The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


Has anyone soldered a SR fuse in before? This could take things to even more extraordinary new heights! Use gold solder!  Maybe shmear some Total Contact in there as well just to be safe.   Assuming it's not flammable....
mapman - Don’t be so easily deterred. The soldering iron needed to fix that costs way less than the fuse.
This is hysterical 🤣

mapman - Has anyone soldered a SR fuse in before? This could take things to even more extraordinary new heights! Use gold solder! Maybe shmear some Total Contact in there as well just to be safe. Assuming it's not flammable....

Please stop 🤣
Thank you

I needed a good laugh. And let's face it, we all could use one from time-to-time. 

Serious question though for the entire group (i.e. any side of the fence) - and I respectfully ask the OP to entertain this question for a moment - why would any manufacturer solder a fuse to the board? Seems a bit user "un-friendly". I cant imagine why a fuse (again, any stock, aftermarket, whatever direction) should be "permanently" (of course, I understand nothing is permanent) affixed. Pain in the unmentionable if it blows.

Endorphines released?    Everything taken to a higher level !  Very exciting!  Like magic fuses!
why would any manufacturer solder a fuse to the board

The same reason they solder all the rest. Makes a better and more robust connection. Fuses are not special in that way. Expectation is an authorized service person will more likely replace the fuse when needed. Also avoids dare I say it TAMPERING!

I perhaps have replaced and dabbled with more fuses than anyone here over the years having troubleshooted many for customers at Lafayette Radio, Tech Hifi, and Radio Shack in a past life. Resetting a fuse alone occasionally can make a clearly audible difference in sound and performance as a result of a better connection, especially in amplifiers. Much like reconnecting a speaker or other wire might on occasion if left alone for extended periods of time. Also slo blo fuses can melt partially and have an effect on performance and sound. Replacing it with a fresh good quality fuse solves that.

I always checked the fuse first when someone cam in with an amplifier issue for service. Many times no further service was needed. So fuses do matter!

Of course if you want to promote expensive fuses, best to not focus on other things that can easily account for what is heard. Makes things more complicated and bad for business! Just attribute everything to teh new and better fuse. Much easier for all!

Ok. Groundhog Day! LEt’s go through all teh same arguments again now just for fun...
  Dennis Had, like Roger Modjeski, is about two paradigm shifts behind the power curve. You could say he’s been Had.
You are saying you know more than these guys, and many more.

Geoff you and the other "Awsome Foursome" need counselling. As your website testifies. And your "Voodoo Doll" avatar also testifies.

Cheers George
^Yes but, even if the expectation is that an authorized service person will replace the fuse when needed, it still creates more of a dilemma for said service person. Soldering doesn’t seem to make sense in any scenario.

Having said that, I’m expecting the advocates of SR to weigh in that once the correct direction (in their view, remember, I’m in the camp who believes the direction is irrelevant) is known, soldering would theoretically be better from a sound quality perspective (in their view, remember, I’m in the camp where the sound quality has nothing to do with a fuse) because conceivably there is more contact area or who knows what else at play.

Soldering a fuse - or any item for that matter - which is meant to "blow" and then be replaced if required just doesn’t seem to make sense to solder.
mapman - .....Also slo blo fuses can melt partially and have an effect on performance and sound.....

This is interesting for me to understand, and something I wouldn’t have considered. Thanks.

And thank you, OP. This ends my inquiry/question into the solder vs typical holder scenario.


Even if "partially blown" in the case of slow blow, it would still seem more advantageous to have the fuse "readily accessible" and able to be replaced instead of having to bust out the soldering iron, or in my case, have a tech do it.
Axial-leaded Fuses
The benefit of using axial leaded fuses is that they are typically cost-effective and easy to install whereas the primary negative factor is that they are not so easy to replace in the field.

It's just cost cutting and not "anti-fuser". I've read on other forums where people just went and did what mapman suggested and broke out the soldering iron, trashed the standard fuse, inserted a fuse holder, and went and got their desired aftermarket fuse.

And, if you ever get the upgrade bug, Clones Audio and OppoMod both sell better power supply boards with a fuse holder.

All the best,


Design is all about tradeoffs. A soldered fuse just means customers and lay persons,  please keep your hands off and leave it to the pros (for a small fee of course).
Gdhal 4-18-2018
Serious question though for the entire group (i.e. any side of the fence) - and I respectfully ask the OP to entertain this question for a moment - why would any manufacturer solder a fuse to the board?
Hi Hal,

In addition to the possibilities Mapman cited, the rear panel of the UDP-205 is quite crowded, as you can see here.  And perhaps the parts just inside the panel are crowded as well, or even more crowded. So it might not have been practical to put a fuseholder on the rear panel. Also, perhaps putting a fuseholder somewhere on the rear panel would have necessitated routing the noisy AC wiring undesirably close to sensitive internal circuitry.

Design decisions usually involve tradeoffs encompassing a multitude of factors, as Mapman indicated.

Best regards,
-- Al

mapman .....Also slo blo fuses can melt partially and have an effect on performance and sound.....

gdhal This is interesting for me to understand, and something I wouldn’t have considered. Thanks.

Mapman inadvertently is agreeing with what really happens to a partially melted fuse, it's called ageing. Good for you.

Funny this should be mentioned as it's just like what happens to a fuse that's seen too many turn on cycles, as there's far more current goes through it at the moment of switch on than any other time, as it has to charge up empty power supply caps ect. that's why fuses and light globes blow (if nothings wrong) at time of turn on, here are some pics of fuse ageing.

A slow-blo fuse "ageing" right to left

A fast-blo fuse "ageing" left to right 

Cheers George

Thank you

Always a pleasure to read from you in any thread and on any topic. Note that my question wasn’t specific to the OPPO though. EDIT: or an internal or external fuse.

In the case of the question I’ve posed, I’m inclined to believe what mapman has stated "it makes a better and more robust connection".

I remain grateful to everyone to be able to participate in this forum. Regardless of your opinions, beliefs, etc. about fuses and all of the other equipment here on Audiogon. Remember that it wouldn’t really mean anything without the music itself 🎵

Something we all can share and should find in common 🙂
Good lord George
Do you not have anything more in your repertoire than your standard 4 well worn responses that we have been "treated" to ,oh what a hundred times or more now?

Anybody have any new flash cards they can lend George?
The argument regarding the fuse on the Oppo back panel is a Strawman argument. Why, you ask innocently? Because in the previous models the fuse was located inside the unit, as it was in mine. Talk amongst yourselves. Smoke if ya got em.
I experimented with bussman and littlefuses as to their directionality.  I couldn't tell the difference between one or another direction.  There may have been, but it was too subtle for me to notice.  

As to SR fuses, their directionality is obvious.  It is equivalent to in phase and out of phase recordings and polarized A/C plugs.  Extremely obvious(!!) to my friends and myself.  I had no expectation bias when I first purchased the SR black fuse.  I had the fuse inserted "out of phase" on my first attempt.  Upon reversing the direction as per OPs' recommendation, the correct direction was obtained and "in phase" sound resulted.  

The SR Blue fuse is not as great a leap in sound (modest relatively speaking) compared to the SR Black fuse.  Anyone with an SR Black fuse should be enjoying enhanced sound in a good sounding audio system (low resolution systems probably not). 
You are correct Geoff but on the 95 at least it was not soldered to the board.
Exactly! It was not soldered on my 103 either. Even if it had been soldered I would have UNsoldered it. I thought I mentioned I bipassed my fuse. Perhaps I didn’t. Trust me the world most modded OPPO would not (rpt not) have a fuse in it. Problem solved! 😀
uberwaltz - You are correct Geoff but on the 95 at least it was not soldered to the board.


And, the soldering vs non-soldering would be irrespective to whether or not the fuse is situated inside, outside or the "geoffside". 😁
spaceman, Do I need a decoder ring to figure out what in heck you’re trying to say? 👨‍🚀
^Even you have to admit this is great humor though! 😄


But not as great as mapman's humor earlier though 🤣
Still trying to be somebody?

A souped up Sony Walkman helps. Gotta set the bar! 
Moops, I may be slow but I’m ahead of you. 😀 A hopped up Sony Walkman is a lot funnier than a hopped up Moopman. 🤠 I may set the bar. You’re always at the bar.
I would still be ahead of you, moopman. You’re on the fritz everyday. Must be that Amish upbringing catching up to you. Have you given any consideration to an education refresh? 🤠
^Even you have to admit this is great humor though! 😄


But not as great as mapman's humor earlier though 🤣

>>>>>moopman is my favorite clown, well, next to you. 🤡
Have you given any consideration to an education refresh? 🤠

Yes. I will start by reading fewer of your posts.  They are getting me nowhere fast.
Have you given any consideration to an education refresh? 🤠

Yes. I will start by reading fewer of your posts. They are getting me nowhere fast.

>>>>Don’t worry, Moops, you’re already there. 😳

After re-reading your post, I've gotten a little more out of it.... akin to why a rabbi reads the torah over-and-over.....appreciated.... thanks!
geoffkait - “Dennis Had, like Roger Modjeski, is about two paradigm shifts behind the power curve. You could say he’s been Had.”

You are saying you know more than these guys, and many more.

>>>>You’re very quick on the draw today, George. 🤠
geoffkait - spaceman, Do I need a decoder ring to figure out what in heck you’re trying to say? 👨‍🚀

I could cry foul at this point. Do you honestly mean to state you don't understand geoffonese? 😮

uberwaltz1,267 posts04-19-2018 6:54amGood lord George
Do you not have anything more in your repertoire than your standard 4 well worn responses that we have been "treated" to ,oh what a hundred times or more now?

Anybody have any new flash cards they can lend George?
Glad to see it irritates you, as it all got some cred behind it, unlike the fuser's waffle on why they sound so good.

Cheers George 
geoffkait - .... Trust me the world most modded OPPO would not (rpt not) have a fuse in it. Problem solved! 😀
Wrong!! Problem begins. 😀 That doesn't even need to be repeated. 😀

Glad to see it irritates you, as it all got some cred behind it
Wrong. Again. It's already been pointed out why as well. Go back and try to read up on this.

Is "waffle" a down-under term? Up-over here, it means to vacillate and no one who believes that aftermarket fuses work has changed their minds, or positions on the matter.

All the best,
Is "waffle" a down-under term?

It’s exactly what fuser’s do to try and prove their point.

From the Cambridge English Dictionary
To waffel: "to talk or write a lot without giving any useful information or any clear answers"

From Google: To waffel: "speak or write at length in a vague or trivial manner."

Take your pick they both apply allnoise.

Cheers George
I can see how you would consider it vague if most of it goes right over your head. As to lack of any useful information, if you chose to ignore it, what more can one do?

Any point that's brought up you simply ignore, gloss over, or discount as not good enough without really explaining why. It's like talking to a wall. Come to think of it, a wall would be more engaging.....

All the best,
Georgehifi ...

You have beaten this horse to death, George.

Why do the fuses work? Superior metals? Added Graphene? Closer tolerances? 

Personally, I really don't give a flying fig how they work .... only that they do. 

There's a 30 day, money back guarantee. Why not take advantage of it  George, and try replacing all of the fuses in your electronics with the SR Blue fuses, then come back to this thread and post your results?

I suspect that you wouldn't dare report any positive results no matter the degree of improvement. Why? Because like many of your ilk, you are more than likely just plain terrified of being wrong. 

Irritate me?
Dear me, you do have delusions of grandeur!

You do remember where the English sent all their worst criminals and nut jobs don't you.......
Why do the fuses work? Superior metals? Added Graphene? Closer tolerances?

This is either hocus pocus or you have some valid explanations.

Please explain to just of one of your points what the "closer tolerances" are of the $150 SR fuse vs $2 Little Fuse.

And how the SR fuse closer tolerances applies to better sound quality.

And also show where this is explained on the SR website by them.

There’s a 30 day, money back guarantee.

Don’t do this as paying up front conjures up "expectation bias" and many are "saying" it takes longer than 30days to so called "burn-in".
Instead ask for a sample to be sent out and if you like it you’ll pay for it, if not you’ll send it back at their expense, some one else bought this up a while back with this great solution, and this takes all things like "expectation bias" and "burn-in time" out of the equation.

Cheers George
georgehifi - Don’t do this as paying up front conjures up "expectation bias" and many are "saying" it takes longer than 30days to so called "burn-in", instead ask for a sample to be sent out and if you like it you’ll pay for it, if not you’ll send it back at their expense, some one else bought this up a while back with this solution.

If George’s statement is true - that SR demands payment prior to the time they also state said fuse takes to "burn-in", while also at the same time don’t allow/provide no questions asked return policy - clearly there would be "expectation bias" at play.

The aforementioned stated, why wouldn’t they allow a return policy whereby the purchaser pays some kind of "restocking" fee?

Dare I write.....

Said fuse could then be sold as "black and blue". 😆
Don’t do this as paying up front conjures up "expectation bias" and many are "saying" it takes longer than 30days to so called "burn-in".
Instead ask for a sample to be sent out and if you like it you’ll pay for it, if not you’ll send it back at their expense, some one else bought this up a while back with this great solution, and this takes all things like "expectation bias" and "burn-in time" out of the equation.
If George’s statement is true - that SR demands payment prior to the time they also state said fuse takes to "burn-in", while also at the same time don’t allow/provide no questions asked return policy - clearly there would be "expectation bias" at play. 
Is this an example of "dizzying intellect"? Because I'm dizzy trying to make sense of it. Both have all the bravado of a "gotcha!" moment but it's nonsensical on it's face.

Substitute practically anything else you might buy with the same return policy in play, have someone you know laugh in your face for buying under said policy, and you'd rightfully think him nuts.

All the best,
I’m dizzy trying to make sense of it.
Typical response from a $150 fuser, but direction change with an AC mains fuse does make sense to them, even though they just can’t grasp the fact that AC (Alternating Current) mains changes 60 x a second (60hz), they still think a mains fuse has directional-ability.

Cheers George
Your response relates perfectly to what I said about you earlier: it either goes right over your head or you just ignore it. Rebuttals make more sense when you stay on topic.

All the best,
NoNoise I have to admire your tenacity, but why are you bothering to try to convince these two affected (in their own way) individuals? You'll never convince them. Ever. Trust me. Out of stubbornness they will never buy a blue fuse. You have the benefit of hearing the improvements they bring. You can go round and round in circles about AC current or return policies or whatever other spurious crap they come up with next till you're blue in the face, pun intended. You're giving them waaay more airtime than you ever would in real life. 

There will always be unenlightened people, many of whom never want to be educated. Here are two examples, with more waiting in the wings. And when you throw in lower intelligence and the "a" word into the mix, this could become a life mission. Spend your time enjoying your music instead, you'll be much better off in the long run rather than flogging this dead horse. Leave them to wallow in their own self-righteousness.

My guess was, since apparently none of the other Oppo’s are soldered fuses, that Oppo had been farming out the fuse-holder part to a supplier. Once it became clear Oppo was going under no one was allowed to renew a supplier contract for a part so superfluous as a fuse holder...???
I did miss the party, but mapman's post was indeed hilarious. More...uh..power to him. 
As suggested by many, the SR fuses are better conductors than the stock variety, which provide nothing more for a conductor than a thin wire, intended to melt during current overload.  The SR fuses will also supposedly fail at the same point of overheating, but until they do, they are better conductors by way of the graphene, e.g., incorporated into the solid fuse body--again, superior materials improve what you are hearing. 
I did miss the party, but mapman’s post was indeed hilarious. More...uh..power to him.

>>>>Which one? Aren’t they all supposed to be funny?
As suggested by many, the SR fuses are better conductors than the stock variety, which provide nothing more for a conductor than a thin wire, intended to melt during current overload. The SR fuses will also supposedly fail at the same point of overheating, but until they do, they are better conductors by way of the graphene, e.g., incorporated into the solid fuse body--again, superior materials improve what you are hearing.

>>>>Not sure I go along with your detective work. Graphene would not enhance conductivity unless it were somehow incorporated into the fuse wire itself. Graphene on the fuse body could not (rpt not) enhance conductivity otherwise natural failure of the thin wire would not prevent disaster.
