
Responses from retrocrownfan

Speakers that disappear
In a way, size matters, too. The return of 70’s era wide baffle KLH, JBL, Wharfedale and Mission mid-fi speakers to popularity has as much to with the way they are engineered around the baffle step as it does with their nostalgic warmth and appear... 
Small footprint subwoofer
High level REL connection is a great way to go, because every amp’s final output stage has a sonic “color” that will help your sub disappear as an extension of your main speakers’ bottom end. In my situation, the fast down-firing 8” In the REL T5 ... 
Small footprint subwoofer
Love the REL T5x, perfect invisible extension for Wharfedale 85th Anniversary Lintons.  
Do you belong more to souce first or to speakers first school of thought ?
I’ve evolved LOL. Came back into the hobby through the angle of folks repurposing vintage pro audio as inexpensive high current power. That lead to signal processing but I was driving sub par speakers. Fast forward five years and I’m a speaker de... 
Subwoofer Suggestions
REL Tzero or T5x?  
The molecular level explanation of "cable burn-in"
Sorry for extending our weekly cable exercise, but here’s way for everyone to sleep at night without worrying about the last electron’s alignment. One of the running jokes of my 40 years in graphic design end of the ad agency business is the neve... 
Are there other people like me ? Amazed by their low cost system :)
Welcome to the happy and growing world of MidFi :)  
Why do some amplifiers throw a bigger soundstage than others?
Personal subjective theory. As I improved my system with lower capacitance cables and interconnects, purchased a WiFi streamer with a better DAC and lowered the line level from the DAC to my previously serviced older Crown PS 200, the sound stage ... 
Yes, cables do make a difference -- regardless of price...
My simple research jives with lanx0003. Low capacitance is a good thing. Mogami is popular in recording studios and in live performance for that reason.  
Yes, cables do make a difference -- regardless of price...
Audio is not immune to the basic law of diminishing returns. With apologies for a Captain Obvious moment, the difference between a Kia Kona and a Porsche Macan that differ in price by, say, $60k is greater than that between two super cars that mig... 
What makes One Music Server Sound Better than Another?
Interesting thread, mostly above my pay grade ;) Without hijacking this thread, my Mid-fi ears are delighted with the streaming input I get from an Audifi WIFi receiver with an ESS Sabre DAC, controlled by the 4-Stream Mobile App playing lossless ... 
Speaker Cables : Moderate priced
I think Mogami and Canare share some good attributes as pro audio gear that carry over to home audio. They seem to be low capacitance, well shielded cables that provide durable low noise connections in studio and live performance usesand are price... 
Speaker Cables : Moderate priced
Mogami and Canare have similar performance specs, FWIW.    
Speaker Cables : Moderate priced
Got excellent results using Mogami cables for speakers and interconnects. 3103 for speaker level and 2549 for interconnects. Mogami is popular in the recording studio and live performance industry.  My source was a pro-audio supply house.  I self ... 
Did your system getting better the more money you spent or more experience you gained?
Kinda both, but there is no doubt that experience guided my investments and the info shared in forums like this has saved me thousands. Shouting out also To Paul at PS Audio for consistently answering a wide range of good questions. I decided to ...