Upgrade Digital Cable Review

I always try and focus in on the weakest link in my overall system. Sometimes an upgrade at that point doesn't take a ton of cash. Knowing the weakest link is however can be an elusive assignment. This time I determined the digital interconnect between my DAC and CD transport got the attention. I had the 75 ohm Analyses Plus Black digital acquired on the cheap. So after having success with several down line tweaks from Mad Scientist in New Zealand, I decided to purchase their Black Magic ULTRA Digital cable. SUCCESS!! Big improvements...let me count the ways....first my wife from the kitchen says, "Hey there's more bass!" True enough but it was like also a half octave lower and more defined. But, before I bore you with audiophile superlatives, the entire presentation is impressively better. Do you ever make a change in your system and say, "WOW, now that helped everything?" Not 'clearer" but beyond that. The system has more depth, detail, more cohesiveness. Highly recommended! (Mad Scientist- New Zealand)


The first time I remember a shock like that was when I replaced the digital interconnect between my DAC and Transport of my CD player. After learning that analog cables made a difference, I was convinced that luckily that can’t happen with digital. But I was a scientist… so I should verify it.

I swapped in a aftermarket digital cable. Wow. It was like someone came in and swapped out the components with vastly better ones. I just sat there stunned. This was 1984. The difference was like night and day… nothing subtle. Darn… digital interconnects matter as well, or even more.

In my experience, digital cables have made a bigger difference than any other cable in my system.

Agreed.  I had a well-regarded budget digital cable for years thinking it was fine, but upgrading to a $600 cable was like making a big component upgrade — biggest difference any cable has made in my system by a good margin, and I was pissed at myself for waiting so long to upgrade.  Congrats on the new cable!

The Jorma digital cable in my system is amazing and by far the best cable in my system in my opinion. That was really hammered home when I accidentally damaged it and had it repaired, it was a grueling week waiting on it's return!

These guys  build superb digital products in the upper Audiophile quality range.


Digital cables is where to start upgrading, specially if you think cables don't make a difference. 

Would Audioquest Coffee digital cables make a difference over the Cinnamon variety I am using now/ What cable under $800 does anyone recommend?

any digital cable that is OCC single crystal will be far superior to anything OFC, I use the harmonic technology magic digital ll and it has copper and silver OCC in it very natural and musical.

Wow! Those $700 cables really change those 1's and 0's! They add such color and clarity. With just a hint a timber to the mids  and an open and airy humongous sound stage. I got up the next morning and these cables made coffee and started breakfast. I can't wait till tomorrow. I'll try a new chord on my fridge so the food tastes more refined, with a hint of chocolate and mint. 

Tim, not every cable change is for the better, however, they can and do sound quite different. Try not to forget that the cable passes the analog facsimile of a digital wavestream. 

I tried a number of SPDIF cables for my previous streamer(s), and each one was different. Eventually settling on an OCC copper cable as my favorite. I agree that it it not intuitively obvious why they make a difference, but they certainly do.

I have recently upgraded my streamer to Innuos Zenith and so far I am just using the Transparent USB cable that the seller provided. I have yet to to try any other USB cables, and so I don't know how much of a difference they can make.

I think any $500 digital cable (well built and peer reviewed) probably would have performed significantly better than the $100 cable I had used, However, not being able to listen to 100's of cables, I took a leap and bought that Black Magic ULTRA from Mad Scientist (New Zealand). (I had previously bought little things which helped a lot) Since synergy is also a factor (one never knows until tried) my system just coincidentally loved their particular configuration The change isn't just a difference of frequency emphasis here or there, That's why I struggle to describe the nature of the improvements. The transformation is everywhere for the better. In fact. the bass increase has since early impressions cooled down and has achieved a tamer yet no less comprehensive deeper and more identifiable tone to each bass element as in Bass guitar or bass drum or electronic pulse, etc. The vocals are somehow sweeter and its like blanks or holes in the voice has filled in. Its intriguing one cable can take my little Raven tube amp and Klipsch Lascalas and reveal to me they have yet to show all they can do if provided with better source quality. Maybe that new DAC can wait a little longer....    

A Thread on the Misc' Section of the Gon has recently strongly recommended the reclocker is substantial in its effect on how a Source and choices for Cables are perceived as a end sound.

The content is worthwhile reading.  

I use a single WAVE High Fidelity Storm BNC cable between my music server and my Chord Hugo M Scaler because it helps to dissipate even more RFI/EMI from making its way into my Chord TT2 DAC which is the heart of my music listening setup. From my Roon Nucleus server the chain goes thru an AudioQuest JitterBug FMJ > AudioQuest Diamond USB cable > AudioWise SRC-DX USB to SPDIF converter > single WAVE Storm BNC > Chord M Scaler upsampler. 

I’ve found that by trying to eliminate as much RFI and EMI as possible from running thru my system, and by implementing just a few simple tweaks, I’ve lowered the sonic floor to the point that it is inky black without any hint of digital glare and the music sounds more analog to my ears. 

Not every system will benefit from using expensive boutique cables of any kind. But if your equipment is good enough to where a BNC cable upgrade might help, then I would say that it’s definitely worth giving one or two of them a try. 

+1 @audioman58. Rob and Rich at Network Acoustics have been my go to when I needed guidance in setting up my dedicated music streaming platform. They’ve been unbelievably kind and helpful. 

++ on Network Acoustics and in my experience Rich.  I have two Muon Pro Ethernet Filters and they are great.  I also second their AES digital cables.  And top notch customer service to boot!


"Wow! Those $700 cables really change those 1's and 0's! They add such color and clarity. With just a hint a timber to the mids  and an open and airy humongous sound stage."

If this previous comment by yourself is true, I am not sure you are the most credible person to comment on subtle changes in sound quality.

"After 30 years of playing in bands and going to 100 db concerts, my upper end frequencies were shot. It got to the point where conversations were muffled, and music sounded like I was listening under water. I finally broke down and begun using hearing aids."


@soix +1

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain

My .02 story - 

When I bought a standalone DAC I needed a digital cable to connect my CD player. I went to a local shop that sold Nordost and Shunyata. They sent me home with a cost-effective cable from Nordost and also a Nordost Blue Heaven. They said, "Just try them and see whether you like one better."

You already probably know the story. Of course the Blue Heaven was noticeably better. Why? I have no idea.

Two years later I swapped the Nordost for a Cardas Clear. The Cardas was better. Everything just sounded more coherent. No single aspect of the audio spectrum was "louder", but everything sounded clearer, tones were more fully fleshed out. Wonderful.

Then, of course, I was able to try another cable. Jena Labs Valkyrie. Dang! It's even better than the Cardas!

So, in my experience, in my system, upgrading the SPDIF cable made a difference that contributed to my enjoyment. I appreciate that not everyone shares my views; I'm not trying to start an argument. Just wanted to share my experience.