnects for my main system. Now I am using Veritas Praesto power cables on all components, Connexa for network to my ZENith server, and soon to have the Argentum R going from DAC to pre and then from pre to power amp. 

I'm already set on the Aperta speaker cables based on the great feedback in this thread. Still need to figure out length and decide if I want spade connectors or banana type. 

That would only leave USB as the last non Veritas product in my system. Have been happy with my iFi Mercury USB for a while but I admit it is mroe of a budget cable compared to the rest of my system. Got it when I first switched to USB and was happy with it so I never really examined other options. Maybe time to do that soon.

My only real concern is that Veritas has multiple USB cable options and I don't really know what the difference is or which one might fit my system best. Anybody know the differences between them?

The other day I asked about speaker cables and if there might be something higher up than the Aperta. They told me there is a new special edition version Aperta coming soon. I don't know if that already was discussed here yet. I plan on waiting for it since I want the top model. I might also get the standard Aperta for a smaller bedroom system that I've been working on.

Veritas also told me their new website is close to being ready. That's when prices are going to increase a little for most item. The new pricing has always been on their Audiomart listings so not a surprise. It's not enough to make me rush into purchasing something now though. It still seems fair for the value we get.