The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


Post removed 
almarg wrote,

3. It is not unreasonable, IMO, to consider the high degree of consistency that has been reported for the reported benefits of SR and other expensive fuses, among components that perform completely different functions, that are completely different in design, that are used in completely different systems, that are powered by AC having very different voltage and noise characteristics, and that are used in both DC and AC applications, to simply be implausible.

>>>What’s implausible about it? There’s nothing at all implausible, inconsistent, unusual, scientifically unfathonable or weird about it. In fact, if anything those facts you bring up are excellent evidence of SR fuses’ and other aftermarket fuses superiority, versatility and universality. Further, most fuses are not “expensive” as we have seen. Yes I realize you guys think the more you say that it will convince young impressionable newbies to stick with relatively bad sounding stock fuses. Most aftermarket fuses are what, about twenty bucks? So give us a break.

Mitch, I was a fuse user from the very start, starting with Isoclean. I also had the Audio Magic Nano fuse a few years ago. I also can read, and see what other fuse users report. Can’t you? I also experimented with stock fuses before fuses were cool. I talk the talk AND walk the walk. When you going to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, Mitch?
I certainly do not disagree with your premise that wire, which has been drawn, has a I certainly do not disagree with your premise that wire, which has been drawn, has a directionality that can be discerned under microscopy. What I disagree with is that the directionality could possibly be audible in a home stereo system, particularly the directionality of the 2 to 3.2 cm of wire in a line fuse.
There is no directionality!
It's fuse in an AC mains, that's alternating current at 60 x per second. 
You would have to take the fuse in an out rotate it  60x per second for this  directionality "snake oil" to make any sense.

  And if it were directional to the extent they say, it would have to be in a dc rail not ac mains, to do anything because in effect "it would be a diode", and that would really screw things up.

Cheers George 
Does anyone know just how a fuse is made? I know there are no fairies soldering both ends of the "wire" in the same manner to the insides of both end caps.

Are both ends a mirror copy of each other in the way they're made and the way they look? Or does one end have more material than the other?
Just asking.

All the best,

"because the benefits of aftermarket fuses are audible immediately"
Really Geoff, help me understand how you know this - that you state as fact - or are you repeating hearsay?  You have repeatedly told us you do not use fuses, yet you continue to post ad nauseam about fuses and wire directionality.  I certainly do not disagree with your premise that wire, which has been drawn, has a directionality that can be discerned under microscopy.  What I disagree with is that the directionality could possibly be audible in a home stereo system, particularly the directionality of the 2 to 3.2 cm of wire in a line fuse.  How about you post your system here on Audiogon, you know....the system you use to evaluate fuses and wire directionality, so the rest of us can understand better where you are coming from.  It is helpful to know a little bit about the systems posters are listening to for context as to their perceptions.
... no disrespect intended but you just got yourself horns waggled
I think the word you wanted was hornswoggle, but it’s not worth a kerfuffle.

No disrespect taken, btw. I still think Al offered an excellent summary.
cleeds, no disrespect intended but you just got yourself horns waggled by a skilled smooth-talking lawyer. If the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit. 🤡
I think almarg’s summary is absolutely superb. It’s likely that many will try to pick it apart from the edges and that they’ll find elements of it to challenge. I differ with some of its nuances, too. But this is the sanest and single most succinct summation of the fuse controversy I’ve seen yet. Kudos and thanks to Al!

I’m pretty happy with my system and don’t expect to be experimenting with fuses anytime soon. But I wouldn’t dismiss those who advocate for them. High end audio can be full of surprises.
Counter argument no. 2

almarg wrote,

3)I would assume that the aging effects George has repeatedly referred to contribute to or are responsible for **some** of the reported benefits.

Give me a break. I suspect that “aging theory” (which itself has gotten a little old 😀 ) - even though, as you say, George obsessively refers to it - is all wet simply because the benefits of aftermarket fuses are audible immediately, before the fuses have time to age more than a few minutes and they only IMPROVE WITH AGE, you know, like a fine wine or woman. 💃🏻 Nor would George’s obsessive aging theory explain fuse directionality, which is also immediately obvious. Besides, stock fuses that have been in place for many years exhibit directionality instantly when reversed, as someone posted fairly recently and with which your humble scribe concurs. 

As always very nicely done, a lot of plausibles there and a nice diplomatic touch to it all.
Definitely some food for thought.

At least my largest contention with Wolf and George was their resolute assertions that the rest of his fellow Agoners, fellow intelligent, level headed, dedicated enthusiasts just simply could NOT be hearing any difference as it was IMPOSSIBLE.
Not once did either of them give possible credit to their fellow members ( that I remember reading at least) that there could actually be something in it and just maybe they really did truly hear something.

No matter what Wolf and George have contributed in the past that was pretty hard to swallow and very insulting to at least my sensibility.
Apart from that one aspect I have no axe to grind with either Wolf or George and I respected the fact that at least Wolf tried and did not hear anything.
I just wish they could have been a little more flexible in their thinking, exactly as you have Al, and stood back and at least considered that after all these fuse threads and satisfied customers that there had to have been something more than expectation bias to it.

Kudos to all who have managed to remain calm and breath deeply through this thread.......
Hopefully it can at last get back to its original intent.
Thanks, Al, for always being the consummate gentleman. Your approach has always been welcomed, appreciated, and serves as a guiding principle in how to simultaneously take a side and let sleeping dogs lie.
Your lawyerly skills were on full display and others can learn something from them. 👍
Even me.😄

All the best,
Oh, brother! Let me take a stab at one or two of Al’s comments.

2)Extensive sets of comparative measurements that have been provided in papers by HiFiTuning, that are sometimes cited as explanations, have been mostly debunked as explanations by me and others, such as noted amplifier designer Roger Modjeski. Generally that has been because the measured differences are far too small to account for the reported benefits, and/or are so small that they would be totally swamped by corresponding differences in the associated wiring and circuitry. (Although see item 2 below for a possible exception)

>>>>HiFi Tuning was the FIRST to admit that the measurements were too small to account for the audible differences THEY heard. They said so right in the article. Hel-loo! You conveniently forgot to mention that. Smooth. Nobody - including your humble scribe - ever claimed that resistance was the magic key to understanding directionality. Yours is a Strawman argument.  It’s also fair to point out the measurements were done by a third party, not HiFi Tuning. The other measurements that were included in the HiFi Tuning data sheets such as cryo vs non cryo are also interesting, as well as comparisons of many audiophile fuses and stock fuses. Of course you conveniently ignore those measurements. The differences in resistance, while small, at least show that the wire is NOT (rpt NOT) symmetrical. Are we supposed to just ignore that? We do not known why there are such large audible differences according to direction. No one ever said we did.

More to follow....Talk amongst yourselves.

It seems that it might be appropriate here for me to try to provide some answers to what I consider to be Wolfie’s legitimate question as to how fuse differences can affect sonics to an audibly significant degree. Why do I consider his question to be legitimate, and to be mostly unanswered at this point despite the countless discussions of fuse-related matters that have occurred in various threads here over the years? Four reasons:

1)Many of the purported explanations of the benefits that have been reported to be provided by expensive fuses amount to descriptions of their physical characteristics, and/or descriptions of how they were manufactured, but do not explain how those characteristics would affect the power supply circuitry and/or audio circuitry that is downstream of the fuse within the component, at least to an audibly significant degree and in a way that would be consistently beneficial.

2)Extensive sets of comparative measurements that have been provided in papers by HiFiTuning, that are sometimes cited as explanations, have been mostly debunked as explanations by me and others, such as noted amplifier designer Roger Modjeski. Generally that has been because the measured differences are far too small to account for the reported benefits, and/or are so small that they would be totally swamped by corresponding differences in the associated wiring and circuitry. (Although see item 2 below for a possible exception).

3)It is not unreasonable, IMO, to consider the high degree of consistency that has been reported for the reported benefits of SR and other expensive fuses, among components that perform completely different functions, that are completely different in design, that are used in completely different systems, that are powered by AC having very different voltage and noise characteristics, and that are used in both DC and AC applications, to simply be implausible.

4)Wolfie, as well as many of those who are on the opposite side of this issue, have earned considerable respect in my book as a result of his and their many posts here over the years.

Those are the reasons I consider Wolfie’s question to be legitimate, and to have been mostly unanswered in the past despite the lengthy discussions that have occurred, involving many of the same protagonists, in various fuse-related threads going back at least as far as the “Fuses That Matter” thread which began in 2012. At the same time, of course, I certainly recognize that many highly experienced, sincere, and knowledgeable audiophiles have reported significant benefit from these upgrades. While at least a few members having similarly high caliber audiophile credentials have tried some of these fuses and found them to provide little or no benefit, including at least one exceptionally experienced member I can think of whose system costs well north of $50K.

So from a technical standpoint what might account for the benefits that have been widely reported, and what might account for the absence of those benefits in some applications? I suspect that among the many different kinds of applications many different factors may be at play. Here is my shot at it:

1)I suspect that the effects of the small but rapid variations in fuse resistance that occur in applications in which the current through the fuse fluctuates widely are somehow affecting circuitry that is downstream of the fuse. Presumably the fluctuations in resistance differ significantly among different fuse types. I can’t explain exactly how those effects on downstream circuitry may result, though.

Circuit applications in which fuse currents fluctuate widely would include speaker fuses (even the late Peter Aczel of “The Audio Critic” recognized back in the 1980s that speaker fuses may have audible consequences), amplifier output fuses, DC rail fuses in most power amplifiers and the power amplifier sections of integrated amplifiers, and mains fuses in most power amplifiers and the power amplifier sections of integrated amplifiers, especially those not operating in class A.

2)I suspect that small differences in voltage drops resulting from small differences in resistance are probably marginally significant in at least **some** applications. For example, perhaps those differences result in audibly significant changes in the filament voltages supplied to some tubes, in designs in which those voltages are not internally regulated.

3)I would assume that the aging effects George has repeatedly referred to contribute to or are responsible for **some** of the reported benefits.

4)I would assume that improved contact integrity, scraping away of oxidation, etc., resulting from simply removing and replacing a fuse contributes to or is responsible for **some** of the reported benefits.

5)I would expect that the explanation Ralph (Atmasphere) has provided for the directionality effects that have been reported, namely reinsertion of the fuse with differing rotational orientation (rather than intrinsic directional properties), resulting in voltage drop differences which he has experimentally found to be both measurably and audibly significant (and which another member here has reported to be audibly significant), contributes to or is responsible for **some** of the reported benefits.

6)I would expect that unrecognized extraneous variables, for example differences in equipment warmup states, differences in AC voltage and noise characteristics, differences in room temperature or humidity (temperature is a fundamental parameter in the physics underlying the operation of semiconductors such as transistors, diodes, and integrated circuit chips), flushing of internal digital memory that occurs when power is cycled, etc., are responsible for **some** of the reported benefits.

Finally, given the many positive reactions to fuse upgrades that have been reported here in a multitude of diverse applications, by many (but certainly not all) of the members here who have tried them and for whom I have considerable respect, I would feel pretty certain that there are other explanations I am unaware of that are at play in some cases. Especially in the harder to explain applications in which the current being conducted by the fuse does not fluctuate significantly, and where excellent internal voltage regulation is incorporated in the design. But I have no further ideas as to what those additional explanations may be. Given though, that in the video that was recently linked to in this thread even Paul McGowan indicated that he can’t explain these benefits, I guess I’m in good company :-)

Finally, as far as my own interest or lack thereof in pursuing these things is concerned, taking into account the numerous experiences and opinions that have been reported on both sides of the issue, my own technical understanding of these matters, the numerous reports we have seen here of expensive fuses that have failed when they shouldn’t have (from at least eight different members here during the past two years), and my own general preference to devote most of my listening time to just listening to music rather than spending a lot of time trying to extract the last 10 or 20% or so of the performance my system may potentially be capable of, FWIW I personally have no plans to devote time to assessing fuse upgrades in my system in the foreseeable future. Best wishes to those who do, however.

Best regards,

-- Al

I think it is reasonable to assume upgraded fuses won’t improve the SQ of all systems nor will they improve SQ at the same level in all systems. However this does not mean they won’t make a positive SQ change in some or even many systems.

>>>>I realize this is going to sound argumentative but what we’ve actually established is that there are between 50,000 and, say, 100,000 Happy Customers of aftermarket fuses in the past 15 years including those who bought used fuses. Most likely something is wrong somewhere in the system where negative results were obtained. The “dissatisfied customers” represent less than 1%. There is no reason to keep them on board. There is no reason to try to appease them. Or give them any credit. They are just extra weight. They are obviously outliers and their results can simply be thrown out. No more problem.

If thy eye offend thee pluck it out! 👀
I think it is reasonable to assume upgraded fuses won’t improve the SQ of all systems nor will they improve SQ at the same level in all systems. However this does not mean they won’t make a positive SQ change in some or even many systems.  


"wolf, It is suggested that you don’t really know the mechanics or the electrical aspects of how a fuse works." I would guess that he has figured out that it melts?

"Those who do know how it works and what it does, owe you nothing." Does that mean that those of us who don’t know how it works owe him something?  I'm not paying.

Thanks Wolf for your response. You have a lot to add to many discussion’s on audiogon and I listen with respect and I appreciate your humor. This stuff cannot be taken to seriously if we want to enjoy our hobby.
I was not assuming you couldn’t hear as well as others, just likely differently. If you reread my post I would hope that is what clearly comes across.
Now about the sound adjustments at your gigs you make for your musicians and then the audience. And as you stated they are very happy and you have been doing it for a long time.Do you have a set of measurements to give out to suspecting members to settle any concerns on their behalf to prove it is being done right? Or do you just do everything by ear? Getting it to sound good by your ear as a measuring device and their ears as a determining factor? Does that sound right to you? And then mostly everybody is happy right?
wolf, It is suggested that you don't really know the mechanics or the electrical aspects of how a fuse works. At least this is what your text on the matter is clearly indicating.

the audibility of a fuse or one fuse type compared to another, is made plain by an analysis of a fuse's function, with regard to electrical distortions and the nature of said electrical distortions.

If you can't grasp this, have the human decency to stop attacking others over this self admitted (via the nature of the text) set of points.

Those who do know how it works and what it does, owe you nothing.

Especially if the working in such areas of fuse design and development, reaps financial rewards..and if that data and lore is shared, the understandings go wide.. and the financial well dries up... due to over-expansion in the supplier end of the market.

Basically, look around you and try to lose the personal illiteracy of the scope of the situation --and you might just get somewhere.
I think the assumption that I don't hear things as well as others is interesting, and true. Neither does anybody else…but my home system is well sorted and things that DO impact the sound of it, like speaker placement, cables, tubes, etc., are chosen because they suit my tastes, exactly like everyone else. When I mix one of the many hundreds of shows I've done I cater to the artist first, and then subject the audience to my taste which generally requires a minimum of EQ or processing of any sort, including reverb unless somebody requests it. Simple, and people seem to like the results. I remain firm in my knowing that fuses, when doing their job, cannot, and thus do not, have any effect on the tone of electronic components…if somebody can explain why they would I'll listen, but nobody can or even really tries to do that, and my tests of SR black fuses indicated I'm correct in my thinking. People can claim benefits from special fuses using all the hyperbole they can muster and I still will stick with what I know: Fuses are fuses…tiny wire in a tiny tube designed to melt if needed.

I could probably answer that but I definitely should
Likely be banned from Agon for life....

But thank you for bringing that up for his adoring public to dissect and digest.
One has to try and remember that Georgehifi’s claim to fame... the thing that puts him on the map... is actually something more obscure and less measurable than a fuse ---by a long shot.

That his claim to fame is tied to something that would pretty well defy measurement, yet the audibility of the function of a fuse, audiophile or otherwise ~~can~~ be measured. And is measured. Big time.

His name is out there due to the optical potentiometer trick, being popularized by him.

This is a really odd scenario, where the ’fuse denier’ is also a hardcore believer in something extremely similar ----but notably more obscure. Notably less measurable.

Could someone please tell us how this bizarrely two sided bit works, as I’m having a spell of trouble with it.
I never worry when someone invokes kharma. Lots of people mistakenly think it means revenge and are content to use it as a device than can take care of someone when they lack the means to do so themselves.

Kind of sad, in a kharmic sense, but it brings a smile to my face.

All the best,
Dramatic irony (*) in the choice of and use of 'karma.'

Causation and Directionality, writ large. : )

* a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader [[although unknown to the character]].  Emphasis added.

Jetter, karma is another one of those things that some can detect that others cannot and is also definitely hard to measure.

>>>>A Gold Star ⭐️ for the oddest yet deliciously cryptic post of the week. Moops, are any of us in imminent danger of being struck by lightning?
The total number of aftermarket fuse users would be higher than the numbers sold new indicate, obviously, due to the used aftermarket fuse market, just like any audio component. Of course, totals take into account users who bought more than one fuse.
Jetter, karma  is another one of those things that some can detect that others cannot and is  also definitely hard to measure.  
So really it should read...
"Awesome 75 thousand plus" fusers?

Nah, just does not do it for me....

The answer to your very good question is over 75,000. That is over 75,000 folks including many PHDs, doctors, lawyers, musicians, pastors, moms, dads, engineers and well you get the point. Just fellow humans that have families and lives and are really no different than George or any of us. There is no such group as fusers. Way to diverse a population to apply that narrow thought to.

There are many modifiers and builders also using upgraded fuses. The same ones that understand capacitors also make a difference beyond just adhering to spec. 
This is a weird thread. Some are telling others they cannot possibly be able to do something, and they don't even know them. Whaat??
So in the spirit of that I would like to ask Wolfe a couple of things. I am not going to tell him any thing, just ask his opinion.
Wolfe are you a sound engineer? Put up sound sets at concerts for musicians?  When you set one up and then proceed to make adjustments would you think that everyone will hear the adjustments as you do? Or would some hear them as you do, and some not hear the adjustments at all, and some hear them even more sharply than you? Does that sound reasonable to you? 

Seriously George??
You really need to scroll back up a dozen or so posts before you continue to make yourself look even less credible.
Pretty sure anyone can return the fuse and get their money back. So free for anyone to try. I am fuse free now. 

You awesome foursome fusers have just been presented with a golden opportunity by wolf, and not one of you took it up.

Why don't one of you "Awesome Foursome" fusers take up Wolf's
What cred have you got to loose, that you've already lost? By some miracle you might get it back, and some, the odds are with you.

Cheers George
I would gladly send you a SR Blue fuse for you to test....IF I thought there was even the slightest chance it would make any difference.....
But I fear it would not."

For those of us who are literally challenged, pun intended.

To answer an earlier question of yours.
No , George has not tried any "boutique" fuses and quite pointedly refuses to do so.
This he has admitted much earlier in either this thread or Frank's previous SR fuse thread, I don't remember exactly which.

One of the reasons I have little time for his nonsense I am afraid.
Not much help for a completely closed mind.
.....and not one of you took it up. What a bunch of wusses. No confidence in what you preach.

I’ve experienced this myself in other "related" threads, albeit different forum members.
George, look before you post. That way it won't look so bad.

jetter, it must be frustrating, indeed, to be you.
Wolf, don’t you have a CDP, Dac, or preamp you could try a blue fuse in?
Actually, there is an order to all things in this universe.  The order of granny, uberwaltz, cleeds, david_whatever, nonoise seems to be of rather uninspiring posters, regardless the message.  George, as stubborn as he is, wolf, and throw in map, and al, and sorry to say the karma comes through, in case you don't get it, its "rock on brother".   

Geoff, waiting for your critique.
If somebody wants to loan me a Blue Fuse, I’ll put it in my power amp and report back. It could be life changing.

You awesome foursome fusers have just been presented with a golden opportunity by wolf, and not one of you took it up. What a bunch of wusses. No confidence in what you preach.

Cheers George
Agreed Wolf.  Also nothing wrong with not hearing or appreciating sonic improvements and nuances in Audiophile systems. Plenty of my friends cannot and stick with Sears speakers and electronics. 

Many folks think paprika is paprika is paprika.  I and thousands of others can taste the difference a quality paprika makes. 
To be clear, there's is absolutely nothing wrong with imagined things, as long as you're having fun. If somebody else doesn't see the bunny that's OK also.
I would gladly send you a SR Blue fuse for you to test....IF I thought there was even the slightest chance it would make any difference.....
But I fear it would not.
Not to worry, I am sure SR will soon release a Purple or Yellow fuse then a new thread can be started and then a case of rinse and repeat.
That would be "Purple-Haze". 
OK, boys and girls. What time is it? It’s time for a pop quiz. Yah! This time it’s multiple choice. That way everyone has a chance to get the right answer.

OK, how many aftermarket fuses have been sold since they first came out around 15 years ago or whatever?

a. 100
b. 500
c. 1000
d. 3,000
e. 20,000
f. More than 75,000