Synergistic Research Cable Risers?

  Recenty Synergistic  research  brought out some cable risers.

  The audio press said they made one of the biggest differences when taken out of the system, then re installed back in. Does anyone have first hand experience with these ?

  That being said, they seem like quite a bit of money for what you get, however if they  work at improving the sound it would be worth it. I do use Synergistic products  which have made a definite improvement in sound but am quite skeptical on this product.

Showing 24 responses by geoffkait

“If a product is not promoted something terrible happens. Nothing.” - PT Barnum

“Never wise up a chump and you can’t cheat an honest man.” - WC Fields

“Every crowd has a silver lining.” - PT Barnum
Looks like we have a winner of the Who’s Going to be the New Audiogon Know-It-All contest. 
Wolfie, you so funny! You have to know how isolating speakers works. I should have explained that part. 🤗 I’m as serious as a colonoscopy w/o anesthesia. 
Ack chew ally, the cables inside speakers are an issue, too. That’s one reason to isolate your speakers. I don’t even have to bring up wires in electronics, do I? They are also subject to vibration, no?
Acoustic Discs from Golden Sound would be cheaper. Suspending the cables is even cheaper. The higher you fly the cheaper you go.
Another fellow thinks the audio signal has frequencies. The signal is not the audio waveform. Hel-loo!
Just curious, anyone try springs under cables and power cords? Get above the static field AND eye 👁 soul ate the cables! Two, two mints in one! 👯‍♀️ The whole system for chump change. It’s a no brainer. 😳
Everything should be off the floor. Why not cables? Anything carrying the signal.

I’ve been in the music business for over 50 years as a musician and concert producer/sound engineer...

>>>>I stopped reading right after that. Was that wrong of me?
Dylan doesn’t use cable risers but he does use lifts in his shoes. 
Hey, wolf man, did you run into Dylan’s bandmate at a Tupperware party? Here are some tips for you guys the next time you get together.
Dylan said it during his famous press conference at the Poet’s Society in San Francisco in 1965 in response to a question from the audience. I met Dylan’s best friend from the early days in New York City, Paul Clayton, who use to come to Charlottesville from time to time.

Methods such as this are reasons why so many mediocre audio systems exist. You waste your time and money pursuing such rather than improving the power and signal paths. YMMV

>>>>I’d say it’s the opposite. But as Bob Dylan sez at the end of all his albums, good luck to you.
I suspect I’m one of the very few people who built Enid’s cable tunnels which, by the way, are designed to reduce both static electric fields and vibration as the cables are suspended inside the tunnel by thread from eye hooks on the roof of the tunnel.
In 1997 at CES Pierre and I suspended all cabling and power cords from eye 👁 hooks in the ceiling using thread with a rubber band on one end. Gives it a nice 2Hz bounce. It looked a little weird, though. Shannon Dickson in Stereophile described the Mapleshade Gallo room as Plan 9 from Outer Space. The debuting Gallo double sphere speakers probably didn’t help.
These are cool, “Right before the javelin throw, total concentration is required. Run through everything one more time and then throw the javelin as far as you can. It's that simple.”

Hey, just like in audio! 🤗