Synergistic Research Cable Risers?

  Recenty Synergistic  research  brought out some cable risers.

  The audio press said they made one of the biggest differences when taken out of the system, then re installed back in. Does anyone have first hand experience with these ?

  That being said, they seem like quite a bit of money for what you get, however if they  work at improving the sound it would be worth it. I do use Synergistic products  which have made a definite improvement in sound but am quite skeptical on this product.
Just curious, anyone try springs under cables and power cords? Get above the static field AND eye 👁 soul ate the cables! Two, two mints in one! 👯‍♀️ The whole system for chump change. It’s a no brainer. 😳
Ignore the previous post by me.  I had pushed the "buy" button which you seem to have to do these days to get the price.  Just scrolled down and they do list the price as $399 for a set of 4.
Does anyone know how much these are. I followed the link and I did not see the price--just a form to fill out to send my info to the nearest dealer.  Not thinking of buying, but am curious as to the price.
I didn't bother to read through everything, so sorry if I duplicate what anyone has said.I tried the ceramic type cable risers and they worked well. Giving a small but noticeable improvement. Then Synergistic came out with a mark II version of their original risers and I picked up a set when on sale. They were a slight improvement over my old ceramics, so without hearing the new ones, I would think that they are even better. Don't expect a change that will blow you away, but there is an across the board improvement in your sound quality, clarity, soundstage, etc.As always YMMV.Good listening,Mike
Use them on one speaker (left or right) and see what happens to the soundstage.
Everything should be off the floor. Why not cables? Anything carrying the signal.
If you really think that getting your speaker wires of the floor helps, just try separating the wires from its mate.  If inductance matters, then the back and forth electrons in paired wires would make a lot more difference.  How about a poll?  Who is a musician and who is not?  Guess who worries about little speaker trestles?  Not anyone who actually listens to music, instead of worrying that a few errant electrons might try to migrate through the insulation to the floor.  Listen to the music, not the wires.  you are only deluding your selves.
I haven't "heard" the SR cable risers and my poor ears have never been able to hear any difference when I tried any risers in the past. But these are my ears and yours are different so if you want to give them a try, go for it. Tweaking is a fun part of this hobby. I used to be maniacal about tweaking but now not so much.

I’ve been in the music business for over 50 years as a musician and concert producer/sound engineer...

>>>>I stopped reading right after that. Was that wrong of me?
I’m such a tweaker... I just ordered a set to go under my Cerious Matrix speaker cables.
BTW, these will replace some porcelain risers.

I’ve been in the music business for over 50 years as a musician and concert producer/sound engineer...I’ve got friends all over the place, and if anyone thinks I’m going to mention their names to in this crowd you’d be mistaken. But does seem at least some people here pay close attention to what I post! Regarding imagination, it's far more laughable that the "imagined" benefits of cable risers, SR products, and other faith based nonsense is touted here with all the hyperbole and psuedo science the athletic supporters  like Oregonpap can "imagine." There's a PILE of imaginary benefits here for all to (not) see!
I found that elevating cables can make a difference in sound.  $10 each, $20 each, $54 each...   duh, definitely a product for those willing to hear a difference.  After exhaustive research I found that inverted York-site Memorial Candle holders (after burning and cleaning) make an excellent cable elevator.  They are about one dollar each at the grocery store.
The funniest part of the SR cable risers is that they have a user manual. SR tells us the risers are directional and to avoid sag in the cables. Makes sense for SR to tell us to avoid sag as it forces you to purchase more risers.

It's easy enough to test for free. Use some empty CD jewel cases and open them up to form an A-frame to support your cables. Make sure the album cover art of the jewel case faces your listening position.
You stated:
"Been trying the risers for about a week, got them on the free orange fuse promo.  In my system they did not work well, seemed to take away dynamics and reduced the organic nature of the sound.  Then moved them under power cables and much better.  Will attempt to try under speaker cables again and  completely out of play before deciding on sending them back.  They definitely impact the sound, certainly worth a try."  

Please try some risers made out of cardboard under your speaker cables.  Cost you nothing.  You can make them all sorts of ways.  I think you will like lack of dynamics or organic tone in my system.  I make a pyramid out of cardboard by say cutting a piece 4 inches by 12 inches and folding it up 4.5 inches in on each side.  At the top I make a slit in the cardboard in the middle to hold the wire and use scotch tape to hold the two "wings" very well and very stable..You can make them in any height you like.  I will post a pic on my website in a day or so.
Dylan doesn’t use cable risers but he does use lifts in his shoes. 
Ok so I heard them at 2019 RMAF. I'm a big skeptic in all the audio voodoo. They had them in the system and then removed them on the same audio cut. Yes they made a difference. So here is the caveat. I'm not sure if it was the riser or the HFT they had attached to the riser. I stuck around when they just removed a couple of HFT's from the wall. The sound stage collapsed with them removed. I skipped the elevators and bought the HFT's. Yes the HFT's make a positive improvement. Bigger sound stage, better instrument placement and tighter bass. It's hard to imagine that a little piece of metal the size of a small button can do what they do. Like I said I'm a big skeptic but I bought them and glad I did.  

Informative? Check.  
Relevant? Check.  
Intelligent? Check.
Thoughtful? Check.
Factual? Check.
So goose I just have one question for you: are you sure you're on the right site?
Hey, wolf man, did you run into Dylan’s bandmate at a Tupperware party? Here are some tips for you guys the next time you get together.
Is this the same "friend" who is the attorney in Vermont who was going to sue PPT in New Hampshire? Or, is it the same "friend" who gave you all of the SR fuses to try that didn’t work out for you??

I would be interested in wolf’s answer to this question. I have to admit being a Vermonter, and an New Englander, having lived many years in the smog, traffic mess  of southern CA, I could not even contemplate moving back to that lifestyle.

Tell it like it is Wolfie.

wolf_garcia ...

  • I have a friend who toured with Dylan for years and I saw him at a party recently...I asked him about Kaitty’s comment and he laughed and noted he’d NEVER heard old Bob say that...

Is this the same "friend" who is the attorney in Vermont who was going to sue PPT in New Hampshire? Or, is it the same "friend" who gave you all of the SR fuses to try that didn't work out for you??

When my eldest daughter was five years old, she had an imaginary friend named "Holly." We used to set a place for "Holly" at the dinner table. 


Dylan said it during his famous press conference at the Poet’s Society in San Francisco in 1965 in response to a question from the audience. I met Dylan’s best friend from the early days in New York City, Paul Clayton, who use to come to Charlottesville from time to time.
I have a friend who toured with Dylan for years and I saw him at a party recently...I asked him about Kaitty’s comment and he laughed and noted he’d NEVER heard old Bob say that...and yeah, he never has said it at the end of any album I know of. However, Kaitty claims to be an "insider" which, based on his comments and products, likely means inside some institution where he’s safe and well fed...maybe...possibly an orderly says that to Kaitty at bed time.
Just put 12 UEF Cable Elevators into my very high resolution system.These are the only cable elevators that compare to my Shunyata DF-SS Cable Elevators.They  increase detail and resolution and are very well made.I have tried wood,ceramic and plexaglass they are not even close in performance to Shunyata DF-SS or Synergistic UEF.
I had these redesigned to fit my 8awg cables. Using some for my power cords also. Did I hear a difference? Didn’t even bother to try to. In theory, they should help insulate from not resting on the floor. 
To get back on topic I just cannot contemplate spending the large on these SR risers when there are very cheap diy methods to achieve same result for comparative pennies.

Now if we are saying it’s really the HFT that makes all the difference then it’s a whole nuther story!
>>>>I’d say it’s the opposite. But as Bob Dylan sez at the end of all his albums, good luck to you.
Can you tell me exactly WHICH album he says that on?
I have several and never heard him say that yet!

Methods such as this are reasons why so many mediocre audio systems exist. You waste your time and money pursuing such rather than improving the power and signal paths. YMMV

>>>>I’d say it’s the opposite. But as Bob Dylan sez at the end of all his albums, good luck to you.
A bit harsh, doncha think? 
This is a quick and easy thing to determine and remedy, if necessary. 
I've already improved the power and signal paths to my satisfaction so tweaks like this are kinda fun to experiment with as it's now much easier to hear differences. 

All the best,
Methods such as this are reasons why so many mediocre audio systems exist. You waste your time  and money pursuing such rather than improving the power and signal paths. YMMV
Don't pay for something like that. Make your own cable risers.There is no objective empirical reason why they should not work just as well as the expensive synergistic product.  You will be just as able to believe they made an important difference in the sound quality. 
It’s hard to imagine that a little piece of metal the size of a small button can do what they do. Like I said I’m a big skeptic but I bought them and glad I did.

Goose! sorry mate, but you are a goose

Cheers George🤦‍♂️
Ok so I heard them at 2019 RMAF.  I'm a big skeptic in all the audio voodoo.  They had them in the system and then removed them on the same audio cut.  Yes they made a difference.  So here is the caveat.  I'm not sure if it was the riser or the HFT they had attached to the riser.  I stuck around when they just removed a couple of HFT's from the wall.  The sound stage collapsed with them removed.  I skipped the elevators and bought the HFT's.  Yes the HFT's make a positive improvement.  Bigger sound stage, better instrument placement and tighter bass.  It's hard to imagine that a little piece of metal the size of a small button can do what they do.  Like I said I'm a big skeptic but I bought them and glad I did.  
’ve heard that the bottom 1/2 of egg cartons work great......but should I buy the free range, organic or omega 3 eggs?
I think you need to buy and then try all of them. But be careful when performing a double blind test or the yolk could be on you!

I've heard that the bottom 1/2 of egg cartons work great......but should I buy the free range, organic or omega 3 eggs?

It appears the seller I bought all of mine from has none left atm.

However this is the idea but without all the screws etc.

There are still plenty of ceramic insulator on eBay, vintage telegraph or telegram units is a good place to start for cable risers like this for example.
I just ordered some ceramic insulators from epay. I like the way they look,and will help organize my cables. If there is any sonic benefit,well,that’s just icing on the cake. 
@uberwaltz.    Would you be kind enuf to post a link to the ceramic cones on “Fleabay”  you mentioned in your post? Thx 
GK - You are now also the “ reigning physical scientist of Audiogon “ !!!!
I suspect I’m one of the very few people who built Enid’s cable tunnels which, by the way, are designed to reduce both static electric fields and vibration as the cables are suspended inside the tunnel by thread from eye hooks on the roof of the tunnel.
@nonoise yep carpets! And I can tell you wool is about as bad... carpet that is. the sheep dog makes fine portable absorption!

like I said 1980’s we discovered the floor was killing sound....

I know GK will remember Enid....
So point out something that could be indicative of effect and shoot it all down with, woulda, coulda, and shoulda as to why it's all wank.
Nothing definitive either, but speculation.

I guess that makes sense if you're upside down in your perspective.

All the best,
That’s a wank too
Nice George.
Although pretty sure not that many of the USA guys get that as it is Brit speak.
Good to see the colonies keeping up with the Joneses!