Synergistic Research Cable Risers?

  Recenty Synergistic  research  brought out some cable risers.

  The audio press said they made one of the biggest differences when taken out of the system, then re installed back in. Does anyone have first hand experience with these ?

  That being said, they seem like quite a bit of money for what you get, however if they  work at improving the sound it would be worth it. I do use Synergistic products  which have made a definite improvement in sound but am quite skeptical on this product.

Showing 6 responses by nonoise

A bit harsh, doncha think? 
This is a quick and easy thing to determine and remedy, if necessary. 
I've already improved the power and signal paths to my satisfaction so tweaks like this are kinda fun to experiment with as it's now much easier to hear differences. 

All the best,
So point out something that could be indicative of effect and shoot it all down with, woulda, coulda, and shoulda as to why it's all wank.
Nothing definitive either, but speculation.

I guess that makes sense if you're upside down in your perspective.

All the best,
No matter what the naysayers say, remember that link I provided on the previous page. If an incredibly thin piece of plastic wrap can throw off the performance of a capacitor, imagine what laying a cable on a carpet made entirely of synthetic crap can do.

All the best,
I’ve always thought that it has something to do with the dielectric effect.
Earlier today, I came across this tidbit:

Clicking on the photos enlarges them for easier viewing.

It’s minor, but measurable (which many here demand to see), so if it alters the value of a capacitor (and therefore, the sound, albeit slightly), why doesn’t it pertain to cables as well?

All the best,
How about these?
While you're at the hobby store, you can pick up something red and shiny to put on it after you paint it all black. 

All the best,