Thanks to Paul McGowan

About a year ago I bought a PS Audio BHK pre-amp  & was very pleased with the improvement in sound quality over the Rotel I had been using. I put in a pair of 60s era Telefunken tubes & thought it sounded great so I went shopping. Recently  I found a pair of PS Audio M1200 mono blocks & thought what the heck. I got them home & installed NOS 1958 Telefunken.tubes.
I should mention the amp I had in the system was a highly modified Carver TFM 45 I bought in the 80s.
What a difference! Have you ever had that OMG moment when you get to hear your music for the first time. I should have ditched the Carver yrs ago.
My hat's off to Paul McGowan!


Paul does almost daily unscripted videos in response to audio emails. His personable manner, good advice and enthusiasm speaks for itself. I have never owned a piece of his equipment, but he has helped me in the hobby on many points…both technical and investment related.

Exactly why I wish we had a block user feature. Someone just admitted to being a troll. @administrator needs to drop the ban hammer.

Inspite of that experience? Iam still gonna Buy Paul’s product if my system will benefited from it. Like I said I still have his ps300 power conditioner.And I really like it ,Maybe He is tired that day, I remember that’s about maybe 3 pm.

Emil I erase everything just for peace. You know I enjoy this forum to argue with anybody.Ok let’s move on . looking forward to Paul new speaker at Axpona 2023.

 Emil , no Iam not joking it did happen.

I'm not questioning that it happened. Just shocked that you associated that incident to Mr  McGowan being racist.  

Mr McGowan deserves an apology here and now.

And remove that ridiculous post of yours ASAP



@fertguy - Paul's book is also available as an audiobook, read by Paul himself. He does an excellent job reading the book. Very entertaining. 

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Advice I received long ago that often serves me well is;

Don't Assume Bad Intent

From that perspective, you might consider whether anybody who walked in front of the speakers could have received the same look.  Maybe he was trying to close a deal with a buyer, or with a new distributor, or maybe he was just having a bad day, or maybe he had gas, or maybe he was being a jerk - but to everyone and not just to you.  His bad reaction, if noticed by others, reflects worse on him than on you.  This is certainly not worth sharing and casting aspersions on this forum based on nothing more than your perception of a look.

@jayctoy Wrote:

Maybe 5 yrs ago I have a bad experience with Paul it happens at Axpona.His set is located on the open space , I accidentally cross the path 5ft in front of the speakers? Man Paul gave me a look that is enough for me to think ? He is a racist . Iam a educated Filipino migrated from the Philippines 44 yrs ago. Now you are telling me good things about Him? Maybe He is? 

Maybe Paul gave you a look because of your actions and not your ethnicity.


I accidentally cross the path 5ft in front of the speakers? Man Paul gave me a look that is enough for me to think ? He is a racist .

You're joking, right?

Unfortunately these guys are getting old, and they will eventually disappear, leaving the world with inferior alternatives.

Do we know that the next generation is so inferior?

My guess is that Paul himself would point at great engineers like Darren Myers (who has shared his knowledge on many podcasts) and say, "No reason to insult the young so quickly."


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PS Audio M1200 mono block is a Class D amplifier with a tubed input stage.

OP I'm very interested in your post because I'm currently considering purchasing the M-1200s. I'm confused about you placing tubes. The M-1200s are SS, correct?

Where did you install the tubes?

Decades ago Paul was the first to make reasonably priced true balanced kit. I bought in and finally just in the past ~ 5 years more and more companies have come around

I see him at the grocery store occasionally.  When I say hi he always perks up with a smile.



Guys like Paul McGowan are rare. A ton of practical knowledge, hands on experience, business acumen, and willingness to share his knowledge. Unfortunately these guys are getting old, and they will eventually disappear, leaving the world with inferior alternatives. And yet, it’s a pity he gets attacked by the measurement morons all the time. The Monday couch potato quarterbacks

If you get a chance, read Paul’s autobiography, 99% True: Almost a National Bestseller.

Humorous and insightful—a very entertaining read.